9 research outputs found

    Available Bandwidth Estimation Tools Metrics, Approaches and Performance

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    The estimation of the available bandwidth (av bw) between two end nodes through the Internet, is an area that has motivated researchers around the world in the last twenty years, to have faster and more accurate tools; Due to the utility it has in various network applications; Such as routing management, intrusion detection systems and the performance of transport protocols. Different tools use different estimation techniques but generally only analyze the three most used metrics as av bw, relative error and estimation time. This work expands the information regarding the evaluation literature of the current Available Bandwidth Estimation Tools (ABET’s), where they analyze the estimation techniques, metrics, different generation tools of cross-traf?c and evaluation testbed; Concentrating on the techniques and estimation methodologies used, as well as the challenges faced by open-source tools in high-performance networks of 10Gbps or higher

    Available Bandwidth Estimation Tools Metrics, Approaches and Performance

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    The estimation of the available bandwidth (av_bw) between two end nodes through the Internet, is an area that has motivated researchers around the world in the last twenty years, to have faster and more accurate tools; Due to the utility it has in various network applications; Such as routing management, intrusion detection systems and the performance of transport protocols. Different tools use different estimation techniques but generally only analyze the three most used metrics as av_bw, relative error and estimation time. This work expands the information regarding the evaluation literature of the current Available Bandwidth Estimation Tools (ABET's), where they analyze the estimation techniques, metrics, different generation tools of cross-traffic and evaluation testbed; Concentrating on the techniques and estimation methodologies used, as well as the challenges faced by open-source tools in high-performance networks of 10 Gbps or higher

    Overhead in available bandwidth estimation tools: Evaluation and analysis

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    Current Available Bandwidth Estimation Tools (ABET) insert into the network probing packets to perform a single estimation. The utilization of these packets makes ABET intrusive and prone to errors since they consume part of the available bandwidth they are measuring. This paper presents a comparative of Overhead Estimation Tools (OET) analysis of representative ABET: Abing, Diettopp, Pathload, PathChirp, Traceband, IGI, PTR, Assolo, and Wbest. By using Internet traffic, the study shows that the insertion of probing packets is a factor that affects two metrics associated to the estimation. First, it is shown that the accuracy is affected proportionally to the amount of probing traffic. Secondly, the Estimation Time (ET) is increased in high congested end-to-end links when auto-induced congestion tools are use

    Overhead in Available Bandwidth Estimation Tools: Evaluation and Analysis

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    The current Available Bandwidth Estimation Tools (ABET's) to perform an estimation, using probes packets are inserted into the network. The utilization These packages, makes ABET's are intrusive and consumes part of which is measuring bandwidth to noise known as "Overhead Estimation Tools" (OET); it’s can produce negative effects on measurements performed by the ABET. This paper presents a complete and comparative analysis of behavior of Available Bandwidth (av_bw), of the ABET's most representative, as well as: Abing, Diettopp, Pathload, PathChirp, Traceband, IGI, PTR, Assolo and Wbest. The study with real Internet traffic, shows the percentage of test that is a factor packets affecting two main aspects of the estimation. The first, the accuracy, and increased indicating that EOT is directly proportional to the percentage of RE, reaching up to 70% in the tool evaluated with most of 30% of Cross-Traffic (CT). And second, the techniques used to send probes packets highly influences the Estimation Time (ET), where some tools that use slops spend up to 240s to converge when there is 60% CT in the network, ensuring that the estimate this technique av_bw highly congested channel, OET as much is used, resulting in inaccuracies in measurement

    Bandwidth Estimation for Admission Control in MANET: Review and Conceptual MANET Admission Control Framework

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    The widespread of wireless mobile network have increased the demand for its applications. Providing a reliable QoS in wireless medium, especially mobile ad-hoc network (MANET), is quite challenging and remains an ongoing research trend. One of the key issues of MANET is its inability to accurately predict the needed and available resources to avoid interference with already transmitting traffic flow. In this work, we propose a resource allocation and admission control (RAAC) solution. RAAC is an admission control scheme that estimates the available bandwidth needed within a network, using a robust and accurate resource estimation technique. Simulation results obtained show that our proposed scheme for MANET can efficiently estimate the available bandwidth and outperforms other existing approaches for admission control with bandwidth estimation

    Evaluación de la calidad de enlaces de telecomunicaciones a través de herramientas de estimación del ancho de banda disponible en redes de computadores heterogéneas

