30 research outputs found

    Momentum Control of Humanoid Robots with Series Elastic Actuators

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    Humanoid robots may require a degree of compliance at the joint level for improving efficiency, shock tolerance, and safe interaction with humans. The presence of joint elasticity, however, complexifies the design of balancing and walking controllers. This paper proposes a control framework for extending momentum based controllers developed for stiff actuators to the case of series elastic actuators. The key point is to consider the motor velocities as an intermediate control input, and then apply high-gain control to stabilise the desired motor velocities achieving momentum control. Simulations carried out on a model of the robot iCub verify the soundness of the proposed approach

    Direct collocation methods for trajectory optimization in constrained robotic systems

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    Ā© 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Direct collocation methods are powerful tools to solve trajectory optimization problems in robotics. While their resulting trajectories tend to be dynamically accurate, they may also present large kinematic errors in the case of constrained mechanical systems, i.e., those whose state coordinates are subject to holonomic or nonholonomic constraints, such as loop-closure or rolling-contact constraints. These constraints confine the robot trajectories to an implicitly-defined manifold, which complicates the computation of accurate solutions. Discretization errors inherent to the transcription of the problem easily make the trajectories drift away from this manifold, which results in physically inconsistent motions that are difficult to track with a controller. This article reviews existing methods to deal with this problem and proposes new ones to overcome their limitations. Current approaches either disregard the kinematic constraints (which leads to drift accumulation) or modify the system dynamics to keep the trajectory close to the manifold (which adds artificial forces or energy dissipation to the system). The methods we propose, in contrast, achieve full drift elimination on the discrete trajectory, or even along the continuous one, without artificial modifications of the system dynamics. We illustrate and compare the methods using various examples of different complexity.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities under Project DPI2017-88282-P and Project PID2020-117509GBI00/AEI/10.13039/50110001103 and in part by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) via DyConPV (0324166B)Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    On the integration of singularity-free representations of SO(3) for direct optimal control

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    In this paper we analyze the performance of different combinations of: (1) parameterization of the rotational degrees of freedom (DOF) of multibody systems, and (2) choice of the integration scheme, in the context of direct optimal control discretized according to the direct multiple-shooting method. The considered representations include quaternions and Direction Cosine Matrices, both having the peculiarity of being non-singular and requiring more than three parameters to describe an element of the Special Orthogonal group SO(3). These representations yield invariants in the dynamics of the system, i.e., algebraic conditions which have to be satisfied in order for the model to be representative of physical reality. The investigated integration schemes include the classical explicit RungeĆ¢\u80\u93Kutta method, its stabilized version based on BaumgarteĆ¢\u80\u99s technique, which tends to reduce the drift from the underlying manifold, and a structure-preserving alternative, namely the RungeĆ¢\u80\u93Kutta Munthe-Kaas method, which preserves the invariants by construction. The performances of the combined choice of representation and integrator are assessed by solving thousands of planning tasks for a nonholonomic, underactuated cart-pendulum system, where the pendulum can experience arbitrarily large 3D rotations. The aspects analyzed include success rate, average number of iterations and CPU time to convergence, and quality of the solution. The results reveal how structure-preserving integrators are the only choice for lower accuracies, whereas higher-order, non-stabilized standard integrators seem to be the computationally most competitive solution when higher levels of accuracy are pursued. Overall, the quaternion-based representation is the most efficient in terms of both iterations and CPU time to convergence, albeit at the cost of lower success rates and increased probability of being trapped by higher local minima

    Numerically efficient algorithms for the coupled non-linear time domain simulation of fully submerged highly flexible maritime systems

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    In this thesis, a new approach for the dynamic time domain simulation of highly flexible maritime continua such as moorings, anchor lines, tow lines, tethered vehicles as well as nets for fishing, cages in aquacultures or plankton sampling is presented and evaluated. Here, in contrast to the methods typically applied, the algorithm is neglecting deformations in the longitudinal directions of the investigated continua. In doing so, much larger time step sizes can be achieved, since the high eigenfrequencies introduced from longitudinal vibrations of the systems are thus repressed

