23 research outputs found

    RNAcentral : a hub of information for non-coding RNA sequences

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    RNAcentral is a comprehensive database of non-coding RNA (ncRNA) sequences, collating information on ncRNA sequences of all types from a broad range of organisms. We have recently added a new genome mapping pipeline that identifies genomic locations for ncRNA sequences in 296 species. We have also added several new types of functional annotations, such as tRNA secondary structures, Gene Ontology annotations, and miRNA-target interactions. A new quality control mechanism based on Rfam family assignments identifies potential contamination, incomplete sequences, and more. The RNAcentral database has become a vital component of many workflows in the RNA community, serving as both the primary source of sequence data for academic and commercial groups, as well as a source of stable accessions for the annotation of genomic and functional features. These examples are facilitated by an improved RNAcentral web interface, which features an updated genome browser, a new sequence feature viewer, and improved text search functionality. RNAcentral is freely available at https://rnacentral.org

    MicroRNAs from saliva of anopheline mosquitoes mimic human endogenous miRNAs and may contribute to vector-host-pathogen interactions

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    During blood feeding haematophagous arthropods inject into their hosts a cocktail of salivary proteins whose main role is to counteract host haemostasis, inflammation and immunity. However, animal body fluids are known to also carry miRNAs. To get insights into saliva and salivary gland miRNA repertoires of the African malaria vector Anopheles coluzzii we used small RNA-Seq and identified 214 miRNAs, including tissue-enriched, sex-biased and putative novel anopheline miRNAs. Noteworthy, miRNAs were asymmetrically distributed between saliva and salivary glands, suggesting that selected miRNAs may be preferentially directed toward mosquito saliva. The evolutionary conservation of a subset of saliva miRNAs in Anopheles and Aedes mosquitoes, and in the tick Ixodes ricinus, supports the idea of a non-random occurrence pointing to their possible physiological role in blood feeding by arthropods. Strikingly, eleven of the most abundant An. coluzzi saliva miRNAs mimicked human miRNAs. Prediction analysis and search for experimentally validated targets indicated that miRNAs from An. coluzzii saliva may act on host mRNAs involved in immune and inflammatory responses. Overall, this study raises the intriguing hypothesis that miRNAs injected into vertebrates with vector saliva may contribute to host manipulation with possible implication for vector-host interaction and pathogen transmission

    Functional Enrichment Analysis of Regulatory Elements

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    This work has been partially supported by FEDER/Junta de Andalucia-Consejeria de Economia y Conocimiento/(grant CV20-36723), grant PID2020-119032RB-I00, MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and FEDER/Junta de Andalucia-Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades (Grant P20_00335).Statistical methods for enrichment analysis are important tools to extract biological information from omics experiments. Although these methods have been widely used for the analysis of gene and protein lists, the development of high-throughput technologies for regulatory elements demands dedicated statistical and bioinformatics tools. Here, we present a set of enrichment analysis methods for regulatory elements, including CpG sites, miRNAs, and transcription factors. Statistical significance is determined via a power weighting function for target genes and tested by theWallenius noncentral hypergeometric distribution model to avoid selection bias. These new methodologies have been applied to the analysis of a set of miRNAs associated with arrhythmia, showing the potential of this tool to extract biological information from a list of regulatory elements. These new methods are available in GeneCodis 4, a web tool able to perform singular and modular enrichment analysis that allows the integration of heterogeneous information.FEDER/Junta de Andalucia-Consejeria de Economia y Conocimiento CV20-36723MCIN/AEI PID2020-119032RB-I00FEDER/Junta de Andalucia-Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades P20_0033

