8,769 research outputs found

    Efficacy Of Different Protocols Of Ovulation Synchronization And Resynchronization In Argentinian Buffalo Herds

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    During the last years bufalo reproductive researchers have been tried to develop and apply fxed timed artifcial insemination protocols to increase pregnancy rates to maximize improvement. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the pregnancy rates of diferent protocols of synchronization (Ovsynch and progesterone implants) and resynchronization of ovulation in a meat water bufalo herd during reproductive season of 2016. 194 mature Mediterranean females, were randomly assigned to four diferent protocols, ultrasound evaluation were used to determine cyclicity (presence of corpus luteum or follicles ≥7 mm de diameter). 18 days after insemination all females were resynchronized and at day 25 ultrasound were performed, those nonpregnant females were inseminated 28 days after frst insemination. All inseminations were performed by the same technician and only one bull was used. InfoStat software was used, statistical signifcance was considered when p value was lower than α of the 5%. No statistical signifcance were found within the protocols. Early embryonic dead 50 days after IA was 3.4%. Pregnancy rate was 47.9% and 53.5% for insemination and reinsemination respectively and the fnal pregnancy rate after the adjust for early pregnancy loss 73.2%, during the 28 days of the breeding period. The results obtained allow breeders to choose the best pharmacological option to use FTAI in their herds based on their own needs to improve production without afecting pregnancy rates.Fil: Crudeli, Gustavo Angel. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Konrad, José Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: de la Sota, Rodolfo Luzbel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Yuponi, Roberto Gregorio. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Vallejos, Natalia. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Cardona Maya, Walter Darío. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Berdugo, Jesus Alfredo. Universidad de Antioquia; Colombi

    Fatty acid composition of Mediterranean buffalo milk fat

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate the variation in fatty acid composition of milk fat from four buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) herds under different feeding management and ration composition. Changes in milk fatty acid composition were monitored on a weekly basis. Saturated fatty acids (65.5%) predominated in buffalo milk fat; monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids were 27.0% and 4.5%, respectively. Of saturated fatty acids, the content of palmitic acid was the highest (30.6%) followed by stearic acid (12.0%) and myristic acid (10.7%). Of the unsaturated fatty acids the content of oleic acid was the highest (26.6%). The average content of conjugated linoleic acid (0.76±0.33) was higher than the maximal values generally reported for dairy cow

    Indonesian River Buffalo Molecular Phylogeny Compared to Other Mammals Based on STAT1 Sequence

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    ABSTRACT. Genes differ in sequence, size, and functional domains among species. According to studies, STAT1 provides information on the rate of evolution that correlates with its function in the immune system. STAT1 is also considered a genetic marker for economic traits in mammals. Studying sequence comparison is an important issue in bioinformatic study and can explain phylogenetic. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the molecular phylogeny of river buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and other mammals based on STAT1 gene sequences. This study used 7 STAT1 sequences from Ensembl (Bos grunniens, Bos indicus, Bos Mutus, Capra hircus, Cervus hanglu yarkandensis, Moschus moschiferus) and previous studies (Bubalus bubalis). The sequences were analyzed using the MEGA X 10.2.6 software to observe the nucleotide composition and the phylogeny (based on UPGMA). The adegenet package in the R 4.0.0 software is used to observe the STAT1 sequence dimensionally among mammals. The STAT1 sequence has almost similar diversity among the livestock of the same genus. Based on the STAT1 sequence, Bubalus bubalis has closer genetic proximity to the genus Bos than to another genus. In conclusion, we found STAT1 is more dynamic in evolution and more conserved and found in the similar related genus.  (Filogeni kerbau Indonesia dibandingkan mamalia lain berdasarkan runutan nukleotida gen STAT1) ABSTRAK. Gen berbeda dalam urutan, ukuran, dan domain fungsional di antara spesies. Menurut penelitian sebelumnya, STAT1 memberikan informasi tentang laju evolusi yang berkorelasi dengan fungsinya dalam sistem kekebalan. STAT1 juga dianggap sebagai penanda genetik untuk sifat bernilai ekonomi pada mamalia. Studi perbandingan urutan merupakan isu penting dalam studi bioinformatika dan dapat menjelaskan filogenetik. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi filogeni molekuler kerbau sungai (Bubalus bubalis) dan spesies mamalia lain berdasarkan sekuens gen STAT1. Penelitian ini menggunakan 7 sekuen STAT1 yang diambil dari Ensembl (Bos grunniens, Bos indicus, Bos mutus, Capra hircus, Cervus hanglu yarkandensis, Moschus moschiferus) dan penelitian sebelumnya (Bubalus bubalis). Sekuen dianalisis menggunakan program MEGA X 10.2.6 untuk melihat komposisi nukleotida dan filogeni (berdasarkan UPGMA). Adegenet package dalam program R 4.0.0 digunakan untuk mengamati urutan STAT1 secara dimensional diantara mamalia. Sekuen STAT1 memiliki keragaman yang hampir sama di antara ternak dari genus yang sama. Berdasarkan sekuen STAT1, Bubalus bubalis memiliki jarak genetik yang lebih dekat dengan genus Bos dibandingkan dengan genus lainnya. Sebagai kesimpulan, kami menemukan STAT1 lebih dinamis dalam evolusi dan lebih terkonservasi serta ditemukan dalam genus terkait yang serupa

