22 research outputs found

    Work-conserving WRR-CSVP resource allocation in ATM networks

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    Application of learning algorithms to traffic management in integrated services networks.

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN027131 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Design of traffic shaper / scheduler for packet switches and DiffServ networks : algorithms and architectures

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    The convergence of communications, information, commerce and computing are creating a significant demand and opportunity for multimedia and multi-class communication services. In such environments, controlling the network behavior and guaranteeing the user\u27s quality of service is required. A flexible hierarchical sorting architecture which can function either as a traffic shaper or a scheduler according to the requirement of the traffic load is presented to meet the requirement. The core structure can be implemented as a hierarchical traffic shaper which can support a large number of connections with a wide variety of rates and burstiness without the loss of the granularity in cells\u27 conforming departure time. The hierarchical traffic shaper can implement the exact sorting scheme with a substantial reduced memory size by using two stages of timing queues, and with substantial reduction in complexity, without introducing any sorting inaccuracy. By setting a suitable threshold to the length of the departure queue and using a lookahead algorithm, the core structure can be converted to a hierarchical rateadaptive scheduler. Based on the traffic load, it can work as an exact sorting traffic shaper or a Generic Cell Rate Algorithm (GCRA) scheduler. Such a rate-adaptive scheduler can reduce the Cell Transfer Delay and the Maximum Memory Occupancy greatly while keeping the fairness in the bandwidth assignment which is the inherent characteristic of GCRA. By introducing a best-effort queue to accommodate besteffort traffic, the hierarchical sorting architecture can be changed to a near workconserving scheduler. It assigns remaining bandwidth to the best-effort traffic so that it improves the utilization, of the outlink while it guarantees the quality of service requirements of those services which require quality of service guarantees. The inherent flexibility of the hierarchical sorting architecture combined with intelligent algorithms determines its multiple functions. Its implementation not only can manage buffer and bandwidth resources effectively, but also does not require no more than off-the-shelf hardware technology. The correlation of the extra shaping delay and the rate of the connections is revealed, and an improved fair traffic shaping algorithm, Departure Event Driven plus Completing Service Time Resorting algorithm, is presented. The proposed algorithm introduces a resorting process into Departure Event Driven Traffic Shaping Algorithm to resolve the contention of multiple cells which are all eligible for transmission in the traffic shaper. By using the resorting process based on each connection\u27s rate, better fairness and flexibility in the bandwidth assignment for connections with wide range of rates can be given. A Dual Level Leaky Bucket Traffic Shaper(DLLBTS) architecture is proposed to be implemented at the edge nodes of Differentiated Services Networks in order to facilitate the quality of service management process. The proposed architecture can guarantee not only the class-based Service Level Agreement, but also the fair resource sharing among flows belonging to the same class. A simplified DLLBTS architecture is also given, which can achieve the goals of DLLBTS while maintain a very low implementation complexity so that it can be implemented with the current VLSI technology. In summary, the shaping and scheduling algorithms in the high speed packet switches and DiffServ networks are studied, and the intelligent implementation schemes are proposed for them

    Bandwidth scheduling and its application in ATM networks

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    Performance Analysis in IP-Based Industrial Communication Networks

