5 research outputs found

    Determination of order delivery time in event organizer industry using a non-delay scheduling approach / Nur Indrianti

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    This study discusses the determination of order delivery time in the event organizer (EO) industry. With regard to the characteristics of the EO production process that is identical to the job shop production process in the manufacturing industry, a non-delay scheduling approach is applied. The non-delay schedule is compiled using the non-delay algorithm with the criteria for make span minimization. Job assignment is done using the shortest processing time (SPT), longest processing time (LPT), and first comes first served (FCFS) priority rules. We consider the situation where all orders arrive simultaneously (offline) and at different time (online). As a case study, the modified non-delay algorithm is examined to solve the problem of an EO in Indonesia. The results of the study show that the nondelay algorithm using SPT rule provides the best schedule performance which results in the shortest make span and the lowest resource idle time. In addition to determining the delivery time, the resulting non-delay schedule can be used to control the execution of each order. The method of determining order delivery time in this study can be applied to other service industries. Further study can be developed for situations where order arrival and processing time are probabilistic. Furthermore, it is also necessary to consider the balanced distribution of the workload among operator

    Capacity and lead-time management when demand for service is seasonal and lead-time sensitive

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    In today’s competitive business environment, quick service with minimal waiting time is an important factor for customers when choosing a service. Many service organizations guarantee a uniform lead-time to all customers in order to gain competitive advantages in the market. In selecting a lead-time to quote, the firm has to take into consideration not only how customers will react to the delivery time guarantee, but also whether it has adequate capacity to fulfill the commitment. A short lead-time can bring both benefits and costs. It can increase customer demand, but might require a higher capacity level. We present a mathematical model and a solution method for determining the optimal quoted lead-time and capacity level for a profit-maximizing firm with time-varying and lead-time sensitive demand. The firm incurs convex capacity costs and pays lateness penalties whenever the actual lead-time exceeds the quoted lead-time. A few studies have been conducted on the relationship between uniform lead-time, capacity, demand, and overall profitability. However, none of them takes the time variation of demand into account. Our work differs from previous research in that we explicitly model such a demand pattern

    A coordination mechanism for supply chains with capacity expansions and order-dependent lead times

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    This paper considers a supply chain consisting of a retailer for short life cycle products facing stochastic customer demand and a manufacturer that initiates production upon receipt of retail orders. Departing from the common view of the newsvendor problem, we assume that the delivery lead time is not fixed, but that both the retailer and the manufacturer have the option to shorten it. Shorter lead times enable the retailer to place orders closer to the start of the selling season where additional information on customer preferences has become available, reducing demand uncertainty. In the work at hand, lead time is assumed to depend on the order quantity, on the supplier's production capacity, and a fixed transportation delay. This paper proposes a model for determining the optimal order quantity and production capacity in centralized and decentralized settings. For the uncoordinated case, we show that if the retailer's ability to gather and analyze additional demand information is revealed to the manufacturer, the arising information asymmetry between the two parties can aggravate the double marginalization effect and, in turn, erode supply chain efficiency. In a coordinated supply chain, however, both parties have an incentive to align both order quantity and investments in lead time reduction. To coordinate the decentralized supply chain, we propose a buy-back contract that helps to leverage supply chain profitability. We conclude with an outlook on future research opportunities

    Melhoria de um sistema produtivo através da reestruturação de processos logísticos

