78 research outputs found

    Survey on individual components for a 5 GHz receiver system using 130 nm CMOS technology

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    La intención de esta tesis es recopilar información desde un punto de vista general sobre los diferentes tipos de componentes utilizados en un receptor de señales a 5 GHz utilizando tecnología CMOS. Se ha realizado una descripción y análisis de cada uno de los componentes que forman el sistema, destacando diferentes tipos de configuraciones, figuras de mérito y otros parámetros. Se muestra una tabla resumen al final de cada sección, comparando algunos diseños que se han ido presentando a lo largo de los años en conferencias internacionales de la IEEE.The intention of this thesis is to gather information from an overview point about the different types of components used in a 5 GHz receiver using CMOS technology. A review of each of the components that form the system has been made, highlighting different types of configurations, figure of merits and parameters. A summary table is shown at the end of each section, comparing many designs that have been presented over the years at international conferences of the IEEE.Departamento de Ingeniería Energética y FluidomecánicaGrado en Ingeniería en Electrónica Industrial y Automátic

    Ultra Small Antenna and Low Power Receiver for Smart Dust Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks have the potential for profound impact on our daily lives. Smart Dust Wireless Sensor Networks (SDWSNs) are emerging members of the Wireless Sensor Network family with strict requirements on communication node sizes (1 cubic centimeter) and power consumption (< 2mW during short on-states). In addition, the large number of communication nodes needed in SDWSN require highly integrated solutions. This dissertation develops new design techniques for low-volume antennas and low-power receivers for SDWSN applications. In addition, it devises an antenna and low noise amplifier co-design methodology to increase the level of design integration, reduce receiver noise, and reduce the development cycle. This dissertation first establishes stringent principles for designing SDWSN electrically small antennas (ESAs). Based on these principles, a new ESA, the F-Inverted Compact Antenna (FICA), is designed at 916MHz. This FICA has a significant advantage in that it uses a small-size ground plane. The volume of this FICA (including the ground plane) is only 7% of other state-of-the-art ESAs, while its efficiency (48.53%) and gain (-1.38dBi) are comparable to antennas of much larger dimensions. A physics-based circuit model is developed for this FICA to assist system level design at the earliest stage, including optimization of the antenna performance. An antenna and low noise amplifier (LNA) co-design method is proposed and proven to be valid to design low power LNAs with the very low noise figure of only 1.5dB. To reduce receiver power consumption, this dissertation proposes a novel LNA active device and an input/ouput passive matching network optimization method. With this method, a power efficient high voltage gain cascode LNA was designed in a 0.13um CMOS process with only low quality factor inductors. This LNA has a 3.6dB noise figure, voltage gain of 24dB, input third intercept point (IIP3) of 3dBm, and power consumption of 1.5mW at 1.0V supply voltage. Its figure of merit, using the typical definition, is twice that of the best in the literature. A full low power receiver is developed with a sensitivity of -58dBm, chip area of 1.1mm2, and power consumption of 2.85mW

    Low-power CMOS front-ends for wireless personal area networks

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    The potential of implementing subthreshold radio frequency circuits in deep sub-micron CMOS technology was investigated for developing low-power front-ends for wireless personal area network (WPAN) applications. It was found that the higher transconductance to bias current ratio in weak inversion could be exploited in developing low-power wireless front-ends, if circuit techniques are employed to mitigate the higher device noise in subthreshold region. The first fully integrated subthreshold low noise amplifier was demonstrated in the GHz frequency range requiring only 260 μW of power consumption. Novel subthreshold variable gain stages and down-conversion mixers were developed. A 2.4 GHz receiver, consuming 540 μW of power, was implemented using a new subthreshold mixer by replacing the conventional active low noise amplifier by a series-resonant passive network that provides both input matching and voltage amplification. The first fully monolithic subthreshold CMOS receiver was also implemented with integrated subthreshold quadrature LO (Local Oscillator) chain for 2.4 GHz WPAN applications. Subthreshold operation, passive voltage amplification, and various low-power circuit techniques such as current reuse, stacking, and differential cross coupling were combined to lower the total power consumption to 2.6 mW. Extremely compact resistive feedback CMOS low noise amplifiers were presented as a cost-effective alternative to narrow band LNAs using high-Q inductors. Techniques to improve linearity and reduce power consumption were presented. The combination of high linearity, low noise figure, high broadband gain, extremely small die area and low power consumption made the proposed LNA architecture a compelling choice for many wireless applications.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Laskar, Joy; Committee Member: Chakraborty, Sudipto; Committee Member: Chang, Jae Joon; Committee Member: Divan, Deepakraj; Committee Member: Kornegay, Kevin; Committee Member: Tentzeris, Emmanoui

