25,112 research outputs found


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    OSCN–  has  been  known  and  well  documented  as  natural  antimicrobial  agent    generated  from the  lactoperoxidase  system (LPOS)  but  the  antimicrobial  activity  exerted  from  this  system  is  too  low  for  certain  food  such  as  milk  and  derived products (up to 1.2 log CFU/ml) resulting in the restriction on industrial  development  of  LPOS.  Our  previous  study  concluded  that  involvement  of  carrot  extract and beta carotene in LPOS significantly boosted the antimicrobial activity  (up  to  6  log  CFU/ml)  against  S.  enteritidis.  This  finding  should  be  continued  to  the  application  on  food.  Since  we  found  that  LPOS  generates  low  antimicrobial  activity  on  milk  and  derived  product,  our  research  will  be  conducted  on  the  application  of  LPOS  plus  carrot  extract  and  beta  carotene  on  milk  and  derived  product.  Because  the  high  antimicrobial  activity  is  needed  for  industrial  purposes,  this  research  may  open  the  way  for  industrial  development  of  natural  antimicrobial agent from LPOS.  This research will be conducted in three steps of experiment: (1) ensuring  the  incredible  antimicrobial  activity  of  LPOS  plus  carrot  extract  and  beta  carotene  against  three  poisonous  tropical bacteria:  C. jejuni,  S. enteritidis,  and E.  coli,  (2)  utilization  of  LPOS  plus  carrot  extract  and  beta  carotene  in  milk:  full  cream and skimmed milk, and (3) utilization of LPOS plus carrot extract and beta  carotene  in  milk  derived  product:  yogurt  and  tropical  fruity  milk.  The  purification  of  LPO  from  bovine  milk,  the  complimentary  data  analysis  for  generation  of  LPOS  antimicrobial  activity  by  the  addition  of  carrot  extract  and  beta  carotene  will  be  conducted  in  Japan  and  for  the  application  in  tropical  poisonous  bacteria,  milk,  and  milk  derived  product  will  be  conducted  in  Indonesia.  The  outcomes  of  this  research  from  three  step  of  research  are  three  international  publications  at  international‐scopus‐indexed‐journals  :  International Journal of  Dairy Science and  one  of  patent:  “enhanced  method  for  improvement of LPOS antimicrobial activity by involvement of carrot extract and  beta carotene in milk and derived product”.     Keywords:  Lactoperoxidase,  antimicrobial  activity,  carrot  extract,  beta  carotene,  milk, derived products

    Kandungan Beta Karoten dan Aktivitas Penangkapan Radikal Bebas terhadap Dpph (1,1-difenil 2-pikrilhidrazil) Ekstrak Buah Blewah (Cucumis Melo Var. Cantalupensis L) secara Spektrofotometri Uv-visibel

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    Cantaloupe (Cucumis melo var. Cantalupensis L.), a fruit containing some compounds, have activity to protect human body from free radical. The beta carotene (provitamin A) was recognized as antioxidant compound. Antioxidants could protect the body from cardiovascular damage caused by free radical. The aims of this study was to determine the levels of beta carotene and antioxidant activity (IC50) from Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis L. extract using DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) method. Cantaloupe was extracted using n-hexan-acetone-methanol ratio (2: 1: 1). Identification of beta carotene was performed using 25% antimony trichloride reagent followed by TLC and UV-Vis spectrum test compared with beta carotene as standard. The content of beta carotene and free radical scavenging activity was measured spectrophotometrically at 425 nm. The beta carotene level of cantaloupe was 3.171 ± 0.150 %. The antioxidant activity, presented as IC50 value of cantaloupe extract, was 12.137±0.44 µg/mL and the antioxidant activity of standard beta carotene was 2.15 ± 0.172 µg/mL. The cantaloupe extract contained beta carotene compunds but the antioxidant activity of extract was lower than beta carotene standard

    Kandungan Beta Karoten dan Aktivitas Penangkapan Radikal Bebas terhadap Dpph (1,1-difenil 2-pikrilhidrazil) Ekstrak Buah Blewah (Cucumis Melo Var. Cantalupensis L) secara Spektrofotometri Uv-visibel

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    Cantaloupe (Cucumis melo var. Cantalupensis L.), a fruit containing some compounds, have activity to protect human body from free radical. The beta carotene (provitamin A) was recognized as antioxidant compound. Antioxidants could protect the body from cardiovascular damage caused by free radical. The aims of this study was to determine the levels of beta carotene and antioxidant activity (IC50) from Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis L. extract using DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) method. Cantaloupe was extracted using n-hexan-acetone-methanol ratio (2: 1: 1). Identification of beta carotene was performed using 25% antimony trichloride reagent followed by TLC and UV-Vis spectrum test compared with beta carotene as standard. The content of beta carotene and free radical scavenging activity was measured spectrophotometrically at 425 nm. The beta carotene level of cantaloupe was 3.171 ± 0.150 %. The antioxidant activity, presented as IC50 value of cantaloupe extract, was 12.137±0.44 µg/mL and the antioxidant activity of standard beta carotene was 2.15 ± 0.172 µg/mL. The cantaloupe extract contained beta carotene compunds but the antioxidant activity of extract was lower than beta carotene standard

    Lutein does not affect the bioefficacy of beta-carotene measured using gas chromatography-combustion interfaced-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS)

