208 research outputs found

    Public evaluation of large projects : variational inequialities, bilevel programming and complementarity. A survey

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    Large projects evaluation rises well known difficulties because -by definition- they modify the current price system; their public evaluation presents additional difficulties because they modify too existing shadow prices without the project. This paper analyzes -first- the basic methodologies applied until late 80s., based on the integration of projects in optimization models or, alternatively, based on iterative procedures with information exchange between two organizational levels. New methodologies applied afterwards are based on variational inequalities, bilevel programming and linear or nonlinear complementarity. Their foundations and different applications related with project evaluation are explored. As a matter of fact, these new tools are closely related among them and can treat more complex cases involving -for example- the reaction of agents to policies or the existence of multiple agents in an environment characterized by common functions representing demands or constraints on polluting emissions

    Low Budget Active Learning via Wasserstein Distance: An Integer Programming Approach

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    Given restrictions on the availability of data, active learning is the process of training a model with limited labeled data by selecting a core subset of an unlabeled data pool to label. Although selecting the most useful points for training is an optimization problem, the scale of deep learning data sets forces most selection strategies to employ efficient heuristics. Instead, we propose a new integer optimization problem for selecting a core set that minimizes the discrete Wasserstein distance from the unlabeled pool. We demonstrate that this problem can be tractably solved with a Generalized Benders Decomposition algorithm. Our strategy requires high-quality latent features which we obtain by unsupervised learning on the unlabeled pool. Numerical results on several data sets show that our optimization approach is competitive with baselines and particularly outperforms them in the low budget regime where less than one percent of the data set is labeled

    Algorithm for solution of convex MINLP problems

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    The current work shows the fonnulation and implementation of an algorithm for the solution of convex rnixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) problems. The proposed algorithm does not folJow the traditional sequence of solutions of nonlinear programming (NLP) subproblems and master mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problems. lnstead, the mas ter problem is defined dynamically during the tree search to reduce the number of nodes that need to be enumerated. A branch and bound search is perfonned to predict lower bound by solving linear programrning (LP) subproblems until feasible integer solutions are found. For these nades, noolinear programming subproblems are olved, providing upper bounds and new linear approximations, which are used to tighten the linear representation of the open nodes in the search tree. Numerical results for convex and nonconvex test problems are analyzed, comparing the efficiency of the proposed algorithm and the general algebraic modeling system (GAMS)

    Decomposition of Variational Inequalities with Applications to Nash-Cournot Models in Time of Use Electricity Markets

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    This thesis proposes equilibrium models to link the wholesale and retail electricity markets which allow for reconciliation of the differing time scales of responses of producers (e.g., hourly) and consumers (e.g., monthly) to changing prices. Electricity market equilibrium models with time of use (TOU) pricing scheme are formulated as large-scale variational inequality (VI) problems, a unified and concise approach for modeling the equilibrium. The demand response is dynamic in these models through a dependence on the lagged demand. Different market structures are examined within this context. With an illustrative example, the welfare gains/losses are analyzed after an implementation of TOU pricing scheme over the single pricing scheme. An approximation of the welfare change for this analysis is also presented. Moreover, break-up of a large supplier into smaller parts is investigated. For the illustrative examples presented in the dissertation, overall welfare gains for consumers and lower prices closer to the levels of perfect competition can be realized when the retail pricing scheme is changed from single pricing to TOU pricing. These models can be useful policy tools for regulatory bodies i) to forecast future retail prices (TOU or single prices), ii) to examine the market power exerted by suppliers and iii) to measure welfare gains/losses with different retail pricing schemes (e.g., single versus TOU pricing). With the inclusion of linearized DC network constraints into these models, the problem size grows considerably. Dantzig-Wolfe (DW) decomposition algorithm for VI problems is used to alleviate the computational burden and it also facilitates model management and maintenance. Modification of the DW decomposition algorithm and approximation of the DW master problem significantly improve the computational effort required to find the equilibrium. These algorithms are applied to a two-region energy model for Canada and a realistic Ontario electricity test system. In addition to empirical analysis, theoretical results for the convergence properties of the master problem approximation are presented for DW decomposition of VI problems