    Low-Power Wake-Up Receivers

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is leading the world to the Internet of Everything (IoE), where things, people, intelligent machines, data and processes will be connected together. The key to enter the era of the IoE lies in enormous sensor nodes being deployed in the massively expanding wireless sensor networks (WSNs). By the year of 2025, more than 42 billion IoT devices will be connected to the Internet. While the future IoE will bring priceless advantages for the life of mankind, one challenge limiting the nowadays IoT from further development is the ongoing power demand with the dramatically growing number of the wireless sensor nodes. To address the power consumption issue, this dissertation is motivated to investigate low-power wake-up receivers (WuRXs) which will significantly enhance the sustainability of the WSNs and the environmental awareness of the IoT. Two proof-of-concept low-power WuRXs with focuses on two different application scenarios have been proposed. The first WuRX, implemented in a cost-effective 180-nm CMOS semiconductor technology, operates at 401−406-MHz band. It is a good candidate for application scenarios, where both a high sensitivity and an ultra-low power consumption are in demand. Concrete use cases are, for instance, medical implantable applications or long-range communications in rural areas. This WuRX does not rely on a further assisting semiconductor technology, such as MEMS which is widely used in state-of-the-art WuRXs operating at similar frequencies. Thus, this WuRX is a promising solution to low-power low-cost IoT. The second WuRX, implemented in a 45-nm RFSOI CMOS technology, was researched for short-range communication applications, where high-density conventional IoT devices should be installed. By investigation of the WuRX for operation at higher frequency band from 5.5 GHz to 7.5 GHz, the nowadays ever more over-traffic issues that arise at low frequency bands such as 2.4 GHz can be substantially addressed. A systematic, analytical research route has been carried out in realization of the proposed WuRXs. The thesis begins with a thorough study of state-of-the-art WuRX architectures. By examining pros and cons of these architectures, two novel architectures are proposed for the WuRXs in accordance with their specific use cases. Thereon, key WuRX parameters are systematically analyzed and optimized; the performance of relevant circuits is modeled and simulated extensively. The knowledge gained through these investigations builds up a solid theoretical basis for the ongoing WuRX designs. Thereafter, the two WuRXs have been analytically researched, developed and optimized to achieve their highest performance. Proof-of-concept circuits for both the WuRXs have been fabricated and comprehensively characterized under laboratory conditions. Finally, measurement results have verified the feasibility of the design concept and the feasibility of both the WuRXs

    Design and distortion analysis of fully integrated image reject RF CMOS frontends

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    This thesis presents the design and experimental results of a 7.3GHz notch image reject filter, combined with a 5.8GHz low-noise amplifier (LNA), for integrated heterodyne receiver front-ends. A new image reject filter implementation is proposed. Q-enhancement circuitry for on-chip inductors are used to optimize the depth of image rejection. Experimental results show that more than 62dB of image rejection at 7.3GHz can be obtained in a standard CMOS 0.18mum technology, while operating from a 1.8V supply. The LNA exhibits a gain of 15.8dB and an IIP3 of -5.3dBm while consuming 9mW of power. With maximum image rejection, the LNA-notch combination circuit achieves a 4.1dB noise figure at 5.8GHz. The proposed notch filter alone can operate from a 1V supply voltage. It is shown analytically how circuit stability can be ensured.The implementation of new robust and stable high-Q CMOS image reject filters, which enables the realization of fully integrated heterodyne 5GHz RF receivers is also presented. A cascade of two notch filters with their image reject frequencies slightly offsetted is proposed, in order to obtain a wide image rejection bandwidth, without having to resort to the overhead of automatic tuning circuitry. Thus, power consumption, area, and complexity are significantly reduced. Experimental results show that more than 30d$ of image rejection can be obtained in a standard 0.18mum CMOS technology, over a 400MHz bandwidth centered at 7.4GHz