    Back to Water: Signature of Adaptive Evolution in Cetacean Mitochondrial tRNAs

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    Abstract The mitochondrion is the power plant of the eukaryotic cell, and tRNAs are the fundamental components of its translational machinery. In the present paper, the evolution of mitochondrial tRNAs was investigated in the Cetacea, a clade of Cetartiodactyla that retuned to water and thus had to adapt its metabolism to a different medium than that of its mainland ancestors. Our analysis focussed on identifying the factors that influenced the evolution of Cetacea tRNA double-helix elements, which play a pivotal role in the formation of the secondary and tertiary structures of each tRNA and consequently manipulate the whole translation machinery of the mitochondrion. Our analyses showed that the substitution pathways in the stems of different tRNAs were influenced by various factors, determining a molecular evolution that was unique to each of the 22 tRNAs. Our data suggested that the composition, AT-skew, and GC-skew of the tRNA stems were the main factors influencing the substitution process. In particular, the range of variation and the fluctuation of these parameters affected the fate of single tRNAs. Strong heterogeneity was observed among the different species of Cetacea. Finally, it appears that the evolution of mitochondrial tRNAs was also shaped by the environments in which the Cetacean taxa differentiated. This latter effect was particularly evident in toothed whales that either live in freshwater or are deep divers

    Biodiversitätsmanagement mit Wasserbüffeln in renaturierten Feuchtgebieten

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    The use of water buffalos for landscape maintenance started ten years ago in Germany. Now, more than 2,100 buffalos are kept by about 90 breeders, and first results concerning their usefulness for landscape management are available. Buffalos are mainly used on particularly wet sites which cannot be grazed by cattle or other domestic animals. Although grazing of wetlands, river banks and water bodies is still controversial, early results from literature and our own research clearly indicate the beneficial impact of moderate grazing on such sites for birds, amphibians, vegetation and insects. This paper presents a short literature review and the first results of the BUBALUS project at Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) and general experience from other projects.Seit etwa zehn Jahren gibt es in Deutschland den verstärkten Trend, Wasserbüffel zu halten. Inzwischen gibt es mehr als 2.100 Wasserbüffel bei mehr als 90 Haltern. Erste Ergebnisse ihrer Eignung als Landschaftspfleger in Feuchtgebieten sind nun verfügbar. Die Büffel werden überwiegend auf besonders nassen Standorten eingesetzt, die für die Haltung von Rindern oder anderen Haustieren nicht geeignet sind. Obwohl die Beweidung von Nassstandorten, Ufern und Gewässern noch immer umstritten ist, zeigen die verfügbaren Ergebnisse den Nutzen für Vögel, Amphibien, Insekten und Vegetation. Dieser Artikel gibt eine kurze Übersicht zu relevanter Literatur sowie erste Ergebnisse des BUBALUS Projektes der Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität Cottbus (BTU) sowie generelle Erfahrungen aus anderen Projekten

    Associação de medroxiprogesterona ao protocolo Ovsynch para inseminação artificial em tempo fixo de búfalas cíclicas (Bubalus bubalis) criadas na Amazônia Oriental.

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    O presente estudo visou avaliar os efeitos da associação da medroxiprogesterona (análogo sintético da progesterona) ao protocolo Ovsynch sobre o crescimento folicular, a ovulação e a taxa de concepção de búfalas criadas na Amazônia Oriental (Tracuateua-PA). Vinte e sete fêmeas adultas (G1 n=14 e G2 n=13), cíclicas, sem bezerro ao pé e com ECC 3,5 foram submetidas a Ovsynch. Os animais do G2 receberam 60 mg de medroxiprogesterona entre D0 e D7 (D0=início do tratamento). A ultra-sonografia ovariana foi realizada nos D 0, 7, 9 e 10. O contingente de folículos pequenos diferiu no D7 (G1: 4,57±0,60 versus G2: 6,54±0,67; P=0,05). Tempo e tratamento influenciaram o diâmetro folicular no D7. O crescimento do folículo dominante entre D7 e D9 foi maior nos animais tratados (G1: 2,05±0,49 mm/dia versus 3,48±0,41 mm/dia; P0,05). Os achados sugerem que a medroxiprogesterona (1) aumenta recrutamento folicular e retarda o crescimento dos folículos com diâmetro maior que 5,0 mm entre D0 e D7; (2) sua retirada incrementa em 1,7 vezes o crescimento folicular do D7 ao D9; (3) pode contribuir para a ovulação de folículos maiores e, em tese, para maior formação de tecido luteínico; (4) não promove ovulação precoce após o Ovsynch; (5) não eleva as taxas de concepção após sincronização de fêmeas cíclicas e com bom escore corporal, devendo ser avaliada para uso em fêmeas acíclicas ou com ECC mais baixo.Disponível também on-line

