23 research outputs found

    A Pattern Classification Based approach for Blur Classification

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    Blur type identification is one of the most crucial step of image restoration. In case of blind restoration of such images, it is generally assumed that the blur type is known prior to restoration of such images. However, it is not practical in real applications. So, blur type identification is extremely desirable before application of blind restoration technique to restore a blurred image. An approach to categorize blur in three classes namely motion, defocus, and combined blur is presented in this paper. Curvelet transform based energy features are utilized as features of blur patterns and a neural network is designed for classification. The simulation results show preciseness of proposed approach


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    A procedure for the identification of lumped models of distributed parameter electromagnetic systems is presented in this paper. A Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) of the device to be modeled is performed, executing repeated measurements or intensive simulations. The method can be used to extract the values of the components. The fundamental brick of this architecture is a multi-valued neuron (MVN), used in a multilayer neural network (MLMVN); the neuron is modified in order to use arbitrary complex-valued inputs, which represent the frequency response of the device. It is shown that this modification requires just a slight change in the MLMVN learning algorithm. The method is tested over three completely different examples to clearly explain its generality

    Blur Classification Using Segmentation Based Fractal Texture Analysis

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    The objective of vision based gesture recognition is to design a system, which can understand the human actions and convey the acquired information with the help of captured images. An image restoration approach is extremely required whenever image gets blur during acquisition process since blurred images can severely degrade the performance of such systems. Image restoration recovers a true image from a degraded version. It is referred as blind restoration if blur information is unidentified. Blur identification is essential before application of any blind restoration algorithm. This paper presents a blur identification approach which categories a hand gesture image into one of the sharp, motion, defocus and combined blurred categories. Segmentation based fractal texture analysis extraction algorithm is utilized for featuring the neural network based classification system. The simulation results demonstrate the preciseness of proposed method

    Temperature and Humidity Control System for Pole-Mounted Metering Circuit Breaker with Artificial Neural Network Methods

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    Pole-mounted Metering Circuit Breaker (PMCB) is a medium voltage protection device. Problems in the PMCB because operating at medium voltage causes insulation problems. The isolation problem that arises is due to partial discharge. Partial discharge can trigger the risk of flashover. In addition, corona discharge causes corrosion of the conductor, the effect is a failure and disconnection of electricity. This control system aims to maintain the temperature and humidity of the PMCB at the nominal values according to the standard. Based on SPLN D3.021-1:2020, it is known that under normal service conditions, the ambient air temperature does not exceed 40°C and the average temperature for 24 hours does not exceed 35°C and the highest relative humidity is 100% RH. The control system uses an AC voltage controller which is used to control the input voltage of the heater and exhaust fan so that the temperature and humidity can reach nominal operating conditions. The control method used is an artificial neural network (ANN) to find the ignition angle of the AC voltage controller as a TRIAC control. The test results using the ANN control method, system simulation produces a temperature error of 1.029% and humidity error of 2.48% and the hardware system produces a temperature error of 2.364% and humidity error of 8.673% compared to the set point temperature of 35°C and humidity of 50% RH. It can be concluded that the ANN control method can maintain the PMCB temperature and humidity according to standard

    Blind Restoration of Motion Blurred Barcode Images using Ridgelet Transform and Radial Basis Function Neural Network

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    The aim of any image restoration techniques is recovering the original image from a degraded observation. One of the most common degradation phenomena in images is motion blur. In case of blind image restoration accurate estimation of motion blur parameters is required for deblurring of such images. This paper proposed a novel technique for estimating the parameters of motion blur using ridgelet transform. Initially, the energy of ridgelet coefficients is used to estimate the blur angle and then blur length is estimated using a radial biases function neural network. This work is tested on different barcode images with varying parameters of blur. The simulation results show that the proposed method improves the restoration performance

