28,692 research outputs found

    The global cadastre

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    The article discusses whether a globally connected cadastre is possible. Most land transactions occur in domestic, national land markets. However, many parties are now looking beyond their borders. Indeed, international land trading is burgeoning: governments, businesses and citizens from various countries, whether rich or poor, are now actively engaged as buyers and sellers in global land deals. Basically, it is easier to transact in the global market than ever before: land is increasingly a global commodity. The world's interconnected financial markets support this growing level of international trade and investment but, as one saw with financial markets in 2008, the quality of these global systems should not be taken for granted. Such foreign investment in land is not new: international companies have been investing for some time in commercial development, housing and mineral exploration, and more recently agriculture too

    The Land Question in Amazonia: Cadastral Knowledge and Ignorance in Brazil’s Tenure Regularization Program

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    In the Brazilian Amazon, a quest˜ao fundi´aria (the land question) has been asked and answered in a variety of ways since the region was opened up tolarge-scale migration and development projects in the 1960s. The question of who is entitled to land and under what conditions is at the heart ofmost debates concerning the region’s future, but recent attempts to reform and simplify rural land tenure in Amazonia confront a history of contradictory land-use policies and a legacy of impunity. In response to economic and demographic pressures, the Brazilian state aims to combat the illicit occupation, sale, and transformation of lands. This article presents an ethnographic approach to the land question in Amazonia by studying the knowledgemaking practices associated with the Programa Terra Legal (Legal Land Program), Brazil’s effort to create a cadastral registry for rural holdings in the region. It argues that tenure regularization dedicated to securing smallholders’ rights and to instituting environmental regulations is being used by rural elites as a mechanism to accumulate land and power. By showing how a reform program gets remade in the thrall of local interests and vernacular dispositions of property, this article reveals how knowledge both illuminates and obscures subjects of governance

    Mining cadastral map

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    The Mining Cadastre Directorate is in charge of administering the National Mining Pre-cadastre, the National Mining Cadastre and the cadastre of Areas Restricted to Mining Activity. Provides the sale service of Mining Cadastral Plans with information on Areas Restricted to Mining Activity, political demarcation and basic cartography (National Charter); printed or digital

    Boundary disputes - a clash of wills or a Shakespearean tragedy?

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    Boundary disputes between adjoining owners and the issue of boundary repair and resolution have been the subject of dissertations for doctorates’ in philosophy to social commentary by Shakespeare. Lord Hoffmann in the House of Lords appeal court during summation in Alan Wibberley Building Limited v. Insley 1999 eloquently expressed the folly of litigation over boundary disputes when he said, 'Feelings run high and disproportionate amounts of money are spent. Claims to small and valueless pieces of land are pressed with the zeal of Fortinbras's army.

    Evaluating land administration systems: a comparative method with an application to Peru and Honduras

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    This article develops a methodology for the evaluation of land administration systems. We propose a set of quantitative and qualitative indicators with benchmarks for each one of them that signal possible venues to improve the administration’s structure and budgetary/management arrangements, in order to bring about the following goals: (1) to contribute to public sector financing through taxes; (2) to encourage the productive and sustainable use of land, and (3) to facilitate access to land for low-income citizens. This methodology was applied to the cases of Honduras and Peru in order to refine our draft evaluation indicators, while evaluating the systems of both countries. Here we present the final refined indicators and benchmarks, and the conclusions from both case studies.land administration systems; cadastre; evaluation; performance indicators

    The Hesitant Privatization of Lithuanian Land

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    Three years after Lithuania’s independence, the government and the Seimas are adopting fundamental laws and regulations that define the concepts of land ownership rights and land tenure and address the problems of real property administration and land use control. Their thinking has led to a progressive concept of land tenure in which owners\u27 rights and responsibilities are carefully balanced in the fundamental law. Although it is too soon to tell whether, in practice, this balanced concept will lead to harmonious land relations and the efficient use of land, the experience of Lithuania is an important case study for analyzing the possibility of effective land privatization in the countries emerging from a Communist past


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    This paper discusses 3D cadastre in the aspect of property registration i.e. complex building and overlappingproperties on different land use. We also discuss the interoperability of the two systems between the two different agencies.This 3D cadastre registration will serve as a first attempt to develop a more complete Integrated Malaysian 3D Cadastre System.A complex system needs a clear and concise method to show the representation of data, and here we utilize Unified ModelingLanguage (UML) for the data modeling task as it has been considered better technique for such real world data modelinglike cadastre data compared to the traditional entity relationship approach. Besides 3D registration, this paper also discusses 3Dmodeling, 3D geo databasing and 3D visualization. Malaysia could embark on this 3D cadastre system since it has wellestablished 2D cadastre framework. From the previous research and discussion it can be realized that the hybrid approachcertainly would be a good approach for Malaysian 3D Cadastre System. The hybrid approach means preservation of 2D cadastreand the integration of the registration of the situation in 3D by registering 3D situations integrated and being part of the 2Dcadastral geographical data set.Keywords: 3D Cadastre, 3D Databas