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    Currently, the global network "Internet" has been the medium through which companies, universities, schools, homes and individuals carry out telecommunications activities. The infrastructure of Internet provider companies faces new challenges every day due to the growth in demand with more content, such as video streaming, webinars, virtual classes, data processing, storage, and cloud processing. Given the high data consumption at present it has been difficult to maintain optimal levels of quality of service, network applications demand more telecommunications resources. Although the network infrastructures that support these applications have evolved, there is a need for greater and more efficient administration of the trunk links, which play a primary role in sustaining services. To evaluate the quality of telecommunications links in heterogeneous computer networks with the support of Available Bandwidth Estimation (ab_bw) Tools, is to find the values that allow improving the performance of various protocols and applications that can be implemented in heterogeneous networks. To estimate the ab_bw, the current tools insert test packages in addition to those already existing on the network. This additional traffic in a network is called Overhead, which will allow the bandwidth estimation analysis tools to be intrusive when using part of the channel bandwidth that they are measuring. In this project, the performance evaluation of the trunks, wired and wireless will be carried out in a heterogeneous computer network infrastructure, using available bandwidth estimation tools such as IGI, Pathload and Traceband. Thus, for the experimental evaluation of the links, two real network scenarios were implemented, where the cross traffic was generated synthetically using the Mgen tool. This study verified that the metrics of the estimation tools can be used to evaluate and know the performance of wired and wireless links, which can be up to 96% reliable for network administrative tasks.En la actualidad, la red global “Internet” ha sido el medio a través del cual las empresas, universidades, colegios, hogares y personas desarrollan las actividades de telecomunicaciones. La infraestructura de las empresas proveedoras de internet cada día se enfrenta a nuevos desafíos debido al crecimiento de la demanda con mayor contenido, como es el caso del vídeo streaming, webinar, clases virtuales, procesamiento de datos, almacenamiento y procesamiento en la nube. Así mismo, dado el alto consumo de datos en le redes de computadores, actualmente se ha dificultado mantener niveles óptimos de calidad de servicio, las aplicaciones de red demandan más recursos de telecomunicaciones siendo este, uno de los principales motivos de mantener dichos niveles. Aunque, las infraestructuras de red que soportan esas aplicaciones han evolucionado, es necesario una mayor y eficiente administración de los enlaces troncales, que juegan un rol primario en el sostenimiento de los servicios. Así, evaluar la calidad de enlaces de telecomunicaciones en redes de computadores heterogéneas con la ayuda de herramientas de estimación del ancho de banda disponible (ab_disp), es hallar los valores que permitan mejorar el rendimiento de varios protocolos y aplicaciones que se pueden implementar en redes heterogéneas. Para realizar una estimación del ab_disp, las herramientas actuales insertan en la red evaluada paquetes adicionales de prueba, que son llamados Sobrecarga (Overhead). En consecuencia, la sobrecarga convierte las herramientas de análisis de estimación de ancho de banda disponible, en intrusivas al utilizar parte del ancho de banda del canal que están midiendo. Por lo tanto, este proyecto se llevará a cabo la evaluación del rendimiento de los enlaces troncales, cableado e inalámbrico en una infraestructura de redes de computadores heterogéneas, utilizando herramientas de estimación de ancho de banda disponible como IGI, Pathload y Traceband. Así, para la evaluación experimental de los enlaces, se implementaron dos escenarios reales de red, donde el tráfico cruzado fue generado de manera sintética utilizando la herramienta Mgen. Finalmente, este estudio permitió comprobar que las métricas de las herramientas de estimación se pueden utilizar para evaluar y conocer el rendimiento de enlaces cableados e inalámbricos, demostrando que pueden ser confiables hasta en un 96% para desarrollar labores administrativas de red

    Application-Aware Analysis of Network Neutrality: A Scalable Real-Time Method

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    Internet access subscribers expect a satisfying quality of experience for any accessed service, independently from time, place, and service- and content-type. Besides the everincreasing amount of Internet data, the spectrum of video service platforms offering sharing and streaming also got significantly more comprehensive. Internet access providers try to avoid the exhaustion of network bandwidth by investing in network capacity or setting up higher-level resource management within their infrastructure. The primary question in this domain is how resource management constrains the subscriber to access an arbitrary service and experience good service quality.This question directly relates to network neutrality fundamentals. This paper presents a real-time full-reference objective method to assess network neutrality. It contributes three novelties to support user-centric analysis of potential restraints affecting Internet access quality: i) the proposal supports application-specific measurements and involves real content and real traffic, ii) the measured traffic originates from the content provider’s cloud infrastructure, iii) reference is created in real time. Accordingly, the proposal introduces a novel measurement layout. The key component is the emulated client that provides the real-time reference by emulating the access properties of the real client and accessing the same content simultaneously. We demonstrate the method’s feasibility with an applicationaware proof-of-concept use case: video streaming from a public VoD provider. We have validated the method against the emulated network parameters using an extensive series of laboratory measurements

    Management of customizable software-as-a-service in cloud and network environments

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