29 research outputs found

    Blockchain for Cities—A Systematic Literature Review

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    Blockchain is considered one of the most disruptive technologies of our time. Numerous cities around the world are launching blockchain initiatives as part of the overall efforts toward shaping the urban future. However, the infancy stage of the blockchain industry leads to a severe gap between the knowledge we have and the actions urban policy makers are taking. This paper is an effort to narrow this rift. We provide a systematic literature review on concrete blockchain use cases proposed by the research community. At the macro-level, we discuss and organize use cases from 159 selected papers into nine sectors recognized as crucial for sustainable and smart urban future. At the micro-level, we identify a component-based framework and analyze the design and prototypes of blockchain systems studied in a subset of 71 papers. The high-level use case review allows us to illustrate the relationship between them and the four pillars of urban sustainability: social, economic, environmental, and governmental. The system level analysis helps us highlight interesting inconsistencies between well-known blockchain applicability decision rules and the approaches taken by the literature. We also offer two classification methodologies for blockchain use cases and elaborate on how they can be applied to stimulate cross-sector insights in the blockchain knowledge domain


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    Blockchain is used as encryption algorithm in cryptocurrency, but less researches are found to study blockchain for data encryption. Data encryption is needed to protect the data from data theft. We know about data encryption, there are RSA, LEAP, AES, and other algorithms. This research proposed a review in AES algorithm for data encryption within blockchain technology. The research process is followed by determining library, then creating relevant questions and criteria. For good opportunity in the future, this paper generated suggestions and opportunities so that better research can be established in data encryption

    Modeling of Distributed Ledger Deployment View

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    The Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is a peer-to-peer model of sharing data among collaborating parties in a decentralized manner. An example of DLT is a blockchain where data form blocks in an append-only chain. Software architecture description usually comprises multiple views. The paper concentrates on the Deployment view of the DLT solution within the 1+5 architectural views model. The authors have proposed Unified Modeling Language (UML) extensibility mechanisms to describe the needed additional semantic notation to model deployment details. The paper covers both the network and node levels. The proposed stereotypes and tagged values have enriched the UML Deployment diagram. We have gathered those modeling elements in dedicated UML Profile for Distributed Ledger Deployment. We have applied the profile to model the Deployment view of a renewable energy management system that uses the R3Cordaframework. The system records information about inbound and outbound energy to/from a renewable energy grid

    Penerapan Blockchain pada Transaksi Jual Beli dan Kepemilikan Tanah di Indonesia

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    Blockchain bisa dianggap sebagai sistem pencatatan atau database yang tersebar luas ke jaringan yang terhubung (distributed ledger). Semua anggota di dalam jaringan tersebut akan memiliki akses yang sama, data yang sama, serta mengetahui semua aktifitas resmi yang dilakukan anggota jaringan tersebut. Sehingga jika dihubungkan dengan aktivitas jual beli dan pencatatan kepemilikan tanah, akan dapat bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan antara anggota jaringan atau dalam hal ini para pemilik tanah dan juga warga yang ingin membeli tanah. Dengan menggunakan sistem blockchain kecurangan-kecurangan yang sering mengakibatkan sengketa tanah tentunya dapat dikurangi atau bahkan dihilangkan. Karena dalam sistem blockchain data yang tercatat juga akan di hash atau dilakukan proses kriptografi sehingga data tersebut berbentuk kode yang akan berubah jika ada perubahan data di dalamnya sekecil apapun. Dengan diterapkannya sistem blockchain ini akan juga dapat menghemat biaya regulasi sehingga prosesnya lebih cepat dan murah jika dibandingkan dengan sistem lama (tanpa blockchain)

    A Decentralized Dynamic PKI based on Blockchain

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    The central role of the certificate authority (CA) in traditional public key infrastructure (PKI) makes it fragile and prone to compromises and operational failures. Maintaining CAs and revocation lists is demanding especially in loosely-connected and large systems. Log-based PKIs have been proposed as a remedy but they do not solve the problem effectively. We provide a general model and a solution for decentralized and dynamic PKI based on a blockchain and web of trust model where the traditional CA and digital certificates are removed and instead, everything is registered on the blockchain. Registration, revocation, and update of public keys are based on a consensus mechanism between a certain number of entities that are already part of the system. Any node which is part of the system can be an auditor and initiate the revocation procedure once it finds out malicious activities. Revocation lists are no longer required as any node can efficiently verify the public keys through witnesses

