455 research outputs found

    Field-based branch prediction for packet processing engines

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    Network processors have exploited many aspects of architecture design, such as employing multi-core, multi-threading and hardware accelerator, to support both the ever-increasing line rates and the higher complexity of network applications. Micro-architectural techniques like superscalar, deep pipeline and speculative execution provide an excellent method of improving performance without limiting either the scalability or flexibility, provided that the branch penalty is well controlled. However, it is difficult for traditional branch predictor to keep increasing the accuracy by using larger tables, due to the fewer variations in branch patterns of packet processing. To improve the prediction efficiency, we propose a flow-based prediction mechanism which caches the branch histories of packets with similar header fields, since they normally undergo the same execution path. For packets that cannot find a matching entry in the history table, a fallback gshare predictor is used to provide branch direction. Simulation results show that the our scheme achieves an average hit rate in excess of 97.5% on a selected set of network applications and real-life packet traces, with a similar chip area to the existing branch prediction architectures used in modern microprocessors

    Summarizing multiprocessor program execution with versatile, microarchitecture-independent snapshots

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 131-137).Computer architects rely heavily on software simulation to evaluate, refine, and validate new designs before they are implemented. However, simulation time continues to increase as computers become more complex and multicore designs become more common. This thesis investigates software structures and algorithms for quickly simulating modern cache-coherent multiprocessors by amortizing the time spent to simulate the memory system and branch predictors. The Memory Timestamp Record (MTR) summarizes the directory and cache state of a multiprocessor system in a compact data structure. A single MTR snapshot is versatile enough to reconstruct the microarchitectural state resulting from various coherence protocols and cache organizations. The MTR may be quickly updated by each simulated processor during a fast-forwarding phase and optionally stored off-line for reuse. To fill large branch prediction tables, we introduce Branch Predictor-based Compression (BPC) which compactly stores a branch trace so that it may be used to fill in any branch predictor structure. An entire BPC trace requires less space than single discrete predictor snapshots, and it may be decompressed 3-6x faster than performing functional simulation.by Kenneth C. Barr.Ph.D

    Techniques of data prefetching, replication, and consistency in the Internet

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    Internet has become a major infrastructure for information sharing in our daily life, and indispensable to critical and large applications in industry, government, business, and education. Internet bandwidth (or the network speed to transfer data) has been dramatically increased, however, the latency time (or the delay to physically access data) has been reduced in a much slower pace. The rich bandwidth and lagging latency can be effectively coped with in Internet systems by three data management techniques: caching, replication, and prefetching. The focus of this dissertation is to address the latency problem in Internet by utilizing the rich bandwidth and large storage capacity for efficiently prefetching data to significantly improve the Web content caching performance, by proposing and implementing scalable data consistency maintenance methods to handle Internet Web address caching in distributed name systems (DNS), and to handle massive data replications in peer-to-peer systems. While the DNS service is critical in Internet, peer-to-peer data sharing is being accepted as an important activity in Internet.;We have made three contributions in developing prefetching techniques. First, we have proposed an efficient data structure for maintaining Web access information, called popularity-based Prediction by Partial Matching (PB-PPM), where data are placed and replaced guided by popularity information of Web accesses, thus only important and useful information is stored. PB-PPM greatly reduces the required storage space, and improves the prediction accuracy. Second, a major weakness in existing Web servers is that prefetching activities are scheduled independently of dynamically changing server workloads. Without a proper control and coordination between the two kinds of activities, prefetching can negatively affect the Web services and degrade the Web access performance. to address this problem, we have developed a queuing model to characterize the interactions. Guided by the model, we have designed a coordination scheme that dynamically adjusts the prefetching aggressiveness in Web Servers. This scheme not only prevents the Web servers from being overloaded, but it can also minimize the average server response time. Finally, we have proposed a scheme that effectively coordinates the sharing of access information for both proxy and Web servers. With the support of this scheme, the accuracy of prefetching decisions is significantly improved.;Regarding data consistency support for Internet caching and data replications, we have conducted three significant studies. First, we have developed a consistency support technique to maintain the data consistency among the replicas in structured P2P networks. Based on Pastry, an existing and popular P2P system, we have implemented this scheme, and show that it can effectively maintain consistency while prevent hot-spot and node-failure problems. Second, we have designed and implemented a DNS cache update protocol, called DNScup, to provide strong consistency for domain/IP mappings. Finally, we have developed a dynamic lease scheme to timely update the replicas in Internet

