30 research outputs found

    Azpititulazioa eta bikoizketa: bigarren hizkuntzak ikasteko estrategia motibagarriak

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    Gure gizartean, gero eta leku handiagoa ari dira hartzen irudia zein teknologien eta sare sozialen erabilera demokratizatua. Halako gizartean, bada, bideoa ezinbesteko elementu bihurtu da hizkuntzen irakaskuntzan, eta oso eraginkorra eta motibatzailea gerta daiteke, planteamendu didaktiko sendoekin erabilita. Azpititulazioak eta bikoizketak —ikus-entzunezko itzulpenaren mundutik datoz modalitateok— hamar urtetik gora daramate bigarren hizkuntzen irakaskuntzari buruzko ikerketa didaktikoan, eta ikaslea jartzen dute ikaskuntzaren erdigunean, hura baita aktore nagusia. Lan honetan, modalitate horien egoera teorikoaren sarrera labur bat egingo da, eta hizkuntzen irakaskuntzarako eskuragai eta erabilgarri izan daitezkeen proposamen didaktikoen zenbait adibide emango dira

    Active audiodescription to promote speaking skills in online environments 

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    Research on the use of audiovisual translation in foreign language education has considerably increased over the last decade. However, it has mainly covered the use of subtitles as a support, and the use of active subtitling and dubbing as a task. This paper introduces the pedagogical use of another AVT mode: active audiodescription \u2014the oral description of visual information for blind and visually impaired people\u2014 to enhance speaking skills in distance learning education. The quasi-experimental study, developed in an online setting, involved 30 Spanish students of English for Specific Purposes (level B1). Participants were required to write the audiodescription of two tourist advertisements collaboratively online and then record their voices using the web platform ClipFlair. Reasonably valid conclusions that shed some light on the pedagogical benefits of audiodescription were obtained and they invite further research on the possibilities of revoicing techniques in L2 contexts

    La situación de E/LE en las universidades chinas y la aplicación de doblaje en la enseñanza para los cursos superiores

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    En la actualidad, en la enseñanza universitaria de español como lengua extranjera del tercer y cuarto curso, parece que la organización de los cursos y el método tradicional en la enseñanza no pueden satisfacer las necesidades de los alumnos, por eso sería necesario introducir métodos nuevos en la enseñanza. En este trabajo, en primer lugar, presentaremos brevemente las habilidades que más necesitan desarrollar los alumnos del periodo superior; en segundo lugar, se analizarán las posibilidades y ventajas de introducir el doblaje en la enseñanza; por lo último, se presentarán unos modelos básicos y unos principios de este método didáctico

    Audiovisual Translation in Teaching Foreign Languages: Contributions of Dubbing to Develop Fluency and Pronunciation in Spontaneous Conversations

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    The development of new technologies has led to a greater focus on the active use of audiovisual translation in teaching foreign languages in recent years. This paper constitutes a descriptive pilot research, which primarily looks at the interface between the activity of active dubbing and the oral expression of English students of Spanish. After triangulating the data, it has been established that students have improved their speed by an average of 22 words per minute in only six weeks, their confidence and comfort has considerably increased when expressing orally and, concurrently, students have developed other learning areas indirectly.El desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías ha supuesto una mayor atención en el uso activo de la traducción audiovisual dentro de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras en los últimos años. Este estudio constituye una investigación piloto descriptiva que analiza primordialmente la relación entre la actividad del doblaje activo y la expresión oral de estudiantes ingleses de español. Tras la triangulación de datos, se ha constatado que los alumnos han mejorado en una media de 22 palabras por minuto en solo seis semanas, ha aumentado considerablemente su confianza y comodidad al expresarse oralmente y, a su vez, han desarrollado otras áreas de aprendizaje indirectamente

    Museum audio description as a foreign language learning tool

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    This contribution focuses on museum audio description (AD), originally intended as an access tool for people with visual impairments, in order to consider its potential for foreign language learning (FLL). Screen AD of films and videos has already been investigated as catering new groups, such as migrants and learners, and as a teaching activity for foreign language (FL) education. Likewise, this paper argues that museum AD may similarly be revisited as a didactic instrument to engage with people studying FLs (e.g. English), as part of both formal and informal learning. The benefits of museum AD for FLL will be discussed by analysing an example of a museum AD script in English and proposing a lesson plan comprising passive and active AD tasks

