32 research outputs found

    CPG-based Controllers can Trigger the Emergence of Social Synchrony in Human-Robot Interactions

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    International audienceSynchronization is an indissociable part of social interactions between humans, especially in gestural communication. With the emergence of social robotics and assistance robots, it becomes paramount for robots to be socially accepted and for humans to be able to connect with them. As a consequence, synchronization mechanisms should be inherent to any robot controllers, allowing the adaption to the interacting partner in any rhythmic way necessary. In this paper, plastic Central Pattern Generators (CPG) have been implemented in the joints of the robot Pepper that has to learn to wave back at a human partner. Results show that the CPG-based controller leads to adaptive waving synchronized with the human partner, thus proving that the CPG-based controller can achieve synchronization

    CPG-based Controllers can Trigger the Emergence of Social Synchrony in Human-Robot Interactions

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    International audienceSynchronization is an indissociable part of social interactions between humans, especially in gestural communication. With the emergence of social robotics and assistance robots, it becomes paramount for robots to be socially accepted and for humans to be able to connect with them. As a consequence, synchronization mechanisms should be inherent to any robot controllers, allowing the adaption to the interacting partner in any rhythmic way necessary. In this paper, plastic Central Pattern Generators (CPG) have been implemented in the joints of the robot Pepper that has to learn to wave back at a human partner. Results show that the CPG-based controller leads to adaptive waving synchronized with the human partner, thus proving that the CPG-based controller can achieve synchronization

    Hebbian Plasticity in CPG Controllers Facilitates Self-Synchronization for Human-Robot Handshaking

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    It is well-known that human social interactions generate synchrony phenomena which are often unconscious. If the interaction between individuals is based on rhythmic movements, synchronized and coordinated movements will emerge from the social synchrony. This paper proposes a plausible model of plastic neural controllers that allows the emergence of synchronized movements in physical and rhythmical interactions. The controller is designed with central pattern generators (CPG) based on rhythmic Rowat-Selverston neurons endowed with neuronal and synaptic Hebbian plasticity. To demonstrate the interest of the proposed model, the case of handshaking is considered because it is a very common, both physically and socially, but also, a very complex act in the point of view of robotics, neuroscience and psychology. Plastic CPGs controllers are implemented in the joints of a simulated robotic arm that has to learn the frequency and amplitude of an external force applied to its effector, thus reproducing the act of handshaking with a human. Results show that the neural and synaptic Hebbian plasticity are working together leading to a natural and autonomous synchronization between the arm and the external force even if the frequency is changing during the movement. Moreover, a power consumption analysis shows that, by offering emergence of synchronized and coordinated movements, the plasticity mechanisms lead to a significant decrease in the energy spend by the robot actuators thus generating a more adaptive and natural human/robot handshake


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    【学位授与の要件】中央大学学位規則第4条第1項【論文審査委員主査】中村 太郎 (中央大学理工学部教授)【論文審査委員副査】平岡 弘之(中央大学理工学部教授)、新妻 実保子(中央大学理工学部准教授)、諸麥 俊司(中央大学理工学部准教授)、万 偉偉(大阪大学准教授)博士(工学)中央大

    Neural dynamics of social behavior : An evolutionary and mechanistic perspective on communication, cooperation, and competition among situated agents

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    Social behavior can be found on almost every level of life, ranging from microorganisms to human societies. However, explaining the evolutionary emergence of cooperation, communication, or competition still challenges modern biology. The most common approaches to this problem are based on game-theoretic models. The problem is that these models often assume fixed and limited rules and actions that individual agents can choose from, which excludes the dynamical nature of the mechanisms that underlie the behavior of living systems. So far, there exists a lack of convincing modeling approaches to investigate the emergence of social behavior from a mechanistic and evolutionary perspective. Instead of studying animals, the methodology employed in this thesis combines several aspects from alternative approaches to study behavior in a rather novel way. Robotic models are considered as individual agents which are controlled by recurrent neural networks representing non-linear dynamical system. The topology and parameters of these networks are evolved following an open-ended evolution approach, that is, individuals are not evaluated on high-level goals or optimized for specific functions. Instead, agents compete for limited resources to enhance their chance of survival. Further, there is no restriction with respect to how individuals interact with their environment or with each other. As its main objective, this thesis aims at a complementary approach for studying not only the evolution, but also the mechanisms of basic forms of communication. For this purpose it can be shown that a robot does not necessarily have to be as complex as a human, not even as complex as a bacterium. The strength of this approach is that it deals with rather simple, yet complete and situated systems, facing similar real world problems as animals do, such as sensory noise or dynamically changing environments. The experimental part of this thesis is substantiated in a five-part examination. First, self-organized aggregation patterns are discussed. Second, the advantages of evolving decentralized control with respect to behavioral robustness and flexibility is demonstrated. Third, it is shown that only minimalistic local acoustic communication is required to coordinate the behavior of large groups. This is followed by investigations of the evolutionary emergence of communication. Finally, it is shown how already evolved communicative behavior changes during further evolution when a population is confronted with competition about limited environmental resources. All presented experiments entail thorough analysis of the dynamical mechanisms that underlie evolved communication systems, which has not been done so far in the context of cooperative behavior. This framework leads to a better understanding of the relation between intrinsic neurodynamics and observable agent-environment interactions. The results discussed here provide a new perspective on the evolution of cooperation because they deal with aspects largely neglected in traditional approaches, aspects such as embodiment, situatedness, and the dynamical nature of the mechanisms that underlie behavior. For the first time, it can be demonstrated how noise influences specific signaling strategies and that versatile dynamics of very small-scale neural networks embedded in sensory-motor feedback loops give rise to sophisticated forms of communication such as signal coordination, cooperative intraspecific communication, and, most intriguingly, aggressive interspecific signaling. Further, the results demonstrate the development of counteractive niche construction based on a modification of communication strategies which generates an evolutionary feedback resulting in an active reduction of selection pressure, which has not been shown so far. Thus, the novel findings presented here strongly support the complementary nature of robotic experiments to study the evolution and mechanisms of communication and cooperation.</p

