11,310 research outputs found

    The Postmodernization of History in the Theatre of Sabina Berman

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    The Postmodernization of History in the Theatre of Sabina Berma

    The Crisis of the Western Legal Tradition

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    A Review of Law and Revolution: The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition by Harold J. Berma

    O efeito da redução do habitat causado por estradas no uso do espaço e padrões de movimento de um roedor ameaçado

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    Nesta dissertação pretendo avaliar como a redução do habitat devido à presença de estradas afecta o uso do espaço e padrões de movimento de um roedor ameaçado. A espécie alvo é o rato de Cabrera (Microtus cabrerae), um endemismo Ibérico com estatuto Nacional de “Vulnerável”. Foram selecionadas duas parcelas de habitat com diferentes níveis de influência de estradas: uma mais pequena e exposta a estradas (a Berma) e outra maior e menos exposta a estas infra-estruturas (Prado). Os resultados mostraram que os indivíduos da Berma tiveram áreas vitais mais reduzidas e menos complexas que as dos indivíduos do Prado. Os padrões de movimento foram influenciados pelo período do dia apenas na Berma. Os dados mostraram um efeito barreira das estradas em ambas as parcelas de habitat, embora mais forte na Berma. Este estudo mostra que o uso do espaço e os padrões de movimento poderão ser afectados pela redução de habitat causada pela presença das estradas; Abstract In this dissertation I intend to assess how the habitat encroachment by roads affects the space use and movement patterns of an endangered vole. The target species is the Cabrera vole (Microtus cabrerae), an Iberian endemism considered “Vulnerable” at the national level. Two habitat patches with different degrees of encroachment by roads were selected: one more encroached (Verge) and one less encroached (Meadow). Results showed that individuals from the Verge had smaller and less complex home ranges than those of individuals from the Meadow. Movement patterns were influenced by the day period only in the Verge patch. The data showed a barrier effect on both habitat patches, although stronger in the Verge. The present study shows that space use and movement patterns might be affected by the habitat encroachment by roads

    Amalan pengurusan keselamatan bengkel kemahiran hidup (KHB) Sekolah Menengah Harian Daerah Batu Pahat

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    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji sejauhmanakah persepsi pelajar terhadap amalan pengurusan keselamatan dari aspek keselamatan alatan dan bahan, diri dan rakan serta keselamatan am di bengkel Kemahiran Hidup sekolah menengah harian daerah Batu Pahat. Kajian berbentuk kuantitatif dilaksanakan di empat buah sekolah menengah harian daerah Batu Pahat iaitu SMK Datin Onn Jaafar, SMK Banang Jaya, SMK Dato Onn dan SMK Seri Gading. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 350 orang pelajar tingkatan dua yang mengambil matapelajaran KHB dan data dikumpul menggunakan instrumen borang soal selidik. Dapatan kajian dianalisis menggunakan perisian Winsteps Version dengan pendekatan Model Pengukuran Rasch sepenuhnya. Data dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis diskriptif dan analisis inferensi iaitu ujian-t bagi menguji hipotesis kajian. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa amalan pengurusan keselamatan di bengkel diamalkan secara sederhana bagi ketiga-tiga aspek tersebut. Terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan di antara pelajar di bandar dan luar bandar iaitu t=-4.08 dan p=0.000 di mana nilai min ukuranya pula ialah -.19. Beberapa cadangan telah dikemukakan bagi penambahbaikkan seperti mengadakan kempen kesedaran dan menyediakan sudut standard operasi amalan pengurusan keselamatan agar pelajar sentiasa mematuhi peraturan semasa berada di bengkel Kemahiran Hidup

    Medición de la cantidad de residuos plásticos pequeños en algunas playas de El Salvador

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    Durante los meses de abril y agosto de 2016, se recolectaron 24 muestras de arena intermareal y berma (38,400 cm2) en seis playas de El Salvador para medir el peso de fragmentos de plástico y otros residuos sólidos asociados. El sedimento se clasificó en tamaños superiores a 10, 4 y 2 mm en tamices separados. El material más abundante fueron restos vegetales que alcanzaron 376.6 g, en cambio, se registraron 21.7 g de fragmentos plásticos. Debido a la cercanía con la vacación de Semana Santa de 2016, con el primer muestreo se detectó una tendencia de mayor acumulación de sólidos plásticos. Se detectó diferencia significativa al comparar los pesos de material vegetal y plástico entre estación seca y lluviosa. Por el contrario, los pesos de los diferentes desechos sólidos no presentaron diferencias significativas entre el área intermareal y berma

    Hubungan antara kepimpinan spiritual dan komitmen organisasi dalam sektor perkhidmatan di Selangor