    Intralingual dubbing as a tool for developing speaking skills

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    Communicating verbally with others is one of the main features of human behaviour, but the time employed in class to practise this skill is often insufficient. In an attempt to overcome the need to practise oral conversations and help students feel less anxious in foreign language (FL) contexts, new techniques traditionally employed in audiovisual translation (AVT) has proved to have a positive impact on FL learning. This paper examines the relationship between intralingual dubbing (students' replacement of the original voices of actors in 1 minute long clips) and FL oral expression. The main aim is to provide objective evidence that the use of intralingual dubbing can enhance speed, intonation and pronunciation when speaking spontaneously in Spanish as a FL. A total of 47 participants aged 16-18 with a B1 level of Spanish dubbed videos for 12 weeks. Data is triangulated both qualitatively and quantitatively. Results confirm the main hypothesis and serve as evidence to support theoretical aspects of the inclusion of active AVT techniques in FL speaking classes

    Revisiting the Use of Audiovisual Translation in Foreign Language Teaching

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    For years, the translation method was disparaged in language teaching on the basis that it did not focus on communication. More recently, translation has made a return as scholars have come to realize how and why translation in the foreign language classroom might prepare students for the use of language in real communicative situations. The fact that translation and audiovisual translation (AVT) are now established disciplines with acknowledged linguistic benefits for language learning is both a cause and consequence of this paradigm shift. This article, first, begins with a revision of the different language teaching methodologies explored during the 20th century. We then proceed to focus on the different modalities of AVT and to present a critical analysis of best didactic practice in relation to this typology. Finally, it hones in on subtitling and dubbing, focusing on the variety of opportunities that both can offer in the field of language teaching.Durant anys el mètode de traducció va ser menyspreat en l'ensenyament d'idiomes perquè no es dedicava atenció a la comunicació. Recentment, la traducció ha tornat: els acadèmics han vist com i per què la traducció podria ajudar a aprendre un idioma en situacions comunicatives reals a l'aula de llengua estrangera. El fet que la traducció i la traducció audiovisual (AVT) siguen ara disciplines establertes amb reconeguts beneficis lingüístics per a l'aprenentatge d'idiomes no és només una causa, sinó una conseqüència d'aquest canvi de paradigma. Aquest article comença amb una revisió de les metodologies d'ensenyament d'idiomes explorades durant el segle XX. A continuació, se centra en les modalitats de TAV per presentar una anàlisi crítica de les millors pràctiques didàctiques en relació amb aquesta tipologia. Finalment, s'aborden la subtitulació i el doblatge, i se centra en la varietat d'oportunitats que poden oferir en el camp de l'ensenyament de llengües

    An action-oriented approach to didactic dubbing in foreign language education: Students as producers

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    This article discusses the action-oriented foundations of TRADILEX (Audiovisual Translation as a Didactic Resource in Foreign Language Education), a project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, which involves researchers from twelve universities across Europe and the UK. This project focuses on the improvement in the linguistic skills perceived through audiovisual translation (AVT) practices such as the use of captioning (i.e., interlingual and intralingual subtitling) and revoicing (i.e., dubbing, voice-over, and audio description) through an actionoriented approach (AoA). The ultimate objective is the study of AVT as a means to enhance learners’ communicative competence and reception, production, and mediation skills in an integrated manner. Following the design of a methodological proposal for a didactic sequence of AVT tasks, proposals are currently being piloted with B1 and B2 adult learners of English as a foreign language utilising – and adapting – the recent illustrative descriptors (Council of Europe, 2018) for AVT instruction. The potential benefits of action-oriented AVT tasks in foreign language education (FLE), in which foreign-language learners become active producers of AVT work, are put to the test employing empirical inquiry and thereafter advocating for more comprehensive integration of AVT in the FLE curriculum overall

    Teaching foreign languages through audiovisual translation resources: teachers’ perspectives

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    In the past decade, techniques traditionally used in the audiovisual translation (AVT) industry have been applied to teaching foreign languages (FL) with promising results. Both teachers and researchers have provided useful data on various AVT typologies (i.e. subtitling, dubbing, audio description) in order to improve specific learning areas: vocabulary acquisition, listening comprehension, pronunciation, intercultural awareness, etc. (Ibáñez & Vermeulen, 2014; Baños & Sokoli, 2015). The following study aims to provide information in two relevant areas identified in the field: (1) the direct experience of those teachers who have been using AVT techniques in the classroom in recent years, and (2) their perspectives on in the combination of FL and AVT in the future. A total of 56 respondents from Europe, the USA and Asia participated in the study, these being teachers of French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Japanese and Catalan as an FL. The results obtained are applicable to different languages and useful to any professional interested in using AVT in their classroom or carrying out further research