6 research outputs found

    Cloud Computing and Open Source Software: Issues and Developments

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    Cloud computing is a global paradigm that is offering useful services in virtually all spheres of human endeavor based on infrastructure made available to users on demand. The cloud provides on demand, elastic and scalable resources to meet the needs of users. The cloud has application deployed by cloud service providers that can be accessed by several users at the same time. Cloud computing also offers a programming environment that allows users deploy and run their own in-house applications. Massive storage and computing resources are also available on the cloud. There are currently open source applications that can be used to implement cloud applications. The source code which can be improved on and adapted for use is available to the user online. Such open source software tools allow the deployment of cloud for any type of domain. The study was executed by means of review of some literature available on cloud computing and open source software. This paper examines present trends in cloud computing and open source software and provides a guide for future research. In the present work, the objective is to answer the following question: what is the current trend and development in cloud computing and open source software? The review’s finding is that OpenStack provides the most comprehensive infrastructure in cloud computing and open source software

    Laniakea : an open solution to provide Galaxy "on-demand" instances over heterogeneous cloud infrastructures

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    Background: While the popular workflow manager Galaxy is currently made available through several publicly accessible servers, there are scenarios where users can be better served by full administrative control over a private Galaxy instance, including, but not limited to, concerns about data privacy, customisation needs, prioritisation of particular job types, tools development, and training activities. In such cases, a cloud-based Galaxy virtual instance represents an alternative that equips the user with complete control over the Galaxy instance itself without the burden of the hardware and software infrastructure involved in running and maintaining a Galaxy server. Results: We present Laniakea, a complete software solution to set up a \u201cGalaxy on-demand\u201d platform as a service. Building on the INDIGO-DataCloud software stack, Laniakea can be deployed over common cloud architectures usually supported both by public and private e-infrastructures. The user interacts with a Laniakea-based service through a simple front-end that allows a general setup of a Galaxy instance, and then Laniakea takes care of the automatic deployment of the virtual hardware and the software components. At the end of the process, the user gains access with full administrative privileges to a private, production-grade, fully customisable, Galaxy virtual instance and to the underlying virtual machine (VM). Laniakea features deployment of single-server or cluster-backed Galaxy instances, sharing of reference data across multiple instances, data volume encryption, and support for VM image-based, Docker-based, and Ansible recipe-based Galaxy deployments. A Laniakea-based Galaxy on-demand service, named Laniakea@ReCaS, is currently hosted at the ELIXIR-IT ReCaS cloud facility. Conclusions: Laniakea offers to scientific e-infrastructures a complete and easy-to-use software solution to provide a Galaxy on-demand service to their users. Laniakea-based cloud services will help in making Galaxy more accessible to a broader user base by removing most of the burdens involved in deploying and running a Galaxy service. In turn, this will facilitate the adoption of Galaxy in scenarios where classic public instances do not represent an optimal solution. Finally, the implementation of Laniakea can be easily adapted and expanded to support different services and platforms beyond Galaxy

    MULTI-X, a State-of-the-Art Cloud-Based Ecosystem for Biomedical Research

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    With the exponential growth of clinical data, and the fast development of AI technologies, researchers are facing unprecedented challenges in managing data storage, scalable processing, and analysis capabilities for heterogeneous multisourced datasets. Beyond the complexity of executing data-intensive workflows over large-scale distributed data, the reproducibility of computed results is of paramount importance to validate scientific discoveries. In this paper, we present MULTIX, a cross-domain research-oriented platform, designed for collaborative and reproducible science. This cloud-based framework simplifies the logistical challenges of implementing data analytics and AI solutions by providing pre-configured environments with ad-hoc scalable computing resources and secure distributed storage, to efficiently build, test, share and reproduce scientific pipelines. An exemplary use-case in the area of cardiac image analysis will be presented together with the practical application of the platform for the analysis of ~20.000 subjects of the UK-Biobank database

    Orchestrating Complex Application Architectures in Heterogeneous Clouds

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    [EN] Private cloud infrastructures are now widely deployed and adopted across technology industries and research institutions. Although cloud computing has emerged as a reality, it is now known that a single cloud provider cannot fully satisfy complex user requirements. This has resulted in a growing interest in developing hybrid cloud solutions that bind together distinct and heterogeneous cloud infrastructures. In this paper we describe the orchestration approach for heterogeneous clouds that has been implemented and used within the INDIGO-DataCloud project. This orchestration model uses existing open-source software like OpenStack and leverages the OASIS Topology and Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) open standard as the modeling language. Our approach uses virtual machines and Docker containers in an homogeneous and transparent way providing consistent application deployment for the users. This approach is illustrated by means of two different use cases in different scientific communities, implemented using the INDIGO-DataCloud solutions.The authors want to acknowledge the support of the INDIGO-Datacloud (grant number 653549) project, funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 Framework Program.Caballer Fernández, M.; Zala, S.; López, Á.; Moltó, G.; Orviz, P.; Velten, M. (2018). Orchestrating Complex Application Architectures in Heterogeneous Clouds. Journal of Grid Computing. 16(1):3-18. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10723-017-9418-yS318161Aguilar Gómez, F., de Lucas, J.M., García, D., Monteoliva, A.: Hydrodynamics and water quality forecasting over a cloud computing environment: indigo-datacloud. In: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, vol. 19, p 9684 (2017)de Alfonso, C., Caballer, M., Alvarruiz, F., Hernández, V.: An energy management system for cluster infrastructures. Comput. Electr. 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    Relationships Among Dimensions of Information System Success and Benefits of Cloud

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    Despite the many benefits offered by cloud computing’s design architecture, there are many fundamental performance challenges for IT managers to manage cloud infrastructures to meet business expectations effectively. Grounded in the information systems success model, the purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to evaluate the relationships among the perception of information quality, perception of system quality, perception of service quality, perception of system use, perception of user satisfaction, and net benefits of cloud computing services. The participants (n = 137) were IT cloud services managers in the United States, who completed the DeLone and McLean ISS authors’ validated survey instrument. The multiple regression finding were signification, F(5, 131) = 85.16, p \u3c .001, R2 = 0.76. In the final model, perception of information quality (β = .188, t = 2.844, p \u3c .05), perception of service quality (β = .178, t = 2.102, p \u3c .05), and perception of user satisfaction (β = .379, t = 5.024, p \u3c .001) were statistically significant; perception of system quality and perception of system use were not statistically significant. A recommendation is for IT managers to implement comprehensive customer evaluation of the cloud service(s) to meet customer expectations and afford satisfaction. The implications for positive social change include decision-makers in healthcare, human services, social services, and other critical service organizations better understand the vital predictors of attitude toward system use and user satisfaction of customer-facing cloud-based applications