    Music-listening regulates human microRNA expression

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    Music-listening and performance have been shown to affect human gene expression. In order to further elucidate the biological basis of the effects of music on the human body, we studied the effects of music-listening on gene regulation by sequencing microRNAs of the listeners (Music Group) and their controls (Control Group) without music exposure. We identified upregulation of six microRNAs (hsa-miR-132-3p, hsa-miR-361-5p, hsa-miR-421, hsa-miR-23a-3p, hsa-miR-23b-3p, hsa-miR-25-3p) and downregulation of two microRNAs (hsa-miR-378a-3p, hsa-miR-16-2-3p) in Music Group with high musical aptitude. Some upregulated microRNAs were reported to be responsive to neuronal activity (miR-132, miR-23a, miR-23b) and modulators of neuronal plasticity, CNS myelination, and cognitive functions like long-term potentiation and memory. miR-132 plays a critical role in regulating TAU protein levels and is important for preventing tau protein aggregation that causes Alzheimer's disease. miR-132 andDICER, upregulated after music-listening, protect dopaminergic neurons and are important for retaining striatal dopamine levels. Some of the transcriptional regulators (FOS, CREB1, JUN, EGR1,andBDNF) of the upregulated microRNAs were immediate early genes and top candidates associated with musical traits.BDNFand SNCA, co-expressed and upregulated in music-listening and music-performance, are both are activated by GATA2, which is associated with musical aptitude. Several miRNAs were associated with song-learning, singing, and seasonal plasticity networks in songbirds. We did not detect any significant changes in microRNA expressions associated with music education or low musical aptitude. Our data thereby show the importance of inherent musical aptitude for music appreciation and for eliciting the human microRNA response to music-listening.Peer reviewe

    Comprehensive analysis of high-throughput screens with HiTSeekR

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    High-throughput screening (HTS) is an indispensable tool for drug (target) discovery that currently lacks user-friendly software tools for the robust identification of putative hits from HTS experiments and for the interpretation of these findings in the context of systems biology. We developed HiTSeekR as a one-stop solution for chemical compound screens, siRNA knock-down and CRISPR/Cas9 knock-out screens, as well as microRNA inhibitor and -mimics screens. We chose three use cases that demonstrate the potential of HiTSeekR to fully exploit HTS screening data in quite heterogeneous contexts to generate novel hypotheses for follow-up experiments: (i) a genome-wide RNAi screen to uncover modulators of TNFα, (ii) a combined siRNA and miRNA mimics screen on vorinostat resistance and (iii) a small compound screen on KRAS synthetic lethality. HiTSeekR is publicly available at http://hitseekr.compbio.sdu.dk. It is the first approach to close the gap between raw data processing, network enrichment and wet lab target generation for various HTS screen types

    Computational Methods and Software Tools for Functional Analysis of miRNA Data

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    miRNAs are important regulators of gene expression that play a key role in many biological processes. High-throughput techniques allow researchers to discover and characterize large sets of miRNAs, and enrichment analysis tools are becoming increasingly important in decoding which miRNAs are implicated in biological processes. Enrichment analysis of miRNA targets is the standard technique for functional analysis, but this approach carries limitations and bias; alternatives are currently being proposed, based on direct and curated annotations. In this review, we describe the two workflows of miRNAs enrichment analysis, based on target gene or miRNA annotations, highlighting statistical tests, software tools, up-to-date databases, and functional annotations resources in the study of metazoan miRNAs.Junta de Andalucia PI-0173-2017 CV20.3672

    A Filtering Method for Identification of Significant Target mRNAs of Coexpressed and Differentially Expressed MicroRNA Clusters

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    MicroRNA (miRNA) binding is primarily based on sequence, but structure-specific binding is also possible. Various prediction algorithms have been developed for predicting miRNA target genes; the results, however, have relatively high levels of false positives, and the degree of overlap between predicted targets from different methods is poor or null. We devised a new method for identifying significant miRNA target genes from an extensive list of predicted miRNA target gene relationships using hypergeometric distributions. We evaluated our method in statistical and semantic aspects using a common miRNA cluster from six solid tumors. Our method provides statistically and semantically significant miRNA target genes. Complementing target prediction algorithms with our proposed method may have a significant synergistic effect in finding and evaluating functional annotation and enrichment analysis for miRNA.ope