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    S rostoucím počtem řídicích systémů a jejich distribuovanosti získávájí komunikační sítě na důležitosti a objevují se nové výzkumné trendy. Hlavní problematikou v této oblasti, narozdíl od dřívějších řídicích systémů využívajících dedikovaných komunikačních obvodů, je časově proměnné zpoždění měřicích a řídicích signálů způsobené paketově orientovanými komunikačními prostředky, jako např. Ethernet. Aspekty komunikace v reálném čase byly v těchto sítích již úspěšně vyřešeny. Nicméně, analýzy trendů trhu předpovídají budoucí využití také IP sítí v průmyslové komunikaci pro časově kritickou procesní vyměnu dat. IP komunikace má ovšem pouze omezenou podporu v instrumentaci pro průmyslovou automatizace. Tato výzva byla nedávno technicky vyřešena v rámci projektu Virtual Automation Networks (virtuální automatizační sítě - VAN) zapojením mechanismů kvality služeb (QoS), které jsou schopny zajistit měkkou úroveň komunikace v reálném čase. Předložená dizertační práce se zaměřuje na aspekty výkonnosti reálného času z analytického hlediska a nabízí prostředek pro hodnocení využitelnosti IP komunikace pro budoucí průmyslové aplikace. Hlavním cílem této dizertační práce je vytvoření vhodného modelovacího rámce založeného na network calculus, který pomůže provést worst-case výkonnostní analýzu časového chování IP komunikačních sítí a jejich prvků určených pro budoucí použití v průmyslové automatizaci. V práci byla použita empirická analýza pro určení dominantních faktorů ovlivňujících časového chování síťových zařízení a identifikaci parametrů modelů těchto zařízení. Empirická analýza využívá nástroj TestQoS vyvinutý pro tyto účely. Byla navržena drobná rozšíření rámce network calculus, která byla nutná pro modelování časového chování používaných zařízení. Bylo vytvořeno několik typových modelů zařízení jako výsledek klasifikace různých architektur síťových zařízení a empiricky zjištěných dominantních faktorů. U modelovaných zařízení byla využita nová metoda identifikace parametrů. Práce je zakončena validací časových modelů dvou síťových zařízení (přepínače a směrovače) oproti empirickým pozorováním.With the growing scale of control systems and their distributed nature, communication networks have been gaining importance and new research challenges have been appearing. The major problem, contrary to previously used control systems with dedicated communication circuits, is time-varying delay of control and measurement signals introduced by packet-switched networks, such as Ethernet. The real-time issues in these networks have been tackled by proper adaptations. Nevertheless, market trend analyses foresee also future adoptions of IP-based communication networks in industrial automation for time-critical run-time data exchange. IP-based communication has only a limited support from the existing instrumentation in industrial automation. This challenge has recently been technically tackled within the Virtual Automation Networks (VAN) project by adopting the quality of service (QoS) architecture delivering soft-real-time communication behaviour. This dissertation focuses on the real-time performance aspects from the analytical point of view and provides means for applicability assessment of IP-based communication for future industrial applications. The main objective of this dissertation is establishment of a relevant modelling framework based on network calculus which will assist worst-case performance analysis of temporal behaviour of IP-based communication networks and networking devices intended for future use in industrial automation. Empirical analysis was used to identify dominant factors influencing the temporal performance of networking devices and for model parameter identification. The empirical analysis makes use of the TestQoS tool developed for this purpose. Minor extensions to the network calculus framework were proposed enabling to model the required temporal behaviour of networking devices. Several exemplary models were inferred as a result of classification of different networking device architectures and empirically identified dominant factors. A novel method for parameter identification was used with the modelled devices. Finally, two temporal models of networking devices (a switch and a router) were validated against empirical observations.

    Scheduling in CDMA-based wireless packet networks.

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    Thesis (M.Sc. Eng.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2003.Modern networks carry a wide range of different data types, each with its own individual requirements. The scheduler plays an important role in enabling a network to meet all these requirements. In wired networks a large amount of research has been performed on various schedulers, most of which belong to the family of General Processor Sharing (GPS) schedulers. In this dissertation we briefly discuss the work that has been done on a range of wired schedulers, which all attempt to differentiate between heterogeneous traffic. In the world of wireless communications the scheduler plays a very important role, since it can take channel conditions into account to further improve the performance of the network. The main focus of this dissertation is to introduce schedulers, which attempt to meet the Quality of Service requirements of various data types in a wireless environment. Examples of schedulers that take channel conditions into account are the Modified Largest Weighted Delay First (M-LWDF), as well as a new scheduler introduced in this dissertation, known as the Wireless Fair Largest Weighted Delay First (WF-LWDF) algorithm. The two schemes are studied in detail and a comparison of their throughput, delay, power, and packet dropping performance is made through a range of simulations. The results are compared to the performance offour other schedulers. The fairness ofM-LWDF and WFLWDF is determined through simulations. The throughput results are used to establish Chernoff bounds of the fairness of these two algorithms. Finally, a summary is given of the published delay bounds of various schedulers, and the tightness of the resultant bounds is discussed

