72 research outputs found

    Modularity and reuse of domain-specific languages:an exploration with MetaMod

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    Model Driven Software Engineering Meta-Workbenches: An XTools Approach

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    Model Driven Software Engineering aims to provide a quality assured process for designing and generating software. Modelling frameworks that offer technologies for domain specific language and associated tool construction are called language workbenches. Since modelling is itself a domain, there are benefits to applying a workbenchbased approach to the construction of modelling languages and tools. Such a framework is a meta-modelling tool and those that can generate themselves are reflective metatools. This article reviews the current state of the art for modelling tools and proposes a set of reflective meta-modelling tool requirements. The XTools framework has been designed as a reflective meta-tool and is used as a benchmark

    Gentleman : a lightweight web-based projectional editor

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    Lors de la conception et la manipulation de logiciel par modĂ©lisation, il est avantageux de bĂ©nĂ©ïŹcier d’un grand degrĂ© de libertĂ© au niveau de la prĂ©sentation aïŹn de comprendre l’information et prendre une action en exerçant peu d’eïŹ€ort cognitif et physique. Cette caractĂ©ristique doit aussi s’étendre aux outils que nous employons aïŹn que ceux-ci augmentent nos capacitĂ©s, plutĂŽt que les restreindre. En gĂ©nie logiciel, nous travaillons prĂ©sentement Ă  rehausser encore le niveau d’abstraction aïŹn de rĂ©duire le rĂŽle central du code dĂ©crit avec un langage de programmation Ă  usage gĂ©nĂ©ral. Ceci permettrait d’inclure les experts non techniques dans les activitĂ©s de dĂ©veloppement de logiciel. Cette approche, centralisĂ©e sur le domaine et l’expert, s’inscrit dans l’ingĂ©nierie dirigĂ©e par les modĂšles (IDM), oĂč un modĂšle est produit et manipulĂ© par divers experts et utilisateurs. Le modĂšle est alors dĂ©crit avec un langage crĂ©Ă© spĂ©ciïŹquement pour un domaine d’application ou une tache, appelĂ© langage dĂ©diĂ© (DSL). Une technique utilisĂ©e pour crĂ©er ces modĂšles et leurs DSL est le projectional editing, qui permet d’utiliser des notations diverses interchangeables et d’étendre et composer facilement un langage. Toutefois, les solutions actuelles sont lourdes, spĂ©ciïŹques Ă  une plateforme, et manquent considĂ©rablement d’utilisabilitĂ©, limitant ainsi l’usage et l’exploitation de cette approche. Pour mieux reïŹ‚Ă©ter les avantages du paradigme IDM avec le style projectionnel, nous introduisons dans cette thĂšse Gentleman, un Ă©diteur projectionnel lĂ©ger sur le web. Avec Gentleman, le dĂ©veloppeur crĂ©e un modĂšle en combinant des concepts utilisĂ©s pour dĂ©ïŹnir la structure du modĂšle et des projections pour les manipuler dans l’éditeur. Nous avons Ă©valuĂ© Gentleman Ă  travers une Ă©tude basĂ©e sur un groupe d’utilisateur. L’étude a conïŹrmĂ© sa capacitĂ© Ă  crĂ©er et manipuler des modĂšles eïŹƒcacement. Les participants ont notĂ© qu’il est facile de prendre en main Gentleman et que l’interface est trĂšs intuitive comparativement aux Ă©diteurs existants. Nous avons aussi intĂ©grĂ© Gentleman avec succĂšs Ă  une plateforme web, dĂ©montrant ainsi ses capacitĂ©s d’interopĂ©rabilitĂ© et l’avantage d’une solution web.In software activities and, more specifically, when modeling, the modeler should benefit from as much freedom as possible to understand the presented information and take action with minimal cognitive and mechanical effort. This characteristic should also apply to the tools used in the process so that they extend our capabilities rather than limit them. In the field of software engineering, current work aims to push the level of abstraction past general-purpose programming language into domain-specific modeling. This enables domain experts with various backgrounds to participate in software development activities. This vision is central to model-driven engineering (MDE) where, instead of code, various experts and users produce and manipulate domain-specific language (DSL). In recent years, projectional editing has proven to be a valid approach to creating and manipulating DSLs, as it supports various easily interchangeable notations and enables language extension and composition. However, current solutions are heavyweight, platform-specific, and suffer from poor usability. To better support this paradigm and minimize the risk of accidental complexity in terms of expressiveness, in this thesis, we introduce Gentleman, a lightweight web-based projectional editor. With Gentleman, a developer creates a model by combining concepts used to define its structure and projections to interact and manipulate them in the editor. We have evaluated Gentleman through a user study. The evaluation confirmed its capacity to create and manipulate models effectively. Most participants noted that the editor is very user-friendly and intuitive compared to existing editors. We have also successfully integrated Gentleman into a web application, demonstrating its interoperability and the benefit of a web solution

