36 research outputs found

    Fast Heuristics for Delay Management with Passenger Rerouting

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    Delay management models determine which connections should be maintained in case of a delayed feeder train. Recently, delay management models are developed that take into account that passengers will adjust their routes when they miss a connection. However, for large-scale real-world instances, these extended models become too large to be solved with standard integer programming techniques. We therefore develop several heuristics to tackle these larger instances. The dispatching rules that are used in practice are our first heuristic. Our second heuristic applies the classical delay management model without passenger rerouting. Finally, the third heuristic updates the parameters of the classical model iteratively. We compare the quality of these heuristic solution methods on real-life instances from Netherlands Railways. In this experimental study, we show that our iterative heuristic can solve large real-world instances within a short computation time. Furthermore, the solutions obtained by this iterative heuristic are of good quality.public transportation;daily management;passenger rerouting;railway operations

    Delay Management with Re-Routing of Passengers

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    The question of delay management is whether trains should wait for a delayed feeder trainor should depart on time. In classical delay management models passengers always taketheir originally planned route. In this paper, we propose a model where re-routing ofpassengers is incorporated.To describe the problem we represent it as an event-activity network similar to the oneused in classical delay management, with some additional events to incorporate originand destination of the passengers. We present an integer programming formulation ofthis problem. Furthermore, we discuss the variant in which we assume fixed costs formaintaining connections and we present a polynomial algorithm for the special case ofonly one origin-destination pair. Finally, computational experiments based on real-worlddata from Netherlands Railways show that significant improvements can be obtained bytaking the re-routing of passengers into account in the model.public transportation;OD-pairs;delay management;re-routing

    Inserting Extra Train Services on High-Speed Railway

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    With the aim of supporting future traffic needs, an account of how to reconstruct an existing cyclic timetable by inserting additional train services will be given in this paper. The Timetable-based Extra Train Services Inserting (TETSI) problem is regarded as an integration of railway scheduling and rescheduling problem. The TETSI problem therefore is considered involving many constraints, such as flexible running times, dwell times, headway and time windows. Characterized based on an event-activity graph, a general Mixed Integer Program model for this problem is formulated. In addition, several extensions to the general model are further proposed. The real-world constraints that concerning the acceleration and deceleration times, priority for overtaking, allowed adjustments, periodic structure and frequency of services are incorporated into the general model. From numerical investigations using data from Shanghai-Hangzhou High-Speed Railway in China, the proposed framework and associated techniques are tested and shown to be effective

    Delay Management including Capacities of Stations

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    The question of delay management (DM) is whether trains should wait for delayed feeder trains or should depart on time. Solutions to this problem strongly depend on the capacity constraints of the tracks making sure that no two trains can use the same piece of track at the same time. While these capacity constraints have been included in integer programming formulations for DM, the capacity constraints of the stations (only offering a limited number of platforms) have been neglected so far. This can lead to highly infeasible solutions. In order to overcome this problem we suggest two new formulations for DM both including the stations\u27 capacities. We present numerical results showing that the assignment-based formulation is clearly superior to the packing formulation. We furthermore propose an iterative algorithm in which we improve the platform assignment with respect to the current delays of the trains at each station in each step. We will show that this subproblem asks for coloring the nodes of a graph with a given number of colors while minimizing the weight of the conflicts. We show that the graph to be colored is an interval graph and that the problem can be solved in polynomial time by presenting a totally unimodular IP formulation

    Delay management including capacities of stations

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    The question of delay management (DM) is whether trains should wait for delayed feeder trains or should depart on time. Solutions to this problem strongly depend on the capacity constraints of the tracks making sure that no two trains can use the same piece of track at the same time. While these capacity constraints have been included in integer programming formulations for DM, the capacity constraints of the stations (only offering a limited number of platforms) have been neglected so far. This can lead to highly infeasible solutions. In order to overcome this problem we suggest two new formulations for DM both including the stations' capacities. We present numerical results showing that the assignment-based formulation is clearly superior to the packing formulation. We furthermore propose an iterative algorithm in which we improve the platform assignment with respect to the current delays of the trains at each station in each step. We will show that this subproblem asks for coloring the nodes of a graph with a given number of colors while minimizing the weight of the conflicts. We show that the graph to be colored is an interval graph and that the problem can be solved in polynomial time by presenting a totally unimodular IP formulation