    The relationship between environment, behavior, cognition, and the brain, in specialized food-caching chickadees (Poecile gambeli)

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    Environmental heterogeneity is known to affect phenotypic variation. Behavioral traits and the brain regions controlling these traits may be especially variable across environmental gradients as behavioral traits change rapidly in response to environment. Behavioral traits have been shown to differ across several environmental gradients of climatic harshness and novelty, such as latitudinal, elevational and urbanization gradients. This dissertation focuses on how cognition, behavior and the brain differ food-caching specialists inhabiting environments that differ in climatic harshness (i.e. differ in elevation) and novelty (i.e. differ in anthropogenic activity). I found that, chickadees from harsher high elevations, when compared with low elevation chickadees, have better problem-solving abilities and that these chickadees with better cognition are less willing to take risks when perceived predation risk is high, which resulted in a reduced investment in current offspring. I also found that chickadees from urban environments had a suite of generalist traits (e.g. more active in exploring a novel environment, better problem-solving abilities and larger brains) and some food-caching specialist traits (e.g. better long-term spatial memory retention) when compared with forest chickadees. This dissertation highlights that unique suites of behavioral traits are associated with different environments and suggests that a better understanding of how specific environmental factors affect specific (suites of) traits is necessary

    Improving Multiple-CMP Systems Using Token Coherence

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    Improvements in semiconductor technology now enable Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs). As many future computer systems will use one or more CMPs and support shared memory, such systems will have caches that must be kept coherent. Coherence is a particular challenge for Multiple-CMP (M-CMP) systems. One approach is to use a hierarchical protocol that explicitly separates the intra-CMP coherence protocol from the inter-CMP protocol, but couples them hierarchically to maintain coherence. However, hierarchical protocols are complex, leading to subtle, difficult-to-verify race conditions. Furthermore, most previous hierarchical protocols use directories at one or both levels, incurring indirections—and thus extra latency—for sharing misses, which are common in commercial workloads. In contrast, this paper exploits the separation of correctness substrate and performance policy in the recently-proposed token coherence protocol to develop the first M-CMP coherence protocol that is flat for correctness, but hierarchical for performance. Via model checking studies, we show that flat correctness eases verification. Via simulation with micro-benchmarks, we make new protocol variants more robust under contention. Finally, via simulation with commercial workloads on a commercial operating system, we show that new protocol variants can be 10-50% faster than a hierarchical directory protocol

    The 9 Lives of Bleichenbacher\u27s CAT: New Cache ATtacks on TLS Implementations

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    At CRYPTO’98, Bleichenbacher published his seminal paper which described a padding oracle attack against RSA implementations that follow the PKCS #1 v1.5 standard. Over the last twenty years researchers and implementors had spent a huge amount of effort in developing and deploying numerous mitigation techniques which were supposed to plug all the possible sources of Bleichenbacher-like leakages. However, as we show in this paper most implementations are still vulnerable to several novel types of attack based on leakage from various microarchitectural side channels: Out of nine popular implementations of TLS that we tested, we were able to break the security of seven implementations with practical proof-of-concept attacks. We demonstrate the feasibility of using those Cache-like ATacks (CATs) to perform a downgrade attack against any TLS connection to a vulnerable server, using a BEAST-like Man in the Browser attack. The main difficulty we face is how to perform the thousands of oracle queries required before the browser’s imposed timeout (which is 30 seconds for almost all browsers, with the exception of Firefox which can be tricked into extending this period). The attack seems to be inherently sequential (due to its use of adaptive chosen ciphertext queries), but we describe a new way to parallelize Bleichenbacher-like padding attacks by exploiting any available number of TLS servers that share the same public key certificate. With this improvement, we could demonstrate the feasibility of a downgrade attack which could recover all the 2048 bits of the RSA plaintext (including the premaster secret value, which suffices to establish a secure connection) from five available TLS servers in under 30 seconds. This sequential-to-parallel transformation of such attacks can be of independent interest, speeding up and facilitating other side channel attacks on RSA implementations