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    Dalam era modenisasi kini, adalah amat penting untuk menggalakkan pekerja mencapai potensi kerja yang maksima. Kerohanian atau spiritual di dalam organisasi akan memupuk tenaga kerja yang lebih komited, kreatif, beretika, dan produktif yang seterusnya membawa kepada peningkatan prestasi organisasi (Fry, 2003). Peranan pemimpin amatlah penting bagi memacu organisasi ke tahap yang lebih tinggi. Untuk itu, pemimpin perlu memahami bahawa seseorang itu perlu mencari makna kehidupan melalui kerja mereka (Fairholm, 1997). Selain itu, pekerja juga perlu melihat diri mereka sebagai insan rohani yang jiwa mereka memerlukan makanan di tempat kerja, yang mengalami rasa tujuan dan makna dalam pekerjaan mereka, dan rasa memerlukan antara satu sama lain dalam komuniti tempat kerja mereka (Milliman et al., 2003). Kepimpinan spiritual dianggap sebagai satu alternatif untuk membantu organisasi untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan pekerja dan mempunyai rasa tanggungjawab sosial korporat tanpa keuntungan, menjana pertumbuhan pendapatan, dan juga menjadi pengukur bagi pengurusan kewangan (Fry & Cohen 2009)


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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat penggunaan media pembelajaran yang digunakan guru pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan pada masa pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survey dengan instrumen berupa angket. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Seluruh guru PJOK SMP Negeri Zonasi Sleman Utara yang berjumlah 11 Guru. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner online atau google form dan Teknik analisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan persentase. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani pada masa COVID-19 di SMP Negeri Zonasi Sleman Utara berada pada kategori “sangat rendah” sebesar 9,09% ( 1 guru), “rendah” sebesar 27,27% (3 guru), “cukup” sebesar 45,45% (5 guru), “Tinggi” sebesar 18,18% (2 guru) , dan “sangat tinggi” sebesar 0% (0 guru). Berdasarkan nilai rata-rata, yaitu 28.91 berada pada kategori “Cukup”

    Alleviating Bumiputera Poverty In Sarawak: Reflections And Proposal.

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    Malaysia has succeeded in reducing its overall incidence of poverty since the implementation of the New Economic Policy in 1971

    Morfodinâmica do sistema praia-duna como indicador de sensibilidade ambiental

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    Tese de mestrado. Biologia (Ecologia Marinha). Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2009À semelhança de outras, a costa portuguesa é extremamente dinâmica, já que é modelada por diversos factores forçadores. Por esse motivo, o objectivo deste trabalho foi estudar a morfodinâmica de um trecho de costa da península de Tróia, localizado a sul de “Soltroia” que, até à data, era pouco estudado. Assim, com o intuito de compreender a dinâmica local, analisaram-se os principais factores forçadores – o vento e a agitação marítima. Para compreensão das respostas do meio a estes factores estudaram-se mensalmente, entre Novembro de 2008 e Maio de 2009 com recurso a um perfilador, oito perfis de praia representativos da área de estudo, que foram previamente seleccionados. Analisou-se também a vegetação circundante a cada perfil (a nível de espécies e do comprimento vegetado de cada perfil) e fez-se ainda uma recolha de sedimento em cada perfil, na área do último espraio e na crista da berma. Estas amostras foram posteriormente analisadas quanto à granulometria, teor em carbonatos e teor em matéria orgânica. Foram detectados dois padrões diferentes de comportamento dos factores forçadores, que levaram a respostas muito distintas do meio. Um padrão característico de temporal, aliado a erosão (perfis curtos, com uma área total menor e com uma extensão vegetada reduzida) e um padrão de acalmia, no qual se detectou acreção (perfis longos, com uma área total maior e com uma extensão vegetada superior). Da análise sedimentológica depreendeu-se que o calibre da areia foi tendencialmente maior em padrões de temporal do que em padrões de acalmia. Concluiu-se que existe uma variabilidade sazonal das condições ambientais, que se reflectem claramente na modelação da costa na área de estudo. Tal facto permitiu, assim, estabelecer uma previsão do comportamento da praia consoante as condições do meio.The portuguese coast, like many others, is extremely dynamic as it is modeled by various forcing factors. In view of this, the objective of this project was to study the morphodynamics of a stretch of coast belonging to the Tróia peninsula, south of “Soltroia”, which up to now has been object of few studies. In order to understand the local dynamics, the main forcing factors were analyzed – wind and oceanic agitation. The environmental responses to these factors were studied on a monthly basis, from November 2008 to May 2009. A profiler, consisting of eight previously chosen beach profiles which represent the study area, was used. The vegetation surrounding each profile was analyzed (in terms of species and the vegetated length of each profile) and sediment was collected in each profile, in the area of the last swash and on the berm crest. The granulometry, carbonate content and organic matter content of these samples were subsequently analyzed. Two different behavioural patterns of the forcing factors were detected, which led to distinct environmental responses. A characteristic storm pattern, combined with erosion (short profiles, with a small total area and a short vegetated stretch) and a lull pattern where accretion was observed (long profiles with a larger total area and a longer vegetated stretch). The sediment analysis revealed that the calibre of the sand particles tended to be larger in storm patterns than in lull patterns. It was concluded that there is seasonal variability in environmental conditions, which are clearly reflected in the coastal modelling of the study area. This fact made it possible to predict the beach’s behaviour according to the environmental conditions