    Kinodynamic planning and control of closed-chain robotic systems

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins el dia 1/6/2022This work proposes a methodology for kinodynamic planning and trajectory control in robots with closed kinematic chains. The ability to plan trajectories is key in a robotic system, as it provides a means to convert high-level task commandsĀ¾like ā€œmove to that location'', or ā€œthrow the object at such a speed''Ā¾into low-level controls to be followed by the actuators. In contrast to purely kinematic planners, which only generate collision-free paths in configuration space, kinodynamic planners compute state-space trajectories that also account for the dynamics and force limits of the robot. In doing so, the resulting motions are more realistic and exploit gravity, inertia, and centripetal forces to the benefit of the task. Existing kinodynamic planners are fairly general and can deal with complex problems, but they require the state coordinates to be independent. Therefore, they are hard to apply to robots with loop-closure constraints whose state space is not globally parameterizable. These constraints define a nonlinear manifold on which the trajectories must be confined, and they appear in many systems, like parallel robots, cooperative arms manipulating an object, or systems that keep multiple contacts with the environment. In this work, we propose three steps to generate optimal trajectories for such systems. In a first step, we determine a trajectory that avoids the collisions with obstacles and satisfies all kinodynamic constraints of the robot, including loop-closure constraints, the equations of motion, or any limits on the velocities or on the motor and constraint forces. This is achieved with a sampling-based planner that constructs local charts of the state space numerically, and with an efficient steering method based on linear quadratic regulators. In a second step, the trajectory is optimized according to a cost function of interest. To this end we introduce two new collocation methods for trajectory optimization. While current methods easily violate the kinematic constraints, those we propose satisfy these constraints along the obtained trajectories. During the execution of a task, however, the trajectory may be affected by unforeseen disturbances or model errors. That is why, in a third step, we propose two trajectory control methods for closed-chain robots. The first method enjoys global stability, but it can only control trajectories that avoid forward singularities. The second method, in contrast, has local stability, but allows these singularities to be traversed robustly. The combination of these three steps expands the range of systems in which motion planning can be successfully applied.Aquest treball proposa una metodologia per a la planificaciĆ³ cinetodinĆ mica i el control de trajectĆ²ries en robots amb cadenes cinemĆ tiques tancades. La capacitat de planificar trajectĆ²ries Ć©s clau en un robot, ja que permet traduir instruccions d'alt nivell com ara Āæmou-te cap aquella posiciĆ³'' o ĀællenƧa l'objecte amb aquesta velocitat'' en senyals de referĆØncia que puguin ser seguits pels actuadors. En comparaciĆ³ amb els planificadors purament cinemĆ tics, que nomĆ©s generen camins lliures de colĀ·lisions a l'espai de configuracions, els planificadors cinetodinĆ mics obtenen trajectĆ²ries a l'espai d'estats que sĆ³n compatibles amb les restriccions dinĆ miques i els lĆ­mits de forƧa del robot. Els moviments que en resulten sĆ³n mĆ©s realistes i aprofiten la gravetat, la inĆØrcia i les forces centrĆ­petes en benefici de la tasca que es vol realitzar. Els planificadors cinetodinĆ mics actuals sĆ³n forƧa generals i poden resoldre problemes complexos, perĆ² assumeixen que les coordenades d'estat sĆ³n independents. Per tant, no es poden aplicar a robots amb restriccions de clausura cinemĆ tica en els quals l'espai d'estats no admeti una parametritzaciĆ³ global. Aquestes restriccions defineixen una varietat diferencial sobre la qual cal mantenir les trajectĆ²ries, i apareixen en sistemes com ara els robots paralĀ·lels, els braƧos que manipulen objectes coordinadament o els sistemes amb extremitats en contacte amb l'entorn. En aquest treball, proposem tres passos per generar trajectĆ²ries Ć²ptimes per a aquests sistemes. En un primer pas, determinem una trajectĆ²ria que evita les colĀ·lisions amb els obstacles i satisfĆ  totes les restriccions cinetodinĆ miques, incloses les de clausura cinemĆ tica, les equacions del moviment o els lĆ­mits en les velocitats i en les forces d'actuaciĆ³ o d'enllaƧ. AixĆ² s'aconsegueix mitjanƧant un planificador basat en mostratge aleatori que utilitza cartes locals construĆÆdes numĆØricament, i amb un mĆØtode eficient de navegaciĆ³ local basat en reguladors quadrĆ tics lineals. En un segon pas, la trajectĆ²ria s'optimitza segons una funciĆ³ de cost donada. A tal efecte, introduĆÆm dos nous mĆØtodes de colĀ·locaciĆ³ per a l'optimitzaciĆ³ de trajectĆ²ries. Mentre els mĆØtodes existents violen fĆ cilment les restriccions cinemĆ tiques, els que proposem satisfan aquestes restriccions al llarg de les trajectĆ²ries obtingudes. Durant l'execuciĆ³ de la tasca, tanmateix, la trajectĆ²ria pot veure's afectada per pertorbacions imprevistes o per errors deguts a incerteses en el model dinĆ mic. Ɖs per aixĆ² que, en un tercer pas, proposem dos mĆØtodes de control de trajectĆ²ries per robots amb cadenes tancades. El primer mĆØtode gaudeix d'estabilitat global, perĆ² nomĆ©s permet controlar trajectĆ²ries que no travessin singularitats directes del robot. El segon mĆØtode, en canvi, tĆ© estabilitat local, perĆ² permet travessar aquestes singularitats de manera robusta. La combinaciĆ³ d'aquests tres passos amplia el ventall de sistemes en els quals es pot aplicar amb ĆØxit la planificaciĆ³ cinetodinĆ mica.Postprint (published version

