27 research outputs found

    A motor association area in the depths of the central sulcus

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    Cells in the precentral gyrus directly send signals to the periphery to generate movement and are principally organized as a topological map of the body. We find that movement-induced electrophysiological responses from depth electrodes extend this map three-dimensionally throughout the gyrus. Unexpectedly, this organization is interrupted by a previously undescribed motor association area in the depths of the midlateral aspect of the central sulcus. This \u27Rolandic motor association\u27 (RMA) area is active during movements of different body parts from both sides of the body and may be important for coordinating complex behaviors

    BOLD fMRI Correlation Reflects Frequency-Specific Neuronal Correlation

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    SummaryThe brain-wide correlation of hemodynamic signals as measured with BOLD fMRI is widely studied as a proxy for integrative brain processes [1–3]. However, the relationship between hemodynamic correlation structure and neuronal correlation structure [4–6] remains elusive. We investigated this relation using BOLD fMRI and spatially co-registered, source-localized MEG in resting humans. We found that across the entire cortex BOLD correlation reflected the co-variation of frequency-specific neuronal activity. Resolving the relation between electrophysiological and hemodynamic correlation structures locally in cortico-cortical connection space, we found that this relation was subject specific and even persisted on the centimeter scale. At first sight, this relation was strongest in the alpha to beta frequency range (8–32 Hz). However, correcting for differences in signal-to-noise ratios across electrophysiological frequencies, we found that the relation extended over a broad frequency range from 2 to 128 Hz. Moreover, we found that the frequency with the tightest link to BOLD correlation varied across cortico-cortical space. For every cortico-cortical connection, we show which specific correlated oscillations were most related to BOLD correlations. Our work provides direct evidence for the neuronal origin of BOLD correlation structure. Moreover, our work suggests that, across the brain, BOLD correlation reflects correlation of different types of neuronal network processes and that frequency-specific electrophysiological correlation provides information about large-scale neuronal interactions complementary to BOLD fMRI

    Closed-loop Stimulation of Temporal Cortex Rescues Functional Networks and Improves Memory

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    Memory failures are frustrating and often the result of ineffective encoding. One approach to improving memory outcomes is through direct modulation of brain activity with electrical stimulation. Previous efforts, however, have reported inconsistent effects when using open-loop stimulation and often target the hippocampus and medial temporal lobes. Here we use a closed-loop system to monitor and decode neural activity from direct brain recordings in humans. We apply targeted stimulation to lateral temporal cortex and report that this stimulation rescues periods of poor memory encoding. This system also improves later recall, revealing that the lateral temporal cortex is a reliable target for memory enhancement. Taken together, our results suggest that such systems may provide a therapeutic approach for treating memory dysfunction

    An Integration-to-Bound Model of Decision-Making That Accounts for the Spectral Properties of Neural Data

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    Integration-to-bound models are among the most widely used models of perceptual decision-making due to their simplicity and power in accounting for behavioral and neurophysiological data. They involve temporal integration over an input signal (“evidence”) plus Gaussian white noise. However, brain data shows that noise in the brain is long-term correlated, with a spectral density of the form 1/fα (with typically 1 \u3c α \u3c 2), also known as pink noise or ‘1/f’ noise. Surprisingly, the adequacy of the spectral properties of drift-diffusion models to electrophysiological data has received little attention in the literature. Here we propose a model of accumulation of evidence for decision-making that takes into consideration the spectral properties of brain signals. We develop a generalization of the leaky stochastic accumulator model using a Langevin equation whose non-linear noise term allows for varying levels of autocorrelation in the time course of the decision variable. We derive this equation directly from magnetoencephalographic data recorded while subjects performed a spontaneous movement initiation task. We then propose a nonlinear model of accumulation of evidence that accounts for the ‘1/f’ spectral properties of brain signals, and the observed variability in the power spectral properties of brain signals. Furthermore, our model outperforms the standard drift-diffusion model at approximating the empirical waiting time distribution

    Neural phase locking predicts BOLD response in human auditory cortex

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    Natural environments elicit both phase-locked and non-phase-locked neural responses to the stimulus in the brain. The interpretation of the BOLD signal to date has been based on an association of the non-phase-locked power of high-frequency local field potentials (LFPs), or the related spiking activity in single neurons or groups of neurons. Previous studies have not examined the prediction of the BOLD signal by phase-locked responses. We examined the relationship between the BOLD response and LFPs in the same nine human subjects from multiple corresponding points in the auditory cortex, using amplitude modulated pure tone stimuli of a duration to allow an analysis of phase locking of the sustained time period without contamination from the onset response. The results demonstrate that both phase locking at the modulation frequency and its harmonics, and the oscillatory power in gamma/high-gamma bands are required to predict the BOLD response. Biophysical models of BOLD signal generation in auditory cortex therefore require revision and the incorporation of both phase locking to rhythmic sensory stimuli and power changes in the ensemble neural activity

    Intracranial high-γ connectivity distinguishes wakefulness from sleep.

