324 research outputs found

    Modélisation à haut niveau d'abstraction pour les systèmes embarqués

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    Modern embedded systems have reached a level of complexity such that it is no longer possible to wait for the first physical prototypes to validate choices on the integration of hardware and software components. It is necessary to use models, early in the design flow. The work presented in this document contribute to the state of the art in several domains. First, we present some verification techniques based on abstract interpretation and SMT-solving for programs written in general-purpose languages like C, C++ or Java. Then, we use verification tools on models written in SystemC at the transaction level (TLM). Several approaches are presented, most of them using compilation techniques specific to SystemC to turn the models into a format usable by existing tools. The second part of the document deal with non-functional properties of models: timing performances, power consumption and temperature. In the context of TLM, we show how functional models can be enriched with non-functional information. Finally, we present contributions to the modular performance analysis (MPA) with real-time calculus (RTC) framework. We describe several ways to connect RTC to more expressive formalisms like timed automata and the synchronous language Lustre. These connections raise the problem of causality, which is defined formally and solved with the new causality closure algorithm.Les systèmes embarqués modernes ont atteint un niveau de complexité qui fait qu'il n'est plus possible d'attendre les premiers prototypes physiques pour valider les décisions sur l'intégration des composants matériels et logiciels. Il est donc nécessaire d'utiliser des modèles, tôt dans le flot de conception. Les travaux présentés dans ce document contribuent à l'état de l'art dans plusieurs domaines. Nous présentons dans un premier temps de nouvelles techniques de vérification de programmes écrits dans des langages généralistes comme C, C++ ou Java. Dans un second temps, nous utilisons des outils de vérification formelle sur des modèles écrits en SystemC au niveau transaction (TLM). Plusieurs approches sont présentées, la plupart d'entre elles utilisent des techniques de compilations spécifiques à SystemC pour transformer le programme SystemC en un format utilisable par les outils. La seconde partie du document s'intéresse aux propriétés non-fonctionnelles des modèles~: performances temporelles, consommation électrique et température. Dans le contexte de la modélisation TLM, nous proposons plusieurs techniques pour enrichir des modèles fonctionnels avec des informations non-fonctionnelles. Enfin, nous présentons les contributions faites à l'analyse de performance modulaire (MPA) avec le calcul temps-réel (RTC). Nous proposons plusieurs connections entre ces modèles analytiques et des formalismes plus expressifs comme les automates temporisés et le langage de programmation Lustre. Ces connexion posent le problème théorique de la causalité, qui est formellement défini et résolu avec un algorithme nouveau dit de " fermeture causale "

    A sequentially constructive circuit semantics for Esterel

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    Static Single Assignment (SSA) is an established concept that facilitates various program optimizations. However, it is typically restricted to sequential programming. We present an approach that extends SSA for concurrent, reactive programming, specifically for the synchronous language Esterel. This extended SSA transformation expands the class of programs that can be compiled by existing Esterel compilers without causality problems. It also offers a new, efficient solution for the well-studied signal reincarnation problem. Finally, our approach rules out speculation/backtracking, unlike the recently proposed sequentially constructive model of computation

    Reconfigurable video coding: a stream programming approach to the specification of new video coding standards

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    International audienceCurrent video coding standards, and their reference implementations, are architected as large monolithic and sequential algorithms, in spite of the considerable overlap of functionality between standards, and the fact that they are frequently implemented on highly parallel computing platforms. The former leads to unnecessary complexity in the standardization process, while the latter implies that implementations have to be rebuilt from the ground up to reflect the parallel nature of the target. The upcoming Reconfigurable Video Coding (RVC) standard currently developed at MPEG attempts to address these issues by building a framework that supports the construction of video standards as libraries of coding tools. These libraries can be incrementally updated and extended, and the tools in them can be aggregated to form complete codecs using a streaming (or dataflow) programming model, which preserves the inherent parallelism of the coding algorithm. This paper presents the RVC framework and its underlying data flow programming model, along with the tool support and initial results

    Generation of Application Specific Hardware Extensions for Hybrid Architectures: The Development of PIRANHA - A GCC Plugin for High-Level-Synthesis

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    Architectures combining a field programmable gate array (FPGA) and a general-purpose processor on a single chip became increasingly popular in recent years. On the one hand, such hybrid architectures facilitate the use of application specific hardware accelerators that improve the performance of the software on the host processor. On the other hand, it obliges system designers to handle the whole process of hardware/software co-design. The complexity of this process is still one of the main reasons, that hinders the widespread use of hybrid architectures. Thus, an automated process that aids programmers with the hardware/software partitioning and the generation of application specific accelerators is an important issue. The method presented in this thesis neither requires restrictions of the used high-level-language nor special source code annotations. Usually, this is an entry barrier for programmers without deeper understanding of the underlying hardware platform. This thesis introduces a seamless programming flow that allows generating hardware accelerators for unrestricted, legacy C code. The implementation consists of a GCC plugin that automatically identifies application hot-spots and generates hardware accelerators accordingly. Apart from the accelerator implementation in a hardware description language, the compiler plugin provides the generation of a host processor interfaces and, if necessary, a prototypical integration with the host operating system. An evaluation with typical embedded applications shows general benefits of the approach, but also reveals limiting factors that hamper possible performance improvements

