2,781 research outputs found

    Development of a modular Knowledge-Discovery Framework based on Machine Learning for the interdisciplinary analysis of complex phenomena in the context of GDI combustion processes

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    In this work, a novel knowledge discovery framework able to analyze data produced in the Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) context through machine learning is presented and validated. This approach is able to explore and exploit the investigated design spaces based on a limited number of observations, discovering and visualizing connections and correlations in complex phenomena. The extracted knowledge is then validated with domain expertise, revealing potential and limitations of this method

    Predicting Corrosion Damage in the Human Body Using Artificial Intelligence: In Vitro Progress and Future Applications Applications

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) is used in the clinic to improve patient care. While the successes illustrate the impact AI can have, few studies have led to improved clinical outcomes. A gap in translational studies, beginning at the basic science level, exists. In this review, we focus on how AI models implemented in non-orthopedic fields of corrosion science may apply to the study of orthopedic alloys. We first define and introduce fundamental AI concepts and models, as well as physiologically relevant corrosion damage modes. We then systematically review the corrosion/AI literature. Finally, we identify several AI models that may be Preprint implemented to study fretting, crevice, and pitting corrosion of titanium and cobalt chrome alloys

    Machine Learning

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    Machine Learning can be defined in various ways related to a scientific domain concerned with the design and development of theoretical and implementation tools that allow building systems with some Human Like intelligent behavior. Machine learning addresses more specifically the ability to improve automatically through experience

    Artificial Intelligence in Process Engineering

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    In recent years, the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is experiencing a boom, caused by recent breakthroughs in computing power, AI techniques, and software architectures. Among the many fields being impacted by this paradigm shift, process engineering has experienced the benefits caused by AI. However, the published methods and applications in process engineering are diverse, and there is still much unexploited potential. Herein, the goal of providing a systematic overview of the current state of AI and its applications in process engineering is discussed. Current applications are described and classified according to a broader systematic. Current techniques, types of AI as well as pre- and postprocessing will be examined similarly and assigned to the previously discussed applications. Given the importance of mechanistic models in process engineering as opposed to the pure black box nature of most of AI, reverse engineering strategies as well as hybrid modeling will be highlighted. Furthermore, a holistic strategy will be formulated for the application of the current state of AI in process engineering

    Development of a modular Knowledge-Discovery Framework based on Machine Learning for the interdisciplinary analysis of complex phenomena in the context of GDI combustion processes

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    Die physikalischen und chemischen Phänomene vor, während und nach der Verbrennung in Motoren mit Benzindirekteinspritzung (BDE) sind komplex und umfassen unterschiedliche Wechselwirkungen zwischen Flüssigkeiten, Gasen und der umgebenden Brennraumwand. In den letzten Jahren wurden verschiedene Simulationstools und Messtechniken entwickelt, um die an den Verbrennungsprozessen beteiligten Komponenten zu bewerten und zu optimieren. Die Möglichkeit, den gesamten Gestaltungsraum zu erkunden, ist jedoch durch den hohen Aufwand zur Generierung und zur Analyse der nichtlinearen und multidimensionalen Ergebnisse begrenzt. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung und Validierung eines Datenanalysewerkzeugs zur Erkenntnisgewinnung. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird der gesamte Prozess als auch das Werkzeug als "Knowledge-Discovery Framework" bezeichnet. Dieses Werkzeug soll in der Lage sein, die im BDE-Kontext erzeugten Daten durch Methoden des maschinellen Lernens zu analysieren. Anhand einer begrenzten Anzahl von Beobachtungen wird damit ermöglicht, die untersuchten Gestaltungsräume zu erkunden sowie Zusammenhänge in den Beobachtungen der komplexen Phänomene schneller zu entdecken. Damit können teure und zeitaufwendige Auswertungen durch schnelle und genaue Vorhersagen ersetzt werden. Nach der Einführung der wichtigsten Datenmerkmale im Bereich der BDE Anwendungen wird das Framework vorgestellt und seine modularen und interdisziplinären Eigenschaften dargestellt. Kern des Frameworks ist eine parameterfreie, schnelle und dynamische datenbasierte Modellauswahl für die BDE-typischen, heterogenen Datensätze. Das Potenzial dieses Ansatzes wird in der Analyse numerischer und experimenteller Untersuchungen an Düsen und Motoren gezeigt. Insbesondere werden die nichtlinearen Einflüsse der Auslegungsparameter auf Einström- und Sprayverhalten sowie auf Emissionen aus den Daten extrahiert. Darüber hinaus werden neue Designs, basierend auf Vorhersagen des maschinellen Lernens identifiziert, welche vordefinierte Ziele und Leistungen erfüllen können. Das extrahierte Wissen wird schließlich mit der Domänenexpertise validiert, wodurch das Potenzial und die Grenzen dieses neuartigen Ansatzes aufgezeigt werden

    A local search method for graph clustering heuristics based on partitional distribution learning

