698 research outputs found

    Are we there yet? Analyzing architecture description languages for formal analysis, usability, and realizability

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    Research on Software Architectures has been active since the early nineties, leading to a number of different architecture description languages (ADL). Given their importance in facilitating the communication of crucial system properties to different stakeholders and their analysis early on in the development of a system this is understandable. After all these years one would have hoped that we could point to a handful of ADLs as the clear winners as the languages of choice of practitioners for specifying software system architectures. However it seems that ADLs have still not entered the mainstream. We believe this is so because practitioners find the current offering either too difficult to use or not supporting automated analysis commensurate to the level of effort they require for specifying a system, especially so for complex systems. In this paper we present a comparative analysis of a number of ADLs, both of first generation and more recent ones, against a small set of language properties that we believe are crucial for an ADL that would be easy for practitioners to adopt in their design and development practices. These properties are: formal semantics, usability, and realizability

    Uniformisation techniques for stochastic simulation of chemical reaction networks

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    This work considers the method of uniformisation for continuous-time Markov chains in the context of chemical reaction networks. Previous work in the literature has shown that uniformisation can be beneficial in the context of time-inhomogeneous models, such as chemical reaction networks incorporating extrinsic noise. This paper lays focus on the understanding of uniformisation from the viewpoint of sample paths of chemical reaction networks. In particular, an efficient pathwise stochastic simulation algorithm for time-homogeneous models is presented which is complexity-wise equal to Gillespie's direct method. This new approach therefore enlarges the class of problems for which the uniformisation approach forms a computationally attractive choice. Furthermore, as a new application of the uniformisation method, we provide a novel variance reduction method for (raw) moment estimators of chemical reaction networks based upon the combination of stratification and uniformisation

    A Service-Based Component Model: Formalism, Analysis and Mechanization

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    Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) is one of the approaches to master the development of large scale software. In this setting, the verification concern is still a challenge. The objective of our work is to provide the designer of components-based systems with the methods to assist his/her use of the components. In particular, the current work adresses the composability of components and their services. A component model is presented, based on services. An associated simple but expressive formalism is introduced; it describes the services as extended LTS and their structuring as components. The composition of components is mainly based on service composition and encapsulation. The composability of component is defined from the composability of services. To ensure the correctness of component composition, we check that an assembly is possible via the checking of the composabiblity of the linked services, and their behavioral compatibility. In order to mechanize our approach, the services and the components are translated into the MEC and LOTOS formalism. Finally the MEC and LOTOS CADP toolbox is used to perform experiments

    Checking progress with aAction priority: is it fair?

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    The liveness characteristics of a system are intimately related to the notion of fairness. However, the task of explicitly modelling fairness constraints is complicated in practice. To address this issue, we propose to check LTS (Labelled Transition System) models under a strong fairness assumption, which can be relaxed with the use of action priority. The combination of the two provides a novel and practical way of dealing with fairness. The approach is presented in the context of a class of liveness properties termed progress, for which it yields a particularly efficient model-checking algorithm. Progress properties cover a wide range of interesting properties of systems, while presenting a clear intuitive meaning to users

    Hybrid Decompositional Verification for Discovering Failures in Adaptive Flight Control Systems

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    Adaptive flight control systems hold tremendous promise for maintaining the safety of a damaged aircraft and its passengers. However, most currently proposed adaptive control methodologies rely on online learning neural networks (OLNNs), which necessarily have the property that the controller is changing during the flight. These changes tend to be highly nonlinear, and difficult or impossible to analyze using standard techniques. In this paper, we approach the problem with a variant of compositional verification. The overall system is broken into components. Undesirable behavior is fed backwards through the system. Components which can be solved using formal methods techniques explicitly for the ranges of safe and unsafe input bounds are treated as white box components. The remaining black box components are analyzed with heuristic techniques that try to predict a range of component inputs that may lead to unsafe behavior. The composition of these component inputs throughout the system leads to overall system test vectors that may elucidate the undesirable behavio

    Modelització de plantes de producció com a sistemes multiagent i implantació parcial en un cas real

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    Aquest treball ha estat motivat per la necessitat de les petites empreses de posar al dia els seus sistemes de producció per adaptar-los al funcionament cada cop més dinàmic i versàtil dels mercats. Actualment es requereix la capacitat d'una ràpida adaptabilitat de la producció pel que fa a canvis freqüents del producte fabricat i a la fabricació concurrent de diversos tipus de producte simultàniament. Una altra necessitat és la integració dels diversos subsistemes de les empreses (i de la seva informació) a la vegada que es necessita una arquitectura modular que permeti sistemes oberts i escalables