    Modelling chassis flexibility in vehicle dynamics simulation

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    This thesis deals with the development of advanced mathematical models for the assessment of the influence of chassis flexibility on vehicle handling qualities. A review of the literature relevant to the subject is presented and discussed in the first part of the thesis. A preliminary model that includes chassis flexibility is then developed and employed for a first assessment of the significance of chassis flexibility. In the second part of the thesis a symbolic multibody library for vehicle dynamics simulations is introduced. This library constitutes the basis for the development of an advanced 14-degrees-of-freedom vehicle model that includes chassis flexibility. The model is then demonstrated using a set of data relative to a real vehicle. Finally, simulation results are discussed and conclusions are presented. The advanced model fully exploits a novel multibody formulation which represent the kinematics and the dynamics of the system with a level of accuracy which is typical of numeric multibody models while retaining the benefits of purpose-developed hand- derived models. More specifically, a semi-recursive formulation, a velocity projection technique and a symbolic development are, for the first time, coupled with flexible body modelling. The effect of chassis flexibility on vehicle handling is observed through the analysis of open- and closed-loop manoeuvres. Results show that chassis flexibility induces variations of lateral load transfer distribution and suspension kinematics that sensibly affect the steady-state behaviour of the vehicle. Further effects on dynamic response and high-speed stability are demonstrated. Also, optimal control theory is employed to demonstrate the existence of a strict correlation between chassis flexibility and driver behaviour. The research yields new insights into the dynamics of vehicles with a flexible chassis and highlights critical aspects of chassis design. Although the focus is on sports and race cars, both the modelling approach and the results can be extended to other vehicles.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Instantaneous Momentum-Based Control of Floating Base Systems

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    In the last two decades a growing number of robotic applications such as autonomous drones, wheeled robots and industrial manipulators started to be employed in several human environments. However, these machines often possess limited locomotion and/or manipulation capabilities, thus reducing the number of achievable tasks and increasing the complexity of robot-environment interaction. Augmenting robots locomotion and manipulation abilities is a fundamental research topic, with a view to enhance robots participation in complex tasks involving safe interaction and cooperation with humans. To this purpose, humanoid robots, aerial manipulators and the novel design of flying humanoid robots are among the most promising platforms researchers are studying in the attempt to remove the existing technological barriers. These robots are often modeled as floating base systems, and have lost the assumption -- typical of fixed base robots -- of having one link always attached to the ground. From the robot control side, contact forces regulation revealed to be fundamental for the execution of interaction tasks. Contact forces can be influenced by directly controlling the robot's momentum rate of change, and this fact gives rise to several momentum-based control strategies. Nevertheless, effective design of force and torque controllers still remains a complex challenge. The variability of sensor load during interaction, the inaccuracy of the force/torque sensing technology and the inherent nonlinearities of robot models are only a few complexities impairing efficient robot force control. This research project focuses on the design of balancing and flight controllers for floating base robots interacting with the surrounding environment. More specifically, the research is built upon the state-of-the-art of momentum-based controllers and applied to three robotic platforms: the humanoid robot iCub, the aerial manipulator OTHex and the jet-powered humanoid robot iRonCub. The project enforces the existing literature with both theoretical and experimental results, aimed at achieving high robot performances and improved stability and robustness, in presence of different physical robot-environment interactions

    The numerical simulation of plate-type windborne debris flight

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    Wind borne debris is one of the principal causes of building envelope failure during severe storms. It is often of interest in windstorm risk modelling to estimate the potential flight trajectories and impact energy of a piece of debris. This thesis presents research work aimed at the development and validation of a numerical model for the simulation of plate-type windborne debris. While a number of quasi-steady analytical models are available at present, these models are unable to account for the fluid-plate interaction in highly unstable flows. The analytical models are also limited to simple launch flow conditions and require extensive a-priori knowledge of the debris aerodynamic characteristics. In addition, the use of Euler angle parametrisations of orientation in the analytical models results in mathematical singularities when considering 3D six degree-of-freedom motion. To address these limitations, a 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model is sequentially coupled with a quaternion based singularity-free six degree of freedom Rigid Body Dynamics (RBD) model in order to successfully simulate the flight of plate-type windborne debris. The CFD-RBD model is applied to the numerical investigation of the flow around static, forced rotating, autorotating and free-flying plates as well as the treatment of complex launch conditions. Key insights into the phenomena of plate autorotation are highlighted including the genesis of the aerodynamic damping and acceleration torques that make autorotation possible. The CFD-RBD model is then validated against measurements of rotational speed and surface pressure obtained from recent autorotation experiments. Subsequently a general 3D spinning mode of autorotation is demonstrated and the CFD-RBD model is extended to include plate translation in order to simulate windborne debris flight. Using the CFD-RBD flight model, a parametric study of windborne debris flight is carried out and four distinct flight modes have been identified and are discussed. The flight results are contrasted against available free-flight experiments as well as predictions from existing quasi-steady analytical models and an improved quasi-steady force model based on forced rotation results is proposed. The resulting CFD-RBD model presents the most complete numerical approach to the simulation of plate-type windborne debris, directly simulating debris aerodynamics, and incorporates complex launch flow fields in the initial conditions