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    The community structure of complex networks reveals hidden relationships in the organization of their constituent nodes. Indeed, many practical problems stemming from different fields of knowledge such as Biology, Sociology, Chemistry and Computer Science can be modeled as a graph. Therefore, graph analysis and community detection have become a key component for understanding the inherent relational characteristics underlying different systems and processes. In this regard, distinct unsupervised quality metrics such as conductance, coverage and modularity, have upsurged in order to evaluate the clustering arrangements based on structural and topological characteristics of the cluster space. In this regard graph clustering can be formulated as an optimization problem based on the maximization of one of such metrics, for which a number of nature-inspired heuristic solvers has been proposed in the literature. This paper elaborates on a novel local search method that allows boosting the convergence of such heuristics by estimating and sampling the cluster arrangement distribution from the set of intermediate produced solutions of the algorithm at hand. Simulation results reveal a generalized better performance compared towards other community detection algorithms in synthetic and real datasets

    Mining and Analyzing the Italian Parliament: Party Structure and Evolution

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    The roll calls of the Italian Parliament in the XVI legislature are studied by employing multidimensional scaling, hierarchical clustering, and network analysis. In order to detect changes in voting behavior, the roll calls have been divided in seven periods of six months each. All the methods employed pointed out an increasing fragmentation of the political parties endorsing the previous government that culminated in its downfall. By using the concept of modularity at different resolution levels, we identify the community structure of Parliament and its evolution in each of the considered time periods. The analysis performed revealed as a valuable tool in detecting trends and drifts of Parliamentarians. It showed its effectiveness at identifying political parties and at providing insights on the temporal evolution of groups and their cohesiveness, without having at disposal any knowledge about political membership of Representatives.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figure

    Deep Learning based Densenet Convolution Neural Network for Community Detection in Online Social Networks

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    Online Social Networks (OSNs) have become increasingly popular, with hundreds of millions of users in recent years. A community in a social network is a virtual group with shared interests and activities that they want to communicate. OSN and the growing number of users have also increased the need for communities. Community structure is an important topological property of OSN and plays an essential role in various dynamic processes, including the diffusion of information within the network. All networks have a community format, and one of the most continually addressed research issues is the finding of communities. However, traditional techniques didn't do a better community of discovering user interests. As a result, these methods cannot detect active communities.  To tackle this issues, in this paper presents Densenet Convolution Neural Network (DnetCNN) approach for community detection. Initially, we gather dataset from Kaggle repository. Then preprocessing the dataset to remove inconsistent and missing values. In addition to User Behavior Impact Rate (UBIR) technique to identify the user URL access, key term and page access. After that, Web Crawling Prone Factor Rate (WCPFR) technique is used find the malicious activity random forest and decision method. Furthermore, Spider Web Cluster Community based Feature Selection (SWC2FS) algorithm is used to choose finest attributes in the dataset. Based on the attributes, to find the community group using Densenet Convolution Neural Network (DnetCNN) approach. Thus, the experimental result produce better performance than other methods

    Hydrologic prediction using pattern recognition and soft-computing techniques

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    Several studies indicate that the data-driven models have proven to be potentially useful tools in hydrological modeling. Nevertheless, it is a common perception among researchers and practitioners that the usefulness of the system theoretic models is limited to forecast applications, and they cannot be used as a tool for scientific investigations. Also, the system-theoretic models are believed to be less reliable as they characterize the hydrological processes by learning the input-output patterns embedded in the dataset and not based on strong physical understanding of the system. It is imperative that the above concerns needs to be addressed before the data-driven models can gain wider acceptability by researchers and practitioners.In this research different methods and tools that can be adopted to promote transparency in the data-driven models are probed with the objective of extending the usefulness of data-driven models beyond forecast applications as a tools for scientific investigations, by providing additional insights into the underlying input-output patterns based on which the data-driven models arrive at a decision. In this regard, the utility of self-organizing networks (competitive learning and self-organizing maps) in learning the patterns in the input space is evaluated by developing a novel neural network model called the spiking modular neural networks (SMNNs). The performance of the SMNNs is evaluated based on its ability to characterize streamflows and actual evapotranspiration process. Also the utility of self-organizing algorithms, namely genetic programming (GP), is evaluated with regards to its ability to promote transparency in data-driven models. The robustness of the GP to evolve its own model structure with relevant parameters is illustrated by applying GP to characterize the actual-evapotranspiration process. The results from this research indicate that self-organization in learning, both in terms of self-organizing networks and self-organizing algorithms, could be adopted to promote transparency in data-driven models.In pursuit of improving the reliability of the data-driven models, different methods for incorporating uncertainty estimates as part of the data-driven model building exercise is evaluated in this research. The local-scale models are shown to be more reliable than the global-scale models in characterizing the saturated hydraulic conductivity of soils. In addition, in this research, the importance of model structure uncertainty in geophysical modeling is emphasized by developing a framework to account for the model structure uncertainty in geophysical modeling. The contribution of the model structure uncertainty to the predictive uncertainty of the model is shown to be larger than the uncertainty associated with the model parameters. Also it has been demonstrated that increasing the model complexity may lead to a better fit of the function, but at the cost of an increasing level of uncertainty. It is recommended that the effect of model structure uncertainty should be considered for developing reliable hydrological models
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