1,893 research outputs found

    High-frequency issues using rotating voltage injections intended for position self-sensing

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    The rotor position is required in many control schemes in electrical drives. Replacing position sensors by machine self-sensing estimators increases reliability and reduces cost. Solutions based on tracking magnetic anisotropies through the monitoring of the incremental inductance variations are efficient at low-speed and standstill operations. This inductance can be estimated by measuring the response to the injection of high-frequency signals. In general however, the selection of the optimal frequency is not addressed thoroughly. In this paper, we propose discrete-time operations based on a rotating voltage injection at frequencies up to one third of the sampling frequency used by the digital controller. The impact on the rotation-drive, the computational requirement, the robustness and the effect of the resistance on the position estimation are analyzed regarding the signal frequency

    Some Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) Sensorless Control Methods based on Operation Speed Area

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    This paper compares some sensorless Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) controls for driving an electric vehicle in terms of operating speed. Sensorless control is a type of control method in which sensors, such as speed and position sensors, are not used to measure controlled variables.  The controlled variable value is estimated from the stator current measurement. Sensorless control performance is not as good as a sensor-based system. This paper aims are to recommend a control method for the PMSM sensorless controls that would be used to drive an electric vehicle. The methods that we will discuss are divided into four categories based on the operation speed area.  They are a startup, low speed, high speed, and low and high-speed areas. The low and high-speed area will be divided into with and without switching.  If PMSM more work at high speed, the most speed area that is used, we prefer to choose the method that works at high speed, that is, the modification or combination of two or more conventional methods

    A novel, robust DSP-based indirect rotor position estimation for permanent magnet AC motors without rotor saliency

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    Copyright © 2003 IEEEThis paper proposes and implements a novel rotor position sensorless technique for PM AC motor drives, which allows acceleration from standstill and can operate under various practical operating conditions including transient speed changes. The technique developed here relies on the measurement of the phase voltages and currents of the motor. It uses the incremental values of flux linkage, and the back-EMF functions to estimate incremental rotor position. Using a phase-locked loop (PLL) algorithm, an internal closed-loop correction algorithm can correct rotor position estimation drift, which may be due to the motor parameter variations or measurement inaccuracies. The method is implemented in closed-loop using a digital signal processor (DSP), and details of the implementation are provided in the paper. To demonstrate accuracy, robustness and reliability of the position estimation scheme, the paper presents a number of real-time experimental results, including dynamic operating conditions.Li Ying and Nesimi Ertugr

    Magnetic Modelling of Synchronous Reluctance and Internal Permanent Magnet Motors Using Radial Basis Function Networks

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    The general trend toward more intelligent energy-aware ac drives is driving the development of new motor topologies and advanced model-based control techniques. Among the candidates, pure reluctance and anisotropic permanent magnet motors are gaining popularity, despite their complex structure. The availability of accurate mathematical models that describe these motors is essential to the design of any model-based advanced control. This paper focuses on the relations between currents and flux linkages, which are obtained through innovative radial basis function neural networks. These special drive-oriented neural networks take as inputs the motor voltages and currents, returning as output the motor flux linkages, inclusive of any nonlinearity and cross-coupling effect. The theoretical foundations of the radial basis function networks, the design hints, and a commented series of experimental results on a real laboratory prototype are included in this paper. The simple structure of the neural network fits for implementation on standard drives. The online training and tracking will be the next steps in field programmable gate array based control systems

    Sensorless Control of Switched-Flux Permanent Magnet Machines

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    This thesis investigates the sensorless control strategies of permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSMs), with particular reference to switched-flux permanent magnet (SFPM) machines, based on high-frequency signal injection methods for low speed and standstill and the back-EMF based methods for medium and high speeds

    State-of-art on permanent magnet brushless DC motor drives

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    Permanent magnet brushless DC (PMBLDC) motors are the latest choice of researchers due to their high efficiency, silent operation, compact size, high reliability and low maintenance requirements. These motors are preferred for numerous applications; however, most of them require sensorless control of these motors. The operation of PMBLDC motors requires rotor-position sensing for controlling the winding currents. The sensorless control would need estimation of rotor position from the voltage and current signals, which are easy to be sensed. This paper presents a state of art on PMBLDC motor drives with emphasis on sensorless control of these motors

    Advances in the Field of Electrical Machines and Drives

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    Electrical machines and drives dominate our everyday lives. This is due to their numerous applications in industry, power production, home appliances, and transportation systems such as electric and hybrid electric vehicles, ships, and aircrafts. Their development follows rapid advances in science, engineering, and technology. Researchers around the world are extensively investigating electrical machines and drives because of their reliability, efficiency, performance, and fault-tolerant structure. In particular, there is a focus on the importance of utilizing these new trends in technology for energy saving and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This Special Issue will provide the platform for researchers to present their recent work on advances in the field of electrical machines and drives, including special machines and their applications; new materials, including the insulation of electrical machines; new trends in diagnostics and condition monitoring; power electronics, control schemes, and algorithms for electrical drives; new topologies; and innovative applications

