88 research outputs found

    Efficient algorithms for the optical multi-trees (OMULT) architecture.

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    In this thesis, we have reported our investigations on efficiently implementing algorithms on the recently proposed Optical Multi-Trees (OMULT) multi-processors interconnection architecture that uses both electronic and optical links among processors. We have investigated algorithms for matrix multiplication of two matrices of size n2 x n2 and two matrices of arbitrary size, the prefix-sum of a series and some fundamental computational geometry problems. We show that some common algorithms for computational geometry---finding the convex hull, the smallest enclosing box, the empirical cumulative distribution function and the all-nearest neighbor problems of n data points can be computed on the OMULT network in O(log n) time, compared to O(√n) algorithms on the Optical Transpose Interconnection System (OTIS) mesh for each of these problems. Finally we have implemented our algorithm for matrix multiplication using the SimJava simulation tool and feel that this is a convenient environment for testing such parallel algorithms.Dept. of Computer Science. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2004 .I85. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 43-05, page: 1751. Adviser: Subir Bandyopadhyay. Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2004

    Efficient structural outlooks for vertex product networks

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    In this thesis, a new classification for a large set of interconnection networks, referred to as "Vertex Product Networks" (VPN), is provided and a number of related issues are discussed including the design and evaluation of efficient structural outlooks for algorithm development on this class of networks. The importance of studying the VPN can be attributed to the following two main reasons: first an unlimited number of new networks can be defined under the umbrella of the VPN, and second some known networks can be studied and analysed more deeply. Examples of the VPN include the newly proposed arrangement-star and the existing Optical Transpose Interconnection Systems (OTIS-networks). Over the past two decades many interconnection networks have been proposed in the literature, including the star, hyperstar, hypercube, arrangement, and OTIS-networks. Most existing research on these networks has focused on analysing their topological properties. Consequently, there has been relatively little work devoted to designing efficient parallel algorithms for important parallel applications. In an attempt to fill this gap, this research aims to propose efficient structural outlooks for algorithm development. These structural outlooks are based on grid and pipeline views as popular structures that support a vast body of applications that are encountered in many areas of science and engineering, including matrix computation, divide-and- conquer type of algorithms, sorting, and Fourier transforms. The proposed structural outlooks are applied to the VPN, notably the arrangement-star and OTIS-networks. In this research, we argue that the proposed arrangement-star is a viable candidate as an underlying topology for future high-speed parallel computers. Not only does the arrangement-star bring a solution to the scalability limitations from which the Abstract existing star graph suffers, but it also enables the development of parallel algorithms based on the proposed structural outlooks, such as matrix computation, linear algebra, divide-and-conquer algorithms, sorting, and Fourier transforms. Results from a performance study conducted in this thesis reveal that the proposed arrangement-star supports efficiently applications based on the grid or pipeline structural outlooks. OTIS-networks are another example of the VPN. This type of networks has the important advantage of combining both optical and electronic interconnect technology. A number of studies have recently explored the topological properties of OTIS-networks. Although there has been some work on designing parallel algorithms for image processing and sorting, hardly any work has considered the suitability of these networks for an important class of scientific problems such as matrix computation, sorting, and Fourier transforms. In this study, we present and evaluate two structural outlooks for algorithm development on OTIS-networks. The proposed structural outlooks are general in the sense that no specific factor network or problem domain is assumed. Timing models for measuring the performance of the proposed structural outlooks are provided. Through these models, the performance of various algorithms on OTIS-networks are evaluated and compared with their counterparts on conventional electronic interconnection systems. The obtained results reveal that OTIS-networks are an attractive candidate for future parallel computers due to their superior performance characteristics over networks using traditional electronic interconnects

    Topologies for Optical Interconnection Networks Based on the Optical Transpose Interconnection System

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    International audienceMany results exist in the literature describing technological and theoretical advances in optical network topologies and design. However, an essential effort has yet to be done in linking those results together. In this paper, we propose a step in this direction, by giving optical layouts for several graph-theoretical topologies studied in the literature, using the Optical Transpose Interconnection System (OTIS) architecture. These topologies include the family of Partitioned Optical Passive Star (POPS) and stack-Kautz networks as well as a generalization of the Kautz and de Bruijn digraphs

    Some studies on the multi-mesh architecture.

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    In this thesis, we have reported our investigations on interconnection network architectures based on the idea of a recently proposed multi-processor architecture, Multi-Mesh network. This includes the development of a new interconnection architecture, study of its topological properties and a proposal for implementing Multi-Mesh using optical technology. We have presented a new network topology, called the 3D Multi-Mesh (3D MM) that is an extension of the Multi-Mesh architecture [DDS99]. This network consists of n3 three-dimensional meshes (termed as 3D blocks), each having n3 processors, interconnected in a suitable manner so that the resulting topology is 6-regular with n6 processors and a diameter of only 3n. We have shown that the connectivity of this network is 6. We have explored an algorithm for point-to-point communication on the 3D MM. It is expected that this architecture will enable more efficient algorithm mapping compared to existing architectures. We have also proposed some implementation of the multi-mesh avoiding the electronic bottleneck due to long copper wires for communication between some processors. Our implementation considers a number of realistic scenarios based on hybrid (optical and electronic) communication. One unique feature of this investigation is our use of WDM wavelength routing and the protection scheme. We are not aware of any implementation of interconnection networks using these techniques.Dept. of Computer Science. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2004 .A32. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 43-03, page: 0868. Adviser: Subir Bandyopadhyay. Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2004