    Complex Neural Networks for Audio

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    Audio is represented in two mathematically equivalent ways: the real-valued time domain (i.e., waveform) and the complex-valued frequency domain (i.e., spectrum). There are advantages to the frequency-domain representation, e.g., the human auditory system is known to process sound in the frequency-domain. Furthermore, linear time-invariant systems are convolved with sources in the time-domain, whereas they may be factorized in the frequency-domain. Neural networks have become rather useful when applied to audio tasks such as machine listening and audio synthesis, which are related by their dependencies on high quality acoustic models. They ideally encapsulate fine-scale temporal structure, such as that encoded in the phase of frequency-domain audio, yet there are no authoritative deep learning methods for complex audio. This manuscript is dedicated to addressing the shortcoming. Chapter 2 motivates complex networks by their affinity with complex-domain audio, while Chapter 3 contributes methods for building and optimizing complex networks. We show that the naive implementation of Adam optimization is incorrect for complex random variables and show that selection of input and output representation has a significant impact on the performance of a complex network. Experimental results with novel complex neural architectures are provided in the second half of this manuscript. Chapter 4 introduces a complex model for binaural audio source localization. We show that, like humans, the complex model can generalize to different anatomical filters, which is important in the context of machine listening. The complex model\u27s performance is better than that of the real-valued models, as well as real- and complex-valued baselines. Chapter 5 proposes a two-stage method for speech enhancement. In the first stage, a complex-valued stochastic autoencoder projects complex vectors to a discrete space. In the second stage, long-term temporal dependencies are modeled in the discrete space. The autoencoder raises the performance ceiling for state of the art speech enhancement, but the dynamic enhancement model does not outperform other baselines. We discuss areas for improvement and note that the complex Adam optimizer improves training convergence over the naive implementation

    Parameters Estimation For Image Restoration

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    Image degradation generally occurs due to transmission channel error, camera mis-focus, atmospheric turbulence, relative object-camera motion, etc. Such degradations are unavoidable while a scene is captured through a camera. As degraded images are having less scientific values, restoration of such images is extremely essential in many practical applications. In this thesis, attempts have been made to recover images from their degraded observations. Various degradations including, out-of-focus blur, motion blur, atmospheric turbulence blur along with Gaussian noise are considered. Basically image restoration schemes are based on classical, regularisation parameter estimation and PSF estimation. In this thesis, five different contributions have been made based on various aspects of restoration. Four of them deal with spatial invariant degradation and in one of the approach we attempt for removal of spatial variant degradation. Two different schemes are proposed to estimate the motion blur parameters. Two dimensional Gabor filter has been used to calculate the direction of the blur. Radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) has been utilised to find the length of the blur. Subsequently, Wiener filter has been used to restore the images. Noise robustness of the proposed scheme is tested with different noise strengths. The blur parameter estimation problem is modelled as a pattern classification problem and is solved using support vector machine (SVM). The length parameter of motion blur and sigma (σ) parameter of Gaussian blur are identified through multi-class SVM. Support vector regression (SVR) has been utilised to obtain a true mapping of the images from the observed noisy blurred image. The parameters in SVR play a key role in SVR performance and these are optimised through particle swarm optimisation (PSO) technique. The optimised SVR model is used to restore the noisy blurred images. Blur in the presence of noise makes the restoration problem ill-conditioned. The regularisation parameter required for restoration of noisy blurred image is discussed and for the purpose, a global optimisation scheme namely PSO is utilisedto minimise the cost function of generalised cross validation (GCV) measure, which is dependent on regularisation parameter. This eliminates the problem of falling into a local minima. The scheme adapts to degradations due to motion and out-of-focus blur, associated with noise of varying strengths. In another contribution, an attempt has been made to restore images degraded due to rotational motion. Such situation is considered as spatial variant blur and handled by considering this as a combination of a number of spatial invariant blurs. The proposed scheme divides the blurred image into a number of images using elliptical path modelling. Each image is deblurred separately using Wiener filter and finally integrated to construct the whole image. Each model is studied separately, and experiments are conducted to evaluate their performances. The visual as well as the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR in dB) of restored images are compared with competent recent schemes

    Multiresolution neural networks for image edge detection and restoration

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    One of the methods for building an automatic visual system is to borrow the properties of the human visual system (HVS). Artificial neural networks are based on this doctrine and they have been applied to image processing and computer vision. This work focused on the plausibility of using a class of Hopfield neural networks for edge detection and image restoration. To this end, a quadratic energy minimization framework is presented. Central to this framework are relaxation operations, which can be implemented using the class of Hopfield neural networks. The role of the uncertainty principle in vision is described, which imposes a limit on the simultaneous localisation in both class and position space. It is shown how a multiresolution approach allows the trade off between position and class resolution and ensures both robustness in noise and efficiency of computation. As edge detection and image restoration are ill-posed, some a priori knowledge is needed to regularize these problems. A multiresolution network is proposed to tackle the uncertainty problem and the regularization of these ill-posed image processing problems. For edge detection, orientation information is used to construct a compatibility function for the strength of the links of the proposed Hopfield neural network. Edge detection 'results are presented for a number of synthetic and natural images which show that the iterative network gives robust results at low signal-to-noise ratios (0 dB) and is at least as good as many previous methods at capturing complex region shapes. For restoration, mean square error is used as the quadratic energy function of the Hopfield neural network. The results of the edge detection are used for adaptive restoration. Also shown are the results of restoration using the proposed iterative network framework