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    Lutein may affect the bioefficacy of beta-carotene in humans. By using gas chromatography-combustion interfaced-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS) and highly-enriched 13C-labeled tracers of beta-carotene and lutein, we compared the appearance of 13C-beta-carotene and its cleavage product, 13C-retinol, in plasma after subjects ingested 13C-beta-carotene with or without 13C-lutein. Women (n = 7) each ingested both a single dose of 1 mg perlabeled 13C-beta-carotene and a combined dose of 1 mg perlabeled 13C-beta-carotene and 3 mg perlabeled 13C-lutein in random order. Blood samples were collected at selected time intervals. Lutein, beta-carotene, and retinol were extracted from plasma and purified by using HPLC. Plasma retinol fractions were directly analyzed using GC-C-IRMS; lutein and Rcarotene were derivatized to thermally-stable derivatives which were analyzed using GC-C-IRMS. The appearance of 13C-beta-carotene in plasma was not different after the single or combined doses; nor was the appearance of 13C-retinol. The ratio of the 0--96 h area under the concentration vs. time curve (AUC) for 13C-retinol to the 0--528 h AUC for 13C-beta-carotene, an index for conversion of 13C-beta-carotene to 13C-retinol, was not different after the single or combined doses. Plasma beta-carotene concentration at baseline was negatively correlated with the 0--96 h AUC for 13C-retinol after the combined dose (r = -0.84, P = 0.02). Plasma lutein concentration at baseline was positively correlated with the 0--528 h AUC for 13C-lutein after the combined dose (r = 0.82, P = 0.02), and positively correlated with the 0--528 h AUC for 13C-beta-carotene after the single 13C-beta-carotene dose (r = 0.84, P = 0.02). The responses from the subjects to the doses were highly variable. The interindividual coefficient of variance (CV) of the 0--528 h AUC for 13C-beta-carotene was 59% after the single dose and 36% after the combined dose. The CV of the 0--96 h AUC for 13C-retinol was 64% after the single dose and 53% after the combined dose. The CV of the 0--528 h AUC for lutein was 44%. We conclude that, when ingested with beta-carotene in an amount and dose ratio typically found in dark green leafy vegetables, lutein does not affect the bioefficacy of beta-carotene

    Morphological Variation and Beta Carotene Contents of Several Clones of Ubi Kuning Cassava Genotype Derived from Irradiated Shoot in vitro

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    In line with the increase in cassava production and the development of nutrient-rich cassava in order to support national food diversification and biofortification programs, the selection of selected varieties of cassava varieties, which are superior in nutrients especially rich in beta carotene is very necessary. Beta carotene is an important source of antioxidants to scavange free radicals and is a provitamin A precusor to form vitamin A. The development of superior cassava riching in beta carotene can be done through the mutation approach with gamma irradiation. The observation of changes in morphological characters and levels of beta carotene from irradiated cassava need to be done to get the superior beta carotene cassava clone candidates, which could be developed in the future. This experiment was conducted at the Biotechnology Research Center, LIPI. The sample used in this study originated from in vitro shoots from several Ubi Kuning clones resulting from 10 Gy radiation, which were then transferred to the field. Observations of morphological characters and levels of beta carotene of Ubi Kuning were carried out in the third generation, which was harvested at the age of 10 months. The morphological analysis of irradiated Ubi Kuning showed that there was a difference in the intensity of tuber color between some of irradiated Ubi Kuning clones compared to the control. The determination of beta carotene levels based on the standard beta carotene curve found that the highest content of beta carotene was found in the UK Rad 3.4 clone with beta carotene content of 0.252 μg / mL compared to the control (0.219 μg / mL). The lowest beta carotene content was obtained in UK Rad 3.3 (0.048 μg / mL), followed by UK Rad 3.2 (0.221 μg / mL) and UK Rad 4.1 (0.120 μg / mL). This shows that the irradiated Ubi Kuning at dosage of 10 Gy caused variations in the intensity of tuber colors and the content of beta carotene from the cassava.Keywords: Ubi Kuning, beta carotene, Gamma light irradiatio

    Advantages of electric resistance method for baking bread and flour confectionery products of functional purpose

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    In this paper we studied the effect of the baking method on the preservation of betacarotene in two types of products: pan wheat bread and sponge cake. Five sources of betacarotene were used in the study, three of which are commercially available samples, and the two others are experimental samples of supramolecular complexes of beta-carotene with alpha- and beta-cyclodextrins in powder form (molecular ratio 1: 1). Bread and sponge cake were baked by convective and electric resistance methods. The values of temperature and current flowing through the dough were monitored during electric resistance baking. The beta-carotene content was measured in the dough after kneading, in the cake batter after mixing and in the finished products after baking and cooling. The beta-carotene content was evaluated by spectrophotometry after extraction. The control samples of bread and sponge cake were baked without adding beta-carotene. Different sources of beta-carotene exhibited varying stability in bread and sponge cake. Bread samples baked by the electric resistance method with addition of supramolecular complexes had minimum losses of beta-carotene. Electric resistance baking ensured lower losses of beta-carotene in bread and sponge cake samples

    Extraction and Analysis of Beta-carotene Recovery in CPO and Oil Palm Waste by Using HPLC

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    Beta-carotene is known to have a high demand in food industry which has made global industry to face challenges especially in fulfilling customers’ requirement that are looking for ‘‘environment friendly’’ and natural products. This has opened up wide opportunities in utilizing crude palm oil (CPO) and oil palm waste (OPW) as natural sources of beta-carotene. Thus, present study explains recovery of beta-carotene from CPO and OPW of palm pressed fiber (PPF) and empty fruit bunch (EFB). Initially, crude oil from solid OPW samples was extracted by soxhlet extraction. Then, recovered oil from both PPF and EFB along with CPO were used to extract palm carotene. Extraction of beta-carotene from CPO and OPW were performed by using soxhlet adsorption method. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis revealed beta-carotene a a major carotene in extracted samples. Results obtained indicated that 3790 ppm of beta-carotene extracted from CPO, 1414 ppm from PPF and 702 ppm from EFB by this soxhlet adsorption method