34 research outputs found

    IF-level signal-processing of GPS and Galileo Radionavigation signals using MATLAB/Simulink®: Including Effects of Interference and Multipath

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    Open-source GNSS simulator models are rare and somewhat difficult to find. Therefore, Laboratory of Electronics and Communications Engineering in the former Tampere University of Technology (and now Tampere University, Hervanta Campus) has took it upon itself to develop, from time to time, a free and open-source simulator model based on MATLAB/Simulink® for signal processing of a carefully selected set of GNSS radionavigation signals, namely, Galileo E1, Galileo E5, GPS L1, and GPS L5. This M.Sc. thesis is the culmination of those years which have been spent intermittently on research and development of that simulator model. The first half of this M.Sc. thesis is a literature review of some topics which are believed to be of relevance to the thesis’s second half which is in turn more closely associated with documenting the simulator model in question. In particular, the literature review part presents the reader with a plethora of GNSS topics ranging from history of GNSS technology to characteristics of existing radionavigation signals and, last but not least, compatibility and interoperability issues among existing GNSS constellations. While referring to the GNSS theory whenever necessary, the second half is, however, mainly focused on describing the inner-workings of the simulator model from the standpoint of software implementations. Finally, the second half, and thereby the thesis, is concluded with a presentation of various statistical results concerning signal acquisition’s probabilities of detection and false-alarm, in addition to signal tracking’s RMSE

    The Deep Space Network: A Radio Communications Instrument for Deep Space Exploration

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    The primary purpose of the Deep Space Network (DSN) is to serve as a communications instrument for deep space exploration, providing communications between the spacecraft and the ground facilities. The uplink communications channel provides instructions or commands to the spacecraft. The downlink communications channel provides command verification and spacecraft engineering and science instrument payload data

    Stacked Modulation Formats Enabling Highest-Sensitivity Optical Free-Space Communications

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit hochempfindlichen optischen Kommunikationssystemen, wie sie z.B. bei Intersatellitenlinks verwendet werden. Theoretische Überlegungen zur Steigerung der Empfängerempfindlichkeit werden mit Simulations- und Messergebnissen ergänzt und verifiziert. Auf Grund der steigenden Nachfrage nach optischen Links zwischen Satelliten stellt sich die Frage, was sind geeignete Eckparameter, um ein solches System zu beschreiben. Die gigantischen Datenmengen, die von diversen Messgeräten, wie z.B. hochauflösende Kameras auf einem Satelliten generiert werden, bringen die Kapazitäten klassischer HF-Datenlinks an ihre Grenzen. Hier können optische Kommunikationssysteme auf Grund ihrer hohen Trägerfrequenz im Infrarotbereich sehr hohe Datenraten im Terabit/s Bereich ermöglichen. Systeme mit Radiowellen im GHz Bereich als Trägerfrequenz sind hier deutlich limitierter. [7] Linkdistanz, verfügbare Leistung, Pointinggenauigkeit und verfügbare Antennengröße sind einige Parameter, die einen wichtigen Einfluss auf die Leistungsfähigkeit des Systems haben. Je größer die Distanz und desto kleiner die verfügbare Antennengröße sowohl am Sender als auch am Empfänger sind, desto weniger Signalleistung wird den Detektor erreichen. Nimmt man dann noch ungenaues Pointing hinzu, d.h. Sender und Empfänger sind nicht exakt aufeinander ausgerichtet, treten zusätzliche Verluste auf. [7] Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, ein vereinfachtes System zu implementieren und zu testen, das mit möglichst wenigen Photonen pro Bit bei einer gegebenen Bitfehlerwahrscheinlichkeit bei einer möglichst hohen Datenrate arbeiten kann. Hierfür werden alle Freiheitsgrade einer optischen Welle zur Modulation verwendet, um mit sog. „Stapeln“ von Modulationsformaten eine Empfindlichkeitssteigerung zu erreichen. Die Amplitude des Signals wird durch Pulspositionsmodulation (PPM) moduliert, wobei das zeitlich variable Vorhandensein eines Pulses innerhalb des Symbols die Information enthält. Dieses Modulationsformat weist bis dato die höchste Empfindlichkeit in Literatur und Experimenten auf [4]. Je mehr Möglichkeiten es gibt, einen Puls in einem Symbol zu platzieren, desto höher ist die zu erwartende Empfindlichkeit des Systems. Mit anderen Worten: Steigert man die zeitliche Dauer eines PPM-Symbols, so wächst ebenfalls die Empfängerempfindlichkeit. Da bei diesem Ansatz die Datenrate sinkt, wird in dieser Arbeit eine andere Methode vorgestellt, die Empfindlichkeit eines Übertragungssystems zu steigern, ohne die Symbollänge unnötig in die Länge zu ziehen. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Stapeln (sog. „Stacking“) von Modulationsformaten, in dem neben der Amplitudenmodulation weitere Freiheitsgrade, wie die Frequenz, Phase und Polarisation geschickt genutzt werden. Bei der Frequenzumtastung (FSK) wird die optische Frequenz je nach Symbol um ein gewisses Maß verschoben. Bei der polarisations-geschalteten Quadratur-Phasenumtastung (PS-QPSK) werden sowohl die Phase, als auch die Polarisation der optischen Welle moduliert [12]. Als Endergebnis erhält man PPM-FSK-PS-QPSK als Modulationsformat mit hoher Empfindlichkeit. Gegenüber dem reinen PPM wird eine theoretische Empfindlichkeitssteigerung von mehr als 1 dB erreicht. Sowohl Simulations- als auch Messergebnisse bestätigen den Empfindlichkeitsgewinn