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    Neural synchrony in the γ-band is considered a fundamental process in cortical computation and communication and it has also been proposed as a crucial correlate of consciousness. However, the latter claim remains inconclusive, mainly due to methodological limitations, such as the spectral constraints of scalp-level electroencephalographic recordings or volume-conduction confounds. Here, we circumvented these caveats by comparing γ-band connectivity between two global states of consciousness via intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG), which provides the most reliable measurements of high-frequency activity in the human brain. Non-REM Sleep recordings were compared to passive-wakefulness recordings of the same duration in three subjects with surgically implanted electrodes. Signals were analyzed through the weighted Phase Lag Index connectivity measure and relevant graph theory metrics. We found that connectivity in the high-γ range (90-120 Hz), as well as relevant graph theory properties, were higher during wakefulness than during sleep and discriminated between conditions better than any other canonical frequency band. Our results constitute the first report of iEEG differences between wakefulness and sleep in the high-γ range at both local and distant sites, highlighting the utility of this technique in the search for the neural correlates of global states of consciousness

    Rapid Decoding of Hand Gestures in Electrocorticography Using Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Brain-computer interface (BCI) is a direct communication pathway between brain and external devices, and BCI-based prosthetic devices are promising to provide new rehabilitation options for people with motor disabilities. Electrocorticography (ECoG) signals contain rich information correlated with motor activities, and have great potential in hand gesture decoding. However, most existing decoders use long time windows, thus ignore the temporal dynamics within the period. In this study, we propose to use recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to exploit the temporal information in ECoG signals for robust hand gesture decoding. With RNN's high nonlinearity modeling ability, our method can effectively capture the temporal information in ECoG time series for robust gesture recognition. In the experiments, we decode three hand gestures using ECoG signals of two participants, and achieve an accuracy of 90%. Specially, we investigate the possibility of recognizing the gestures in a time interval as short as possible after motion onsets. Our method rapidly recognizes gestures within 0.5 s after motion onsets with an accuracy of about 80%. Experimental results also indicate that the temporal dynamics is especially informative for effective and rapid decoding of hand gestures

    Predicting task-general mind-wandering with EEG

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    Mind-wandering refers to the process of thinking task-unrelated thoughts while performing a task. The dynamics of mind-wandering remain elusive because it is difficult to track when someone's mind is wandering based only on behavior. The goal of this study is to develop a machine-learning classifier that can determine someone's mind-wandering state online using electroencephalography (EEG) in a way that generalizes across tasks. In particular, we trained machine-learning models on EEG markers to classify the participants' current state as either mind-wandering or on-task. To be able to examine the task generality of the classifier, two different paradigms were adopted in this study: a sustained attention to response task (SART) and a visual search task. In both tasks, probe questions asking for a self-report of the thoughts at that moment were inserted at random moments, and participants' responses to the probes were used to create labels for the classifier. The 6 trials preceding an off-task response were labeled as mind-wandering, whereas the 6 trials predicting an on-task response were labeled as on-task. The EEG markers used as features for the classifier included single-trial P1, N1, and P3, the power and coherence in the theta (4-8 Hz) and alpha (8.5-12 Hz) bands at PO7, Pz, PO8, and Fz. We used a support vector machine as the training algorithm to learn the connection between EEG markers and the current mind-wandering state. We were able to distinguish between on-task and off-task thinking with an accuracy ranging from 0.50 to 0.85. Moreover, the classifiers were task-general: The average accuracy in across-task prediction was 60%, which was above chance level. Among all the extracted EEG markers, alpha power was most predictive of mind-wandering

    Resting-state EEG signatures of Alzheimer's disease are driven by periodic but not aperiodic changes

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) has shown potential for identifying early-stage biomarkers of neurocognitive dysfunction associated with dementia due to Alzheimer's disease (AD). A large body of evidence shows that, compared to healthy controls (HC), AD is associated with power increases in lower EEG frequencies (delta and theta) and decreases in higher frequencies (alpha and beta), together with slowing of the peak alpha frequency. However, the pathophysiological processes underlying these changes remain unclear. For instance, recent studies have shown that apparent shifts in EEG power from high to low frequencies can be driven either by frequency specific periodic power changes or rather by non-oscillatory (aperiodic) changes in the underlying 1/f slope of the power spectrum. Hence, to clarify the mechanism(s) underlying the EEG alterations associated with AD, it is necessary to account for both periodic and aperiodic characteristics of the EEG signal. Across two independent datasets, we examined whether resting-state EEG changes linked to AD reflect true oscillatory (periodic) changes, changes in the aperiodic (non-oscillatory) signal, or a combination of both. We found strong evidence that the alterations are purely periodic in nature, with decreases in oscillatory power at alpha and beta frequencies (AD &lt; HC) leading to lower (alpha + beta) / (delta + theta) power ratios in AD. Aperiodic EEG features did not differ between AD and HC. By replicating the findings in two cohorts, we provide robust evidence for purely oscillatory pathophysiology in AD and against aperiodic EEG changes. We therefore clarify the alterations underlying the neural dynamics in AD and emphasize the robustness of oscillatory AD signatures, which may further be used as potential prognostic or interventional targets in future clinical investigations.</p