    High Performance RF and Basdband Analog-to-Digital Interface for Multi-standard/Wideband Applications

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    The prevalence of wireless standards and the introduction of dynamic standards/applications, such as software-defined radio, necessitate the next generation wireless devices that integrate multiple standards in a single chip-set to support a variety of services. To reduce the cost and area of such multi-standard handheld devices, reconfigurability is desirable, and the hardware should be shared/reused as much as possible. This research proposes several novel circuit topologies that can meet various specifications with minimum cost, which are suited for multi-standard applications. This doctoral study has two separate contributions: 1. The low noise amplifier (LNA) for the RF front-end; and 2. The analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The first part of this dissertation focuses on LNA noise reduction and linearization techniques where two novel LNAs are designed, taped out, and measured. The first LNA, implemented in TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) 0.35Cm CMOS (Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) process, strategically combined an inductor connected at the gate of the cascode transistor and the capacitive cross-coupling to reduce the noise and nonlinearity contributions of the cascode transistors. The proposed technique reduces LNA NF by 0.35 dB at 2.2 GHz and increases its IIP3 and voltage gain by 2.35 dBm and 2dB respectively, without a compromise on power consumption. The second LNA, implemented in UMC (United Microelectronics Corporation) 0.13Cm CMOS process, features a practical linearization technique for high-frequency wideband applications using an active nonlinear resistor, which obtains a robust linearity improvement over process and temperature variations. The proposed linearization method is experimentally demonstrated to improve the IIP3 by 3.5 to 9 dB over a 2.5–10 GHz frequency range. A comparison of measurement results with the prior published state-of-art Ultra-Wideband (UWB) LNAs shows that the proposed linearized UWB LNA achieves excellent linearity with much less power than previously published works. The second part of this dissertation developed a reconfigurable ADC for multistandard receiver and video processors. Typical ADCs are power optimized for only one operating speed, while a reconfigurable ADC can scale its power at different speeds, enabling minimal power consumption over a broad range of sampling rates. A novel ADC architecture is proposed for programming the sampling rate with constant biasing current and single clock. The ADC was designed and fabricated using UMC 90nm CMOS process and featured good power scalability and simplified system design. The programmable speed range covers all the video formats and most of the wireless communication standards, while achieving comparable Figure-of-Merit with customized ADCs at each performance node. Since bias current is kept constant, the reconfigurable ADC is more robust and reliable than the previous published works

    Design of a Magnetically Tunable Low Noise Amplifier in 0.13 um CMOS Technology

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    With legacy technologies present and approaching new wireless standards, the 1-10 GHz band of frequencies is quickly becoming saturated. Although saturated, the frequency bands are being utilized inefficiently. Cognitive radio, an intelligent wireless communication system, is the novel solution for the efficient utilization of the frequency bands. Front-end receivers for cognitive radio will need the capability to receive and process multiple frequency bands and a key component is the low noise amplifier (LNA). A tunable LNA using a new magnetically tuned input impedance matching network is presented. The LNA has been designed and simulated in a commercially available 0.13 μm CMOS technology and is capable of tuning from 3.2 GHz to 4.6 GHz as S11 \u3c -10 dB. Within this bandwidth the maximum power gain is 16.2 dB, the maximum noise figure is 7.5 dB, and the minimum IIP3 is -6.4 dBm. The total power consumption of the LNA (neglecting the buffer required to drive the 50 Ω test equipment) is 50 mW. This tunable LNA introduces a new magnetically tunable matching technique and tuning scheme capable of continuous frequency variation for LNAs. It is expected that this technique could be expanded to realize LNAs with a tunable, narrow-band response that can cover the entire 1-10 GHz band of frequencies. The presented tunable LNA has demonstrated the capability to cover and process multiple frequencies and can be used for reconfigurable systems. A tunable LNA design is the first step in an effort to realize a fully reconfigurable front-end radio frequency (RF) receiver for future cognitive radio applications

