20 research outputs found

    Collaborative, Distributed Simulations of Agri-Food Supply Chains. Analysis on How Linking Theory and Practice by Using Multi-agent Structures

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    Simulations help to understand and predict the behaviour of complex phenomena’s, likewise distributed socio-technical systems or how stakeholders interacts in complex domains. Such domains are normally based on networked based interaction, where information, product and decision flows comes in to play, especially under the well-known supply chains structures. Although tools exist to simulate supply chains, they do not adequately support multiple stakeholders to collaboratively create and explore a variety of decision-making scenarios. Hence, in order to provide a preliminary understanding on how these interaction affects stakeholders decision-making, this research presents an study, analysis and proposal development of robust platform to collaboratively build and simulate communication among supply chain. Since realistic supply chain behaviours are complex, a multi-agent approach was selected in order to represent such complexities in a standardised manner. The platform provides agent behaviours for common agent patterns. It provides extension hotspots to implement more specific agent behaviour for expert users (that requires programming). Therefore, as key contribution, technical aspects of the platform are presented, and also the role of multi-level supply chain scenario simulation is discussed and analysed, especially under de context of digital supply chain transformation in the agri-food context. Finally, we discuss lessons learned from early tests with the reference implementation of the platform

    Knowledge Management Competence and ISD Vendor Innovativeness in Turbulent Markets

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    Continuous changes in the technology and the business landscape place high strain on managing knowledge in organisations. Prior researchers highlight a positive connotation with knowledge management competence and organisational innovativeness in a turbulent environment. However, the rapid changes in the market and technology landscape may exert an additional pressure on the employees and such pressures may ultimately hinder organisational innovativeness. Drawing on knowledge management and innovation literature, this research conceptualises a model that investigates this tenacious relationship between knowledge management competence and innovativeness specifically in turbulent dynamic markets, considering information systems development (ISD)-outsourcing as the context. Following a mixed method approach, this research expects to provide guidance for ISD-outsourcing vendors to manage innovation expectations, knowledge management process and performance of the employees in dynamic market conditions

    Collaborative, Distributed Simulations of Agri-Food Supply Chains : Analysis on How Linking Theory and Practice by Using Multi-agent Structures

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    Simulations help to understand and predict the behaviour of complex phenomena's, likewise distributed socio-technical systems or how stakeholders interacts in complex domains. Such domains are normally based on networked based interaction, where information, product and decision flows comes in to play, especially under the well-known supply chains structures. Although tools exist to simulate supply chains, they do not adequately support multiple stakeholders to collaboratively create and explore a variety of decision-making scenarios. Hence, in order to provide a preliminary understanding on how these interaction affects stakeholders decision-making, this research presents an study, analysis and proposal development of robust platform to collaboratively build and simulate communication among supply chain. Since realistic supply chain behaviours are complex, a multi-agent approach was selected in order to represent such complexities in a standardised manner. The platform provides agent behaviours for common agent patterns. It provides extension hotspots to implement more specific agent behaviour for expert users (that requires programming). Therefore, as key contribution, technical aspects of the platform are presented, and also the role of multi-level supply chain scenario simulation is discussed and analysed, especially under de context of digital supply chain transformation in the agri-food context. Finally, we discuss lessons learned from early tests with the reference implementation of the platform.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Knowledge management competence and ISD vendor innovativeness in turbulent markets

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    Continuous changes in the technology and the business landscape place high strain on managing knowledge in organisations. Prior researchers highlight a positive connotation with knowledge management competence and organisational innovativeness in a turbulent environment. However, the rapid changes in the market and technology landscape may exert an additional pressure on the employees and such pressures may ultimately hinder organisational innovativeness. Drawing on knowledge management and innovation literature, this research conceptualises a model that investigates this tenacious relationship between knowledge management competence and innovativeness specifically in turbulent dynamic markets, considering information systems development (ISD)-outsourcing as the context. Following a mixed method approach, this research expects to provide guidance for ISD-outsourcing vendors to manage innovation expectations, knowledge management process and performance of the employees in dynamic market conditions

    Boundary thinking in landscape architecture and boundary-spanning roles of landscape architects

