2,090 research outputs found

    Three decades of strategic management research on M&As: Citations, co-citations, and topics

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    Merger and acquisitions (M&As) strategies have been growingly deployed by firms for their domestic and international expansion, to redefine their business scope or take advantage of emerging opportunities. In this paper we conduct a bibliometric study of the extant strategy research on M&As, assessed by the articles published in the main journal for strategic management studies over the period 1984-2010. Results reveal the highest impact works (articles and books), the intellectual ties among authors and theories that form five main clusters of research, and the topics delved into. Performance effects, M&As as diversification strategies and RBV and capabilities-based topics have dominated the extant research. The study contributes to the extant knowledge on M&As by taking stock of the accumulated knowledge and research direction, complementing other literature reviews with a strategic management specific perspective. Thus, we provide a rear view of the field which facilitates detecting untapped gaps that may be munificent avenues for future research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mergers & acquisitions research: A bibliometric study of top strategy and international business journals, 1980–2010

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    Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) are important modes through which firms carry out their domestic and international strategies and have been noted as the CEOs favorite strategy. As a significant field of study, M&Aresearch has accumulated substantial knowledge. This bibliometric study examines the extant strategy and international business literature on M&As. Methodologically, we examined a sample of 334 articles published in sixteen leading management/business journals, during a 31 year period — from 1980 to 2010. The results provide a global perspective of the field, identifying the works that have had the greater impact, the intellectual interconnections among authors and works, the main research traditions, or themes, delved upon on M&Arelated research. Structural and longitudinal analyses reveal the changes in the intellectual structure of the field over time. A discussion on the accumulated knowledge and future research avenues concludes this paper.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Simulating Gender Stratification

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    The simulation of promotional competitions in corporations described herein allows comparisons of suggested reasons for the paucity of women in the highest level of corporate management. Runs with small, medium and large-sized companies all give similar results. The strongest effect is evidenced when men are given a bonus in performance evaluations. Similar stratification is observed when men's scores are drawn from a distribution with increased variance. Other explanations (increased female attrition, career delays for women, line-staff divisions, and external labor market) do not, by themselves produce strong gender stratification, but could add to that produced by biased evaluations.Glass Ceiling, Gender Stratification, Promotion, Performance Evaluation Bias, Computer Simulation

    How Design Plays Strategic Roles in Internet Service Innovation: Lessons from Korean Companies

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    In order to survive in the highly competitive internet business, companies have to provide differentiated services that can satisfy the rapidly changing users’ tastes and needs. Designers have been increasingly committed to achieving user satisfaction by generating and visualizing innovative solutions in new internet service development. The roles of internet service design have expanded from a narrow focus on aesthetics into a more strategic aspect. This paper investigates the methods of managing design in order to enhance companies’ competitiveness in internet business. The main research processes are to: (1) explore the current state of internet service design in Korea through in-depth interviews with professional designers and survey questionnaires to 30 digital design agencies and 60 clients; (2) compare how design is managed between in-house design groups and digital design agencies though the case studies of five Korean companies; and (3) develop a taxonomy characterizing four roles of designers in conjunction with the levels of their strategic contributions to internet service innovation: visualist, solution provider, concept generator, and service initiator. In addition, we demonstrate the growing contributions of the strategic use of design for innovating internet services, building robust brand equity, and increasing business performance. Keywords: Design Management; Internet Business; Internet Service Design; Digital Design; Digital Design Agency; In-House Design Group, Case Study</p

    Are CEOs in Family Firms Paid Like Bureaucrats? Evidence from Bayesian and Frequentist Analyses

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    The relationship between CEO pay and performance has been much analyzed in the management and economics literature. This study analyzes the structure of executive compensation in family and non-family firms. In line with predictions of agency theory, it is found that the share of base salary is higher with family-member CEOs than it is with nonfamily member CEOs. Furthermore, family-member CEOs receive a lower share of option pay. The paper’s findings have implications for family business research and the executive compensation literature. To make the findings robust, the statistical analysis is performed with both Bayesian and classical frequentist methods.Executive compensation, family firms, stock options, agency theory, Bayesian analysis

    What influences the speed of prototyping? An empirical investigation of twenty software startups

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    It is essential for startups to quickly experiment business ideas by building tangible prototypes and collecting user feedback on them. As prototyping is an inevitable part of learning for early stage software startups, how fast startups can learn depends on how fast they can prototype. Despite of the importance, there is a lack of research about prototyping in software startups. In this study, we aimed at understanding what are factors influencing different types of prototyping activities. We conducted a multiple case study on twenty European software startups. The results are two folds, firstly we propose a prototype-centric learning model in early stage software startups. Secondly, we identify factors occur as barriers but also facilitators for prototyping in early stage software startups. The factors are grouped into (1) artifacts, (2) team competence, (3) collaboration, (4) customer and (5) process dimensions. To speed up a startups progress at the early stage, it is important to incorporate the learning objective into a well-defined collaborative approach of prototypingComment: This is the author's version of the work. Copyright owner's version can be accessed at doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-57633-6_2, XP2017, Cologne, German

