864 research outputs found

    Biometric signals compression with time- and subject-adaptive dictionary for wearable devices

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    This thesis work is dedicated to the design of a lightweight compression technique for the real-time processing of biomedical signals in wearable devices. The proposed approach exploits the unsupervised learning algorithm of the time-adaptive self-organizing map (TASOM) to create a subject-adaptive codebook applied to the vector quantization of a signal. The codebook is obtained and then dynamically refined in an online fashion, without requiring any prior information on the signal itsel

    Boosting the Battery Life of Wearables for Health Monitoring Through the Compression of Biosignals

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    Modern wearable Internet of Things (IoT) devices enable the monitoring of vital parameters such as heart or respiratory (RESP) rates, electrocardiography (ECG), photo-plethysmographic (PPG) signals within e-health applications. A common issue of wearable technology is that signal transmission is power-demanding and, as such, devices require frequent battery charges and this poses serious limitations to the continuous monitoring of vitals. To ameliorate this, we advocate the use of lossy signal compression as a means to decrease the data size of the gathered biosignals and, in turn, boost the battery life of wearables and allow for fine-grained and long-term monitoring. Considering 1-D biosignals such as ECG, RESP, and PPG, which are often available from commercial wearable IoT devices, we provide a thorough review of existing biosignal compression algorithms. Besides, we present novel approaches based on online dictionaries, elucidating their operating principles and providing a quantitative assessment of compression, reconstruction and energy consumption performance of all schemes. As we quantify, the most efficient schemes allow reductions in the signal size of up to 100 times, which entail similar reductions in the energy demand, by still keeping the reconstruction error within 4% of the peak-to-peak signal amplitude. Finally, avenues for future research are discussed. © 2014 IEEE

    Sensing and Compression Techniques for Environmental and Human Sensing Applications

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    In this doctoral thesis, we devise and evaluate a variety of lossy compression schemes for Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as those utilized in environmental wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and Body Sensor Networks (BSNs). We are especially concerned with the efficient acquisition of the data sensed by these systems and to this end we advocate the use of joint (lossy) compression and transmission techniques. Environmental WSNs are considered first. For these, we present an original compressive sensing (CS) approach for the spatio-temporal compression of data. In detail, we consider temporal compression schemes based on linear approximations as well as Fourier transforms, whereas spatial and/or temporal dynamics are exploited through compression algorithms based on distributed source coding (DSC) and several algorithms based on compressive sensing (CS). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work presenting a systematic performance evaluation of these (different) lossy compression approaches. The selected algorithms are framed within the same system model, and a comparative performance assessment is carried out, evaluating their energy consumption vs the attainable compression ratio. Hence, as a further main contribution of this thesis, we design and validate a novel CS-based compression scheme, termed covariogram-based compressive sensing (CB-CS), which combines a new sampling mechanism along with an original covariogram-based approach for the online estimation of the covariance structure of the signal. As a second main research topic, we focus on modern wearable IoT devices which enable the monitoring of vital parameters such as heart or respiratory rates (RESP), electrocardiography (ECG), and photo-plethysmographic (PPG) signals within e-health applications. These devices are battery operated and communicate the vital signs they gather through a wireless communication interface. A common issue of this technology is that signal transmission is often power-demanding and this poses serious limitations to the continuous monitoring of biometric signals. To ameliorate this, we advocate the use of lossy signal compression at the source: this considerably reduces the size of the data that has to be sent to the acquisition point by, in turn, boosting the battery life of the wearables and allowing for fine-grained and long-term monitoring. Considering one dimensional biosignals such as ECG, RESP and PPG, which are often available from commercial wearable devices, we first provide a throughout review of existing compression algorithms. Hence, we present novel approaches based on online dictionaries, elucidating their operating principles and providing a quantitative assessment of compression, reconstruction and energy consumption performance of all schemes. As part of this first investigation, dictionaries are built using a suboptimal but lightweight, online and best effort algorithm. Surprisingly, the obtained compression scheme is found to be very effective both in terms of compression efficiencies and reconstruction accuracy at the receiver. This approach is however not yet amenable to its practical implementation as its memory usage is rather high. Also, our systematic performance assessment reveals that the most efficient compression algorithms allow reductions in the signal size of up to 100 times, which entail similar reductions in the energy demand, by still keeping the reconstruction error within 4 % of the peak-to-peak signal amplitude. Based on what we have learned from this first comparison, we finally propose a new subject-specific compression technique called SURF Subject-adpative Unsupervised ecg compressor for weaRable Fitness monitors. In SURF, dictionaries are learned and maintained using suitable neural network structures. Specifically, learning is achieve through the use of neural maps such as self organizing maps and growing neural gas networks, in a totally unsupervised manner and adapting the dictionaries to the signal statistics of the wearer. As our results show, SURF: i) reaches high compression efficiencies (reduction in the signal size of up to 96 times), ii) allows for reconstruction errors well below 4 % (peak-to-peak RMSE, errors of 2 % are generally achievable), iii) gracefully adapts to changing signal statistics due to switching to a new subject or changing their activity, iv) has low memory requirements (lower than 50 kbytes) and v) allows for further reduction in the total energy consumption (processing plus transmission). These facts makes SURF a very promising algorithm, delivering the best performance among all the solutions proposed so far

