487 research outputs found

    Utilizing implicit feedback data to build a hybrid recommender system

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, specialization in Business AnalyticsIn e-commerce applications, buyers are overwhelmed by the number of products due to the high depth of assortments. They may be interested in receiving recommendations to assist with their purchasing decisions. However, many recommendation engines perform poorly in the absence of community data and contextual data. This thesis examines a hybrid matrix factorisation model, LightFM, representing users and items as linear combinations of their content features’ latent factors. The model embedding item features displays superior user and item cold-start performance. The results demonstrate the importance of selectively embedding contextual data in the presence of cold-start

    Model driven design and data integration in semantic web information systems

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    The Web is quickly evolving in many ways. It has evolved from a Web of documents into a Web of applications in which a growing number of designers offer new and interactive Web applications with people all over the world. However, application design and implementation remain complex, error-prone and laborious. In parallel there is also an evolution from a Web of documents into a Web of `knowledge' as a growing number of data owners are sharing their data sources with a growing audience. This brings the potential new applications for these data sources, including scenarios in which these datasets are reused and integrated with other existing and new data sources. However, the heterogeneity of these data sources in syntax, semantics and structure represents a great challenge for application designers. The Semantic Web is a collection of standards and technologies that offer solutions for at least the syntactic and some structural issues. If offers semantic freedom and flexibility, but this leaves the issue of semantic interoperability. In this thesis we present Hera-S, an evolution of the Model Driven Web Engineering (MDWE) method Hera. MDWEs allow designers to create data centric applications using models instead of programming. Hera-S especially targets Semantic Web sources and provides a flexible method for designing personalized adaptive Web applications. Hera-S defines several models that together define the target Web application. Moreover we implemented a framework called Hydragen, which is able to execute the Hera-S models to run the desired Web application. Hera-S' core is the Application Model (AM) in which the main logic of the application is defined, i.e. defining the groups of data elements that form logical units or subunits, the personalization conditions, and the relationships between the units. Hera-S also uses a so-called Domain Model (DM) that describes the content and its structure. However, this DM is not Hera-S specific, but instead allows any Semantic Web source representation as its DM, as long as its content can be queried by the standardized Semantic Web query language SPARQL. The same holds for the User Model (UM). The UM can be used for personalization conditions, but also as a source of user-related content if necessary. In fact, the difference between DM and UM is conceptual as their implementation within Hydragen is the same. Hera-S also defines a presentation model (PM) which defines presentation details of elements like order and style. In order to help designers with building their Web applications we have introduced a toolset, Hera Studio, which allows to build the different models graphically. Hera Studio also provides some additional functionality like model checking and deployment of the models in Hydragen. Both Hera-S and its implementation Hydragen are designed to be flexible regarding the user of models. In order to achieve this Hydragen is a stateless engine that queries for relevant information from the models at every page request. This allows the models and data to be changed in the datastore during runtime. We show that one way to exploit this flexibility is by applying aspect-orientation to the AM. Aspect-orientation allows us to dynamically inject functionality that pervades the entire application. Another way to exploit Hera-S' flexibility is in reusing specialized components, e.g. for presentation generation. We present a configuration of Hydragen in which we replace our native presentation generation functionality by the AMACONT engine. AMACONT provides more extensive multi-level presentation generation and adaptation capabilities as well aspect-orientation and a form of semantic based adaptation. Hera-S was designed to allow the (re-)use of any (Semantic) Web datasource. It even opens up the possibility for data integration at the back end, by using an extendible storage layer in our database of choice Sesame. However, even though theoretically possible it still leaves much of the actual data integration issue. As this is a recurring issue in many domains, a broader challenge than for Hera-S design only, we decided to look at this issue in isolation. We present a framework called Relco which provides a language to express data transformation operations as well as a collection of techniques that can be used to (semi-)automatically find relationships between concepts in different ontologies. This is done with a combination of syntactic, semantic and collaboration techniques, which together provide strong clues for which concepts are most likely related. In order to prove the applicability of Relco we explore five application scenarios in different domains for which data integration is a central aspect. This includes a cultural heritage portal, Explorer, for which data from several datasources was integrated and was made available by a mapview, a timeline and a graph view. Explorer also allows users to provide metadata for objects via a tagging mechanism. Another application is SenSee: an electronic TV-guide and recommender. TV-guide data was integrated and enriched with semantically structured data from several sources. Recommendations are computed by exploiting the underlying semantic structure. ViTa was a project in which several techniques for tagging and searching educational videos were evaluated. This includes scenarios in which user tags are related with an ontology, or other tags, using the Relco framework. The MobiLife project targeted the facilitation of a new generation of mobile applications that would use context-based personalization. This can be done using a context-based user profiling platform that can also be used for user model data exchange between mobile applications using technologies like Relco. The final application scenario that is shown is from the GRAPPLE project which targeted the integration of adaptive technology into current learning management systems. A large part of this integration is achieved by using a user modeling component framework in which any application can store user model information, but which can also be used for the exchange of user model data


