821 research outputs found

    Object oriented execution model (OOM)

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    This paper considers implementing the Object Oriented Programming Model directly in the hardware to serve as a base to exploit object-level parallelism, speculation and heterogeneous computing. Towards this goal, we present a new execution model called Object Oriented execution Model - OOM - that implements the OO Programming Models. All OOM hardware structures are objects and the OOM Instruction Set directly utilizes objects while hiding other complex hardware structures. OOM maintains all high-level programming language information until execution time. This enables efficient extraction of available parallelism in OO serial code at execution time with minimal compiler support. Our results show that OOM utilizes the available parallelism better than the OoO (Out-of-Order) modelPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Mitosis based speculative multithreaded architectures

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    In the last decade, industry made a right-hand turn and shifted towards multi-core processor designs, also known as Chip-Multi-Processors (CMPs), in order to provide further performance improvements under a reasonable power budget, design complexity, and validation cost. Over the years, several processor vendors have come out with multi-core chips in their product lines and they have become mainstream, with the number of cores increasing in each processor generation. Multi-core processors improve the performance of applications by exploiting Thread Level Parallelism (TLP) while the Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) exploited by each individual core is limited. These architectures are very efficient when multiple threads are available for execution. However, single-thread sections of code (single-thread applications and serial sections of parallel applications) pose important constraints on the benefits achieved by parallel execution, as pointed out by Amdahl’s law. Parallel programming, even with the help of recently proposed techniques like transactional memory, has proven to be a very challenging task. On the other hand, automatically partitioning applications into threads may be a straightforward task in regular applications, but becomes much harder for irregular programs, where compilers usually fail to discover sufficient TLP. In this scenario, two main directions have been followed in the research community to take benefit of multi-core platforms: Speculative Multithreading (SpMT) and Non-Speculative Clustered architectures. The former splits a sequential application into speculative threads, while the later partitions the instructions among the cores based on data-dependences but avoid large degree of speculation. Despite the large amount of research on both these approaches, the proposed techniques so far have shown marginal performance improvements. In this thesis we propose novel schemes to speed-up sequential or lightly threaded applications in multi-core processors that effectively address the main unresolved challenges of previous approaches. In particular, we propose a SpMT architecture, called Mitosis, that leverages a powerful software value prediction technique to manage inter-thread dependences, based on pre-computation slices (p-slices). Thanks to the accuracy and low cost of this technique, Mitosis is able to effectively parallelize applications even in the presence of frequent dependences among threads. We also propose a novel architecture, called Anaphase, that combines the best of SpMT schemes and clustered architectures. Anaphase effectively exploits ILP, TLP and Memory Level Parallelism (MLP), thanks to its unique finegrain thread decomposition algorithm that adapts to the available parallelism in the application

    Mitosis based speculative multithreaded architectures

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    In the last decade, industry made a right-hand turn and shifted towards multi-core processor designs, also known as Chip-Multi-Processors (CMPs), in order to provide further performance improvements under a reasonable power budget, design complexity, and validation cost. Over the years, several processor vendors have come out with multi-core chips in their product lines and they have become mainstream, with the number of cores increasing in each processor generation. Multi-core processors improve the performance of applications by exploiting Thread Level Parallelism (TLP) while the Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) exploited by each individual core is limited. These architectures are very efficient when multiple threads are available for execution. However, single-thread sections of code (single-thread applications and serial sections of parallel applications) pose important constraints on the benefits achieved by parallel execution, as pointed out by Amdahl’s law. Parallel programming, even with the help of recently proposed techniques like transactional memory, has proven to be a very challenging task. On the other hand, automatically partitioning applications into threads may be a straightforward task in regular applications, but becomes much harder for irregular programs, where compilers usually fail to discover sufficient TLP. In this scenario, two main directions have been followed in the research community to take benefit of multi-core platforms: Speculative Multithreading (SpMT) and Non-Speculative Clustered architectures. The former splits a sequential application into speculative threads, while the later partitions the instructions among the cores based on data-dependences but avoid large degree of speculation. Despite the large amount of research on both these approaches, the proposed techniques so far have shown marginal performance improvements. In this thesis we propose novel schemes to speed-up sequential or lightly threaded applications in multi-core processors that effectively address the main unresolved challenges of previous approaches. In particular, we propose a SpMT architecture, called Mitosis, that leverages a powerful software value prediction technique to manage inter-thread dependences, based on pre-computation slices (p-slices). Thanks to the accuracy and low cost of this technique, Mitosis is able to effectively parallelize applications even in the presence of frequent dependences among threads. We also propose a novel architecture, called Anaphase, that combines the best of SpMT schemes and clustered architectures. Anaphase effectively exploits ILP, TLP and Memory Level Parallelism (MLP), thanks to its unique finegrain thread decomposition algorithm that adapts to the available parallelism in the application.Postprint (published version

    Clustered multithreading for speculative execution

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    A compiler cost model for speculative multithreading chip-multiprocessor architectures

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    A Survey on Thread-Level Speculation Techniques

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    Producción CientíficaThread-Level Speculation (TLS) is a promising technique that allows the parallel execution of sequential code without relying on a prior, compile-time-dependence analysis. In this work, we introduce the technique, present a taxonomy of TLS solutions, and summarize and put into perspective the most relevant advances in this field.MICINN (Spain) and ERDF program of the European Union: HomProg-HetSys project (TIN2014-58876-P), CAPAP-H5 network (TIN2014-53522-REDT), and COST Program Action IC1305: Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS)

    An integrated soft- and hard-programmable multithreaded architecture

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    Improving cache locality for thread-level speculation

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    A data dependency recovery system for a heterogeneous multicore processor

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    Multicore processors often increase the performance of applications. However, with their deeper pipelining, they have proven increasingly difficult to improve. In an attempt to deliver enhanced performance at lower power requirements, semiconductor microprocessor manufacturers have progressively utilised chip-multicore processors. Existing research has utilised a very common technique known as thread-level speculation. This technique attempts to compute results before the actual result is known. However, thread-level speculation impacts operation latency, circuit timing, confounds data cache behaviour and code generation in the compiler. We describe an software framework codenamed Lyuba that handles low-level data hazards and automatically recovers the application from data hazards without programmer and speculation intervention for an asymmetric chip-multicore processor. The problem of determining correct execution of multiple threads when data hazards occur on conventional symmetrical chip-multicore processors is a significant and on-going challenge. However, there has been very little focus on the use of asymmetrical (heterogeneous) processors with applications that have complex data dependencies. The purpose of this thesis is to: (i) define the development of a software framework for an asymmetric (heterogeneous) chip-multicore processor; (ii) present an optimal software control of hardware for distributed processing and recovery from violations;(iii) provides performance results of five applications using three datasets. Applications with a small dataset showed an improvement of 17% and a larger dataset showed an improvement of 16% giving overall 11% improvement in performance