10 research outputs found

    Integrated Intermodal Network Design with Nonlinear Inter-Hub Movement Costs

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    In this research, transportation mode and load route selection problems are integrated with the hub location problem in a single mathematical formulation to find the optimal design of intermodal transportation networks. Economies of scale are modeled utilizing a stepwise function that relates the per container transportation cost to the amount of flow between two nodes. A heuristic method combining a genetic algorithm and the shortest path algorithm was developed to solve this integrated planning problem. Computational experiments were completed to evaluate the performance of the proposed heuristic for different problem instances. At the end, conclusions are presented and future research directions are discussed

    Road and intermodal transport performance: the impact of operational costs and air pollution external costs

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    peer reviewedThe transportation of goods is essential for the economy, but it also contributes to air pollution which, in turn, affects human health. These negative impacts generate additional costs for society that are not necessarily taken into account in public transportation policies and in private transportation decisions of companies and individuals. This leads to inefficient transportation systems where the social equilibrium is not reached. Intermodal transport is promoted by the European Commission to reduce these negative externalities. The objective of this paper is to analyze at a strategic level the effect on modal split between road, intermodal rail and intermodal inland waterway transport of several economic or environmental policies. An intermodal allocation model is applied to the Belgian case in order to identify the modal split changes between the single minimization of costs (operational or health-related external) and the introduction of additional road taxes

    The extended gate problem : intermodal hub location with multiple actors

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    El transporte intermodal de mercancías: análisis crítico de la literatura

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    [ES] En los últimos años la investigación del transporte intermodal de mercancías ha crecido notablemente. Este sistema de transporte es una alternativa al transporte unimodal en tanto que permite aprovechar las potencialidades de cada modo. Por otro lado, el crecimiento del comercio internacional ha propiciado un aumento en el uso del transporte intermodal, debido a la necesidad de disminuir la congestión en las carreteras y, en consecuencia, las emisiones de gases contaminantes. Además de tratarse de un transporte que busca la sostenibilidad, ofrece también ventajas en términos de seguridad, costes y tiempo. Con este trabajo se pretende examinar la evolución y uso del transporte intermodal para la distribución de mercancías mediante un análisis crítico de la literatura. Para ello, se investiga y estructura la información en base al desarrollo del concepto de transporte intermodal y otros términos utilizados en el mismo ámbito, las características que presentan las redes intermodales y los problemas de transporte intermodal existentes. Finalmente, se extraen unas conclusiones y se realiza un análisis de vacíos y propuestas de líneas futuras de investigación.[EN] In the last few years there has been significant growth in research on intermodal freight transportation. This transport system is an alternative to unimodal transport as long as it allows exploiting the potentialities of each mode. On the other hand, the growth of international trade has led to an increase in the use of intermodal transport, due to to the necessity of reduce congestion on the roads and, consequently, emissions of polluting gases. Besides being a transport that seeks sustainability, it also offers advantages in terms of safety, costs and time. This paper aims to examine the evolution and use of intermodal transport in freight distribution through a critical literature review. To this end, the existing information is researched and structured based on the development of intermodal transport concept and other terms used in the same field, the characteristics of intermodal networks and the intermodal transport problems. Finally, conclusions are drawn and analysis of gaps and proposals for future lines of research is presented.[CA] En els últims anys la investigació del transport intermodal de mercaderies ha crescut notablement. Este sistema de transport és una alternativa al transport unimodal en tant que permet aprofitar les potencialitats de cada mode. D'altra banda, el creixement del comerç internacional ha propiciat un augment en l'ús del transport intermodal, a causa de la necessitat de disminuir la congestió en les carreteres i, en conseqüència, les emissions de gasos contaminants. A més de tractar-se d'un transport que busca la sostenibilitat, oferix també avantatges en termes de seguretat, costos i temps. Amb este treball es pretén examinar l'evolució i ús del transport intermodal per a la distribució de mercaderies per mitjà d'una anàlisi crítica de la literatura. Per a això, s'investiga i estructura la informació basant-se en el desenrotllament del concepte de transport intermodal i altres termes utilitzats en el mateix àmbit, les característiques que presenten les xarxes intermodals i els problemes de transport intermodal existents. Finalment, s'extrauen unes conclusions i es realitza una anàlisi de buits i propostes de línies futures d'investigació.Zamora Fortes, M. (2019). El transporte intermodal de mercancías: análisis crítico de la literatura. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/128811TFG

    Metodología de evaluación de una red de transporte multimodal para el corredor sur en Colombia.

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    Este proyecto de investigación se orientó hacia la configuración de una herramienta de carácter estratégico, que permita orientar los esfuerzos del país en la consolidación de una red de transporte multimodal que permita la reducción de los costos logísticos de Colombia y hacerlo más competitivo en el ámbito logístico mundial. Para alcanzar la propuesta presentada, se llevó a cabo una revisión de la literatura que fuese relevante y pertinente para el caso colombiano, para lo cual fue necesario tipificar los diferentes escenarios posibles de configuración de una red de transporte intermodal para el corredor objeto de estudio, Una vez definido el escenario más apropiado, se orientaron los esfuerzos en identificar en la literatura, los diferentes estudios e investigaciones, para con ello configurar un modelo que permitiese dar respuesta a los objetivos planteados, incorporando aspectos que la misma literatura no ha involucrado, como fue permitir la selección de una tecnología adecuada para las zonas de intercambio modal. Definida a partir de la solución cuantas y en que regiones era necesario establecer donde se debería ubicar las zonas de intercambio modal, se hizo necesario proponer una herramienta que basada en criterios cualitativos y cuantitativospermiten seleccionar entre varios sitios candidatos, una zona de intercambio modal, en este sentido, igualmente se hace una revisión de la literatura, para finalmente dejar esbozado una herramienta de toma de decisiones basado en el proceso analítico jerárquico (AHP). Definidas ambas herramientas, tanto el modelo matemático, como la ponderación de los criterios, se deja para el uso la metodología de evaluación de una red de transporte intermodal para el corredor Bogotá – Buenaventura