    CMOS radio frequency circuits for short-range direct-conversion receivers

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    The research described in this thesis is focused on the design and implementation of radio frequency (RF) circuits for direct-conversion receivers. The main interest is in RF front-end circuits, which contain low-noise amplifiers, downconversion mixers, and quadrature local oscillator signal generation circuits. Three RF front-end circuits were fabricated in a short-channel CMOS process and experimental results are presented. A low-noise amplifier (LNA) is typically the first amplifying block in the receiver. A large number of LNAs have been reported in the literature. In this thesis, wideband LNA structures are of particular interest. The most common and relevant LNA topologies are analyzed in detail in the frequency domain and theoretical limitations are found. New LNA structures are presented and a comparison to the ones found in the literature is made. In this work, LNAs are implemented with downconversion mixers as RF front-ends. The designed mixers are based on the commonly used Gilbert cell. Different mixer implementation alternatives are presented and the design of the interface between the LNA and the downconversion mixer is discussed. In this work, the quadrature local oscillator signal is generated either by using frequency dividers or polyphase filters (PPF). Different possibilities for implementing frequency dividers are briefly described. Polyphase filters were already introduced by the 1970s and integrated circuit (IC) realizations to generate quadrature signals have been published since the mid-1990s. Although several publications where the performance of the PPFs has been studied either by theoretical calculations or simulations can be found in the literature, none of them covers all the relevant design parameters. In this thesis, the theory behind the PPFs is developed such that all the relevant design parameters needed in the practical circuit design have been calculated and presented with closed-form equations whenever possible. Although the main focus was on twoand three-stage PPFs, which are the most common ones encountered in practical ICs, the presented calculation methods can be extended to analyze the performance of multistage PPFs as well. The main application targets of the circuits presented in this thesis are the short-range wireless sensor system and ultrawideband (UWB). Sensors are capable of monitoring temperature, pressure, humidity, or acceleration, for example. The amount of transferred data is typically small and therefore a modest bit rate, less than 1 Mbps, is adequate. The sensor system applied in this thesis operates at 2.4-GHz ISM band (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical). Since the sensors must be able to operate independently for several years, extremely low power consumption is required. In sensor radios, the receiver current consumption is dominated by the blocks and elements operating at the RF. Therefore, the target was to develop circuits that can offer satisfactory performance with a current consumption level that is small compared to other receivers targeted for common cellular systems. On the other hand, there is a growing need for applications that can offer an extremely high data rate. UWB is one example of such a system. At the moment, it can offer data rates of up to 480 Mbps. There is a frequency spectrum allocated for UWB systems between 3.1 and 10.6 GHz. The UWB band is further divided into several narrower band groups (BG), each occupying a bandwidth of approximately 1.6 GHz. In this work, a direct-conversion RF front-end is designed for a dual-band UWB receiver, which operates in band groups BG1 and BG3, i.e. at 3.1 – 4.8 GHz and 6.3 – 7.9 GHz frequency areas, respectively. Clearly, an extremely wide bandwidth combined with a high operational frequency poses challenges for circuit