9 research outputs found

    Design and development of modular magnetic bio-inspired autonomous underwater robot – MMBAUV

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    This paper describes the design and construction of a magnetically coupled modular bio-inspired underwater robot named the Modular Magnetic Bio-Inspired Underwater Vehicle (MMBAUV). Designed to form a traveling wave to mimic efficient Body Caudal Fin (BCF) swimming and manoeuvring, its modularity allows for flexible system setup and offers an opportunity for redundancy and cost reduction through a common design structure. The specific feature of this design presents a novel application of a permanent synchronous magnetic coupling between neighbouring modules with a rotational degree of freedom (DoF). The actuated magnetic coupling provides a reliable and low maintenance solution to the fundamental issues of water tightness of flexible underwater structures. When encountering extreme conditions, the magnetic coupling allows the safe decoupling of the modules increasing the survivability of the robotic system. Presented lab testing results demonstrate the function of the design and provide initial evidence of its thrust generation and manoeuvrability

    Intersection between natural and artificial swimmers: a scaling approach to underwater vehicle design.

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    Approximately 72% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, yet only 20% has been mapped [1]. Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) are one of the main tools for ocean exploration. The demand for AUVs is expected to increase rapidly in the coming years [2], so there is a need for faster and more energy efficient AUVs. A drawback to using this type of vehicle is the finite amount of energy that is stored onboard in the form of batteries. Science and roboticists have been studying nature for ways to move more efficiently. Phillips et al. [3] presents data that contradicts the idea that fish are better swimmers than conventional AUVs when comparing the energetic cost of swimming in the form of the Cost of Transport (COT). The data presented by Phillips et al. only applies to AUVs at higher length and naval displacement (mass) scales, so the question arises of whether an AUV built at different displacements and length scales is more efficient than biological animals and if current bio-inspired platforms are better than conventional AUVs. Besides power requirements, it is also useful to compare the kinematic parameters of natural and artificial swimmers. In this case, kinematic parameters indicate how fast the swimmer travels through the water. Also, they describe how fast the propulsion mechanism must act to reach a certain swimming speed. This research adopts the approach of Gazzola et al. [4] where the Reynolds number is associated with a dimensionless number, Swim number (Sw) in this case, that has all the kinematic information. A newly developed number that extends the swim number to conventional AUVs is the Propulsion number (Jw), which demonstrates excellent agreement with the kinematics of conventional AUVs. Despite being functionally similar, Sw and Jw do not have a one-to-one relationship. Sw, Jw, COT represent key performance metrics for an AUV, herein called performance criteria, which can be used to compare existing platforms with each other and estimate the performance of non-existent designs. The scaling laws are derived by evaluating the performance of 229 biological animals, 163 bioinspire platforms, and 109 conventional AUVs. AUVs and bio-inspired platforms have scarce data compared with biological swimmers. Only 5% of conventional and 38% of bio-inspired AUVs have kinematic data while 30% of conventional and 18% of bio-inspired AUVs have energetic data. The low amount of performance criteria data is due to the nature of most conventional AUVs as commercial products. Only recently has the COT metric been included in the performance criteria for bio-inspired AUVs. For this reason, the research here formulates everything in terms of allometric scaling laws. This type of formulation is used extensively when referring to biological systems and is defined by an exponential relationship f (x) = axb, where x is a physical parameter of the fish or vehicle, like length or displacement. Scaling laws have the added benefit of allowing comparisons with limited data, as is the case for AUVs. The length and displacement scale (physical scale) must be established before estimating the performance criteria. Scale is primarily determined by the payload needed for a particular application. For instance, surveying the water column in deep water will require different scientific tools than taking images of an oyster bed in an estuary. There is no way to identify the size of an AUV until it is designed for that application, since these scientific instruments each have their own volume, length, and weight. A methodology for estimating physical parameters using computer vision is presented to help determine the scale for the vehicle. It allows accurate scaling of physical parameters of biological and bio-inspired swimmers with only a side and top view of the platform. A physical scale can also be determined based on the vehicle’s overall volume, which is useful when determining how much payload is needed for a particular application. Further, this can be used in conjunction with 3D modeling software to scale nonexistent platforms. Following the establishment of a physical scale, which locomotion mode would be most appropriate? Unlike conventional AUVs that use propeller or glider locomotion, bio-inspired platforms use a variety of modes. Kinematics and energy expenditures are different for each of these modes. For bio-inspired vehicles, the focus will be on the body-caudal fin (BCF) locomotion, of which four types exist: anguilliform, carangiform, thunniform, and ostraciiform. There is ample research on anguilliform and carangiform locomotion modes, but little research on thunniform and ostraciiform modes. In order to determine which locomotion mode scales best for a bio-inspired AUV, this research examines the power output and kinematic parameters for all four BCF modes. In order to achieve this, computational fluid dynamics simulations are performed on a 2D swimmer for all four modes. Overset meshes are used in lieu of body-fitted meshes to increase stability and decrease computational time. These simulations were used to scale output power over several decades of Reynolds numbers for each locomotion mode. Carangiform locomotion was found to be the most energy efficient, followed by anguilliform, thunniform, and ostraciiform. In order to utilize the above scaling laws in designing a novel platform, or comparing an existing one, there must be a unifying framework. The framework for choosing a suitable platform is presented with a case study of two bio-inspired vehicles and a conventional one. The framework begins by determining how the platform can be physically scaled depending on the payload. Based on the physical scale and derived scaling laws, it then determines performance criteria. It also describes a method for relative cost scaling for each vehicle, which is not covered in the literature. The cost scaling is based on the assumption that all payloads and materials are the same. The case study shows that a conventional AUV performs better on all performance criteria and would cost less to build