    Tingkat Infestasi Koksidiosis (Eimeria sp.) pada Kerbau Lumpur (Bubalus bubalis Linn.) di Kecamatan Jati Agung Kabupaten Lampung Selatan

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    Infestasi parasit pada saluran pencernaan kerbau lumpur dapat mengganggu kesehatan ternak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat infestasi protozoa saluran pencernaan (Eimeria sp.) pada kerbau lumpur (Bubalus bubalis Linn.) di Kecamatan Jati Agung, Kabupaten Lampung Selatan yang dapat menjadi tambahan informasi bagi pemerintah daerah khususnya peternak untuk melakukan pencegahan dan pengendalian penyakit akibat infestasi protozoa. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survei. Sebanyak 80 sampel feses kerbau lumpur dikoleksi selama Desember 2019 di 6 Desa di Kecamatan Jati Agung. Data yang digunakan berupa data primer tentang manajemen pola pemeliharaan yang diambil dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan hasil pemeriksaan sampel feses terhadap jumlah ooskista protozoa saluran pencernaan (Eimeria sp.). Tingkat infestasi koksidiosis akibat protozoa Eimeria sp. pada kerbau lumpur (Bubalus bubalis Linn.) di Kecamatan Jati Agung Kabupaten Lampung Selatan sebesar 17,50% dengan jumlah ookista protozoa Eimeria sp. dalam tinja termasuk dalam kategori infestasi ringan. Rendahnya infestasi koksidiosis (Eimeria sp.) pada kerbau lumpur ini kemungkinan berkaitan erat dengan adanya pelayuan dari pakan (rumput) sebelum diberikan ke ternak

    State-of-the-art and Emerging Technologies for In Vitro Embryo Production in Buffaloes

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    Buffalo is a multipurpose and economically important animal due to the demand for its products (milk and meat). Thus, the use of reproductive biotechnologies is important to maximize the diffusion of genetically superior dams and sires. After the unsatisfactory results of the Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer, the combined effect of ovum pick-up from live animals and in vitro embryo production (IVEP) has great potential to dissemination of selected genetics in buffalo herds, contributing to an increase in meat and milk production. During the past two decades, considerable advances have been made in IVEP following continuous scientific effort, but at the moment their cost is not satisfactory for commercial purpose. This technique is refined day by day in order to improve the buffalo embryo quality. Thus, the objective of this paper was to review the state-of-art in IVEP, as well as discussed the emerging technologies that can contribute to improving the results of this technology in buffalo species

    Partial Purification and Characterization of Glutathione S-Transferases from Kedah-Kelantan Cattle (Bos Indicus) and Water Buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis) Liver

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    Biotransformation and detoxification process in living organisms consists of two phases, phase I and phase 11. Phase I involves in the introduction of functional group into molecule while the phase I1 involves the conjugation of phase I metabolites. In phase 11, glutathione S-transferases (GSTs; EC has aroused much interest because of its involvement in the biotransformation and detoxification of wide spectrum of xenobiotics which can be from pesticides, herbicides and insecticides. The present study was undertaken to puriG and characterized cytosolic GSTs from livers of Kedah-Kelantan cattle (Bos indicus) and Malaysia water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). The glutathione Stransferases were isolated from two important livestock livers, Kedah-Kelantan cattle (Bos indicus) and Malaysian water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) by glutathione affinity chromatography. The affinity-glutathione chromatography successfully purifies the GSTs isoenzymes with 14.73% yield (62.77 purification fold) and 19.71 % yield (20.44 purification fold) for KK cattle and water buffalo livers respectively. Initial methods of purification included centrifugation and ultracentrifugation. The affinity elution with highest activity towards CDNB was estimated for the pI values using isoelectric focusing method via LKB-8 100 ampholyte type (LKB Bromna) apparatus. pI values for affinity purified KK cattle liver are 5.7 (C-34), 6.9 (C-38) and 8.8 (C-42). While for the water buffalo liver, the pI values for glutathione affinity purified isoenzymes are 6.85 (B-23) and 7.2 (B-24). The isoenzymes were then tested using SDS-PAGE method for purity and also to estimate the molecular weight estimation. It has been estimated that molecular weight for water buffalo isoenzymes of B-23 was 29.3 * 0.05 kDa and B-24 was 30.74 * 0.16 kDa. The KK cattle liver isoenzymes molecular weight was estimated with C-34 was 29.9 * 0.14; C-38 was 28.3 * 0.09 and 27.7 *0.03 for C-42. The study showed that KK cattle liver GSTs exist as isoenzymes (PI 8.8, 6.9 and 5.7), and have high activity towards CDNB, low towards DCNB and no activity towards the ethacrynic acid for the substrate specificities. On the other hand, the water buffalo liver GSTs exist as isoenzymes with pI 6.85 and 7.2. For the substrate specificities, the isoenzymes also have high activity for CDNB, but low for DCNB and could not be detected for the ethacrynic acid