    Digital transmission systems operating over high frequency radio channels

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    Imperial Users onl

    Anwendung von maschinellem Lernen in der optischen Nachrichtenübertragungstechnik

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    Aufgrund des zunehmenden Datenverkehrs wird erwartet, dass die optischen Netze zukünftig mit höheren Systemkapazitäten betrieben werden. Dazu wird bspw. die kohärente Übertragung eingesetzt, bei der das Modulationsformat erhöht werden kann, erforder jedoch ein größeres SNR. Um dies zu erreichen, wird die optische Signalleistung erhöht, wodurch die Datenübertragung durch die nichtlinearen Beeinträchtigungen gestört wird. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit liegt auf der Entwicklung von Modellen des maschinellen Lernens, die auf diese nichtlineare Signalverschlechterung reagieren. Es wird die Support-Vector-Machine (SVM) implementiert und als klassifizierende Entscheidungsmaschine verwendet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die SVM eine verbesserte Kompensation sowohl der nichtlinearen Fasereffekte als auch der Verzerrungen der optischen Systemkomponenten ermöglicht. Das Prinzip von EONs bietet eine Technologie zur effizienten Nutzung der verfügbaren Ressourcen, die von der optischen Faser bereitgestellt werden. Ein Schlüsselelement der Technologie ist der bandbreitenvariable Transponder, der bspw. die Anpassung des Modulationsformats oder des Codierungsschemas an die aktuellen Verbindungsbedingungen ermöglicht. Um eine optimale Ressourcenauslastung zu gewährleisten wird der Einsatz von Algorithmen des Reinforcement Learnings untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der RL-Algorithmus in der Lage ist, sich an unbekannte Link-Bedingungen anzupassen, während vergleichbare heuristische Ansätze wie der genetische Algorithmus für jedes Szenario neu trainiert werden müssen