    Design and control of an origami-enabled soft crawling autonomous robot (OSCAR)

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    Soft mobile robots offer unique benefits as they are highly adaptable to the terrain of travel and safe for interaction with humans. However, the lack of autonomy currently limits their practical applications. Autonomous navigation has been well studied for conventional rigid-bodied robots; however, it is underrepresented in the soft mobile robot research community. Its implementation in soft robots comes with multiple challenges. However, the major challenge is the significant motion uncertainties due to the robot compliance, ground interactions, and limited available sensing. These uncertainties prevent high-level control implementation, such as autonomous navigation, to be performed successfully. Therefore, soft robots require robust design methods, as well as path following and path planning algorithms, to mitigate these uncertainties and enable autonomy. This dissertation develops and implements autonomous navigation for a novel origami-enabled soft crawling autonomous robot called OSCAR. In order to implement autonomous navigation, it first mitigates the OSCAR’s motion uncertainties by a multi-step iterative design process. Analysis has shown that OSCAR’s motion uncertainties are the result of: (i) the ground-feet interaction, (ii) effectiveness of low-level closed-loop control and, (iii) variability in the manufacturing assembly process. The iterative control-oriented design allows a robust and reliable OSCAR performance and enables high-level path following control implementation. To design and implement path following control, this research presents an idealized kinematic model and introduces an empirically based correction to make the model predictions match the experimental data. The dissertation investigates two separate path-following controllers: a model-based pure pursuit and a feedback controller. The controllers are investigated in both simulation and experiment and the need for feedback is clearly demonstrated. Finally, this research presents the path planning in order to complete OSCAR’s autonomous navigation. The simulation and experimental results show that OSCAR can accurately navigate in a 2D environment while avoiding static obstacles. Lastly, the coupled locomotion of multiple OSCARs demonstrates an extension of functionality and expands the potential design and operation space for this promising type of soft robot

    Advanced Mobile Robotics: Volume 3

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    Mobile robotics is a challenging field with great potential. It covers disciplines including electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, cognitive science, and social science. It is essential to the design of automated robots, in combination with artificial intelligence, vision, and sensor technologies. Mobile robots are widely used for surveillance, guidance, transportation and entertainment tasks, as well as medical applications. This Special Issue intends to concentrate on recent developments concerning mobile robots and the research surrounding them to enhance studies on the fundamental problems observed in the robots. Various multidisciplinary approaches and integrative contributions including navigation, learning and adaptation, networked system, biologically inspired robots and cognitive methods are welcome contributions to this Special Issue, both from a research and an application perspective

    Autocalibrating vision guided navigation of unmanned air vehicles via tactical monocular cameras in GPS denied environments

