151 research outputs found

    Mineralogical and geochemical characterization of the Riópar non-sulfide Zn-(Fe-Pb) deposits (Prebetic Zone, SE Spain)

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    The present paper reports the first detailed petrological and geochemical study of non-sulfide Zn-(Fe-Pb) deposits in the Riópar area (Prebetic Zone of the Mesozoic Betic Basin, SE Spain), constraining the origin and evolution of ore-forming fluids. In Riópar both sulfide and non-sulfide Zn-(Fe-Pb) ('calamine') ores are hosted in hydrothermally dolomitized Lower Cretaceous limestones. The hypogene sulfides comprise sphalerite, marcasite and minor galena. Calamine ores consist of Zn-carbonates (smithsonite and scarce hydrozincite), associated with abundant Fe-(hydr)oxides (goethite and hematite) and minor Pb-carbonates (cerussite). Three smithsonite types have been recognized: i) Sm-I consists of brown anhedral microcrystalline aggregates as encrustations replacing sphalerite; ii) Sm-II refers to brownish subhedral aggregates of rugged appearance related with Fe oxi-hydroxides in the surface crystals, which replace extensively sphalerite; and iii) Sm-III smithsonite appears as coarse grayish botryoidal aggregates in microkarstic cavities and porosity. Hydrozincite is scarce and appears as milky white botryoidal encrustations in cavities replacing smithsonite. Also, two types of cerussite have been identified: i) Cer-I cerussite consists of fine crystals replacing galena along cleavage planes and crystal surfaces; and ii) Cer-II conforms fine botryoidal crystals found infill porosity. Calcite and thin gypsum encrustations were also recognized. The field and petrographic observations of the Riópar non-sulfide Zn-(Fe-Pb) revealed two successive stages of supergene ore formation under meteoric fluid processes: i) 'gossan' and 'red calamine' formation in the uppermost parts of the ore with deposition of Fe-(hydr)oxides and Zn- and Pb-carbonates (Sm-I, Sm-II and Cer-I), occurring as direct replacements of Zn-Pb sulfides; and ii) 'gray calamine' ore formation with deposition of Sm-III, Cer-II and hydrozincite infilling microkarst cavities and porosity. The stable isotope variation of Riópar smithsonite is very similar to those obtained in other calamine-ore deposits around the world. Their C-O isotope data (δ18O: +27.8 to +29.6¿ V-SMOW; δ13C: -6.3 to +0.4¿ V-PDB), puts constrains on: i) the oxidizing fluid type, which was of meteoric origin with temperatures of 12 to 19ºC, suggesting a supergene weathering process for the calamine-ore formation under a temperate climate; and ii) the carbon source, that resulted from mixing between two CO2 components derived from: the dissolution of host-dolomite (13C-enriched source) and vegetation decomposition (13C-depleted component)

    Amélioration et évolution des recyclages à Matagglo

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    The ArcelorMittal Dunkerque plant produces 7 million tons of steel every year, mainly from diverse iron ore, but also by recycling steel-making reverts. Every raw material possesses its own chemical advantages (iron rate, energy), but also drawbacks (Phosphor, zinc8). The internship I am currently carrying out consists of, on one side, improving the follow-up and the forecast of recycled materials. On the other side, develop studies on the impact of new recycled materials to see if it is possible to reuse them, and if it’s the case, optimise the quantity that is recycled. For this purpose, we have analysed the elements which can raise problems (using the charter quality of the recycled products as well as the charter quality of cast iron) and have identified what their limitations areOutgoin

    C and O isotopes of the Riópar Non-Sulfide Zn Ores (Albacete, SE Spain)

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    Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasFALSEEspaña. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividadpu

    Internal structures and dating of non-sulphide Zn deposits 5 using rock magnetism: insights from the Moroccan High Atlas

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    International audienceThe renewal of interest in Zn-Pb non-sulphide ores has been induced by mineral processing improvement and leads to new exploration and mining projects in the world. Although the mineralogy is often precisely known, and despite several studies linking ore deposition to regional tectonics, absolute dating of non-sulphide stages is rare and structure of ore bodies was largely disregarded. Geochronological data from non-sulphide ores are essential to timely constrain alteration episodes and to insert supergene ore genesis in the climate and tectonic evolution of the metallogenic province. The access to internal organization of ore could reveal post-mineralization episodes related to supergene evolution. Thus, a rock magnetism study combining anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and palaeomagnetism was performed on four non-sulphide deposits from the Moroccan High Atlas. AMS generally shows similar horizontal magnetic fabrics for ores and the clayey and carbonaceous internal sediments filling karstic cavities. The palaeomagnetic directions of ores and internal sediments are compatible, and the calculated poles are consistent with the last 30 Ma of the Africa apparent polar wander path, with an upper age at 0.78 Ma. The proposed three-step scenario is placed within the evolution of the Moroccan High Atlas belt. Deposition of primary sulphides is contemporaneous with opening of the Tethyan and Atlantic oceans. During the Tertiary, intracontinental deformation gave rise to the High Atlas fold-and-thrust belt and to regional uplift. Finally, Zn-Pb sulphides hosted in carbonates experienced oxidation under an arid climate to form karst-related Zn-Pb non-sulphide ores. These promising results pave the way for an efficient method to constrain the internal fabrics and age of Zn supergene deposits

