73 research outputs found

    Sensor Array Signal Processing via Eigenanalysis of Matrix Pencils Composed of Data Derived from Translationally Invariant Subarrays

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    An algorithm is developed for estimating characteristic parameters associated with a scene of radiating sources given the data derived from a pair of translationally invariant arrays, the X and Y arrays, which are displaced relative to one another. The algorithm is referred to as PR O—E SPRIT and is predicated on invoking two recent mathematical developments: (1) the SVD based solution to the Procrustes problem of optimally approximating an invariant subspace rotation and (2) the Total Least Squares method for perturbing each of the two estimates of a common subspace in a minimal fashion until the two perturbed spaces are the same. For uniform linear array scenarios, the use of forward-backward averaging (FBAVG) in conjunction with PR O—E S PR IT is shown to effect a substantial reduction in the computational burden, a significant improvement in performance, a simple scheme for estimating the number of sources and source decorrelation. These gains may be attributed to FBAVG’s judicious exploitation of the diagonal invariance operator relating the Direction of Arrival matrix of the Y array to that associated with the X array. Similar gains may be achieved in the case where the X and Y arrays are either not linear or not uniformly spaced through the use of pseudo-forward-backward averaging (PFBAVG). However, the use of PFBAVG does not effect source decorrelation and reduces the maximum number of resolvable sources by a factor of two. Simulation studies and the results of applying PR O—E S PR IT to real data demonstrate the excellent performance of the method

    3-D Beamspace ML Based Bearing Estimator Incorporating Frequency Diversity and Interference Cancellation

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    The problem of low-angle radar tracking utilizing an array of antennas is considered. In the low-angle environment, echoes return from a low flying target via a specular path as well as a direct path. The problem is compounded by the fact that the two signals arrive within a beamwidth of each other and are usually fully correlated, or coherent. In addition, the SNR at each antenna element is typically low and only a small number of data samples, or snapshots, is available for processing due to the rapid movement of the target. Theoretical studies indicates that the Maximum Likelihood (ML) method is the only reliable estimation procedure in this type of scenario. However, the classical ML estimator involves a multi-dimensional search over a multi-modal surface and is consequently computationally burdensome. In order to facilitate real time processing, we here propose the idea of beamspace domain processing in which the element space snapshot vectors are first operated on by a reduced Butler matrix composed of three orthogonal beamforming weight vectors facilitating a simple, closed-form Beamspace Domain ML (BDML) estimator for the direct and specular path angles. The computational simplicity of the method arises from the fact that the respective beams associated with the three columns of the reduced Butler matrix have all but three nulls in common. The performance of the BDML estimator is enhanced by incorporating the estimation of the complex reflection coefficient and the bisector angle, respectively, for the symmetric and nonsymmetric multipath cases. To minimize the probability of track breaking, the use of frequency diversity is incorporated. The concept of coherent signal subspace processing is invoked as a means for retaining the computational simplicity of single frequency operation. With proper selection of the auxiliary frequencies, it is shown that perfect focusing may be achieved without iterating. In order to combat the effects of strong interfering sources, a novel scheme is presented for adaptively forming the three beams which retains the feature of common nulls

    Tensor Decomposition Based Beamspace ESPRIT for Millimeter Wave MIMO Channel Estimation

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    We propose a search-free beamspace tensor-ESPRIT algorithm for millimeter wave MIMO channel estimation. It is a multidimensional generalization of beamspace-ESPRIT method by exploiting the multiple invariance structure of the measurements. Geometry-based channel model is considered to contain the channel sparsity feature. In our framework, an alternating least squares problem is solved for low rank tensor decomposition and the multidimensional parameters are automatically associated. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated by considering different transformation schemes

    Terahertz-Band Channel and Beam Split Estimation via Array Perturbation Model

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    For the demonstration of ultra-wideband bandwidth and pencil-beamforming, the terahertz (THz)-band has been envisioned as one of the key enabling technologies for the sixth generation networks. However, the acquisition of the THz channel entails several unique challenges such as severe path loss and beam-split. Prior works usually employ ultra-massive arrays and additional hardware components comprised of time-delayers to compensate for these loses. In order to provide a cost-effective solution, this paper introduces a sparse-Bayesian-learning (SBL) technique for joint channel and beam-split estimation. Specifically, we first model the beam-split as an array perturbation inspired from array signal processing. Next, a low-complexity approach is developed by exploiting the line-of-sight-dominant feature of THz channel to reduce the computational complexity involved in the proposed SBL technique for channel estimation (SBCE). Additionally, based on federated-learning, we implement a model-free technique to the proposed model-based SBCE solution. Further to that, we examine the near-field considerations of THz channel, and introduce the range-dependent near-field beam-split. The theoretical performance bounds, i.e., Cram\'er-Rao lower bounds, are derived both for near- and far-field parameters, e.g., user directions, beam-split and ranges. Numerical simulations demonstrate that SBCE outperforms the existing approaches and exhibits lower hardware cost.Comment: Accepted Paper in IEEE Open Journal of Communications Societ

    Parallel Factor-Based Model for Two-Dimensional Direction Estimation

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    Two-dimensional (2D) Direction-of-Arrivals (DOA) estimation for elevation and azimuth angles assuming noncoherent, mixture of coherent and noncoherent, and coherent sources using extended three parallel uniform linear arrays (ULAs) is proposed. Most of the existing schemes have drawbacks in estimating 2D DOA for multiple narrowband incident sources as follows: use of large number of snapshots, estimation failure problem for elevation and azimuth angles in the range of typical mobile communication, and estimation of coherent sources. Moreover, the DOA estimation for multiple sources requires complex pair-matching methods. The algorithm proposed in this paper is based on first-order data matrix to overcome these problems. The main contributions of the proposed method are as follows: (1) it avoids estimation failure problem using a new antenna configuration and estimates elevation and azimuth angles for coherent sources; (2) it reduces the estimation complexity by constructing Toeplitz data matrices, which are based on a single or few snapshots; (3) it derives parallel factor (PARAFAC) model to avoid pair-matching problems between multiple sources. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm

    Uni-Vector-Sensor Dimensionality Reduction MUSIC Algorithm for DOA and Polarization Estimation

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    This paper addresses the problem of multiple signal classification- (MUSIC-) based direction of arrival (DOA) and polarization estimation and proposes a new dimensionality reduction MUSIC (DR-MUSIC) algorithm. Uni-vector-sensor MUSIC algorithm provides estimation for DOA and polarization; accordingly, a four-dimensional peak search is required, which hence incurs vast amount of computation. In the proposed DR-MUSIC method, the signal steering vector is expressed in the product form of arrival angle function matrix and polarization function vector. The MUSIC joint spectrum is converted to the form of Rayleigh-Ritz ratio by using the feature where the 2-norm of polarization function vector is constant. A four-dimensional MUSIC search reduced the dimension to two two-dimensional searches and the amount of computation is greatly decreased. The theoretical analysis and simulation results have verified the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm
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