    Interactive global illumination on the CPU

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    Computing realistic physically-based global illumination in real-time remains one of the major goals in the fields of rendering and visualisation; one that has not yet been achieved due to its inherent computational complexity. This thesis focuses on CPU-based interactive global illumination approaches with an aim to develop generalisable hardware-agnostic algorithms. Interactive ray tracing is reliant on spatial and cache coherency to achieve interactive rates which conflicts with needs of global illumination solutions which require a large number of incoherent secondary rays to be computed. Methods that reduce the total number of rays that need to be processed, such as Selective rendering, were investigated to determine how best they can be utilised. The impact that selective rendering has on interactive ray tracing was analysed and quantified and two novel global illumination algorithms were developed, with the structured methodology used presented as a framework. Adaptive Inter- leaved Sampling, is a generalisable approach that combines interleaved sampling with an adaptive approach, which uses efficient component-specific adaptive guidance methods to drive the computation. Results of up to 11 frames per second were demonstrated for multiple components including participating media. Temporal Instant Caching, is a caching scheme for accelerating the computation of diffuse interreflections to interactive rates. This approach achieved frame rates exceeding 9 frames per second for the majority of scenes. Validation of the results for both approaches showed little perceptual difference when comparing against a gold-standard path-traced image. Further research into caching led to the development of a new wait-free data access control mechanism for sharing the irradiance cache among multiple rendering threads on a shared memory parallel system. By not serialising accesses to the shared data structure the irradiance values were shared among all the threads without any overhead or contention, when reading and writing simultaneously. This new approach achieved efficiencies between 77% and 92% for 8 threads when calculating static images and animations. This work demonstrates that, due to the flexibility of the CPU, CPU-based algorithms remain a valid and competitive choice for achieving global illumination interactively, and an alternative to the generally brute-force GPU-centric algorithms

    Communication-Avoiding Algorithms for a High-Performance Hyperbolic PDE Engine

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    The study of waves has always been an important subject of research. Earthquakes, for example, have a direct impact on the daily lives of millions of people while gravitational waves reveal insight into the composition and history of the Universe. These physical phenomena, despite being tackled traditionally by different fields of physics, have in common that they are modelled the same way mathematically: as a system of hyperbolic partial differential equations (PDEs). The ExaHyPE project (“An Exascale Hyperbolic PDE Engine") translates this similarity into a software engine that can be quickly adapted to simulate a wide range of hyperbolic partial differential equations. ExaHyPE’s key idea is that the user only specifies the physics while the engine takes care of the parallelisation and the interplay of the underlying numerical methods. Consequently, a first simulation code for a new hyperbolic PDE can often be realised within a few hours. This is a task that traditionally can take weeks, months, even years for researchers starting from scratch. My main contribution to ExaHyPE is the development of the core infrastructure. This comprises the development and implementation of ExaHyPE’s solvers and adaptive mesh refinement procedures, it’s MPI+X parallelisation as well as high-level aspects of ExaHyPE’s application-tailored code generation, which allows to adapt ExaHyPE to model many different hyperbolic PDE systems. Like any high-performance computing code, ExaHyPE has to tackle the challenges of the coming exascale computing era, notably network communication latencies and the growing memory wall. In this thesis, I propose memory-efficient realisations of ExaHyPE’s solvers that avoid data movement together with a novel task-based MPI+X parallelisation concept that allows to hide network communication behind computation in dynamically adaptive simulations