    Solving the Periodic Scheduling Problem: An Assignment Approach in Non-Periodic Networks

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    The periodic event scheduling problem (PESP) is a well researched problem used for finding good periodic timetables in public transport. While it is based on a periodic network consisting of events and activities which are repeated every period, we propose a new periodic timetabling model using a non-periodic network. This is a first step towards the goal of integrating periodic timetabling with other planning steps taking place in the aperiodic network, e.g. passenger assignment or delay management. In this paper, we develop the new model, show how we can reduce its size and prove its equivalence to PESP. We also conduct computational experiments on close-to real-world data from Lower Saxony, a region in northern Germany, and see that the model can be solved in a reasonable amount of time

    IP-based Techniques for Delay Management with Priority Decisions

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    Delay management is an important issue in the daily operations of any railway company. The task is to update the planned timetable to a disposition timetable in such a way that the inconvenience for the passengers is as small as possible. The two main decisions that have to be made in this respect are the wait-depart decisions to decide which connections should be maintained in case of delays and the priority decisions that determine the order in which trains are allowed to pass a specific piece of track. They later are necessary in the capacitated case due to the limited capacity of the track system and are crucial to ensure that the headways between different trains are respected and that single-track traffic is routed correctly. While the wait-depart decisions have been intensively studied in literature (e.g. [Sch06,Gat07]), the priority decisions in the capacitated case have been neglected so far in delay management optimization models. In the current paper, we add the priority decisions to the integer programming formulation of the delay management problem and are hence able to deal with the capacitated case. Unfortunately, these constraints are disjunctive constraints that make the resulting event activity network more dense and destroy the property that it does not contain any directed cycle. Nevertheless, we are able to derive reduction techniques for the network which enable us to extend the formulation of the never-meet property from the uncapacitated delay management problem to the capacitated case. We then use our results to derive exact and heuristic solution procedures for solving the delay management problem. The results of the algorithms are evaluated both from a theoretical and a numerical point of view. The latter has been done within a case study using the railway network in the region of Harz, Germany

    Recoverable Robust Periodic Timetabling

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    We apply the concept of recoverable robustness to periodic timetabling, resulting in the Recoverable Robust Periodic Timetabling Problem (RRPT), which integrates periodic timetabling and delay management. Although the computed timetable is periodic, the model is able to take the aperiodicity of the delays into account. This is an important step in finding a good trade-off between short travel times and delay resistance. We present three equivalent formulations for this problem, differing in the way the timetabling subproblem is handled, and compare them in a first experimental study. We also show that our model yields solutions of high quality

    An Iterative Optimization Framework for Delay Management and Train Scheduling

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    Delay management determines which connections should be maintained in case of a delayed feeder train. Recent delay management models incorporate the limited capacity of the railway infrastructure. These models introduce headway constraints to make sure that safety regulations are satisfied. Unfortunately, these headway constraints cannot capture the full details of the railway infrastructure, especially within the stations. We therefore propose an iterative optimization approach that iteratively solves a macroscopic delay management model on the one hand, and a microscopic train scheduling model on the other hand. The macroscopic model determines which connections to maintain and proposes a disposition timetable. This disposition timetable is then validated microscopically for a bottleneck station of the network, proposing a feasible schedule of railway operations. This schedule reduces delay propagation and thereby minimizes passenger delays. We evaluate our iterative optimization framework using real-world instances around Utrecht in the Netherlands

    Delay Management including Capacities of Stations

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    The question of delay management is whether trains should wait for delayed feeder trains or should depart on time. Solutions to this problem strongly depend on the available capacity of the railway infrastructure. While the limited capacity of the tracks has been considered in delay management models, the limited capacity of the stations has been neglected so far. In this paper, we develop a model for the delay management problem that includes the stations’ capacities. This model allows to reschedule the platform assignment dynamically. Furthermore, we propose an iterative algorithm in which we first solve the delay management model with a fixed platform assignment and then improve this platform assignment in each step. We show that the latter problem can be solved in polynomial time by presenting a totally unimodular IP formulation. Finally, we present an extension of the model that balances the delay of the passengers on the one hand and the number of changes in the platform assignment on the other. All models are evaluated on real-world instances from Netherlands Railways