design. The operational bandwidths and the interfaces between the circuit blocks need to be optimized to cover the wanted frequency areas. In addition, the wideband functionality should be achieved without using a number of on-chip inductors in order to minimize the die area, and yet the power consumption should be kept as small as possible. The characteristics of the two main target applications are quite different from each other with regard to power consumption, bandwidth, and operational frequency requirements. A common factor for both is their short, i.e. less than 10 meters, range. Although the circuits presented in this thesis are targeted on the two main applications mentioned above, they can be utilized in other kind of wireless communication systems as well. The performance of three experimental circuits was verified with measurements and the results are presented in this work. Two of them have been a part of a whole receiver including baseband amplifiers and filters and analog-to-digital converters. Experimental circuits were fabricated in a 0.13-µm CMOS process. In addition, this thesis includes design examples where new circuit ideas and implementation possibilities are introduced by using 0.13-µm and 65-nm CMOS processes. Furthermore, part of the theory presented in this thesis is validated with design examples in which actual IC component models are used.Tässä väitöskirjassa esitetty tutkimus keskittyy suoramuunnosvastaanottimen radiotaajuudella (radio frequency, RF) toimivien piirien suunnitteluun ja toteuttamiseen. Työ keskittyy vähäkohinaiseen vahvistimeen (low-noise amplifier, LNA), alassekoittajaan ja kvadratuurisen paikallisoskillaattorisignaalin tuottavaan piiriin. Työssä toteutettiin kolme RF-etupäätä erittäin kapean viivanleveyden CMOS-prosessilla, ja niiden kokeelliset tulokset esitetään. Vähäkohinainen vahvistin on yleensä ensimmäinen vahvistava lohko vastaanottimessa. Useita erilaisia vähäkohinaisia vahvistimia on esitetty kirjallisuudessa. Tämän työn kohteena ovat eritoten laajakaistaiset LNA-rakenteet. Tässä työssä analysoidaan taajuustasossa yleisimmät ja oleellisimmat LNA-topologiat. Lisäksi uusia LNA-rakenteita on esitetty tässä työssä ja niitä on verrattu muihin kirjallisuudessa esitettyihin piireihin. Tässä työssä LNA:t on toteutettu yhdessä alassekoittimen kanssa muodostaen RF-etupään. Työssä suunnitellut alassekoittimet perustuvat yleisesti käytettyyn Gilbertin soluun. Erilaisia sekoittajan suunnitteluvaihtoehtoja ja LNA:n ja alassekoittimen välisen rajapinnan toteutustapoja on esitetty. Tässä työssä kvadratuurinen paikallisoskillaattorisignaali on muodostettu joko käyttämällä taajuusjakajia tai monivaihesuodattimia. Erilaisia taajuusjakajia ja niiden toteutustapoja käsitellään yleisellä tasolla. Monivaihesuodatinta, joka on alunperin kehitetty jo 1970-luvulla, on käytetty integroiduissa piireissä kvadratuurisignaalin tuottamiseen 1990-luvun puolivälistä lähtien. Kirjallisuudesta löytyy lukuisia artikkeleita, joissa monivaihesuodattimen toimintaa on käsitelty teoreettisesti laskien ja simuloinnein. Kuitenkaan kaikkia sen suunnitteluparametreja ei tähän mennessä ole käsitelty. Tässä työssä monivaihesuodattimen teoriaa on kehitetty edelleen siten, että käytännön piirisuunnittelussa tarvittavat oleelliset parametrit on analysoitu ja suunnitteluyhtälöt on esitetty suljetussa muodossa aina kuin mahdollista. Vaikka työssä on keskitytty yleisimpiin eli kaksi- ja kolmiasteisiin monivaihesuodattimiin, on työssä esitetty menetelmät, joilla laskentaa voidaan jatkaa aina useampiasteisiin suodattimiin asti. Työssä esiteltyjen piirien pääkohteina ovat lyhyen kantaman sensoriradio ja erittäin laajakaistainen järjestelmä (ultrawideband, UWB). Sensoreilla voidaan tarkkailla esimerkiksi ympäristön lämpötilaa, kosteutta, painetta tai kiihtyvyyttä. Siirrettävän tiedon määrä on tyypillisesti vähäistä, jolloin pieni tiedonsiirtonopeus, alle 1 megabitti sekunnissa, on välttävä. Tämän