    Solving joint chance constrained problems using regularization and Benders' decomposition

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    In this paper we investigate stochastic programms with joint chance constraints. We consider discrete scenario set and reformulate the problem by adding auxiliary variables. Since the resulting problem has a difficult feasible set, we regularize it. To decrease the dependence on the scenario number, we propose a numerical method by iteratively solving a master problem while adding Benders cuts. We find the solution of the slave problem (generating the Benders cuts) in a closed form and propose a heuristic method to decrease the number of cuts. We perform a numerical study by increasing the number of scenarios and compare our solution with a solution obtained by solving the same problem with continuous distribution

    Multi-Period Natural Gas Market Modeling - Applications, Stochastic Extensions and Solution Approaches

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    This dissertation develops deterministic and stochastic multi-period mixed complementarity problems (MCP) for the global natural gas market, as well as solution approaches for large-scale stochastic MCP. The deterministic model is unique in the combination of the level of detail of the actors in the natural gas markets and the transport options, the detailed regional and global coverage, the multi-period approach with endogenous capacity expansions for transportation and storage infrastructure, the seasonal variation in demand and the representation of market power according to Nash-Cournot theory. The model is applied to several scenarios for the natural gas market that cover the formation of a cartel by the members of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum, a low availability of unconventional gas in the United States, and cost reductions in long-distance gas transportation. The results provide insights in how different regions are affected by various developments, in terms of production, consumption, traded volumes, prices and profits of market participants. The stochastic MCP is developed and applied to a global natural gas market problem with four scenarios for a time horizon until 2050 with nineteen regions and containing 78,768 variables. The scenarios vary in the possibility of a gas market cartel formation and varying depletion rates of gas reserves in the major gas importing regions. Outcomes for hedging decisions of market participants show some significant shifts in the timing and location of infrastructure investments, thereby affecting local market situations. A first application of Benders decomposition (BD) is presented to solve a large-scale stochastic MCP for the global gas market with many hundreds of first-stage capacity expansion variables and market players exerting various levels of market power. The largest problem solved successfully using BD contained 47,373 variables of which 763 first-stage variables, however using BD did not result in shorter solution times relative to solving the extensive-forms. Larger problems, up to 117,481 variables, were solved in extensive-form, but not when applying BD due to numerical issues. It is discussed how BD could significantly reduce the solution time of large-scale stochastic models, but various challenges remain and more research is needed to assess the potential of Benders decomposition for solving large-scale stochastic MCP

    Developing an Enhanced Algorithms to Solve Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming Problems Based on a Feasible Neighborhood Search Strategy

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    Engineering optimization problems often involve nonlinear objective functions, which can capture complex relationships and dependencies between variables. This study focuses on a unique nonlinear mathematics programming problem characterized by a subset of variables that can only take discrete values and are linearly separable from the continuous variables. The combination of integer variables and non-linearities makes this problem much more complex than traditional nonlinear programming problems with only continuous variables. Furthermore, the presence of integer variables can result in a combinatorial explosion of potential solutions, significantly enlarging the search space and making it challenging to explore effectively. This issue becomes especially challenging for larger problems, leading to long computation times or even infeasibility. To address these challenges, we propose a method that employs the "active constraint" approach in conjunction with the release of nonbasic variables from their boundaries. This technique compels suitable non-integer fundamental variables to migrate to their neighboring integer positions. Additionally, we have researched selection criteria for choosing a nonbasic variable to use in the integerizing technique. Through implementation and testing on various problems, these techniques have proven to be successful

    Solving monotone stochastic variational inequalities and complementarity problems by progressive hedging

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    The concept of a stochastic variational inequality has recently been articulated in a new way that is able to cover, in particular, the optimality conditions for a multistage stochastic programming problem. One of the long-standing methods for solving such an optimization problem under convexity is the progressive hedging algorithm. That approach is demonstrated here to be applicable also to solving multistage stochastic variational inequality problems under monotonicity, thus increasing the range of applications for progressive hedging. Stochastic complementarity problems as a special case are explored numerically in a linear two-stage formulation