6 research outputs found

    Oriented flow of rank 3 matroids

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    Sign-symmetry and frustration index in signed graphs

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    A graph in which every edge is labeled positive or negative is called a signed graph. We determine the number of ways to sign the edges of the McGee graph with exactly two negative edges up to switching isomorphism. We characterize signed graphs that are both sign-symmetric and have a frustration index of 1. We prove some results about which signed graphs on complete multipartite graphs have frustration indices 2 and 3. In the final part, we derive the relationship between the frustration index and the number of parts in a sign-symmetric signed graph on complete multipartite graphs

    Spectral characterizations of complex unit gain graphs

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    While eigenvalues of graphs are well studied, spectral analysis of complex unit gain graphs is still in its infancy. This thesis considers gain graphs whose gain groups are gradually less and less restricted, with the ultimate goal of classifying gain graphs that are characterized by their spectra. In such cases, the eigenvalues of a gain graph contain sufficient structural information that it might be uniquely (up to certain equivalence relations) constructed when only given its spectrum. First, the first infinite family of directed graphs that is – up to isomorphism – determined by its Hermitian spectrum is obtained. Since the entries of the Hermitian adjacency matrix are complex units, these objects may be thought of as gain graphs with a restricted gain group. It is shown that directed graphs with the desired property are extremely rare. Thereafter, the perspective is generalized to include signs on the edges. By encoding the various edge-vertex incidence relations with sixth roots of unity, the above perspective can again be taken. With an interesting mix of algebraic and combinatorial techniques, all signed directed graphs with degree at most 4 or least multiplicity at most 3 are determined. Subsequently, these characterizations are used to obtain signed directed graphs that are determined by their spectra. Finally, an extensive discussion of complex unit gain graphs in their most general form is offered. After exploring their various notions of symmetry and many interesting ties to complex geometries, gain graphs with exactly two distinct eigenvalues are classified

    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volum

    Balanced Signings and the Chromatic Number of Oriented Matroids

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    We consider the problem of reorienting an oriented matroid so that all its cocircuits are ‘as balanced as possible in ratio’. It is well known that any oriented matroid having no coloops has a totally cyclic reorientation, a reorientation in which every signed cocircuit B = {B +, B − } satisfies B +, B − � = ∅. We show that, for some reorientation, every signed cocircuit satisfies 1/f(r) ≤ |B + |/|B − | ≤ f(r), where f(r) ≤ 14 r 2 ln(r), and r is the rank of the oriented matroid. In geometry, this problem corresponds to bounding the discrepancies (in ratio) that occur among the Radon partitions of a dependent set of vectors. For graphs, this result corresponds to bounding the chromatic number of a connected graph by a function of its Betti number (corank) |E | − |V | + 1