627 research outputs found

    Robustness maximization of parallel multichannel systems

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    Bit error rate (BER) minimization and SNR-gap maximization, two robustness optimization problems, are solved, under average power and bit-rate constraints, according to the waterfilling policy. Under peak-power constraint the solutions differ and this paper gives bit-loading solutions of both robustness optimization problems over independent parallel channels. The study is based on analytical approach with generalized Lagrangian relaxation tool and on greedy-type algorithm approach. Tight BER expressions are used for square and rectangular quadrature amplitude modulations. Integer bit solution of analytical continuous bit-rates is performed with a new generalized secant method. The asymptotic convergence of both robustness optimizations is proved for both analytical and algorithmic approaches. We also prove that, in conventional margin maximization problem, the equivalence between SNR-gap maximization and power minimization does not hold with peak-power limitation. Based on a defined dissimilarity measure, bit-loading solutions are compared over power line communication channel for multicarrier systems. Simulation results confirm the asymptotic convergence of both allocation policies. In non asymptotic regime the allocation policies can be interchanged depending on the robustness measure and the operating point of the communication system. The low computational effort of the suboptimal solution based on analytical approach leads to a good trade-off between performance and complexity.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, submitted to IEEE Trans. Inform. Theor

    Discrete rate maximisation power allocation with enhanced BER

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    This study aims to maximise the rate over a multiple-in multiple-out (MIMO) link using incremental power and bit allocation. Two different schemes, greedy power allocation (GPA) and greedy bit allocation (GBA), are addressed and compared with the standard uniform power allocation (UPA). The design is constrained by the target bit error ratio (BER), the total power budget and fixed discrete modulation orders. The authors demonstrate through simulations that GPA outperforms GBA in terms of throughput and power conservation, whereas GBA is advantageous when a lower BER is beneficial. Once the design constraints are satisfied, remaining power is utilised in two possible ways, leading to improved performance of GPA and UPA algorithms. This redistribution is analysed for fairness in BER performance across all active subchannels using a bisection method

    Incremental rate maximisation power loading with BER improvements

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    This paper aims to maximise the rate over a MIMO link using incremental power and bit allocation. Two different schemes, greedy power allocation (GPA) and greedy bit allocation (GBA), are addressed and compared with the standard uniform power allocation (UPA). The design is constrained by the target BER, the total power budget, and fixed discrete modulation orders. We demonstrate through simulations that GPA outperforms GBA in terms of throughput and power conservation,while GBA is advantageouswhen a lower BER is beneficial. Once the design constraints are satisfied, remaining power is utilised in two possible ways, leading to improved performance of GPA and UPA algorithms. This redistribution is analysed for fairness in BER performance across all active subchannels using a bisection method

    Sum-rate maximisation comparison using incremental approaches with different constraints

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    In this work, the problem of rate maximisation of multichannel systems is considered. Two greedy allocation approaches using power (GPA) and bit (GBA) loading schemes with a slight difference in design constraints that aiming to maximise the overall system throughput are compared. Both algorithms use incremental bit loading whereby, the GPA is designed with main interest of efficient power utilisation. Whereas, the GBA sacrifices power utilisation to another design issue of achieving an average bit error ratio (BER) less than the target BER. Simulation results shows that with GPA algorithm better throughput is gained over the GBA algorithm while the latter guaranteed less BER

    Suboptimal greedy power allocation schemes for discrete bit loading

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    In this paper we consider low cost discrete bit loading based on greedy power allocation (GPA) under the constraints of total transmit power budget, target BER, and maximum permissible QAM modulation order. Compared to the standard GPA, which is optimal in terms of maximising the data throughput, three suboptimal schemes are proposed, which perform GPA on subsets of subchannels only. These subsets are created by considering the minimum SNR boundaries of QAM levels for a given target BER. We demonstrate how these schemes can significantly reduce the computational complexity required for power allocation, particularly in the case of a large number of subchannels. Two of the proposed algorithms can achieve near optimal performance including a transfer of residual power between subsets at the expense of a very small extra cost. By simulations, we show that the two near optimal schemes, while greatly reducing complexity, perform best in two separate and distinct SNR regions

    Greedy power allocation for multicarrier systems with reduced complexity

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    In this paper we consider a reduced complexity discrete bit loading for Multicarrier systems based on the greedy power allocation (GPA) under the constraints of transmit power budget, target BER, and maximum permissible QAM modulation order. Compared to the standard GPA, which is optimal in terms of maximising the data throughput, three suboptimal schemes are proposed, which perform GPA on subsets of subcarriers only. These subsets are created by considering the minimum SNR boundaries of QAM levels for a given BER. We demonstrate how these schemes can reduce complexity. Two of the proposed algorithms can achieve near optimal performance by including a transfer of residual power between groups at the expense of a very small extra cost. It is shown that the two near optimal schemes,while greatly reducing complexity, perform best in two separate and distinct SNR regions

    Suboptimal greedy power allocation schemes for discrete bit loading

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    In this paper we consider low cost discrete bit loading based on greedy power allocation (GPA) under the constraints of total transmit power budget, target BER, and maximum permissible QAM modulation order. Compared to the standard GPA, which is optimal in terms of maximising the data throughput, three suboptimal schemes are proposed, which perform GPA on subsets of subchannels only. These subsets are created by considering the minimum SNR boundaries of QAM levels for a given target BER. We demonstrate how these schemes can significantly reduce the computational complexity required for power allocation, particularly in the case of a large number of subchannels. Two of the proposed algorithms can achieve near optimal performance including a transfer of residual power between subsets at the expense of a very small extra cost. By simulations, we show that the two near optimal schemes, while greatly reducing complexity, perform best in two separate and distinct SNR regions

    Reduced complexity schemes to greedy power allocation for multicarrier systems

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    Discrete bit loading for multicarrier systems based on the greedy power allocation (GPA) algorithm is considered in this paper. A new suboptimal scheme that independently performs GPA on groups of subcarriers and therefore can significantly reduce complexity compared to the standard GPA is proposed. These groups are formed in an initial step of a uniform power allocation (UPA) algorithm. In order to more efficiently allocate the available transmit power, two power re-distribution algorithms are further introduced by including a transfer of residual power between groups. Simulation results show that the two proposed algorithms can achieve near optimal performance in two separate and distinctive SNR regions. We demonstrate by analysis how these methods can greatly simplify the computational complexity of the GPA algorithm

    Coded Adaptive Linear Precoded Discrete Multitone Over PLC Channel

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    Discrete multitone modulation (DMT) systems exploit the capabilities of orthogonal subcarriers to cope efficiently with narrowband interference, high frequency attenuations and multipath fadings with the help of simple equalization filters. Adaptive linear precoded discrete multitone (LP-DMT) system is based on classical DMT, combined with a linear precoding component. In this paper, we investigate the bit and energy allocation algorithm of an adaptive LP-DMT system taking into account the channel coding scheme. A coded adaptive LPDMT system is presented in the power line communication (PLC) context with a loading algorithm which accommodates the channel coding gains in bit and energy calculations. The performance of a concatenated channel coding scheme, consisting of an inner Wei's 4-dimensional 16-states trellis code and an outer Reed-Solomon code, in combination with the proposed algorithm is analyzed. Theoretical coding gains are derived and simulation results are presented for a fixed target bit error rate in a multicarrier scenario under power spectral density constraint. Using a multipath model of PLC channel, it is shown that the proposed coded adaptive LP-DMT system performs better than coded DMT and can achieve higher throughput for PLC applications