    Overcoming Bandwidth Limitations in Wireless Sensor Networks by Exploitation of Cyclic Signal Patterns: An Event-triggered Learning Approach

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    Wireless sensor networks are used in a wide range of applications, many of which require real-time transmission of the measurements. Bandwidth limitations result in limitations on the sampling frequency and number of sensors. This problem can be addressed by reducing the communication load via data compression and event-based communication approaches. The present paper focuses on the class of applications in which the signals exhibit unknown and potentially time-varying cyclic patterns. We review recently proposed event-triggered learning (ETL) methods that identify and exploit these cyclic patterns, we show how these methods can be applied to the nonlinear multivariable dynamics of three-dimensional orientation data, and we propose a novel approach that uses Gaussian process models. In contrast to other approaches, all three ETL methods work in real time and assure a small upper bound on the reconstruction error. The proposed methods are compared to several conventional approaches in experimental data from human subjects walking with a wearable inertial sensor network. They are found to reduce the communication load by 60–70%, which implies that two to three times more sensor nodes could be used at the same bandwidth

    Towards Personalized Healthcare in Cardiac Population: The Development of a Wearable ECG Monitoring System, an ECG Lossy Compression Schema, and a ResNet-Based AF Detector

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the number one cause of death worldwide. While there is growing evidence that the atrial fibrillation (AF) has strong associations with various CVDs, this heart arrhythmia is usually diagnosed using electrocardiography (ECG) which is a risk-free, non-intrusive, and cost-efficient tool. Continuously and remotely monitoring the subjects' ECG information unlocks the potentials of prompt pre-diagnosis and timely pre-treatment of AF before the development of any life-threatening conditions/diseases. Ultimately, the CVDs associated mortality could be reduced. In this manuscript, the design and implementation of a personalized healthcare system embodying a wearable ECG device, a mobile application, and a back-end server are presented. This system continuously monitors the users' ECG information to provide personalized health warnings/feedbacks. The users are able to communicate with their paired health advisors through this system for remote diagnoses, interventions, etc. The implemented wearable ECG devices have been evaluated and showed excellent intra-consistency (CVRMS=5.5%), acceptable inter-consistency (CVRMS=12.1%), and negligible RR-interval errors (ARE<1.4%). To boost the battery life of the wearable devices, a lossy compression schema utilizing the quasi-periodic feature of ECG signals to achieve compression was proposed. Compared to the recognized schemata, it outperformed the others in terms of compression efficiency and distortion, and achieved at least 2x of CR at a certain PRD or RMSE for ECG signals from the MIT-BIH database. To enable automated AF diagnosis/screening in the proposed system, a ResNet-based AF detector was developed. For the ECG records from the 2017 PhysioNet CinC challenge, this AF detector obtained an average testing F1=85.10% and a best testing F1=87.31%, outperforming the state-of-the-art

    SURF: Subject-Adaptive Unsupervised ECG Signal Compression for Wearable Fitness Monitors

