507,203 research outputs found

    Bestowing the Blessing: Practical Strategies for Christian Educators

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    Christian teachers in the public schools who wish to improve student motivation and outcomes can effectively apply the strategies suggested by Smalley and Trent (1986) in The Blessing. Smalley and Trent set forth a five-fold plan for parents to bless their children with unconditional love and acceptance. The techniques of using meaningful touch, speaking words of honor, encouragement, and affirmation, and making an active commitment to student success are supported both by Scripture and research in educational best practices

    Evaluation of Salmon (<i>Salmo salar</i>) and Rainbow Trout (<i>Oncorhynchus mykiss</i>) pin bones using textural analysis and micro X-ray computational tomography

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    Industrially, common problems arise with the deboning pin bone process, where Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) and Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets, post rigor, are subjected to a pulling process to remove the pin bones from the fillet. This study measured the length of pin bones from two species of fish and two different industrial graded weights, and then used a texture analyser and lCT X-ray to measure the pulling force, break point and volume of the pin bones of both species of fish. Results showed that salmon pin bones required significantly higher pulling force to remove pin bones from the fish fillet when compared with Trout pin bones. Interestingly Trout pin bones were significantly longer and stronger than Salmon pin bones, but had significantly lower volume. This research has progressed the issues surrounding pin boning industrially, however, more studies are required in order to understand if these differences affect the overall deboning pin bone process

    Fracture Nasal Bones

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    Nose is the most prominent part of the face, hence it is likely to be the most common structure to be injured in the face.  Although fractures involving the nasal bones are very common, it is often ignored by the patient.  Patients with fractures of nasal bone will have deformity, tenderness, haemorrhage, edema, ecchymosis, instability, and crepitation.  These features may be present in varying combinations.  This article discusses the pathophysiology of these fractures, role of radiography and ultrasound in their diagnosis and their management.

    Travel Writers and Traveling Writers in Australasia: Responses to Travel Literatures and the Problem of Authenticity

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    This article compares responses to travel writing and imaginative fiction about the settler colonies, in particular Australia and New Zealand, between 1870 and 1945—a time when distinctions between travel, mobility, and emigration were hard to pin down. Very little scholarship has shown an interest in what the subject society’s inhabitants thought of its portrayal, and what this can tell us about colonial and national identities. Australasian responses to works about Australasia, in the form of published reviews, were influenced by the knowledge and particular concerns of the reviewer and their own negotiations with identity. What mattered to readers and critics was the authenticity of the portrayal of the place, but this was not only related to whether the work claimed to be fiction or non-fiction. The perceived level of familiarity that the writer had with the area was the most important factor in determining whether the reception of a work was positive or negative

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain in Veterans

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    This paper is an exploration of the use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) as treatment for chronic pain amongst veterans. CBT has been used as a treatment options for veterans since 2012 in order to decrease the use and misuse of opioids. It focuses on giving the patient tools to control the impact that chronic pain has on their body and mind. The paper explore this treatment, the aspects of it, complementary treatments, and results

    Heroes, Villains, and Blackouts: A Rhetorical Criticism of the News Media Narrative of the 2021 Texas Power Crisis

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    The present study sought to determine what social reality news media broadcasts created for their audiences during the 2021 Texas power freeze. The study was conducted through a rhetorical criticism of applying symbolic convergence theory to four communication artifacts from news broadcasts from February 2021. The results of this study indicate three fantasy themes that contributed to the overall rhetorical vision, or social reality, for the audience of the crisis. First, Texas was portrayed as the fallen hero. Second, heroes were identified as active participants in the crisis who represented a large group of people, while villains were identified as passive. Third, there was always someone to blame. Finally, these three fantasy themes led to the rhetorical vision that when established organizations fail, it is up to the individual to take responsibility and step into hero-hood. Given its recency, more research should be done to determine the effects of this social reality on survivors of the crisis

    The West Island: Five Twentieth-Century New Zealanders in Australia

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    Stephanie Johnson’s The West Island is a collective biography of four writers and one artist and their experiences of living trans-Tasman lives. Like Johnson herself, Ronald Wakelin, Douglas Stewart, Jean Devanny, Eric Baume and Dulcie Deamer were born and raised in New Zealand and then spent a considerable portion of their lives in Australia

    Determination of steroid estrogens in wastewater by high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

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    This paper discusses the requirement for, and presents an analytical procedure for, the determination of four unconjugated steroid hormones and a conjugated steroid (estrone-3-sulfate) in wastewaters. The method quantifies the steroids by LC/MS/MS following solid phase extraction and a two stage clean-up procedure. Samples were extracted using C18 cartridges and eluates were then purified by gel permeation chromatography, followed by a further clean-up step on an aminopropyl cartridge. The limits of detection achieved were 0.2 ng l-1 for estriol, 17β-estradiol and 17α-ethinylestradiol, and 0.1 ng l-1 for estrone and the conjugate. The robustness of the method was demonstrated by achieving recoveries of >83% for all steroids in settled sewage and final effluent samples with relative standard deviations of 0.5 - 12%. The method was used to analyse a range of samples from a wastewater treatment works in south east England which demonstrated a >80% removal for estrone, estradiol and estriol with little impact on concentrations of ethinylestradiol or the conjugate

    What You Can See from the Top

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    A series of interrelated vignettes about a family of circus people and a sixteen-year-old girl who becomes involved with them in strange ways

    Evaluation of Enterolactone for the Treatment and Prevention of Type-2 Diabetes

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    Undergraduate Basi
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