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    This thesis presents a novel robotic navigation strategy by using a conventional tactical monocular camera, proving the feasibility of using a monocular camera as the sole proximity sensing, object avoidance, mapping, and path-planning mechanism to fly and navigate small to medium scale unmanned rotary-wing aircraft in an autonomous manner. The range measurement strategy is scalable, self-calibrating, indoor-outdoor capable, and has been biologically inspired by the key adaptive mechanisms for depth perception and pattern recognition found in humans and intelligent animals (particularly bats), designed to assume operations in previously unknown, GPS-denied environments. It proposes novel electronics, aircraft, aircraft systems, systems, and procedures and algorithms that come together to form airborne systems which measure absolute ranges from a monocular camera via passive photometry, mimicking that of a human-pilot like judgement. The research is intended to bridge the gap between practical GPS coverage and precision localization and mapping problem in a small aircraft. In the context of this study, several robotic platforms, airborne and ground alike, have been developed, some of which have been integrated in real-life field trials, for experimental validation. Albeit the emphasis on miniature robotic aircraft this research has been tested and found compatible with tactical vests and helmets, and it can be used to augment the reliability of many other types of proximity sensors

    Dressing for Altitude: U.S. Aviation Pressure Suits--Wiley Post to Space Shuttle

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    Since its earliest days, flight has been about pushing the limits of technology and, in many cases, pushing the limits of human endurance. The human body can be the limiting factor in the design of aircraft and spacecraft. Humans cannot survive unaided at high altitudes. There have been a number of books written on the subject of spacesuits, but the literature on the high-altitude pressure suits is lacking. This volume provides a high-level summary of the technological development and operational use of partial- and full-pressure suits, from the earliest models to the current high altitude, full-pressure suits used for modern aviation, as well as those that were used for launch and entry on the Space Shuttle. The goal of this work is to provide a resource on the technology for suits designed to keep humans alive at the edge of space. Hopefully, future generations will learn from the hard-fought lessons of the past. NASA is committed to the future of aerospace, and a key component of that future is the workforce. Without these men and women, technological advancements would not be possible. Dressing for Altitude is designed to provide the history of the technology and to explore the lessons learned through years of research in creating, testing, and utilizing today s high-altitude suits. It is our hope that this information will prove helpful in the development of future suits. Even with the closeout of the Space Shuttle and the planned ending of the U-2 program, pressure suits will be needed for protection as long as humans seek to explore high frontiers. The NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate is committed to the training of the current and future aerospace workforce. This book and the other books published by the NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate are in support of this commitment. Hopefully, you will find this book a valuable resource for many years to come

    Safety and Reliability - Safe Societies in a Changing World

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    The contributions cover a wide range of methodologies and application areas for safety and reliability that contribute to safe societies in a changing world. These methodologies and applications include: - foundations of risk and reliability assessment and management - mathematical methods in reliability and safety - risk assessment - risk management - system reliability - uncertainty analysis - digitalization and big data - prognostics and system health management - occupational safety - accident and incident modeling - maintenance modeling and applications - simulation for safety and reliability analysis - dynamic risk and barrier management - organizational factors and safety culture - human factors and human reliability - resilience engineering - structural reliability - natural hazards - security - economic analysis in risk managemen

    Abstracts on Radio Direction Finding (1899 - 1995)

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    The files on this record represent the various databases that originally composed the CD-ROM issue of "Abstracts on Radio Direction Finding" database, which is now part of the Dudley Knox Library's Abstracts and Selected Full Text Documents on Radio Direction Finding (1899 - 1995) Collection. (See Calhoun record https://calhoun.nps.edu/handle/10945/57364 for further information on this collection and the bibliography). Due to issues of technological obsolescence preventing current and future audiences from accessing the bibliography, DKL exported and converted into the three files on this record the various databases contained in the CD-ROM. The contents of these files are: 1) RDFA_CompleteBibliography_xls.zip [RDFA_CompleteBibliography.xls: Metadata for the complete bibliography, in Excel 97-2003 Workbook format; RDFA_Glossary.xls: Glossary of terms, in Excel 97-2003 Workbookformat; RDFA_Biographies.xls: Biographies of leading figures, in Excel 97-2003 Workbook format]; 2) RDFA_CompleteBibliography_csv.zip [RDFA_CompleteBibliography.TXT: Metadata for the complete bibliography, in CSV format; RDFA_Glossary.TXT: Glossary of terms, in CSV format; RDFA_Biographies.TXT: Biographies of leading figures, in CSV format]; 3) RDFA_CompleteBibliography.pdf: A human readable display of the bibliographic data, as a means of double-checking any possible deviations due to conversion