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    This dissertation is a simulation study of factors and techniques involved in designing hyperlink recommender systems that recommend to users, web pages that past users with similar navigation behaviors found interesting. The methodology involves identification of pertinent factors or techniques, and for each one, addresses the following questions: (a) room for improvement; (b) better approach, if any; and (c) performance characteristics of the technique in environments that hyperlink recommender systems operate in. The following four problems are addressed:Web Page Classification. A new metric (PageRank Ă— Inverse Links-to-Word count ratio) is proposed for classifying web pages as content or navigation, to help in the discovery of user navigation behaviors from web user access logs. Results of a small user study suggest that this metric leads to desirable results.Data Mining. A new apriori algorithm for mining association rules from large databases is proposed. The new algorithm addresses the problem of scaling of the classical apriori algorithm by eliminating an expensive joinstep, and applying the apriori property to every row of the database. In this study, association rules show the correlation relationships between user navigation behaviors and web pages they find interesting. The new algorithm has better space complexity than the classical one, and better time efficiency under some conditionsand comparable time efficiency under other conditions.Prediction Models for User Interests. We demonstrate that association rules that show the correlation relationships between user navigation patterns and web pages they find interesting can be transformed intocollaborative filtering data. We investigate collaborative filtering prediction models based on two approaches for computing prediction scores: using simple averages and weighted averages. Our findings suggest that theweighted averages scheme more accurately computes predictions of user interests than the simple averages scheme does.Clustering. Clustering techniques are frequently applied in the design of personalization systems. We studied the performance of the CLARANS clustering algorithm in high dimensional space in relation to the PAM and CLARA clustering algorithms. While CLARA had the best time performance, CLARANS resulted in clusterswith the lowest intra-cluster dissimilarities, and so was most effective in this regard

    Artificial Intelligence based multi-agent control system

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    Le metodologie di Intelligenza Artificiale (AI) si occupano della possibilità di rendere le macchine in grado di compiere azioni intelligenti con lo scopo di aiutare l’essere umano; quindi è possibile affermare che l’Intelligenza Artificiale consente di portare all’interno delle macchine, caratteristiche tipiche considerate come caratteristiche umane. Nello spazio dell’Intelligenza Artificiale ci sono molti compiti che potrebbero essere richiesti alla macchina come la percezione dell’ambiente, la percezione visiva, decisioni complesse. La recente evoluzione in questo campo ha prodotto notevoli scoperte, princi- palmente in sistemi ingegneristici come sistemi multi-agente, sistemi in rete, impianti, sistemi veicolari, sistemi sanitari; infatti una parte dei suddetti sistemi di ingegneria è presente in questa tesi di dottorato. Lo scopo principale di questo lavoro è presentare le mie recenti attività di ricerca nel campo di sistemi complessi che portano le metodologie di intelligenza artifi- ciale ad essere applicati in diversi ambienti, come nelle reti di telecomunicazione, nei sistemi di trasporto e nei sistemi sanitari per la Medicina Personalizzata. Gli approcci progettati e sviluppati nel campo delle reti di telecomunicazione sono presentati nel Capitolo 2, dove un algoritmo di Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning è stato progettato per implementare un approccio model-free al fine di controllare e aumentare il livello di soddisfazione degli utenti; le attività di ricerca nel campo dei sistemi di trasporto sono presentate alla fine del capitolo 2 e nel capitolo 3, in cui i due approcci riguardanti un algoritmo di Reinforcement Learning e un algoritmo di Deep Learning sono stati progettati e sviluppati per far fronte a soluzioni di viaggio personalizzate e all’identificazione automatica dei mezzi trasporto; le ricerche svolte nel campo della Medicina Personalizzata sono state presentate nel Capitolo 4 dove è stato presentato un approccio basato sul controllo Deep Learning e Model Predictive Control per affrontare il problema del controllo dei fattori biologici nei pazienti diabetici.Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a science that deals with the problem of having machines perform intelligent, complex, actions with the aim of helping the human being. It is then possible to assert that Artificial Intelligence permits to bring into machines, typical characteristics and abilities that were once limited to human intervention. In the field of AI there are several tasks that ideally could be delegated to machines, such as environment aware perception, visual perception and complex decisions in the various field. The recent research trends in this field have produced remarkable upgrades mainly on complex engineering systems such as multi-agent systems, networked systems, manufacturing, vehicular and transportation systems, health care; in fact, a portion of the mentioned engineering system is discussed in this PhD thesis, as most of them are typical field of application for traditional control systems. The main purpose if this work is to present my recent research activities in the field of complex systems, bringing artificial intelligent methodologies in different environments such as in telecommunication networks, transportation systems and health care for Personalized Medicine. The designed and developed approaches in the field of telecommunication net- works is presented in Chapter 2, where a multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm was designed to implement a model-free control approach in order to regulate and improve the level of satisfaction of the users, while the research activities in the field of transportation systems are presented at the end of Chapter 2 and in Chapter 3, where two approaches regarding a Reinforcement Learning algorithm and a Deep Learning algorithm were designed and developed to cope with tailored travels and automatic identification of transportation moralities. Finally, the research activities performed in the field of Personalized Medicine have been presented in Chapter 4 where a Deep Learning and Model Predictive control based approach are presented to address the problem of controlling biological factors in diabetic patients