    Neural-Network Vector Controller for Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives: Simulated and Hardware-Validated Results

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    This paper focuses on current control in a permanentmagnet synchronous motor (PMSM). The paper has two main objectives: The first objective is to develop a neural-network (NN) vector controller to overcome the decoupling inaccuracy problem associated with conventional PI-based vector-control methods. The NN is developed using the full dynamic equation of a PMSM, and trained to implement optimal control based on approximate dynamic programming. The second objective is to evaluate the robust and adaptive performance of the NN controller against that of the conventional standard vector controller under motor parameter variation and dynamic control conditions by (a) simulating the behavior of a PMSM typically used in realistic electric vehicle applications and (b) building an experimental system for hardware validation as well as combined hardware and simulation evaluation. The results demonstrate that the NN controller outperforms conventional vector controllers in both simulation and hardware implementation

    Position estimation and performance prediction for permanent-magnet motor drives

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis presents a theoretical and experimental development of a novel position estimator, a simulation model, and an analytical solution for brushless PM motor drive. The operation of the drive, the position estimation model of the test motor, development of hardware, and basic operation of inverter are discussed. Starting with the well-known continuous-time model of brushless PM motor, a sampled-data model is developed that is suitable for th6, application of real-time position estimator. An analytical methodo f calculating the steady-stateb ehaviouro f the brushlessP M motor for 1200in verter operation is presentedT. he analysisa ssumesth at the machinea ir gap is free of saliency effects, and has sinusoidal back EMF. The analytical solution is derived for 60" electrical of the whole period. By experimental results, it is shown that the method of analysis is adequate to predict Ihe motor's performance for typical operating points including phase advance and phase delay operation. C) I A computer simulation model for prediction of the performance of brushless PM moto rs is presented. The model is formulated entirely in the natural abc frame of reference, which allows direct comparison of the simulation and corresponding experimental results. The equations and diagrams are put into a convenient form for the simulation and future developments and library modules. The simulation model and corresponding experimental data of the brushless PM motor drive is given. The thesis describes a modem solution to real-time rotor position estimation, which has been subject to intense research activity for the last 15 years. The implemented new algorithm for shaft position sensorless operation of PM motors is based on the flux linkage and line current estimation. The position estimation algorithm has also been verified by both off-line and on-line experiments (accomplished by a DSP, TMS320C30), and a wide range of steady-statea nd transient results have been 0gi0v en including starting from rest. The position estimation method effectively moves the position measurement point in the drive from the mechanical side to the motor's terminals. As well as eliminating the mechanical shaft position sensor, the investigated method can be used for high performance torque control of brushless PM motors. The thesis demonstrates that, in contrast to many other "sensorless" schemes, the new position estimation method is able to work effectively over the full operating range of the drive, and is applicable to a wide range of motor/converter types. Since the hardware is straightforward, only the new position estimation algorithm differentiates a system. Therefore, if a DSP control system is already implemented in the drive, the position estimator can be implemented at low cost.Istanbul Technical University and Higher Education Counci

    Modelling and detection of faults in axial-flux permanent magnet machines

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    The development of various topologies and configurations of axial-flux permanent magnet machine has spurred its use for electromechanical energy conversion in several applications. As it becomes increasingly deployed, effective condition monitoring built on reliable and accurate fault detection techniques is needed to ensure its engineering integrity. Unlike induction machine which has been rigorously investigated for faults, axial-flux permanent magnet machine has not. Thus in this thesis, axial-flux permanent magnet machine is investigated under faulty conditions. Common faults associated with it namely; static eccentricity and interturn short circuit are modelled, and detection techniques are established. The modelling forms a basis for; developing a platform for precise fault replication on a developed experimental test-rig, predicting and analysing fault signatures using both finite element analysis and experimental analysis. In the detection, the motor current signature analysis, vibration analysis and electrical impedance spectroscopy are applied. Attention is paid to fault-feature extraction and fault discrimination. Using both frequency and time-frequency techniques, features are tracked in the line current under steady-state and transient conditions respectively. Results obtained provide rich information on the pattern of fault harmonics. Parametric spectral estimation is also explored as an alternative to the Fourier transform in the steady-state analysis of faulty conditions. It is found to be as effective as the Fourier transform and more amenable to short signal-measurement duration. Vibration analysis is applied in the detection of eccentricities; its efficacy in fault detection is hinged on proper determination of vibratory frequencies and quantification of corresponding tones. This is achieved using analytical formulations and signal processing techniques. Furthermore, the developed fault model is used to assess the influence of cogging torque minimization techniques and rotor topologies in axial-flux permanent magnet machine on current signal in the presence of static eccentricity. The double-sided topology is found to be tolerant to the presence of static eccentricity unlike the single-sided topology due to the opposing effect of the resulting asymmetrical properties of the airgap. The cogging torque minimization techniques do not impair on the established fault detection technique in the single-sided topology. By applying electrical broadband impedance spectroscopy, interturn faults are diagnosed; a high frequency winding model is developed to analyse the impedance-frequency response obtained
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