23 research outputs found

    Challenges and potential of the Semantic Web for tourism

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    The paper explores tourism challenges and potential of the Semantic Web from a theoretical and industry perspective. It first examines tourism business networks and explores a main theme of network interoperability - data standards- followed by technology deficiencies of Web 1.0 and 2.0 and Semantic Web solutions. It then explicates Semantic opportunities and challenges for tourism, including an industry perspective through a qualitative approach. Industry leaders considered that the new Web era was imminent and heralded benefits for supply and demand side interoperability, although management and technical challenges could impede progress and delay realisation

    Enablers and Consequences of Interfirm Co-Production

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    As contemporary firms increase their reliance on information technology (IT) and are increasingly turning their attention to jointly creating value with their primary stakeholders, there is a growing need to understand what enablers promote from interfirm value co-creation from co-production in supply chains, how the co-production can be realized and what value can be created through the co-production. We integrate systems theory and the relational view perspectives to develop an explanatory model to explain how co-production mediates the impacts of enablers on the reciprocal benefits created in the global supply chain context. Drawing upon systems theory, we identify three constructs: platform compatibility (i.e., compatibility), co-production (i.e., synergy), and collaborative governance (i.e., integration effort). We draw on the relational view to identify two activities: process alignment and resource sharing for co-production, conceptualize three basic types of reciprocal benefits: market, innovation and anshin value, and theorize co-production—the synergy of process alignment and resource sharing activities—as key to the realization of synergy, thereby contributing to the reciprocal benefits in the context of interfirm supply chain. Based on survey data collected from 464 senior management representatives from 230 high-tech manufacturing firms from within Taiwan and China, we found 1) collaborative governance has a positive effect on platform compatibility, 2) both collaborative governance and platform compatibility promote co-production, 3) guanxi has a positive effect on collaborative governance and has a positive moderating effect on collaborative governance and co-production, and 4) co-production positively affects reciprocal benefits. Our findings highlight 1) the important role of co-production in mediating the platform compatibility and collaborative governance effects on reciprocal benefits, and 2) the complementary role of guanxi in strengthening the collaborative governance effect on co-production. These results provide insights into how firms can co-create value through enhanced interfirm co-production


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    The article analyzes the economic basis of e-Commerce in the banking services market in Uzbekistan, the role of information and communication technologies and the current state of electronic payment systems as key factors in the development of e-insurance and banking services, and provides recommendations for the future

    Digital Transformation: An Overview of the Current State of the Art of Research

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    The increasing digitalization of economies has highlighted the importance of digital transformation and how it can help businesses stay competitive in the market. However, disruptive changes not only occur at the company level; they also have environmental, societal, and institutional implications. This is the reason why during the past two decades the research on digital transformation has received growing attention, with a wide range of topics investigated in the literature. The following aims to provide insight regarding the current state of the literature on digital transformation (DT) by conducting a systematic literature review. An analysis of co-occurrence using the software VOSviewer was conducted to graphically visualize the literature’s node network. Approached this way, the systematic literature review displays major research avenues of digital transformation that consider technology as the main driver of these changes. This paper qualitatively classifies the literature on digital business transformation into three different clusters based on technological, business, and societal impacts. Several research gaps identified in the literature on DT are proposed as futures lines of research which could provide useful insights to the government and private sectors in order to adapt to the disruptive changes found in business as a result of this phenomenon, as well as to reduce its negative impacts on society and the environment

    A Market-Based Approach to Facilitate the Organizational Adoption of Software Component Reuse Strategies

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    Despite the theoretical benefits of software component reuse (and the abundance of component-based software development on the vendor side), the adoption of component reuse strategies at the organizational level (on the client side) remains low in practice. According to research, the main barrier to advancing component-based reuse strategies into a robust industrial process is coordination failures between software producers and their customers, which result in high acquisition costs for customers. We introduce a component reuse licensing model and combine it with a dynamic price discovery mechanism to better coordinate producers’ capabilities and customer needs. Using an economic experiment with 28 IT professionals, we investigate the extent to which organizations may be able to leverage component reuse for performance improvements. Our findings suggest that implementing component reuse can assist organizations in addressing the issue of coordination failure with software producers while also lowering acquisition costs. We argue that similar designs can be deployed in practice and deliver benefits to software development in organizations and the software industry

    Tecnologías aplicadas al CRM en la industria aeroportuaria

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    Esta investigación tiene como fin, analizar las nuevas tendencias en tecnología dirigidas a mejorar la experiencia de los pasajeros; realizando un enfoque en el CRM y su aplicación en la industria de la aviación. Para esto, se brindará una descripción detallada del flujo de actividades que deben realizar los pasajeros en los aeropuertos y sus interacciones con las aerolíneas. Para este caso de estudio, se presentarán las implementaciones tecnológicas del aeropuerto de Frankfurt en Alemania. Dentro de las nuevas tendencias, se encontrarán innovaciones en sistemas, cuyo objetivo es la reducción del tiempo de viaje, brindar control en procesos de seguridad y a su vez facilitar el paso de los pasajeros a través de las terminales aeroportuarias. Por otro lado, utilizando la información obtenida a través de estas tecnologías se podrá medir, comparar y mejorar las operaciones en los diferentes aeropuertos. Así mismo, estos datos ayudaran a planificar los recursos, de una manera más precisa, con el fin de satisfacer las necesidades de los pasajeros que transiten por sus instalacione