    Modelling the structure of intermodal transport terminals

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    Ekonomski razvoj, globalizacija, demografske promene, tehnološki razvoj, klimatske promene itd. generišu sve kompleksnije zahteve u oblastima logistike i transporta, kao jednog od podsistema logistike, i dovode do veoma raznovrsnih zahteva za transportom robe uz zadovoljenje visokih očekivanja svih učesnika, primenu savremenih tehnoloških rešenja i poštovanje načela održivog razvoja. Jedan od preduslova za zadovoljenje ovih zahteva jeste intenzivni razvoj i primena intermodalnog transporta, pri čemu je adekvatno planiranje i razvoj intermodalnih terminala, kao jednog od ključnih podsistema intermodalnog transporta, od presudnog značaja. Ovo je bio glavni motiv za izbor teme ove disertacije koja se bavi modeliranjem terminala intermodalnog transporta, procenom njihove efikasnosti i izborom efikasnih tipičnih struktura terminala u zavisnosti od širokog skupa zahteva, ciljeva i faktora. Cilj disertacije je bio dokazati da: efikasnost terminala intermodalnog transporta zavisi od različitih elemenata za definisanje strukture; adekvatno strukturiranje terminala zahteva analizu uticaja velikog broja različitih faktora koji opisuju društveno-privredno okruženje, zahteve logističkih tokova i razvojne karakteristike sistema;. efikasnost terminala zavisi od faktora koji utiču na njihovo strukturiranje i koji su prisutni u različitim kombinacijama i sa različitim intenzitetom i obimom; postojeći modeli i metode za planiranje terminala intermodalnog transporta u obzir uzimaju samo pojedine aspekte strukturiranja i ne sagledavaju problem na sveobuhvatan način koji u obzir uzima različite uticaje i faktore; kombinovanjem elemenata za definisanje strukture terminala mogu se dobiti potencijalne strukture terminala, čija se efikasnost može odrediti na osnovu karakteristika veza koje postoje između elemenata strukture i identifikovanih tipičnih struktura. U disertaciji su definisani i opisani sistem intermodalnog transporta i svi njegovi podsistemi, elementi za definisanje strukture terminala intermodalnog transporta, faktori koji utiču na elemente za definisanje strukture, kao i zahtevi i ciljevi interesnih grupa koje učestvuju u intermodalnom transportu. Izvršeno je vrednovanje i rangiranje elemenata strukture i izbor ključnih elemenata na osnovu kojih su definisane tipične strukture terminala i izvršeno njihovo grupisanje. Na osnovu opsežnog istraživanja i prikupljenih podataka o 180 intermodalnih terminala u Evropi izvršen je izbor efikasnih tipičnih struktura. Na osnovu identifikovanih veza između elemenata strukture terminala i njihovih efikasnosti izvršeno je modeliranje potencijalnih struktura terminala i procena njihovih efikasnosti. Takođe je izvršena analiza lokacije intermodalnih terminala i izbor tehnologije podsistema, kao elemenata strukture terminala koji nisu izabrani kao ključni, ali imaju značajan uticaj na strukture intermodalnih terminala...Economic development, globalization, demographic change, technological development, climate change, etc. generate increasingly complex requirements in the fields of logistics and transport, as one of the subsystems of logistics, and lead to very diverse requirements for the transport of goods while satisfying the high expectations of all participants, applying modern technological solutions and respecting the principles of the sustainable development. One of the preconditions for satisfying these requirements is the intensive development and application of the intermodal transport, whereby the planning and development of intermodal terminals, as one of the key intermodal transport subsystems, is crucial. This was the main motive for the choice of the topic of this dissertation dealing with the modeling of the intermodal transport terminals, the assessment of their efficiency and the selection of efficient typical terminal structures, depending on a wide set of requirements, goals and factors. The aim of the dissertation was to prove that: the efficiency of the intermodal transport terminal depends on different elements for defining the structure; adequate terminal structuring requires an analysis of the impact of a large number of different factors describing the socio-economic environment, the requirements of logistics flows and the developmental characteristics of the system; the efficiency of the terminal depends on the factors that influence their structuring, which are present in different combinations and with different intensities and volumes; existing models and methods for planning intermodal transport terminals take into account only certain aspects of structuring and do not perceive the problem in a comprehensive way that takes into account different influences and factors; by combining the elements for defining the structure of the terminal, potential terminal structures can be obtained, the efficiency of which can be determined based on the characteristics of the relationships that exist between the elements of the structure and the identified typical structures. The dissertation defines and describes the system of intermodal transport and all its subsystems, elements for defining the structure of the intermodal transport terminal, the factors that influence the elements for defining the structure, as well as the requirements and objectives of the stakeholders participating in intermodal transport. The evaluation and ranking of the elements of the structure is performed, as well as the selection of the key elements on the basis of which the typical structures of the terminal were defined and their grouping was performed. Based on the extensive research and data collected on over 180 intermodal terminals in Europe, a selection of efficient typical structures was carried out. On the basis of identified connections between the elements of the terminal structure and their efficiency, modeling of potential terminal structures and estimation of their efficiency was performed. An analysis of the intermodal terminal location and the selection of the subsystem technology, as the elements of the terminal structure which were not selected as the key ones, but have a significant impact on the intermodal terminal structures, is also made..