    OFDM para distribuição de dados de controlo em phased array antenas

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e TelecomunicaçõesCurrently, all the control data behind the RF front-end modules in phased array radars is transmitted digitally and simultaneously by means of optical ber, resulting in a massive distribution network. The design of cheaper radars requires alternative ways of transmission to be explored. An intuitive and rather straight approach is to take advantage of the already existent RF layer used for the distribution of the radar pulse. The aim of this thesis work is to investigate OFDM as a modulation option for that approach and to determine whether or not it is a viable one. As proof of concept, experimental results are presented and discussed.Actualmente, toda a informa cão de controlo por detráas dos móodulos T/R (Transmit/ Receive) em radares com phased arrays e transmitida digital e simultaneamente atrav és de fi bra optica, resultando numa rede de distribuiçaõ massiva. Para que se possa reduzir o custo de produção e limitações no design, e fundamental a exploração de alternativas para a transmissão destes dados. Uma ideia intuitiva e que não implica grandes modi ca ções estruturais, e tirar vantagem da j a existente layer de RF (R adio Frequência) usada para distribuição do pulso de radar pelos m ódulos. O objectivo desta tese é investigar OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) como uma das opções para modulação do novo sinal de RF responsável pela informa ção de controlo e determinar se esta é ou não uma escolha vi ável. Como prova de conceito, resultados experimentais serão apresentados e discutidos

    Bandwidth Compressed Waveform and System Design for Wireless and Optical Communications: Theory and Practice

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    This thesis addresses theoretical and practical challenges of spectrally efficient frequency division multiplexing (SEFDM) systems in both wireless and optical domains. SEFDM improves spectral efficiency relative to the well-known orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) by non-orthogonally multiplexing overlapped sub-carriers. However, the deliberate violation of orthogonality results in inter carrier interference (ICI) and associated detection complexity, thus posing many challenges to practical implementations. This thesis will present solutions for these issues. The thesis commences with the fundamentals by presenting the existing challenges of SEFDM, which are subsequently solved by proposed transceivers. An iterative detection (ID) detector iteratively removes self-created ICI. Following that, a hybrid ID together with fixed sphere decoding (FSD) shows an optimised performance/complexity trade-off. A complexity reduced Block-SEFDM can subdivide the signal detection into several blocks. Finally, a coded Turbo-SEFDM is proved to be an efficient technique that is compatible with the existing mobile standards. The thesis also reports the design and development of wireless and optical practical systems. In the optical domain, given the same spectral efficiency, a low-order modulation scheme is proved to have a better bit error rate (BER) performance when replacing a higher order one. In the wireless domain, an experimental testbed utilizing the LTE-Advanced carrier aggregation (CA) with SEFDM is operated in a realistic radio frequency (RF) environment. Experimental results show that 40% higher data rate can be achieved without extra spectrum occupation. Additionally, a new waveform, termed Nyquist-SEFDM, which compresses bandwidth and suppresses out-of-band power leakage is investigated. A 4th generation (4G) and 5th generation (5G) coexistence experiment is followed to verify its feasibility. Furthermore, a 60 GHz SEFDM testbed is designed and built in a point-to-point indoor fiber wireless experiment showing 67% data rate improvement compared to OFDM. Finally, to meet the requirements of future networks, two simplified SEFDM transceivers are designed together with application scenarios and experimental verifications