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    Mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão IndustrialA possibilidade de melhoria na reorganização da logística de um processo produtivo na Unidade Industrial Amorim Distribuição (AD), deu origem ao estudo e análise de alternativas que constituem o trabalho desenvolvido neste projeto. Para esta análise recorreu-se à utilização combinada de ferramentas analíticas como o VSM (Value Stream Mapping), TOC (Theory of Constrains), bem como ao balanceamento de linhas de produção, de forma a melhorar o procedimento atualmente adotado nos diversos setores, através de uma identificação e minimização das ineficiências existentes por todo o processo produtivo, visando a libertação de recursos, de forma a que estes possam ser alocados a outros setores vendo assim a sua eficiência no processo ser maximizada. As referidas técnicas serão aplicadas a um sistema logístico implementado na Unidade Industrial Amorim Distribuição, tendo como principal objetivo o equilíbrio de volume de produção dos vários setores, através do já referido balanceamento, bem como a atuação a nível da redução das ineficiências presentes no procedimento atualmente praticado. Como resultados práticos obteve-se uma melhoria significativa na performance do sistema produtivo geral, uma vez que com a reformulação na alocação dos recursos disponíveis na Unidade Industrial, bem como na reorganização procedimento logístico dos vários setores, verifica-se que a atividade gargalo é maximizada impactando diretamente a capacidade produtiva do sistema geral. De referir que este projeto integra-se numa ótica de melhoria incremental sem com isso implicar um significativo investimento, ou seja, toda a abordagem à resolução dos desafios propostos teve em conta a obtenção de soluções de baixo custo para os padrões de investimento da empresaThe possibility of improvement in the logistic redefinition of a production process in Amorim Distribution, origins this study and analysis the alternatives that integrate the work developed in this project. For this analysis, it was used analytical tools like Value Stream Mapping or Theory of Constrains, but also the balancing of production sectors with the objective of optimization of the actual productive process. Through identification and minimization of inefficiencies, is intended to improve the production logistics in other to liberate some resources and allocate then to other sectors and maximize their efficiency. The following techniques will be applied to a logistic system already implemented in the factory, with the objective of create an equilibrium between the different sectors of the Industrial Unit and also reduce the existing inefficiencies in the process. As practical results, there was obtained an improvement on the general production system performance, since, not only with the reformulation in the allocation of the available resources from the firm, but also with the sector`s logistic reorganization, verifies that the bottleneck activity is optimized and as a consequence, impact the general system production capacity. This project follow the lines of incremental improvements without imply significant investment, in other words, use an approach of solving problems with low cost solutions in the enterprise patterns

    Melhoria de fluxos de abastecimento das linhas de montagem de caixas de velocidades na indústria automóvel

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    O presente documento descreve uma análise focada na melhoria dos fluxos de abastecimento das linhas de montagem das caixas de velocidades numa fábrica da indústria automóvel. O principal objetivo do projeto passou pela otimização da eficiência dos recursos logísticos necessários na fabricação das caixas de velocidades, desde o seu armazenamento até ao abastecimento em linha de montagem. Para isso, diferentes metas tiveram que ser estabelecidas. Tornou-se essencial otimizar as rotas de abastecimento, padronizar o método de transporte dos produtos de origem externa, reduzir as situações de baixo índice ergonómico até atingir os 20%, melhorar os tempos de abastecimento e reduzir a sobrecarga de trabalho dos colaboradores. De uma forma geral tomou-se em atenção a redução dos desperdícios existentes. Em complemento à análise mencionada, foi ainda estudada a implementação de sistemas de automatização de fluxos através de automated guided vehicles (AGV), por forma a substituir a atividade humana. Com a introdução deste sistema, será possível eliminar o transporte de cargas de elevado peso, diminuindo as manipulações neste processo a executar pelo operador. Após todas as implementações efetuadas recolheram-se os resultados e alcançaram-se os objetivos delineados.The actual document describes an analysis focused on the improving of the supply flows in the gearbox assembly lines at a factory in the automobile industry. The main goal of the project is the optimization of the logistics resources needed in the gearbox assembly lines, from the warehouse to the assembly line. Thus, different goals needed to be established. It was required to optimize the supply routes, standardize the transportation method of external origin products, reduce the situations of low ergonomics level down to 20%, improve the supply times and minimize the collaborator work overload. In general, it was needed to reduce the existing wastes. In complement to the analysis mentioned, it was also studied the implementation of an automatic flow system using automated guided vehicles (AGV) to replace the human activities. With the introduction of this system, it will be possible to eliminate the transportation of high weight materials, reducing the total manipulation in this process by the operator. After all implementations, results were collected and the established goals were reached.Mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industria