    Using MapReduce Streaming for Distributed Life Simulation on the Cloud

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    Distributed software simulations are indispensable in the study of large-scale life models but often require the use of technically complex lower-level distributed computing frameworks, such as MPI. We propose to overcome the complexity challenge by applying the emerging MapReduce (MR) model to distributed life simulations and by running such simulations on the cloud. Technically, we design optimized MR streaming algorithms for discrete and continuous versions of Conway’s life according to a general MR streaming pattern. We chose life because it is simple enough as a testbed for MR’s applicability to a-life simulations and general enough to make our results applicable to various lattice-based a-life models. We implement and empirically evaluate our algorithms’ performance on Amazon’s Elastic MR cloud. Our experiments demonstrate that a single MR optimization technique called strip partitioning can reduce the execution time of continuous life simulations by 64%. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose and evaluate MR streaming algorithms for lattice-based simulations. Our algorithms can serve as prototypes in the development of novel MR simulation algorithms for large-scale lattice-based a-life models.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/scs_books/1014/thumbnail.jp

    Behavioural robustness and the distributed mechanisms hypothesis

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    A current challenge in neuroscience and systems biology is to better understand properties that allow organisms to exhibit and sustain appropriate behaviours despite the effects of perturbations (behavioural robustness). There are still significant theoretical difficulties in this endeavour, mainly due to the context-dependent nature of the problem. Biological robustness, in general, is considered in the literature as a property that emerges from the internal structure of organisms, rather than being a dynamical phenomenon involving agent-internal controls, the organism body, and the environment. Our hypothesis is that the capacity for behavioural robustness is rooted in dynamical processes that are distributed between agent ‘brain’, body, and environment, rather than warranted exclusively by organisms’ internal mechanisms. Distribution is operationally defined here based on perturbation analyses. Evolutionary Robotics (ER) techniques are used here to construct four computational models to study behavioural robustness from a systemic perspective. Dynamical systems theory provides the conceptual framework for these investigations. The first model evolves situated agents in a goalseeking scenario in the presence of neural noise perturbations. Results suggest that evolution implicitly selects neural systems that are noise-resistant during coupling behaviour by concentrating search in regions of the fitness landscape that retain functionality for goal approaching. The second model evolves situated, dynamically limited agents exhibiting minimalcognitive behaviour (categorization task). Results indicate a small but significant tendency toward better performance under most types of perturbations by agents showing further cognitivebehavioural dependency on their environments. The third model evolves experience-dependent robust behaviour in embodied, one-legged walking agents. Evidence suggests that robustness is rooted in both internal and external dynamics, but robust motion emerges always from the systemin-coupling. The fourth model implements a historically dependent, mobile-object tracking task under sensorimotor perturbations. Results indicate two different modes of distribution, one in which inner controls necessarily depend on a set of specific environmental factors to exhibit behaviour, then these controls will be more vulnerable to perturbations on that set, and another for which these factors are equally sufficient for behaviours. Vulnerability to perturbations depends on the particular distribution. In contrast to most existing approaches to the study of robustness, this thesis argues that behavioural robustness is better understood in the context of agent-environment dynamical couplings, not in terms of internal mechanisms. Such couplings, however, are not always the full determinants of robustness. Challenges and limitations of our approach are also identified for future studies

    26th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2017): Part 3 - Meeting Abstracts - Antwerp, Belgium. 15–20 July 2017

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    This work was produced as part of the activities of FAPESP Research,\ud Disseminations and Innovation Center for Neuromathematics (grant\ud 2013/07699-0, S. Paulo Research Foundation). NLK is supported by a\ud FAPESP postdoctoral fellowship (grant 2016/03855-5). ACR is partially\ud supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)