11 research outputs found

    PPP - personalized plan-based presenter

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    Modellierung und Quantifizierung der Zuverlässigkeit in Architekturen zur Bit Preservation

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    Die langfristige Erhaltung von Informationen ist eine essentielle Voraussetzung für wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt. Gegenstand der Dissertation ist die Erforschung und Entwicklung eines neuen Modells zur Quantifizierung der Zuverlässigkeit in Architekturen zur Bit Preservation. Basierend auf Erkenntnissen der Analyse von Replikations- und Prüfsummenszenarien an Hand der Wahrscheinlichkeit unentdeckter Fehler können Empfehlungen für Maßnahmen zur Bit Preservation abgeleitet werden

    Dienstekomposition in intelligenten Umgebungen basierend auf KI-Planung

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    In intelligenten Umgebungen wird das Zusammenspiel mehrerer Dienste benötigt, welches durch eine Dienstekomposition erzielt werden kann. KIPlanung ist eine Methode, dies umzusetzen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde experimentell das Laufzeitverhalten von verschiedenen Planern untersucht. Daneben wurden die Möglichkeiten der Modellierung von Problemen der Dienstekomposition evaluiert, was zu einer Richtline für die verteilte Modellierung von Dienstbeschreibungen führte. Basierend auf den Erfahrungen wurde ein Composer entworfen und umgesetzt, der verschiedene Planer nutzen kann

    Kennzahlenbasierte Steuerung, Koordination und Aktionsplanung in Multiagentensystemen

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    To be of practical use, the implementation of flexible and modular agent-based cyber-physical systems (CPS) for real-world autonomous control applications in Industry 4.0 oftentimes requires the domain-specific software agents to adhere to the organization's overall qualitative and quantitative business goals, usually expressed in terms of numeric key performance indicators (KPI). In this thesis, a general software framework for multi-agent systems (MAS) and CPS is developed that facilitates the integration and configuration of KPI-related objectives into the agents' individual decision processes. It allows the user of an agent system to define new KPIs and associated multi-criteria goals and supports inter-agent coordination as well as detailed KPI-based action planning, all at runtime of the MAS. The domain-independent components of the proposed KPI framework are implemented as a Java programming library and evaluated in a simulated production planning and control scenario

    Benutzerprofile für die Anfrageverarbeitung in verteilten Digitalen Bibliotheken [online]

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    Integrating Consumer Flexibility in Smart Grid and Mobility Systems - An Online Optimization and Online Mechanism Design Approach

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    Consumer flexibility may provide an important lever to align supply and demand in service systems. However, harnessing dispersed flexibility endowments in the presence of self-interested agents requires appropriate incentive structures. This thesis quantifies the potential value of consumers\u27 flexibility in smart grid and mobility systems. In order to include incentives, online optimization approaches are augmented with methods from online mechanism design

    Grundlagen der Informationswissenschaft

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    Lives and work of the Serbian scientists

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    This is the 10th volume of the edition entitled Lives and work of the Serbian scientists which is being published on a regular basis since the beginning of 1996. The first book of this edition was the result of dedicated and systematic work of the Committee for research into lives and work of the scientists in Serbia and scientists of Serbian origin, founded in 1992. Since the day of its foundation until the first book came out, the Committee has compiled a list of over 200 scientists from the fields of natural sciences, mathematics, medicine and technical sciences and who, with the results of their research work, have left invaluable and memorable mark on our world of science. This book contains life stories and working biographies of 13 new scientists from the fields of mathematics, mechanics, geology, bio-technology, medicine, mechanical engineering and civil engineering. The Edition contains now an impressive record of the biographies of 125 scientists, including the previously elaborated 112, whose endeavours will be permanently preserved. The Committee has, however, completed just a little over half of its planned course of action. It is laced with a difficult task of finding competent authors, who will write articles about the remaining scientists, and extending the already existing list by gradually adding new names to it. Book number ten of any edition may well be considered a very special publication. Remembering great contributions by the late academician Miloje R. Sarić (1925-2002), who initiated the founding of the Committee and was also the editor of the first eight books of the Edition set up by him, the Committee felt obligated to publish an article about the life and work of academician Sarić in this special issue. It is my pleasant duty to once again thank all of the Committee members for the efforts they invested in choosing competent authors and reviewers, and for their invaluable comments and suggestions which helped this book to maintain the quality of the previous volumes. I also wish to express my gratitude to the authors of individual articles, and reviewers, donators, technical team of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the personnel from the printing company Poligraf.Биографије и библиографије / Српска академија наука и уметности : књ. 10. II одељење, Одбор за проучавање живота и рада научника српског порекла ; књ. 1