    Blockchain in accounting research : current trends and emerging topics

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    Purpose This paper provides a structured literature review of blockchain in accounting. The authors identify current trends, analyse and critique the key topics of research and discuss the future of this nascent field of inquiry. Design/methodology/approach This study’s analysis combined a structured literature review with citation analysis, topic modelling using a machine learning approach and a manual review of selected articles. The corpus comprised 153 academic papers from two ranked journal lists, the Association of Business Schools (ABS) and the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC), and from the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). From this, the authors analysed and critiqued the current and future research trends in the four most predominant topics of research in blockchain for accounting. Findings Blockchain is not yet a mainstream accounting topic, and most of the current literature is normative. The four most commonly discussed areas of blockchain include the changing role of accountants; new challenges for auditors; opportunities and challenges of blockchain technology application; and the regulation of cryptoassets. While blockchain will likely be disruptive to accounting and auditing, there will still be a need for these roles. With the sheer volume of information that blockchain records, both professions may shift out of the back-office toward higher-profile advisory roles where accountants try to align competitive intelligence with business strategy, and auditors are called on ex ante to verify transactions and even whole ecosystems. Research limitations/implications The authors identify several challenges that will need to be examined in future research. Challenges include skilling up for a new paradigm, the logistical issues associated with managing and monitoring multiple parties all contributing to various public and private blockchains, and the pressing need for legal frameworks to regulate cryptoassets. Practical implications The possibilities that blockchain brings to information disclosure, fraud detection and overcoming the threat of shadow dealings in developing countries all contribute to the importance of further investigation into blockchain in accounting. Originality/value The authors’ structured literature review uniquely identifies critical research topics for developing future research directions related to blockchain in accounting.© Tatiana Garanina, Mikko Ranta and John Dumay. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcodefi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    The enterprise blockchain design framework and its application to an e-Procurement ecosystem

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    The research work of this paper has been partially funded by the project VORTAL INTER DATA (n° 038361), co-financed by Vortal and COMPETE Program P2020. We would also like to thank UNIDEMI, DEMI, and LASI for providing us with the research infrastucture and resources to conduct this research. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 Elsevier LtdBlockchain technologies have seen a steady growth in interest from industries as the technology is gaining maturity. It is offering a novel way to establish trust amongst multiple stakeholders without relying or trusting centralised authorities. While its use as a decentralised store of value has been validated through the emergence of cryptocurrencies, its use case in industrial applications with multiple stakeholder ecosystems such as industrial supply chain management, is still at an early stage of design and experimentation where private blockchains are used as opposed to public blockchains. Many enterprise blockchain projects failed to gain traction after initial launches, due to inefficient design, lack of incentives to all stakeholders or simply because the use of blockchain was not really necessary in the first place. There has been a need for a framework that allows blockchain designers and researchers to evaluate scenarios when a blockchain solution is useful and design the key configurations for an enterprise blockchain solution. Literature on blockchain architectures are sparse and only applicable to specific use cases or functionalities. This paper proposes a comprehensive Enterprise Blockchain Design Framework (EBDF), that not only identifies the relevant use cases when a blockchain must be utilised, but also details all the characteristics and configurations for designing an enterprise blockchain ecosystem, applicable to multiple industries. To validate the EBDF, we apply the same to the Vortal e-Procurement ecosystem allowing for multiple platforms to interoperate with greater transparency and accountability over the proposed blockchain framework. In this use case, many vendors bid for procurement procedures, often for publicly managed funds where it is extremely vital that full transparency and accountability is ensured in the entire process. Ensuring that certain digital certification functions, such as timestamps are independent from e-Procurement platform owners has been a challenge. Blockchain technology has emerged as a promising solution for not only ensuring transparency and immutability of records, but also providing for interoperability across different platforms by acting as a trusted third-party. The applied framework is used to design a Hyperledger based blockchain solution with some of the key architectural elements that could fulfil these needs while presenting the advantages of such a solution.publishersversionpublishe

    Potential integration of blockchain technology into smart sustainable city (SSC) developments: a systematic review

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    Purpose: Prior literature lacks concrete and systematic review of the current blockchain application in smart sustainable city that covered to the full extent of various components. Thus, this study explores the integration of blockchain technology in making the city smarter, safer and sustainable. Design/methodology/approach: This study conducted a systematic literature review of 49 publications published globally. Data were analysed by coding of the publications whereby the codes were generated based on frequency of appearance Findings: The results showed that smart sustainable city could leverage blockchain technology in several areas such as governance, mobility, asset, utility, healthcare and logistics. Blockchain technology could also aid smart sustainable city in achieving social, environmental and economic sustainability. Originality/value: This study proposes a smart sustainable city with blockchain technology framework: guiding city planners and policymakers by deploying blockchain that supports technology within smart sustainable city framework. This facilitates the digital transformation of a city towards smart and sustainable through the use of blockchain

    The influence of blockchain technology on decision making in peer-to-peer energy trading

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementThe increasing pressure set by climate change is bringing up new ways to take advantage of the latest emerging technology for environmental objectives. The energy sector in the cities’ functioning is one of the most critical industries where more renewable and efficient solutions are needed. Peer to peer (p2p) energy trading is a mechanism that allows the participants to share the excess energy produced by their private solar panel, helping to reduce the pressure on the main grid in a sustainable way. In this context, blockchain-based p2p energy trading is the solution for which the energy sharing mechanism can become more efficient and safer thanks to the fundamental features of blockchain technology, encouraging more people to join the network and provide a significant contribution to the climate change problem. Like in all the sharing economy markets, p2p energy trading is strictly dependent on the behaviours and perceptions of participants. The first issue that arises is that blockchain technology is an incredibly new innovation and it’s not clear how people perceive it, if with trust or scepticism. There is a risk that the presence of blockchain can slow down the adoption process because of lack of confidence in the technology, decreasing the potential beneficial impact of p2p energy trading. The second issue is the actual trading behaviour of the participants. The sharing mechanism is based on the willingness of the participants to share their assets but if this willingness is not constant, the whole functioning is blocked. Also, the presence of blockchain can alter the actions of participants making them more oriented towards individual benefits than those of the community. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to investigate how participants behave in blockchain based p2p energy trading, analysing their trading actions under different blockchain enabled scenarios and their willing to join such networks