    Automated illustration of multimedia stories

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    Submitted in part fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Computer ScienceWe all had the problem of forgetting about what we just read a few sentences before. This comes from the problem of attention and is more common with children and the elderly. People feel either bored or distracted by something more interesting. The challenge is how can multimedia systems assist users in reading and remembering stories? One solution is to use pictures to illustrate stories as a mean to captivate ones interest as it either tells a story or makes the viewer imagine one. This thesis researches the problem of automated story illustration as a method to increase the readers’ interest and attention. We formulate the hypothesis that an automated multimedia system can help users in reading a story by stimulating their reading memory with adequate visual illustrations. We propose a framework that tells a story and attempts to capture the readers’ attention by providing illustrations that spark the readers’ imagination. The framework automatically creates a multimedia presentation of the news story by (1) rendering news text in a sentence by-sentence fashion, (2) providing mechanisms to select the best illustration for each sentence and (3) select the set of illustrations that guarantees the best sequence. These mechanisms are rooted in image and text retrieval techniques. To further improve users’ attention, users may also activate a text-to-speech functionality according to their preference or reading difficulties. First experiments show how Flickr images can illustrate BBC news articles and provide a better experience to news readers. On top of the illustration methods, a user feedback feature was implemented to perfect the illustrations selection. With this feature users can aid the framework in selecting more accurate results. Finally, empirical evaluations were performed in order to test the user interface,image/sentence association algorithms and users’ feedback functionalities. The respective results are discussed

    Extracting personal information from conversations

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    Personal knowledge is a versatile resource that is valuable for a wide range of downstream applications. Background facts about users can allow chatbot assistants to produce more topical and empathic replies. In the context of recommendation and retrieval models, personal facts can be used to customize the ranking results for individual users. A Personal Knowledge Base, populated with personal facts, such as demographic information, interests and interpersonal relationships, is a unique endpoint for storing and querying personal knowledge. Such knowledge bases are easily interpretable and can provide users with full control over their own personal knowledge, including revising stored facts and managing access by downstream services for personalization purposes. To alleviate users from extensive manual effort to build such personal knowledge base, we can leverage automated extraction methods applied to the textual content of the users, such as dialogue transcripts or social media posts. Mainstream extraction methods specialize on well-structured data, such as biographical texts or encyclopedic articles, which are rare for most people. In turn, conversational data is abundant but challenging to process and requires specialized methods for extraction of personal facts. In this dissertation we address the acquisition of personal knowledge from conversational data. We propose several novel deep learning models for inferring speakers’ personal attributes: • Demographic attributes, age, gender, profession and family status, are inferred by HAMs - hierarchical neural classifiers with attention mechanism. Trained HAMs can be transferred between different types of conversational data and provide interpretable predictions. • Long-tailed personal attributes, hobby and profession, are predicted with CHARM - a zero-shot learning model, overcoming the lack of labeled training samples for rare attribute values. By linking conversational utterances to external sources, CHARM is able to predict attribute values which it never saw during training. • Interpersonal relationships are inferred with PRIDE - a hierarchical transformer-based model. To accurately predict fine-grained relationships, PRIDE leverages personal traits of the speakers and the style of conversational utterances. Experiments with various conversational texts, including Reddit discussions and movie scripts, demonstrate the viability of our methods and their superior performance compared to state-of-the-art baselines.Personengebundene Fakten sind eine vielseitig nutzbare Quelle für die verschiedensten Anwendungen. Hintergrundfakten über Nutzer können es Chatbot-Assistenten ermöglichen, relevantere und persönlichere Antworten zu geben. Im Kontext von Empfehlungs- und Retrievalmodellen können personengebundene Fakten dazu verwendet werden, die Ranking-Ergebnisse für Nutzer individuell anzupassen. Eine Personengebundene Wissensdatenbank, gefüllt mit persönlichen Daten wie demografischen Angaben, Interessen und Beziehungen, kann eine universelle Schnittstelle für die Speicherung und Abfrage solcher Fakten sein. Wissensdatenbanken sind leicht zu interpretieren und bieten dem Nutzer die vollständige Kontrolle über seine personenbezogenen Fakten, einschließlich der Überarbeitung und der Verwaltung des Zugriffs durch nachgelagerte Dienste, etwa für Personalisierungszwecke. Um den Nutzern den aufwändigen manuellen Aufbau einer solchen persönlichen Wissensdatenbank zu ersparen, können automatisierte Extraktionsmethoden auf den textuellen Inhalten der Nutzer – wie z.B. Konversationen oder Beiträge in sozialen Medien – angewendet werden. Die üblichen Extraktionsmethoden sind auf strukturierte Daten wie biografische Texte oder enzyklopädische Artikel spezialisiert, die bei den meisten Menschen keine Rolle spielen. In dieser Dissertation beschäftigen wir uns mit der Gewinnung von persönlichem Wissen aus Dialogdaten und schlagen mehrere neuartige Deep-Learning-Modelle zur Ableitung persönlicher Attribute von Sprechern vor: • Demographische Attribute wie Alter, Geschlecht, Beruf und Familienstand werden durch HAMs - Hierarchische Neuronale Klassifikatoren mit Attention-Mechanismus - abgeleitet. Trainierte HAMs können zwischen verschiedenen Arten von Gesprächsdaten übertragen werden und liefern interpretierbare Vorhersagen • Vielseitige persönliche Attribute wie Hobbys oder Beruf werden mit CHARM ermittelt - einem Zero-Shot-Lernmodell, das den Mangel an markierten Trainingsbeispielen für seltene Attributwerte überwindet. Durch die Verknüpfung von Gesprächsäußerungen mit externen Quellen ist CHARM in der Lage, Attributwerte zu ermitteln, die es beim Training nie gesehen hat • Zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen werden mit PRIDE, einem hierarchischen transformerbasierten Modell, abgeleitet. Um präzise Beziehungen vorhersagen zu können, nutzt PRIDE persönliche Eigenschaften der Sprecher und den Stil von Konversationsäußerungen Experimente mit verschiedenen Konversationstexten, inklusive Reddit-Diskussionen und Filmskripten, demonstrieren die Praxistauglichkeit unserer Methoden und ihre hervorragende Leistung im Vergleich zum aktuellen Stand der Technik