    Iterative decoding and detection for physical layer network coding

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    PhD ThesisWireless networks comprising multiple relays are very common and it is important that all users are able to exchange messages via relays in the shortest possible time. A promising technique to achieve this is physical layer network coding (PNC), where the time taken to exchange messages between users is achieved by exploiting the interference at the relay due to the multiple incoming signals from the users. At the relay, the interference is demapped to a binary sequence representing the exclusive-OR of both users’ messages. The time to exchange messages is reduced because the relay broadcasts the network coded message to both users, who can then acquire the desired message by applying the exclusive-OR of their original message with the network coded message. However, although PNC can increase throughput it is at the expense of performance degradation due to errors resulting from the demapping of the interference to bits. A number of papers in the literature have investigated PNC with an iterative channel coding scheme in order to improve performance. However, in this thesis the performance of PNC is investigated for end-to-end (E2E) the three most common iterative coding schemes: turbo codes, low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes and trellis bit-interleaved coded modulation with iterative decoding (BICM-ID). It is well known that in most scenarios turbo and LDPC codes perform similarly and can achieve near-Shannon limit performance, whereas BICM-ID does not perform quite as well but has a lower complexity. However, the results in this thesis show that on a two-way relay channel (TWRC) employing PNC, LDPC codes do not perform well and BICM-ID actually outperforms them while also performing comparably with turbo codes. Also presented in this thesis is an extrinsic information transfer (ExIT) chart analysis of the iterative decoders for each coding scheme, which is used to explain this surprising result. Another problem arising from the use of PNC is the transfer of reliable information from the received signal at the relay to the destination nodes. The demapping of the interference to binary bits means that reliability information about the received signal is lost and this results in a significant degradation in performance when applying soft-decision decoding at the destination nodes. This thesis proposes the use of traditional angle modulation (frequency modulation (FM) and phase modulation (PM)) when broadcasting from the relay, where the real and imaginary parts of the complex received symbols at the relay modulate the frequency or phase of a carrier signal, while maintaining a constant envelope. This is important since the complex received values at the relay are more likely to be centred around zero and it undesirable to transmit long sequences of low values due to potential synchronisation problems at the destination nodes. Furthermore, the complex received values, obtained after angle demodulation, are used to derive more reliable log-likelihood ratios (LLRs) of the received symbols at the destination nodes and consequently improve the performance of the iterative decoders for each coding scheme compared with conventionally coded PNC. This thesis makes several important contributions: investigating the performance of different iterative channel coding schemes combined with PNC, presenting an analysis of the behaviour of different iterative decoding algorithms when PNC is employed using ExIT charts, and proposing the use of angle modulation at the relay to transfer reliable information to the destination nodes to improve the performance of the iterative decoding algorithms. The results from this thesis will also be useful for future research projects in the areas of PNC that are currently being addressed, such as synchronisation techniques and receiver design.Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

    Compensation for Impairments of Frequency Converters in Millimeter Wave Vector Signal Generators

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    The upcoming fifth generation (5G) of wireless communications aims to utilize millimeter wave (mm-wave) frequencies in its infrastructure to alleviate the crowded spectrum problem below 6 GHz. At higher frequencies, modulation bandwidths of several hundreds of MHz can be utilized to increase system capacities. However, the radio frequency (RF) frontends can exhibit significant amounts of impairments over these wide bandwidths, thereby limiting the achievable output signal quality and capacity. In this work, two signal generation architectures and the accompanying compensation schemes to mitigate the impairments are proposed for the generation of wideband modulated signals at mm-wave frequencies. The frequency dependent IQ imbalance effects in conventional direct conversion signal generation architectures over ultra wide bandwidths are first investigated. For that, a new interleaved multi-tone test signal based identification and compensation scheme is proposed. This scheme was experimentally validated by using an off-the-shelf IQ mixer operating at 30 GHz driven with an interleaved multi-tone signal with 4 GHz of modulation bandwidth and achieving a reduction in the normalized mean squared error (NMSE) from -14 dB to -38 dB. Subsequently, a low-complexity pruned Volterra series based digital predistortion (DPD) scheme was devised to mitigate the nonlinear distortions exhibited by the power amplifier stage and maximize the signal quality of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signals with modulation bandwidths up to 800 MHz. After compensation of the system with 66 DPD coefficients, the OFDM signal with 800 MHz of modulation bandwidth exhibited an NMSE of -32.4 dB and an adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) of 45 dBc. However, the challenges associated with the implementation of traditional direct conversion architectures exacerbate as the operating frequency increases. For instance, the performance of high frequency active building blocks, e.g. mixer and amplifiers, deteriorates as the operating frequency approaches the maximum oscillation frequency of the semiconductor technology. To address this challenge, a signal generation system utilizing frequency multipliers to replace the mixer and facilitate frequency upconversion is proposed. A novel Volterra series based behavioural model is also devised to predict the nonlinear behaviour of frequency multipliers and to form the basis for synthesizing a DPD scheme capable of obtaining acceptable signal quality when driven with wideband modulated signals. Various frequency multiplier based signal generation systems were implemented using off-the-shelf frequency doublers, triplers, and quadruplers to serve as proof of concept prototypes. Experiments confirmed the ability to generate modulated signals with competitive error vector magnitudes (EVM) and ACPR levels with low complexity DPD schemes