    Empreendedorismo internacional de empresas familiares mexicanas listadas e características do CEO / Conselho de administração

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    The objective of this research is to analyze the influence on international entrepreneurship of both Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and board of directors’ traits. It takes into account 52 listed family firms in Mexico (2001-2015), an emerging market where ownership concentration is particularly high. Results obtained from a binary probit model show that family involvement reduces the odds of pursuing foreign endeavors. However, when the CEO has a business administration academic background, the probability of having subsidiaries or branches abroad rises considerably. Finally, there is evidence that the presence of women on boards reduces the odds of international entrepreneurship.El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la influencia tanto de características de los Directores Generales (CEO, por su sigla en inglés) como de los consejos de administración, en el emprendimiento internacional. Se contemplan 52 empresas familiares listadas en México (2001-2015), un mercado emergente donde la concentración de la propiedad es particularmente alta. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de un modelo probit binario muestran que la participación de la familia reduce las probabilidades de internacionalización. No obstante, cuando el CEO tiene formación académica en negocios, la probabilidad de tener filiales o sucursales en el extranjero aumenta. Finalmente, hay evidencia que la presencia de mujeres en los consejos reduce las probabilidades de emprendimiento internacional.O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a influência das características dos Gerentes Gerais (CEO) e dos conselhos de administração, no empreendedorismo internacional. Existem 52 empresas familiares listadas no México (2001-2015), um mercado emergente onde a concentração de propriedades é particularmente alta. Os resultados obtidos a partir de um modelo probit binário mostram que a participação da família reduz as chances de internacionalização. No entanto, quando o CEO tem uma formação acadêmica nos negócios, a probabilidade de ter subsidiárias ou filiais no exterior aumenta. Finalmente, há evidências de que a presença de mulheres nos conselhos reduz as chances de empreendedorismo internacional

    The Perpetual Challenges of Nonprofit Board Governance and Its\u27 Impact on Operations

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    Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) exist to provide societal benefits to the community and improve the quality of life. The chief executive officers (CEO) or executive directors (ED) are the executive leaders who ensure the organization follows the strategic direction the board of directors developed. The directors have a fiduciary responsibility to the organization and stakeholders to provide financial oversight, strategic management, and guidance on policies and procedures. Ensuring effective board governance occurs requires members to understand their roles and responsibilities as directors. This qualitative constructivism study included determining the effects of board governance on operations. The participants comprised two groups: (1) CEOs and EDs and (2) board directors from NPOs in the Hampton Roads area. Data included semi-structured interviews and a confidential, encrypted survey. Four themes emerged from each group of participants. The CEO and EDs themes discovered were working board, efficacy elements, values that create positive outcomes, and theories contributing to success. Themes discovered from the board directors’ interview actions that hinder success, governance, chair effects, and efficacy elements. The findings revealed that training, communication, and trust enhanced board governance. Understanding roles and responsibilities and the chair setting the tone for the board impacted governance. General board practices to improve include strategic management, financial management, communication, and training. Recommendations for further study include using the quantitative methodology to expand the research on the chair effects on the board, roles, and responsibilities of the board, and identifying elements for efficacy. Leveraging requires determining recruitment strategies, implementing communication strategies, and ongoing training for board members

    The impact of Digital Platforms on Business Models: an empirical investigation on innovative start-ups

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    Digital platforms have the ability to connect people, organizations and resources with the aim of facilitating the core interactions between businesses and consumers as well as assuring a greater efficiency for the business management. New business concepts, such as innovative start-ups, are therefore created based on innovation, scalability and the relationships within the community around them. The purpose of this work is to deeply understand the evolution of business models brought by innovative and dynamic companies operating through online platforms. In order to achieve the objectives set, an exploratory multiple-case study was designed based on in-depth structured interviews. The aim was to conduct a mixed analysis, in order to rely both on qualitative and quantitative data. The structured interview protocol was therefore designed to collect and then analyse data concerning the company profile and managers’ perspectives on the phenomenon of interest. The interview protocol was submitted in advance and then face-to-face interviews were carried out with the following professional figures: Chief Executive Officer (CEO), General Manager, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Marketing Manager and Developers. Collected data were analysed and processed through the Canvas Business Model in order to clearly outline similarities and differences among the sample. Results can be considered under two viewpoints. On the one hand, this work provides a detailed overview of the companies interviewed, according to the dimensions of: reference market dynamics, type and number of customers, scalability. On the other one, they allow to identify some success patterns regarding key activities, key resources, channel mix strategy, costs management, value proposition, customer segmentation, key partners and the way to obtain revenues. Results from the multiple-case study with 15 Italian start-ups provide interesting insights by comparing the innovative business models developed and highlighting key differences and similarities. verall, the start-ups analyzed, operating in several sectors, showed great growth prospects and the possibility to create value for their customers through innovative products and services offered through digital platforms
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