    Dolomitization Related to Zn-(Pb) Deposits in the Río Mundo Area (Riópar, Albacete)

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    España. Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadDepto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Moslem Mining in the Iberian Peninsula (Part II)

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    Gold was obtained in the alluvial deposits of rivers scattered through the Iberian Peninsula. Rivers like Segre (Lerida), Darro (Granada), and Tajo (near Lisbon), as mentioned by the chronicler Ahmed Arrazi, the geographer Al Edrisi, and the poet Ibn Hazim. Surface mining was also found in the area of Elvira (Granada) and probably in the village of Navas de Ricomalillo (Toledo), as can be inferred from its closeness to the Muslim mining area of Los Vascos where mining tools were discovered. In addition, gold was imported from Africa and was shipped to Malaga, which was the commercial centre of gold. According to a book on Lapidary, translated from Arabic to Spanish at the time of Alfonso X, we know that borax was used as flux in gold metallurgy. The metal obtained was employed in jewelry, gilding, and textiles, as well as to mint the so-called “dinares” in the Spanish Muslim period. According to Ibn Hawqual, minting—by virtue of its monopoly—was one of the main sources of income for the Stat

    Investigation of the kinetics of sulphuric acid leaching of zinc from calamine

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    This article aims at the research of kinetics of the sulphuric acid leaching of zinc from calamine (hemimorphite) of Shaimerden deposits. The ratio of zinc extraction from calamine to water-soluble zinc sulphate was determined at various leaching durations and its temperatures. The concentration of the sulfuric acid solution, the flow rate of this solution and the size of the calamine particles, selected in the course of this work for leaching zinc from this mineral with the specified solution, made it possible to establish the value of the “apparent” activation energy of the reaction of calamine with sulfuric acid, amounting to 3,075 kJ / mol


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    [EN] Following completion of the 1st Workshop of Digital Documentation of Monuments Using 3d Laser Scanner organized by the Laboratory of Architectural Theory of Forms and Preservation Studies, Faculty of Architecture, DUTh, the present study was undertaken mainly to focus on the application of advanced techniques, such as the 3d laser scanner, for the geometric documentation of the mining complex at the town of Limenaria of the island of Thassos, an abandoned and discredited monument for almost half a century. The key purpose of the laboratory work was the instruction of new technologies in surveying and documentation and their contribution to preservation, protection and restoration of monuments. The Field of practice was the former Speidel headquarters, known as "Palataki", and the abandoned mining complex at Limenaria, a unique example of industrial heritage at risk. The main objective of the laboratory was the documentation and the recording of this monument in order to protect it and highlight its historical value and cultural significance to the public.Lianos, N.; Stamnas, A. (2016). DIGITAL DOCUMENTATION OF INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE AT RISK: THE CASE OF PALATAKI AND THE OLD MINING COMPLEX AT LIMENARIA OF THASSOS (GREECE). En 8th International congress on archaeology, computer graphics, cultural heritage and innovation. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 84-88. https://doi.org/10.4995/arqueologica8.2015.3261OCS848

    La mina de Anglas (Pirineneos Centrales, Francia): Caracterización mineralógica y textural

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    Se ha estudiado el yacimiento de Anglas, un filón de Zn-Ba-(Pb) localizado en los Pirineos Centrales. Se han reconocido dos tipos de mineralizaciones: una stratabound compuesta por magnetita, pirrotita y siderita, que encaja en los hastiales devónicos, y otra filoniana que rellena una falla extensional E-W y de fuerte buzamiento. Su mineralogía está formada por esfalerita con cantidades menores de pirita, galena y calcopirita. La alteración supergénica dio lugar a un pequeño nivel de calaminas en la parte superior del filón. La comparación de este depósito con otros similares tanto en los Pirineos como en la Europa occidental indica un tiempo de formación entre el Triásico y Cretácico Inferior. La precipitación del depósito se produjo cuando salmueras calientes ascendieron del basamento Paleozoico y se mezclaron con aguas marinas y meteóricas próximas a los márgenes de una cuenca subsidiente

    Honey Bees (Apis mellifera, L.) as Active Samplers of Airborne Particulate Matter

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    © 2015 Negri et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. [CC by 4.0] The attached file is the published version of the article