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    Landscape architects play important roles in addressing societal challenges. To successfully address these challenges, this essay argues that they need to expand their understanding of boundaries and engage in boundary thinking. Distinguishing between physical, mental and socially constructed boundaries, we characterise boundary thinking as a creative process and productive motive in designing landscapes. Subsequently, we present four types of boundary-spanning roles for landscape architects to perform—the subject-based designer, the visionary narrator, the process-based designer, and the design-led entrepreneur—and point to the cognitive and social capacities needed to play any of these roles. We propose for landscape architecture to consider boundary thinking in agenda setting discourses and to include boundary spanning into practice. We suggest three avenues to pursue in realising professional opportunities: exploring the roles landscape architects play, understanding the environment that enables boundary-spanning work, and developing boundary theory in landscape architectural research

    Factores de adecuación de la cultura Data-driven en las organizaciones

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    La cultura data-driven consiste básicamente en tomar decisiones basadas en datos, siendo utilizada hoy más que nunca por diversas organizaciones que buscan mejorar sus procesos con el fin de atender mejor a sus clientes y consumidores. Sin embargo, muchas empresas se basan en acciones sin fundamentos y acaban perdiendo grandes oportunidades al no saber aprovechar al máximo el potencial existente en los datos. Por ello, es importante que para implementar una cultura data-driven se debe tomar en cuenta la integración de los datos desde la estrategia empresarial. A su vez, la cultura organizacional es un factor clave para el desarrollo de la cultura data-driven en las organizaciones. Este trabajo busca presentar una exhaustiva investigación de artículos de alto impacto y tiene como objetivo general contrastar las diversas posturas y valoración de los autores respecto a los factores de éxito para la adopción de una cultura data-driven en las organizaciones.The culture based on data basically consists of making decisions based on data, being today more than ever by various organizations that seek to improve their processes in order to better serve their customers and consumers. However, many companies are based on unfounded actions and end up missing great opportunities by failing to take full advantage of the potential in data. Therefore, it is important that to implement a data-driven culture, the integration of data from the business strategy must be considered. In turn, organizational culture is a key factor for the development of data-driven culture in organizations. This work seeks to present an exhaustive investigation of high impact articles with the aim of contrasting the various positions and assessment of the authors regarding the success factors for the adoption of a data-based culture in organizations.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona

    Knowledge sharing motives and value co-creation behavior of the consumers in physiotherapy services : a cross-cultural study

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    Purpose This study aims to investigate the role of consumers’ (patients) motives in knowledge sharing and value co-creation with the service provider in the context of physiotherapy services. Design/methodology/approach The authors used partial least squares structural equation modeling for the analysis of the physiotherapy services users’ data from Germany and Pakistan. Findings The results show that in both consumer groups, individualizing, empowering and development motives are common influences on the willingness to share knowledge leading to value co-creation. However, the relating, ethical and concerted motives show varying influences in the data set. Research limitations/implications A key research implication relates to specifying the link between consumer knowledge sharing and value creation and the role of cultural factors in this context. It is one of the first studies to undertake a comparative analysis in this specific context by highlighting the changing role of consumers from collective and individualistic societies, in influencing service provision through participation in the service exchange. Practical implications For the managerial audience, this paper highlights the importance of being sensitive to cultural elements as they tend to influence personal knowledge sharing by the consumer, especially in the well-being sector, which ultimately influences the value co-creation. Originality/value To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the current paper is one of the first studies focusing on the knowledge sharing motives of consumers in the specific context of physiotherapy services leading to value co-creation. Moreover, specific focus on individual consumer’s motives and their role in comparative, cross-cultural settings, adds further value to the contribution of this study.©2020 Emerald Publishing Limited. This manuscript version is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution–NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY–NC 4.0) license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    On the Mediating Role of M-Learning Between Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing: Students' Perspectives During COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The onset of the Coronavirus disease COVID-19 crisis has forced pedagogical institutes to adopt online teaching/learning as an urgent strategy to cope with the pandemic. Utilizing the theories of social capital, knowledge sharing, and mobile learning constructs, this research aims to investigate the association among these constructs in one of the higher education institutes in the context of developing countries. Additionally, to improve our understanding of the mediation effect of mobile learning on this relationship, the author used the structural equation modeling technique to analyze the data from questionnaires administered to undergraduate students attending classes during the pandemic. Results revealed that the relationship between social capital factors and knowledge sharing is significantly positive. Results also showed that there is a partial mediation to back up the correlation of social capital factors and knowledge sharing