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    Recent advances in wearable devices allow non-invasive and inexpensive collection of biomedical signals including electrocardiogram (ECG), blood pressure, respiration, among others. Collection and processing of various biomarkers are expected to facilitate preventive healthcare through personalized medical applications. Since wearables are based on size- and resource-constrained hardware, and are battery operated, they need to run lightweight algorithms to efficiently manage energy and memory. To accomplish this goal, this paper proposes SURF, a subject-adaptive unsupervised signal compressor for wearable fitness monitors. The core idea is to perform a specialized lossy compression algorithm on the ECG signal at the source (wearable device), to decrease the energy consumption required for wireless transmission and thus prolong the battery lifetime. SURF leverages unsupervised learning techniques to build and maintain, at runtime, a subject-adaptive dictionary without requiring any prior information on the signal. Dictionaries are constructed within a suitable feature space, allowing the addition and removal of code words according to the signal's dynamics (for given target fidelity and energy consumption objectives). Extensive performance evaluation results, obtained with reference ECG traces and with our own measurements from a commercial wearable wireless monitor, show the superiority of SURF against state-of-the-art techniques, including: 1) compression ratios up to 90-times; 2) reconstruction errors between 2% and 7% of the signal's range (depending on the amount of compression sought); and 3) reduction in energy consumption of up to two orders of magnitude with respect to sending the signal uncompressed, while preserving its morphology. SURF, with artifact prone ECG signals, allows for typical compression efficiencies (CE) in the range CE∈[40,50]\text {CE} \in [{40,50}] , which means that the data rate of 3 kbit/s that would be required to send the uncompressed ECG trace is lowered to 60 and 75 bit/s for CE = 40 and CE = 50, respectively

    Design and Implementation of a Motif-based Compression Algorithm for Biometric Signals

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    Wearable devices are becoming a natural and economic means to gather biometric data from users: this thesis is centered around lossy data compression techniques, whose aim is to minimize the amount of information that is to be stored on their onboard memory and subsequently transmitted over wireless interfaces. A new class of codebook based (CB) compression algorithms is proposed, designed to be energy efficient, online and amenable to any type of signal exhibiting recurrent patternsope

    Power Efficient Data Compression Hardware for Wearable and Wireless Biomedical Sensing Devices

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    This thesis aims to verify a possible benefit lossless data compression and reduction techniques can bring to a wearable and wireless biomedical device, which is anticipated to be system power saving. A wireless transceiver is one of the main contributors to the system power of a wireless biomedical sensing device, and reducing the data transmitted by the transceiver with a minimum hardware cost can therefore help to save the power. This thesis is going to investigate the impact of the data compression and reduction on the system power of a wearable and wireless biomedical device and trying to find a proper compression technique that can achieve power saving of the device. The thesis first examines some widely used lossy and lossless data compression and reduction techniques for biomedical data, especially EEG data. Then it introduces a novel lossless biomedical data compression technique designed for this research called Log2 sub-band encoding. The thesis then moves on to the biomedical data compression evaluation of the Log2 sub-band encoding and an existing 2-stage technique consisting of the DPCM and the Huffman encoding. The next part of this thesis explores the signal classification potential of the Log2 sub-band encoding. It was found that some of the signal features extracted as a by-product during the Log2 sub-band encoding process could be used to detect certain signal events like epileptic seizures, with a proper method. The final section of the thesis focuses on the power analysis of the hardware implementation of two compression techniques referred to earlier, as well as the system power analysis. The results show that the Log2 sub-band is comparable and even superior to the 2-stage technique in terms of data compression and power performance. The system power requirement of an EEG signal recorder that has the Log2 sub-band implemented is significantly reduced

    A Hybrid-Powered Wireless System for Multiple Biopotential Monitoring

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    Chronic diseases are the top cause of human death in the United States and worldwide. A huge amount of healthcare costs is spent on chronic diseases every year. The high medical cost on these chronic diseases facilitates the transformation from in-hospital to out-of-hospital healthcare. The out-of-hospital scenarios require comfortability and mobility along with quality healthcare. Wearable electronics for well-being management provide good solutions for out-of-hospital healthcare. Long-term health monitoring is a practical and effective way in healthcare to prevent and diagnose chronic diseases. Wearable devices for long-term biopotential monitoring are impressive trends for out-of-hospital health monitoring. The biopotential signals in long-term monitoring provide essential information for various human physiological conditions and are usually used for chronic diseases diagnosis. This study aims to develop a hybrid-powered wireless wearable system for long-term monitoring of multiple biopotentials. For the biopotential monitoring, the non-contact electrodes are deployed in the wireless wearable system to provide high-level comfortability and flexibility for daily use. For providing the hybrid power, an alternative mechanism to harvest human motion energy, triboelectric energy harvesting, has been applied along with the battery to supply energy for long-term monitoring. For power management, an SSHI rectifying strategy associated with triboelectric energy harvester design has been proposed to provide a new perspective on designing TEHs by considering their capacitance concurrently. Multiple biopotentials, including ECG, EMG, and EEG, have been monitored to validate the performance of the wireless wearable system. With the investigations and studies in this project, the wearable system for biopotential monitoring will be more practical and can be applied in the real-life scenarios to increase the economic benefits for the health-related wearable devices
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