    Topologies for Optical Interconnection Networks Based on the Optical Transpose Interconnection System

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    International audienceMany results exist in the literature describing technological and theoretical advances in optical network topologies and design. However, an essential effort has yet to be done in linking those results together. In this paper, we propose a step in this direction, by giving optical layouts for several graph-theoretical topologies studied in the literature, using the Optical Transpose Interconnection System (OTIS) architecture. These topologies include the family of Partitioned Optical Passive Star (POPS) and stack-Kautz networks as well as a generalization of the Kautz and de Bruijn digraphs

    Aspects of k-k-Routing in Meshes and OTIS Networks

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    Aspects of k-k Routing in Meshes and OTIS-Networks Abstract Efficient data transport in parallel computers build on sparse interconnection networks is crucial for their performance. A basic transport problem in such a computer is the k-k routing problem. In this thesis, aspects of the k-k routing problem on r-dimensional meshes and OTIS-G networks are discussed. The first oblivious routing algorithms for these networks are presented that solve the k-k routing problem in an asymptotically optimal running time and a constant buffer size. Furthermore, other aspects of the k-k routing problem for OTIS-G networks are analysed. In particular, lower bounds for the problem based on the diameter and bisection width of OTIS-G networks are given, and the k-k sorting problem on the OTIS-Mesh is considered. Based on OTIS-G networks, a new class of networks, called Extended OTIS-G networks, is introduced, which have smaller diameters than OTIS-G networks.Für die Leistungfähigkeit von Parallelrechnern, die über ein Verbindungsnetzwerk kommunizieren, ist ein effizienter Datentransport entscheidend. Ein grundlegendes Transportproblem in einem solchen Rechner ist das k-k Routing Problem. In dieser Arbeit werden Aspekte dieses Problems in r-dimensionalen Gittern und OTIS-G Netzwerken untersucht. Es wird der erste vergessliche (oblivious) Routing Algorithmus vorgestellt, der das k-k Routing Problem in diesen Netzwerken in einer asymptotisch optimalen Laufzeit bei konstanter Puffergröße löst. Für OTIS-G Netzwerke werden untere Laufzeitschranken für das untersuchte Problem angegeben, die auf dem Durchmesser und der Bisektionsweite der Netzwerke basieren. Weiterhin wird ein Algorithmus vorgestellt, der das k-k Sorting Problem mit einer Laufzeit löst, die nahe an der Bisektions- und Durchmesserschranke liegt. Basierend auf den OTIS-G Netzwerken, wird eine neue Klasse von Netzwerken eingeführt, die sogenannten Extended OTIS-G Netzwerke, die sich durch einen kleineren Durchmesser von OTIS-G Netzwerken unterscheiden

    SSTAC/ARTS review of the draft Integrated Technology Plan (ITP). Volume 6: Controls and guidance

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    Viewgraphs of briefings from the Space Systems and Technology Advisory Committee (SSTAC)/ARTS review of the draft Integrated Technology Plan (ITP) on controls and guidance are included. Topics covered include: strategic avionics technology planning and bridging programs; avionics technology plan; vehicle health management; spacecraft guidance research; autonomous rendezvous and docking; autonomous landing; computational control; fiberoptic rotation sensors; precision instrument and telescope pointing; microsensors and microinstruments; micro guidance and control initiative; and earth-orbiting platforms controls-structures interaction

    The NASA SBIR product catalog

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    The purpose of this catalog is to assist small business firms in making the community aware of products emerging from their efforts in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. It contains descriptions of some products that have advanced into Phase 3 and others that are identified as prospective products. Both lists of products in this catalog are based on information supplied by NASA SBIR contractors in responding to an invitation to be represented in this document. Generally, all products suggested by the small firms were included in order to meet the goals of information exchange for SBIR results. Of the 444 SBIR contractors NASA queried, 137 provided information on 219 products. The catalog presents the product information in the technology areas listed in the table of contents. Within each area, the products are listed in alphabetical order by product name and are given identifying numbers. Also included is an alphabetical listing of the companies that have products described. This listing cross-references the product list and provides information on the business activity of each firm. In addition, there are three indexes: one a list of firms by states, one that lists the products according to NASA Centers that managed the SBIR projects, and one that lists the products by the relevant Technical Topics utilized in NASA's annual program solicitation under which each SBIR project was selected

    Ventilatory mechanics in thoracic surgery

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    This thesis proved that chest wall motion analysis technology could be used in thoracic surgery to answer a number of clinical and physiological questions. We used it either as a diagnostic tool or for the evaluation of an intervention outcome. We divided its use as a diagnostic tool into two categories; 1- diagnosis before surgery and 2- diagnosis after surgery. In the evaluation of an intervention outcome, we divided its use after a number of interventions: 1. Cosmetic Surgery: Chapter 5: The Effect of Pectus Carinatum (Pigeon Chest) Repair on Chest Wall Mechanics 2. Prognostic Surgery: a) Chapter 4: The Effect of Chest Wall Reconstruction on Chest Wall Mechanics b) Chapter 10: Late Changes in Chest Wall Mechanics Post Lung Resection: The Effect of Lung Cancer Resection In COPD patients 3. Palliative Surgery: a) Chapter 6: The Effect of Lung Volume Reduction Surgery on Chest Wall Mechanics b) Chapter 3: The Effect of Diaphragmatic Plication (Fixation) on Chest Wall Mechanics 4. Post-operative Intervention: Chapter 8: The Effect of Thoracic Nerve Blocks on Chest Wall Mechanic