    Dynamics of miRNA transcriptome during gonadal development of zebrafish

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    Studies in non-teleost vertebrates have found microRNAs (miRNAs) to be essential for proper gonadal development. However, comparatively little is known about their role during gonadal development in teleost fishes. So far in zebrafish, a model teleost, transcript profiling throughout gonadal development has not been established because of a tiny size of an organ in juvenile stages and its poor distinguishability from surrounding tissues. We performed small RNA sequencing on isolated gonads of See-Thru-Gonad line, from the undifferentiated state at 3 weeks post fertilization (wpf) to fully mature adults at 24 wpf. We identified 520 gonadal mature miRNAs; 111 of them had significant changes in abundance over time, while 50 miRNAs were either testis- or ovary-enriched significantly in at least one developmental stage. We characterized patterns of miRNA abundance over time including isomiR variants. We identified putative germline versus gonadal somatic miRNAs through differential small RNA sequencing of isolated gametes versus the whole gonads. This report is the most comprehensive analysis of the miRNA repertoire in zebrafish gonads during the sexual development to date and provides an important database from which functional studies can be performed

    MicroRNA meta-signature of oral cancer: evidence from a meta-analysis

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    Aim: It was the aim of the study to identify commonly deregulated miRNAs in oral cancer patients by performing a meta-analysis of previously published miRNA expression profiles in cancer and matched normal non-cancerous tissue in such patients. Material and methods: Meta-analysis included seven independent studies analyzed by a vote-counting method followed by bioinformatic enrichment analysis. Results: Amongst seven independent studies included in the meta-analysis, 20 miRNAs were found to be deregulated in oral cancer when compared with non-cancerous tissue. Eleven miRNAs were consistently up-regulated in three or more studies (miR-21-5p, miR-31-5p, miR-135b-5p, miR-31-3p, miR-93-5p, miR-34b-5p, miR-424-5p, miR-18a-5p, miR-455-3p, miR-450a-5p, miR-21-3p), and nine were down-regulated (miR-139-5p, miR-30a-3p, miR-376c-3p, miR-885-5p, miR-375, miR-486-5p, miR-411-5p, miR-133a-3p, miR-30a-5p). The meta-signature of identified miRNAs was functionally characterized by KEGG enrichment analysis. Twenty-four KEGG pathways were significantly enriched, and TGF-beta signaling was the most enriched signaling pathway. The highest number of meta-signature miRNAs was involved in the sphingolipid signaling pathway. Natural killer cell-mediated cytotoxicity was the pathway with most genes regulated by identified miRNAs. The rest of the enriched pathways in our miRNA list describe different malignancies and signaling. Conclusions: The identified miRNA meta-signature might be considered as a potential battery of biomarkers when distinguishing oral cancer tissue from normal, non-cancerous tissue. Further mechanistic studies are warranted in order to confirm and fully elucidate the role of deregulated miRNAs in oral cancer.Supplemental data at [https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5926675

    miRNA data analysis workflow

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    Micro RNAs (miRNA) have been shown to regulate many biological processes by silencing the expression of their target genes. They are small non-coding RNAs that have been found in all types of organisms from eukaryotes to viruses. It has been shown that one miRNA can have several target genes and on the other hand, one gene can be targeted by several different miRNAs. Thus, the analysis of miRNA data is complicated. The aim of this project was to develop a workflow for miRNA functional analysis and test its functionality with some published datasets. The workflow for the functional analysis of miRNAs includes miRNA differential expression analysis, target gene identification and functional enrichment analysis. The first aim of this project was to find a suitable database or a set of databases to retrieve miRNA target predictions. By literature search, information was gathered about different miRNA target prediction databases that are currently available. mirDIP4.1, which collects predictions from 30 different resources and is updated frequently, was selected as the source of miRNA target predictions. For the functional analysis, two different tools were tested. First one of these, R/Bioconductor package mdgsa is based on gene set enrichment analysis. The other one, BUFET is a python script that performs overrepresentation analysis with empirical correction for bias that is often observed in miRNA functional analysis. For the testing of these algorithms, datasets from three different publications were used with miRNA target predictions from various sources. As expected, the results from different approaches differed both from the original publications and from each other. One reason for the differences observed in results compared to those of the original method publications was the different target prediction database that was used here