    Optimizing E-Management Using Web Data Mining

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    Today, one of the biggest challenges that E-management systems face is the explosive growth of operating data and to use this data to enhance services. Web usage mining has emerged as an important technique to provide useful management information from user's Web data. One of the areas where such information is needed is the Web-based academic digital libraries. A digital library (D-library) is an information resource system to store resources in digital format and provide access to users through the network. Academic libraries offer a huge amount of information resources, these information resources overwhelm students and makes it difficult for them to access to relevant information. Proposed solutions to alleviate this issue emphasize the need to build Web recommender systems that make it possible to offer each student with a list of resources that they would be interested in. Collaborative filtering is the most successful technique used to offer recommendations to users. Collaborative filtering provides recommendations according to the user relevance feedback that tells the system their preferences. Most recent work on D-library recommender systems uses explicit feedback. Explicit feedback requires students to rate resources which make the recommendation process not realistic because few students are willing to provide their interests explicitly. Thus, collaborative filtering suffers from “data sparsity” problem. In response to this problem, the study proposed a Web usage mining framework to alleviate the sparsity problem. The framework incorporates clustering mining technique and usage data in the recommendation process. Students perform different actions on D-library, in this study five different actions are identified, including printing, downloading, bookmarking, reading, and viewing the abstract. These actions provide the system with large quantities of implicit feedback data. The proposed framework also utilizes clustering data mining approach to reduce the sparsity problem. Furthermore, generating recommendations based on clusters produce better results because students belonging to the same cluster usually have similar interests. The proposed framework is divided into two main components: off-line and online components. The off-line component is comprised of two stages: data pre-processing and the derivation of student clusters. The online component is comprised of two stages: building student's profile and generating recommendations. The second stage consists of three steps, in the first step the target student profile is classified to the closest cluster profile using the cosine similarity measure. In the second phase, the Pearson correlation coefficient method is used to select the most similar students to the target student from the chosen cluster to serve as a source of prediction. Finally, a top-list of resources is presented. Using the Book-Crossing dataset the effectiveness of the proposed framework was evaluated based on sparsity level, and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) regarding accuracy. The proposed framework reduced the sparsity level between (0.07% and 26.71%) in the sub-matrices, whereas the sparsity level is between 99.79% and 78.81% using the proposed framework, and 99.86% (for the original matrix) before applying the proposed framework. The experimental results indicated that by using the proposed framework the performance is as much as 13.12% better than clustering-only explicit feedback data, and 21.14% better than the standard K Nearest Neighbours method. The overall results show that the proposed framework can alleviate the Sparsity problem resulting in improving the accuracy of the recommendations
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