108 research outputs found

    Bistable Chimera Attractors on a Triangular Network of Oscillator Populations

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    We study a triangular network of three populations of coupled phase oscillators with identical frequencies. The populations interact nonlocally, in the sense that all oscillators are coupled to one another, but more weakly to those in neighboring populations than to those in their own population. This triangular network is the simplest discretization of a continuous ring of oscillators. Yet it displays an unexpectedly different behavior: in contrast to the lone stable chimera observed in continuous rings of oscillators, we find that this system exhibits \emph{two coexisting stable chimeras}. Both chimeras are, as usual, born through a saddle node bifurcation. As the coupling becomes increasingly local in nature they lose stability through a Hopf bifurcation, giving rise to breathing chimeras, which in turn get destroyed through a homoclinic bifurcation. Remarkably, one of the chimeras reemerges by a reversal of this scenario as we further increase the locality of the coupling, until it is annihilated through another saddle node bifurcation.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    An experimental route to spatiotemporal chaos in an extended 1D oscillators array

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    We report experimental evidence of the route to spatiotemporal chaos in a large 1D-array of hotspots in a thermoconvective system. Increasing the driving force, a stationary cellular pattern becomes unstable towards a mixed pattern of irregular clusters which consist of time-dependent localized patterns of variable spatiotemporal coherence. These irregular clusters coexist with the basic cellular pattern. The Fourier spectra corresponding to this synchronization transition reveals the weak coupling of a resonant triad. This pattern saturates with the formation of a unique domain of great spatiotemporal coherence. As we further increase the driving force, a supercritical bifurcation to a spatiotemporal beating regime takes place. The new pattern is characterized by the presence of two stationary clusters with a characteristic zig-zag geometry. The Fourier analysis reveals a stronger coupling and enables to find out that this beating phenomena is produced by the splitting of the fundamental spatiotemporal frequencies in a narrow band. Both secondary instabilities are phase-like synchronization transitions with global and absolute character. Far beyond this threshold, a new instability takes place when the system is not able to sustain the spatial frequency splitting, although the temporal beating remains inside these domains. These experimental results may support the understanding of other systems in nature undergoing similar clustering processes.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Synchronized clusters in globally connected networks of second-order oscillators:Uncovering the role of inertia

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    We discuss the formation of secondary synchronized clusters, that is, small clusters of synchronized oscillators besides the main cluster, in second-order oscillator networks and the role of inertia in this process. Such secondary synchronized clusters give rise to non-stationary states such as oscillatory and standing wave states. After describing the formation of such clusters through numerical simulations, we use a time-periodic mean field ansatz to obtain a qualitative understanding of the formation of non-stationary states. Finally, the effect of inertia in the formation of secondary synchronized clusters is analyzed through a minimal model. The analysis shows that the effect of the main synchronized cluster on the other oscillators is weakened by inertias, thus leading to secondary synchronized clusters during the transition to synchronization

    Robustness and timing of cellular differentiation through population-based symmetry breaking

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    During mammalian development, cell types expressing mutually exclusive genetic markers are differentiated from a multilineage primed state. These observations have invoked single-cell multistability view as the dynamical basis of differentiation. However, the robust regulative nature of mammalian development is not captured therein. Considering the well-established role of cell-cell communication in this process, we propose a fundamentally different dynamical treatment in which cellular identities emerge and are maintained on population level, as a novel unique solution of the coupled system. Subcritical system’s organization here enables symmetry-breaking to be triggered by cell number increase in a timed, self-organized manner. Robust cell type proportions are thereby an inherent feature of the resulting inhomogeneous solution. This framework is generic, as exemplified for early embryogenesis and neurogenesis cases. Distinct from mechanisms that rely on pre-existing asymmetries, we thus demonstrate that robustness and accuracy necessarily emerge from the cooperative behaviour of growing cell populations during development

    Mathematical frameworks for oscillatory network dynamics in neuroscience

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    The tools of weakly coupled phase oscillator theory have had a profound impact on the neuroscience community, providing insight into a variety of network behaviours ranging from central pattern generation to synchronisation, as well as predicting novel network states such as chimeras. However, there are many instances where this theory is expected to break down, say in the presence of strong coupling, or must be carefully interpreted, as in the presence of stochastic forcing. There are also surprises in the dynamical complexity of the attractors that can robustly appear—for example, heteroclinic network attractors. In this review we present a set of mathemat- ical tools that are suitable for addressing the dynamics of oscillatory neural networks, broadening from a standard phase oscillator perspective to provide a practical frame- work for further successful applications of mathematics to understanding network dynamics in neuroscience

    Timing Cellular Decision Making Under Noise via Cell–Cell Communication

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    Many cellular processes require decision making mechanisms, which must act reliably even in the unavoidable presence of substantial amounts of noise. However, the multistable genetic switches that underlie most decision-making processes are dominated by fluctuations that can induce random jumps between alternative cellular states. Here we show, via theoretical modeling of a population of noise-driven bistable genetic switches, that reliable timing of decision-making processes can be accomplished for large enough population sizes, as long as cells are globally coupled by chemical means. In the light of these results, we conjecture that cell proliferation, in the presence of cell–cell communication, could provide a mechanism for reliable decision making in the presence of noise, by triggering cellular transitions only when the whole cell population reaches a certain size. In other words, the summation performed by the cell population would average out the noise and reduce its detrimental impact

    Weak Chimeras in Modular Electrochemical Oscillator Networks

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Frontiers Media via the DOI in this recordWe investigate the formation of weak chimera states in modular networks of electrochemical oscillations during the electrodissulution of nickel in sulfuric acid. In experiment and simulation, we consider two globally coupled populations of highly non-linear oscillators which are weakly coupled through a collective resistance. Without cross coupling, the system exhibits bistability between a one- and a two-cluster state, whose frequencies are distinct. For weak cross coupling and initial conditions for the one- and two-cluster states for populations 1 and 2, respectively, weak chimera dynamics are generated. The weak chimera state exhibits localized frequency synchrony: The oscillators in each population are frequency-synchronized while the two populations are not. The chimera state is very robust: The behavior is maintained for hundreds of cycles for the rather heterogeneous natural frequencies of the oscillators. The experimental results are confirmed with numerical simulations of a kinetic model for the chemical process. The features of the chimera states are compared to other previously observed chimeras with oscillators close to Hopf bifurcation, coupled with parallel resistances and capacitances or with a non-linear delayed feedback. The experimentally observed synchronization patterns could provide a mechanism for generation of chimeras in biological systems, where robust response is essential
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