työn kohteena oleva sensoriradiojärjestelmä toimii kapealla kaistalla 2,4 gigahertsin ISM-taajuusalueella (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical). Koska sensorien tavoitteena on toimia itsenäisesti ilman pariston vaihtoa useita vuosia, täytyy niiden kuluttaman virran olla erittäin vähäistä. Sensoriradiossa vastaanottimen tehonkulutuksen kannalta määräävässä asemassa ovat radiotaajuudella toimivat piirit. Tavoitteena oli tutkia ja kehittää piirirakenteita, joilla päästään tyydyttävään suorituskykyyn tehonkulutuksella, joka on vähäinen verrattuna muiden tavallisten langattomien tiedonsiirtojärjestelmien radiovastaanottimiin. Toisaalta viime aikoina on kasvanut tarvetta myös järjestelmille, jotka kykenevät tarjoamaan erittäin korkean tiedonsiirtonopeuden. UWB on esimerkki tällaisesta järjestelmästä. Tällä hetkellä se tarjoaa tiedonsiirtonopeuksia aina 480 megabittiin sekunnissa. UWB:lle on varattu taajuusalueita 3,1 ja 10,6 gigahertsin taajuuksien välillä. Kyseinen kaista on edelleen jaettu pienempiin taajuusryhmiin (band group, BG), joiden kaistanleveys on noin 1,6 gigahertsiä. Tässä työssä on toteutettu RF-etupää radiovastaanottimeen, joka pystyy toimimaan BG1:llä ja BG3:lla eli taajuusalueilla 3,1 - 4,7 GHz ja 6,3 - 7,9 GHz. Erittäin suuri kaistanleveys yhdistettynä korkeaan toimintataajuuteen tekee radiotaajuuspiirien suunnittelusta haasteellista. Piirirakenteiden toimintakaistat ja piirien väliset rajapinnat tulee optimoida riittävän laajoiksi käyttämättä kuitenkaan liian montaa piille integroitua kelaa piirin pinta-alan minimoimiseksi, ja lisäksi piirit tulisi toteuttaa mahdollisimman alhaisella tehonkulutuksella. Työssä esiteltyjen piirien kaksi pääkohdetta ovat hyvin erityyppisiä, mitä tulee tehonkulutus-, kaistanleveys- ja toimintataajuusvaatimuksiin. Yhteistä molemmille on lyhyt, alle 10 metrin kantama. Vaikka tässä työssä esitellyt piirit onkin kohdennettu kahteen pääsovelluskohteeseen, voidaan esitettyjä piirejä käyttää myös muiden tiedonsiirtojärjestelmien piirien suunnitteluun. Tässä työssä esitetään mittaustuloksineen yhteensä kolme kokeellista piiriä yllämainittuihin järjestelmiin. Kaksi ensimmäistä kokeellista piiriä muodostaa kokonaisen radiovastaanottimen yhdessä analogisten kantataajuusosien ja analogia-digitaali-muuntimien kanssa. Esitetyt kokeelliset piirit on toteutettu käyttäen 0,13 µm:n viivanleveyden CMOS-tekniikkaa. Näiden lisäksi työ pitää sisällään piirisuunnitteluesimerkkejä, joissa esitetään ideoita ja mahdollisuuksia käyttäen 0,13 µm:n ja 65 nm:n viivanleveyden omaavia CMOS-tekniikoita. Lisäksi piirisuunnitteluesimerkein havainnollistetaan työssä esitetyn teorian paikkansapitävyyttä käyttämällä oikeita komponenttimalleja.reviewe

    Designing of Low Power RF-Receiver Front-end with CMOS Technology

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    This thesis studies how to design ultra low power radio-receiver front-end circuit consisting of a low-noise CMOS amplifier and mixer for low power Bluetooth applications. This system is designed in 65-nm CMOS technology with the voltage source of 1.2 V, and it operates at 2.4 GHz. This research project includes the design of radio frequency integrated circuit with CMOS technology using CAD software for circuit design, layout design, pre and post-layout simulations. Firstly, brief study about both Low noise amplifier (LNA) and mixer has been done, and then the design structure such as, input matching network of LNA, noise of system, gain and linearity have been discussed. Later, next section reports simulation results of LNA, mixer and eventually their combination. Furthermore, the effect of packaging and non-ideal on-chip circuit performance has been considered and shown in comparison tables for more clarity. Finally, after the layout design, the obtained results of both post-layout and pre-layout simulations are compared and shown the stability of the design with parasitics consideration