    Aligned and collaborative language-driven engineering

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    Today's software development is increasingly performed with the help of low- and no-code platforms that follow model-driven principles and use domain-specific languages (DSLs). DSLs support the different aspects of the development and the user's mindset by a tailored and intuitive language. By combining specific languages with real-time collaboration, development environments can be provided whose users no longer need to be programmers. This way, domain experts can develop their solution independently without the need for a programmer's translation and the associated semantic gap. However, the development and distribution of collaborative mindset-supporting IDEs (mIDEs) is enormously costly. Besides the basic challenge of language development, a specialized IDE has to be provided, which should work equally well on all common platforms and individual heterogeneous system setups. This dissertation describes the conception and realization of the web-based, unified environment CINCO Cloud, in which DSLs can be collaboratively developed, used, transformed and executed. By providing full support at all steps, the philosophy of language-driven engineering is enabled and realized for the first time. As a foundation for the unified environment, the infrastructure of cloud development IDEs is analyzed and extended so that new languages can be distributed on-the-fly. Subsequently, concepts for language specialization, refinement and concretization are developed and described to realize the language-driven engineering approach, in a dynamic cluster-based environments. In addition, synchronization mechanisms and authorization structures are designed to enable collaboration between the users of the environment. Finally, the central aligned processes within the CINCO Cloud for developing, using, transforming and executing a DSL are illustrated to clarify how the dynamic system behaves

    Object Grammars: Compositional & Bidirectional Mapping Between Text and Graphs

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    Abstract: Object Grammars define mappings between text and object graphs. Parsing recognizes syntactic features and creates the corresponding object structure. In the reverse direction, formatting recognizes object graph features and generates an appropriate textual presentation. The key to Object Grammars is the expressive power of the mapping, which decouples the syntactic structure from the graph structure. To handle graphs, Object Grammars support declarative annotations for resolving textual names that refer to arbitrary objects in the graph structure. Predicates on the semantic structure provide additional control over the mapping. Furthermore, Object Grammars are compositional so that languages may be defined in a modular fashion. We have implemented our approach to Object Grammars as one of the foundations of the Ens\xc5\x8d system and illustrate the utility of our approach by showing how it enables definition and composition of domain-specific languages (DSLs)

    Evolution of ecosystems for Language-Driven Engineering

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    Language-Driven Engineering (LDE) is a means to model-driven software development by creating Integrated Modeling Environments (IMEs) with Domain/Purpose-Specific Languages (PSLs), each tailored towards a specific aspect of the respective system to be modeled, thereby taking the specific needs of developers and other stakeholders into account. Combined with the powerful potential of full code generation, these IMEs can generate complete executable software applications from descriptive models. As these products themselves may again be IMEs, this approach leads to LDE Ecosystems of modeling environments with meta-level dependencies. This thesis describes new challenges emerging from changes that affect single components, multiple parts or even the whole LDE ecosystem. From a top-down perspective, this thesis discusses the necessary support by language definition technology to ensure that corresponding IMEs can be validated, generated and tested on demand. From a bottom-up perspective, the formulation of change requests, their upwards propagation and generalization is presented. Finally, the imposed cross-project knowledge sharing and transfer is motivated, fostering interdisciplinary teamwork and cooperation. Based on multifaceted contributions to full-blown projects on different meta-levels of an exemplary LDE ecosystem, this thesis presents specific challenges in creating and continuously evolving LDE ecosystems and deduces a concept of PUTD effects to systematically address various dynamics and appropriate actions to manage both product-level requests that propagate upwards in the meta-level hierarchy as well as the downward propagation of changes to ensure product quality and adequate migration of modeled artifacts along the dependency paths. Finally, the effect of language-driven modeling on the increasingly blurred line between building and using software applications is illustrated to emphasize that the distinction between programming and modeling becomes a mere matter of perspective

    The design and implementation of Object Grammars

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    An Object Grammar is a variation on traditional BNF grammars, where the notation is extended to support declarative bidirectional mappings between text and object graphs. The two directions for interpreting Object Grammars are parsing and formatting. Parsing transforms text into an object graph by recognizing syntactic features and creating the corresponding object structure. In the reverse direction, formatting recognizes object graph features and generates an appropriate textual presentation. The key to Object Grammars is the expressive power of the mapping, which decouples the syntactic structure from the graph structure. To handle graphs, Object Grammars support declarative annotations for resolving textual names that refer to arbitrary objects in the graph structure. Predicates on the semantic structure provide additional control over the mapping. Furthermore, Object Grammars are compositional so that languages may be defined in a modular fashion. We have implemented our approach to Object Grammars as one of the foundations of the Ens (o) over bar system and illustrate the utility of our approach by showing how it enables definition and composition of domain-specific languages (DSLs). (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.</p

    Using Spoofax to Support Online Code Navigation

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    Spoofax is a language workbench. A Spoofax language specification generally includes name resolution: the analysis of bindings between definitions and references. When browsing code in the specified language using Spoofax, the bindings appear as hyperlinks, supporting precise name-based code navigation. However, Spoofax cannot be used for browsing code in online repositories. This paper is about a toolchain that uses Spoofax to generate hyperlinked twins of code repositories. These generated artefacts support the same precise code navigation as Spoofax, and can be browsed online. The technique has been prototyped on the CBS (Component-Based Semantics) specification language developed by the PLanCompS project, but could be used on any language after specifying its name resolution in Spoofax
