765 research outputs found

    Improving data preparation for the application of process mining

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    Immersed in what is already known as the fourth industrial revolution, automation and data exchange are taking on a particularly relevant role in complex environments, such as industrial manufacturing environments or logistics. This digitisation and transition to the Industry 4.0 paradigm is causing experts to start analysing business processes from other perspectives. Consequently, where management and business intelligence used to dominate, process mining appears as a link, trying to build a bridge between both disciplines to unite and improve them. This new perspective on process analysis helps to improve strategic decision making and competitive capabilities. Process mining brings together data and process perspectives in a single discipline that covers the entire spectrum of process management. Through process mining, and based on observations of their actual operations, organisations can understand the state of their operations, detect deviations, and improve their performance based on what they observe. In this way, process mining is an ally, occupying a large part of current academic and industrial research. However, although this discipline is receiving more and more attention, it presents severe application problems when it is implemented in real environments. The variety of input data in terms of form, content, semantics, and levels of abstraction makes the execution of process mining tasks in industry an iterative, tedious, and manual process, requiring multidisciplinary experts with extensive knowledge of the domain, process management, and data processing. Currently, although there are numerous academic proposals, there are no industrial solutions capable of automating these tasks. For this reason, in this thesis by compendium we address the problem of improving business processes in complex environments thanks to the study of the state-of-the-art and a set of proposals that improve relevant aspects in the life cycle of processes, from the creation of logs, log preparation, process quality assessment, and improvement of business processes. Firstly, for this thesis, a systematic study of the literature was carried out in order to gain an in-depth knowledge of the state-of-the-art in this field, as well as the different challenges faced by this discipline. This in-depth analysis has allowed us to detect a number of challenges that have not been addressed or received insufficient attention, of which three have been selected and presented as the objectives of this thesis. The first challenge is related to the assessment of the quality of input data, known as event logs, since the requeriment of the application of techniques for improving the event log must be based on the level of quality of the initial data, which is why this thesis presents a methodology and a set of metrics that support the expert in selecting which technique to apply to the data according to the quality estimation at each moment, another challenge obtained as a result of our analysis of the literature. Likewise, the use of a set of metrics to evaluate the quality of the resulting process models is also proposed, with the aim of assessing whether improvement in the quality of the input data has a direct impact on the final results. The second challenge identified is the need to improve the input data used in the analysis of business processes. As in any data-driven discipline, the quality of the results strongly depends on the quality of the input data, so the second challenge to be addressed is the improvement of the preparation of event logs. The contribution in this area is the application of natural language processing techniques to relabel activities from textual descriptions of process activities, as well as the application of clustering techniques to help simplify the results, generating more understandable models from a human point of view. Finally, the third challenge detected is related to the process optimisation, so we contribute with an approach for the optimisation of resources associated with business processes, which, through the inclusion of decision-making in the creation of flexible processes, enables significant cost reductions. Furthermore, all the proposals made in this thesis are validated and designed in collaboration with experts from different fields of industry and have been evaluated through real case studies in public and private projects in collaboration with the aeronautical industry and the logistics sector

    Alternate Refactoring Paths Reveal Usability Problems

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    Modern Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) support many refactorings. Yet, programmers greatly underuse automated refactorings. Recent studies have applied traditional usability testing methodologies such as surveys, lab studies, and interviews to find the usability problems of refactoring tools. However, these methodologies can identify only certain kinds of usability problems. The critical incident technique (CIT) is a general methodology that uncovers usability problems by analyzing troubling user interactions. We adapt CIT to refactoring tools and show that alternate refactoring paths are indicators of the usability problems of refactoring tools. We define an alternate refactoring path as a sequence of user interactions that contains cancellations, reported messages, or repeated invocations of the refactoring tool. We evaluated our method on a large corpus of refactoring usage data, which we collected during a field study on 36 programmers over three months. This method revealed 15 usability problems, 13 of which were previously unknown. We reported these problems and proposed design improvements to Eclipse developers. The developers acknowledged all of the problems and have already fixed four of them. This result suggests that analyzing alternate paths is effective at discovering the usability problems of interactive program transformation (IPT) tools

    Performance tuning and cost discovery of mobile web-based applications

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    When considering the addition of a mobile presentation channel to an existing web-based application, project managers should know how the mobile channel|s characteristics will impact the user experience and the cost of using the application, even before development begins. The PETTICOAT (Performance Tuning and cost discovery of mobile web-based Applications) approach presented here provides decision-makers with indicators on the economical feasibility of mobile channel development. In a nutshell, it involves analysing interaction patterns on the existing stationary channel, identifying key business processes among them, measuring the time and data volume incurred in their execution, and then simulating how the same interaction patterns would run when subjected to the frame conditions of a mobile channel. As a result of the simulation, we then gain time and volume projections for those interaction patterns that allow us to estimate the costs incurred by executing certain business processes on different mobile channels