    Performance Analysis of RR and FQ Algorithms in Reconfigurable Routers

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    Currently, we are witnessing a trend in network routers to include reconfigurable hardware structures to provide flexibility at improved performance levels when compared to software-only implementations. This permits the run-time reconfiguration of the hardware resources, i.e., to change their functionality (for example, from one scheduling algorithm to another), to adapt to changing network scenarios. In particular, different scheduling algorithms are more efficient in handling a specific mix of incoming packet traffic in terms of various criteria (e.g., delay, jitter, throughput, and packet loss). Therefore, reconfigurable hardware is able to provide improved performance levels and to allow more efficient algorithms to be utilized when different incoming packet traffic patterns are encountered. This project investigates the possibilities to improve upon end-to-end delays, jitter, throughput, and packet loss by exploiting the availability of a flexible hardware structure such as an field-programmable gate array (FPGA). The aim of the project is to provide an overview on adaptive scheduling using reconfigurable hardware. Consequently, we investigate different scheduling algorithms that provide QoS provisioning for traffic streams that are sensitive to packet delay and jitter, e.g., mpeg video traffic. The investigation utilizes the NS-2 simulator for which we generate realistic network scenarios. Our approach is based on understanding which kind of traffic is passing in the network, and subsequently change the scheduling algorithm accordingly in the core router to meet specific performance requirements. The investigated scheduling algorithms are taken from two well-known families, i.e., Round Robin (RR) and Fair Queuing (FQ). Our investigation confirmed the idea on the behavior of the two investigated scheduling algorithm: WFQ outperforms WRR in terms of end-to-end delay, jitter and throughput but it is more expensive than it at a computational level. Nonetheless, it is possible to find a tradeoff between the required area in FPGA and the level of performance desired for a kind of stream

    Analysis of generic discrete-time buffer models with irregular packet arrival patterns

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    De kwaliteit van de multimediadiensten die worden aangeboden over de huidige breedband-communicatienetwerken, wordt in hoge mate bepaald door de performantie van de buffers die zich in de diverse netwerkele-menten (zoals schakelknooppunten, routers, modems, toegangsmultiplexers, netwerkinter- faces, ...) bevinden. In dit proefschrift bestuderen we de performantie van een dergelijke buffer met behulp van een geschikt stochastisch discrete-tijd wachtlijnmodel, waarbij we het geval van meerdere uitgangskanalen en (niet noodzakelijk identieke) pakketbronnen beschouwen, en de pakkettransmissietijden in eerste instantie één slot bedragen. De grillige, of gecorreleerde, aard van een pakketstroom die door een bron wordt gegenereerd, wordt gekarakteriseerd aan de hand van een algemeen D-BMAP (discrete-batch Markovian arrival process), wat een generiek kader creëert voor het beschrijven van een superpositie van dergelijke informatiestromen. In een later stadium breiden we onze studie uit tot het geval van transmissietijden met een algemene verdeling, waarbij we ons beperken tot een buffer met één enkel uitgangskanaal. De analyse van deze wachtlijnmodellen gebeurt hoofdzakelijk aan de hand van een particuliere wiskundig-analytische aanpak waarbij uitvoerig gebruik gemaakt wordt van probabiliteitsgenererende functies, die er toe leidt dat de diverse performantiematen (min of meer expliciet) kunnen worden uitgedrukt als functie van de systeemparameters. Dit resul-teert op zijn beurt in efficiënte en accurate berekeningsalgoritmen voor deze grootheden, die op relatief eenvoudige wijze geïmplementeerd kunnen worden

    Optimization and Performance Analysis of High Speed Mobile Access Networks

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    The end-to-end performance evaluation of high speed broadband mobile access networks is the main focus of this work. Novel transport network adaptive flow control and enhanced congestion control algorithms are proposed, implemented, tested and validated using a comprehensive High speed packet Access (HSPA) system simulator. The simulation analysis confirms that the aforementioned algorithms are able to provide reliable and guaranteed services for both network operators and end users cost-effectively. Further, two novel analytical models one for congestion control and the other for the combined flow control and congestion control which are based on Markov chains are designed and developed to perform the aforementioned analysis efficiently compared to time consuming detailed system simulations. In addition, the effects of the Long Term Evolution (LTE) transport network (S1and X2 interfaces) on the end user performance are investigated and analysed by introducing a novel comprehensive MAC scheduling scheme and a novel transport service differentiation model

    Quality-of-service management in IP networks

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    Quality of Service (QoS) in Internet Protocol (IF) Networks has been the subject of active research over the past two decades. Integrated Services (IntServ) and Differentiated Services (DiffServ) QoS architectures have emerged as proposed standards for resource allocation in IF Networks. These two QoS architectures support the need for multiple traffic queuing systems to allow for resource partitioning for heterogeneous applications making use of the networks. There have been a number of specifications or proposals for the number of traffic queuing classes (Class of Service (CoS)) that will support integrated services in IF Networks, but none has provided verification in the form of analytical or empirical investigation to prove that its specification or proposal will be optimum. Despite the existence of the two standard QoS architectures and the large volume of research work that has been carried out on IF QoS, its deployment still remains elusive in the Internet. This is not unconnected with the complexities associated with some aspects of the standard QoS architectures. [Continues.