4,255 research outputs found

    Commercial Helicopter Services: Toward Quantitative Solutions for Understanding Industry Phenomena and Achieving Stakeholder Optimization

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    An understanding of industry phenomena and optimization techniques within the upstream energy industry’s transportation sector is markedly absent in the extant literature and suitable for rigorous investigation. This manuscript presents analyses related to the optimization of offshore worker transportation and econometric analyses of factors influencing commercial helicopter operators’ stock returns, which are represented throughout the manuscript as Part I and Part II, respectively. The global energy industry transports supplies and personnel via helicopter to offshore locations and has been increasingly focusing on optimizing upstream logistics. Using a unique sample of deepwater and ultra-deepwater permanent offshore locations in the Gulf of Mexico, transportation networks consisting of 58 locations operated by 19 firms are optimized via a randomized greedy algorithm. The model developed in Part I has been found to effectively solve the complex transportation problem and simulation results show the potential advantages of alternative clustered and integrated network structures, as compared to an independent firm-level structure. The evaluation of clustered and integrated network structures, which allow ride sharing via energy firm cooperation, provides evidence that such network structures may yield cost reductions for participating firms. The extent to which commercial helicopter operators’ stock returns are related to commodity prices and other relevant industry variables is absent in the extant literature. Often, firms attribute favorable results to internal factors whereas unfavorable results are attributed to external factors. Using a unique data set from 2013-2018, the current research identifies structural relationships between crude oil prices, natural gas prices, the rotary rig count, a subset of the overall market, firms’ degree of diversification and stock returns of commercial helicopter operators. Empirical analyses developed in Part II show that the prevalent price of crude oil and the overall market environment possess explanatory power of commercial helicopter firms’ stock returns, ceteris paribus. Specifically, 10% increases in the crude oil price and the S&P 500 index yield a 2.7% and 8.0% increase in stock returns, respectively. Collectively, the abovementioned parts of this manuscript provide rigorous, quantitative analyses of topics unrepresented within the extant literature, which are foundational for future practice and research. Specifically, new knowledge regarding a practical approach to model development and solution deliverance for the transportation of offshore workers to their respective locations and factors influencing commercial helicopter operators’ stock returns has been appropriately designed and empirically evaluated

    Inventory of current and future presence of non-wind sea use functions

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    In order to assess the suitability of locations on the Central and Southern North Sea for wind parks present sea use functions should also be taken into account. These sea use functions comprise shipping, oil and gas extraction, fisheries, cables and pipelines, military activities, sand extraction, radar interference and nature conservation. IMARES has collected data on these other sea use functions. Data was gathered from several national institutions, with a good deal of help from our project partners in identifying the best available sources

    Arctic oil and gas field logistics and offshore service vessel capacities : the case of the Norwegian and Russian High Arctic

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    I denne rapporten gjøres en gjennomgang av logistikk opplegget og leveringskjeden fra forsyningsbase på land til olje og gassfelt til sjøs på de nordligste feltene i Norge og Russland. Ulike krav til offshore servicefartøy diskuteres i lys av utfordringer knyttet til is og ising, lange distanser og begrenset infrastruktur

    Ocean services user needs assessment. Volume 1: Survey results, conclusions and recommendations

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    An interpretation of environmental information needs of marine users, derived from a direct contact survey of eight important sectors of the marine user community is presented. Findings of the survey and results and recommendations are reported. The findings consist of specific and quantized measurement and derived product needs for each sector and comparisons of these needs with current and planned NOAA data and services. The following supportive and reference material are examined: direct contact interviews with industry members, analyses of current NOAA data gathering and derived product capabilities, evaluations of new and emerging domestic and foreign satellite data gathering capabilities, and a special commercial fishing survey conducted by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)

    China Maritime Report No. 23: The Type 075 LHD: Development, Missions, and Capabilities

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    When the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) commissioned its first Type 075 class Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) in April 2021, it represented an important advance in power projection capability for China’s maritime forces. For the first time, the PLAN had an amphibious warship capable of hosting significant rotary wing forces while acting as the flagship for an amphibious task force. Now with three Type 075 class ships either in or soon to be in service, the PLAN has expanded its amphibious capability even further. The Type 075’s dedicated aviation support capability, ability to conduct wet well operations, and expanded command and control and medical facilities reflect capabilities that previously did not exist within the PLAN amphibious fleet. With the Type 075 LHD, the PLAN clearly intends to bolster its ability to project power from the sea in order to protect China’s overseas interests, but will require time for amphibious task forces to become fully proficient.https://digital-commons.usnwc.edu/cmsi-maritime-reports/1022/thumbnail.jp

    Applications of advanced transport aircraft in developing countries

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    Four representative market scenarios were studied to evaluate the relative performance of air-and surface-based transportation systems in meeting the needs of two developing contries, Brazil and Indonesia, which were selected for detailed case studies. The market scenarios were: remote mining, low-density transport, tropical forestry, and large cargo aircraft serving processing centers in resource-rich, remote areas. The long-term potential of various aircraft types, together with fleet requirements and necessary technology advances, is determined for each application

    Helicopter Flight Operational Quality Assurance (HFOQA): Development of HFOQA Analysis Software

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    Flight Operational Quality Assurance (FOQA), or Flight Data Monitoring (FDM), has benefited flight safety in both fixed-wing and helicopter operations. The relative youth of FOQA programs has resulted in their minimal application among the helicopter fleets of the world; thus, Helicopter FOQA (HFOQA) has merited consolidation and expansion. This mixed methods design developed HFOQA analysis software via a blend of the qualitative data from helicopter and FOQA experts with quantitative data represented by a sample of de-identified digital flight data from 1,014 helicopter flights. Development of the software emphasized three domains of interest: (a) helicopter flight phases; (b) helicopter operational and maintenance events; and (c) helicopter event-related and safety/efficiency flight profile measurements. This study\u27s resultant HFOQA analysis software has direct application to multifaceted helicopter operations (Emergency Medical Services [EMS], sightseeing, military, and others), and, in fact, has been utilized by an offshore helicopter operator in its daily operations

    Study of aircraft in intraurban transportation systems, volume 1

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    An analysis of an effective short range, high density computer transportation system for intraurban systems is presented. The seven county Detroit, Michigan, metropolitan area, was chosen as the scenario for the analysis. The study consisted of an analysis and forecast of the Detroit market through 1985, a parametric analysis of appropriate short haul aircraft concepts and associated ground systems, and a preliminary overall economic analysis of a simplified total system designed to evaluate the candidate vehicles and select the most promising VTOL and STOL aircraft. Data are also included on the impact of advanced technology on the system, the sensitivity of mission performance to changes in aircraft characteristics and system operations, and identification of key problem areas that may be improved by additional research. The approach, logic, and computer models used are adaptable to other intraurban or interurban areas
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