    Sustainable Value-Sharing Mechanisms of the Industrial Internet of Things Platforms:A Case Study of Haier’s Service-Oriented Transformation

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    Ensuring fairness and equity in value distribution is crucial for the sustainability of platform ecosystems. However, existing approaches to distributing benefits among cooperative entities often find it difficult to accurately assess each stakeholder’s contributions. This paper tackles this challenge through a case study of the Haier COSMOPlat IIoT platform. By analyzing its value creation and value distribution processes, the research uncovers how platform enterprises can overcome existing limitations by quantifying and revealing intangible customer relationships alongside financial metrics. This revised value-sharing mechanism encourages a shift from “post-event value-sharing” to “mid-event adjustment”, promoting a fair and equitable profit distribution framework that motivates stakeholders toward sustainable value co-creation

    Digital transformation in business and management research: An overview of the current status quo

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    It is no surprise that research on digital transformation (DT) has raised vast interest among academics in recent decades. Countries, cities, industries, companies, and people all face the same challenge of adapting to a digital world. The aim of the paper is twofold. First, map the thematic evolution of the DT research in the areas of business and management, because existing research in these areas to date has been limited to certain domains. To achieve this, articles were identified and reviewed that were published in the Chartered Association of Business Schools’ (ABS) ≥ 2-star journals. Based on these findings, the second objective of this paper will be to propose a synergistic framework that relates existing research on DT to the areas of business and management, which will help form the evolutionary perspective taken in this paper. Considering the emerging development of the topic under investigation, the framework is understood as a sound basis for continued discussion and forthcoming research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Capacidades Digitais: Uma Revisão Bibliométrica

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    Purpose – To identify the theoretical frameworks and the mains topics that support the concept of digital capabilities.Theoretical framework – This study is the result of a bibliometric analysis. The main research topics that structure this research are: Digital Transformation and Digital Capabilities.Design/methodology/approach – The scientometry design has been utilised through VOSviewer software, resulting in a bibliometric analysis of 741 papers from journals in the area of business, economics and social sciences. Papers were collected in the Scopus database.Findings – The results reveal that the main theoretical frameworks are connected with the resource-based view, dynamic capabilities and strategy in digital transformation. The topics that support the concepts of digital capabilities are: digital transformation, industry 4.0, innovation, electronic commerce and innovation in business models.Research, Practical & Social implications – The implications are the indication of theories, concepts and recommendations for the advancement of research on digital capabilities from other existing works. Such recommendations address research gaps identified through systematic and objective analysis. The results make it possible to propose future research perspectives. Empirically, this study helps managers to find the main research topics in the field of research regarding digital capabilities. Moreover, it allows them to understand how the use of these strategies concerning digital transformation can generate sustainable competitive advantage.Originality/value – This study contributes with the indication of theories, concepts and recommendations for the advancement of research regarding digital capabilities. The consolidation of the topic that is still expanding contributes to the advancement of the theory.  Objetivo: Identificar quais os fundamentos teóricos e os principais temas que sustentam o conceito de capacidades digitais.Método: Cientometria por meio do programa VOSviewer, resultando em uma análise bibliométrica de 741 artigos de periódicos da área de negócios, economia e ciências sociais, na base de dados Scopus.Originalidade/Relevância: Ainda não estão consolidados os temas, teorias e conceitos que dão suporte para as capacidades digitais, um tema em expansão e que requer novas pesquisas para auxiliar na melhoria no processo de formulação de estratégias nas organizações.Resultados: Os resultados revelam que os principais fundamentos teóricos estão conectados com a teoria da visão baseada em recursos, capacidades dinâmicas e estratégia na transformação digital. Os temas que sustentam os conceitos de capacidades digitais são: transformação digital, indústria 4.0, inovação, comércio eletrônico e inovação em modelos de negócios.Contribuições teóricas/metodológicas: As implicações são a indicação de teorias, conceitos e recomendações para avançar em pesquisas sobre capacidades digitais a partir de outros trabalhos existentes. Tais recomendações abordam lacunas de pesquisa identificadas por meio de análises sistemáticas e objetivas, possibilitando a proposição de perspectivas futuras de pesquisa.Contribuições sociais / para a gestão: Empiricamente, este estudo contribui para os gestores encontrem os principais temas do campo de pesquisa sobre capacidades digitais, podendo compreender como o uso dessas estratégias voltadas à transformação digital podem gerar vantagem competitiva sustentável