    Improving the First Impression of an Online Scientific Publishing Service: A Usability Test

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    A study of the Human-Oriented Technology Lab at Carleton University shows that users form an opinion (first impression) regarding a new website in 50 milliseconds (Lindgaard et al (2006)). Furthermore, the Halo effect causes that the first impression will be transferred on the whole organization. For this reason, it is very important to optimize a website before one starts with marketing activities. There is no thing as a second first impression. In this contribution, we analyse the website of a new scientific journal. The usability test covers 2 areas: The layout and the functionality of the website on a variety of devices (mobile devices (Android, iOS), Macs, PCs with different browsers)

    Exploratory sequential data analysis of user interaction in contemporary BIM applications

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    Creation oriented software allows the user to work according to their own vision and rules. From the perspective of software analysis, this is challenging because there is no certainty as to how the users are using the software and what kinds of workflows emerge among different users. The aim of this thesis was to study and identify the potential of sequential event pattern data extraction analysis from expert field creation oriented software in the field of Building Information Modeling (BIM). The thesis additionally introduces a concept evaluation model for detecting repetition based usability disruption. Finally, the work presents an implementation of sequential pattern mining based user behaviour analysis and machine learning predictive application using state of the art algorithms. The thesis introduces a data analysis implementation that is built upon inspections of Sequential or Exploratory Sequential Data Analysis (SDA or ESDA) based theory in usability studies. The study implements a test application specific workflow sequence detection and database transfer approach. The paper uses comparative modern mining algorithms known as BIDE and TKS for sequential pattern discovery. Finally, the thesis utilizes the created sequence database to create user detailing workflow predictions using a CPT+ algorithm. The main contribution of the thesis outcome is to open scalable options for both software usability and product development to automatically recognize and predict usability and workflow related information, deficiencies and repetitive workflow. By doing this, more quantifiable metrics can be revealed in relation to software user interface behavior analytics.Luomiseen perustuva ohjelmisto mahdollistaa käyttäjän työskentelyn oman visionsa ja sääntöjensä mukaisesti. Ohjelmien analysoinnin kannalta tämä on haastavaa, koska ei ole varmuutta siitä, kuinka ohjelmistoa tarkalleen käytetään ja millaisia työskentelytapoja ohjelmiston eri käyttäjäryhmille voi syntyä. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tutkia ja identifioida toistuvien käyttäjätapahtumasekvenssien analyysipotentiaalia tietomallinnukseen keskittyvässä luomispoh jaisessa ohjelmistossa. Opinnäyte esittelee myös evaluointimallikonseptin, jonka avulla on mahdollista tunnistaa toistuvasta käyttäytymisestä aiheutuvia käytettävyysongelmia. Lopuksi työssä esitellään sekvenssianalyysiin perustuva ohjelmiston käyttäjän toiminta-analyysi sekä ennustava koneoppimisen sovellus. Opinnäytetyössä esitellään data-analyysisovellus, joka perustuu käytettävyystutkimuksessa esiintyvien toistuvien sekvenssien tai kokeellisesti toistuvien sekvenssien analyysiteorian tarkasteluun. Sovelluksen toteutus on tehty eritoten työssä käytetylle ohjelmistolle, jossa käyttäjän detaljointitapahtumista muodostetaan sekvenssejä sekvenssitietokannan luomiseksi. Työssä käytetään sekvenssien toistuvuusanalyysiin moderneja louhintamenetelmiä nimeltään BIDE ja TKS. Lopuksi työssä hyödynnetään luotua sekvenssitietokantaa myös käyttäjän detaljointityön ennustamista varten käyttämällä CPT+ algoritmia. Opinnäytetyön tulosten pohjalta pyritään löytämään vaihtoehtoja käytettävyyden ja tuotekehityksen päätöksenteon tietopohjaiseksi tueksi tunnistamalla ja ennusta malla käyttäjien toimintaa ohjelmistossa. Löydetyn informaation avulla on mahdollista ilmaista käytettävyyteen liittyviä ongelmia kvantitatiivisen tiedon valossa

    Human Management of the Hierarchical System for the Control of Multiple Mobile Robots

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    In order to take advantage of autonomous robotic systems, and yet ensure successful completion of all feasible tasks, we propose a mediation hierarchy in which an operator can interact at all system levels. Robotic systems are not robust in handling un-modeled events. Reactive behaviors may be able to guide the robot back into a modeled state and to continue. Reasoning systems may simply fail. Once a system has failed it is difficult to re-start the task from the failed state. Rather, the rule base is revised, programs altered, and the task re-tried from the beginning