    Formal description of ML models for unambiguous implementation

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    Implementing deep neural networks in safety critical systems, in particular in the aeronautical domain, will require to offer adequate specification paradigms to preserve the semantics of the trained model on the final hardware platform. We propose to extend the nnef language in order to allow traceable distribution and parallelisation optimizations of a trained model. We show how such a specification can be implemented in cuda on a Xavier platform

    Interactive Model-Based Compilation: A Modeller-Driven Development Approach

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    There is a growing tendency for using domain-specific languages, which help domain experts to stay focussed on abstract problem solutions. It is important to carefully design these languages and tools, which fundamentally perform model-to-model transformations. The quality of both usually decides the effectiveness of the subsequent development and therefore the quality of the final applications. However, as the complexity and safety requirements of modern systems grow, it becomes increasingly burdensome to create highly customized languages and difficult to provide reasonable overviews within these tools. This thesis introduces a new interactive model-based compilation methodology. Compilations for arbitrary model-to-model transformations are themselves described as models. They can be instantiated for particular inputs, e. g. a program, to create concrete compilation runs, which return the result of that compilation. The compilation instance is interactively observable. Intermediate results serve as new inputs and as documentation. They can be used to create highly customized views and facilitate understandability. This methodology guides modellers from the start of the compilation to the final result so that they can interactively refine their models. The methodology has been implemented and validated as the KIELER Compiler (KiCo) and is available as part of the KIELER open-source project. It is used to implement the current reference compiler for the SCCharts language, a statecharts dialect designed for specifying safety-critical reactive systems based on a synchronous model of computation. The interactive model-based compilation approach was key to the rapid prototyping of three different compilation strategies, as well as new language extensions, variations and closely related languages. The results are verified with benchmarks, which are again modelled using the same approach and technology. The usability of the SCCharts language and the KiCo tooling is documented with long-term surveys and real-life industrial, academic and teaching examples

    Efficient Encoding of SystemC/TLM in Promela

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    International audienceTo deal with the ever growing complexity of Systems-on-Chip, designers use models early in the design flow. SystemC is a commonly used tool to write such models. In order to verify these models, one thriving approach is to encode its semantics into a formal language, and then to verify it with verification tools. Various encodings of SystemC into formal lan- guages have already been proposed, with different performance implications. In this paper, we investigate a new, automatic, asynchronous means to formalize models. Our encoding supports the subset of the concurrency and communication constructs offered by SystemC used for high-level modeling. We increase the confidence in the fact that encoded programs have the same semantics as the original one by model-checking a set of properties. We give experimental results on our formalization and compare with previous works

    Development of a Formal Verification Methodology for B Specifications using PERF formal toolkit. Application to safety requirements of railway systems.

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    The design of complex systems involves several design models supporting different analysis techniques for validation and verification purposes. These activities lead to the definition of heterogeneous modelling languages and analysis techniques. In this setting, meeting certification standards becomes a key issue in system engineering. Reducing heterogeneity due to the presence of different modelling languages can be addressed by providing an integrated framework in which involved modelling languages and techniques are formalised. In such a framework, checking global requirements fulfilment on heterogeneous models of a complex critical system becomes possible in many cases. The work presented in this thesis addresses the problem of integrated verification of system design models in the context of transportation systems, in particular railway systems. It has been achieved in context of the B-PERFect project of RATP (Parisian Public Transport Operator and Maintainer) aiming at applying formal verification using the PERF approach on the integrated safety-critical models of embedded software related to railway domain expressed in a single unifying modelling language: High Level Languge (HLL). We also discuss integrated verification at the system level. The proposed method for verification of safety-critical software is a bottom-up approach, starting from the source code to the high-level specification. This work addresses the particular case of the B method. It presents a certified translation of B formal models to HLL models. The proposed approach uses Isabelle/HOL as a unified logical framework to describe the formal semantics and to formalise the transformation relation between both modelling languages. The developed Isabelle/HOL models are proved in order to guarantee the correctness of our translation process. Moreover, we have also used weakbisimulation relation to check semantic preservation after transformations. In this thesis, we also present the implementation of the defined transformation syntactic rules as the B2HLL tool. Moreover, we show the model animation process we set up to validate the B2HLL translator tool with respect to the formalised transformation rules we defined in Isabelle/HOL. This approach helps us to validate definitions, lemmas and theorems of our formalised specifications. We have used the B2HLL tool to translate multiple B models, and we also show that when models are translated into this unified modelling language, HLL, it becomes possible to handle verification of properties expressed across different models

    Correct synthesis and integration of compiler-generated function units

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    PhD ThesisComputer architectures can use custom logic in addition to general pur- pose processors to improve performance for a variety of applications. The use of custom logic allows greater parallelism for some algorithms. While conventional CPUs typically operate on words, ne-grained custom logic can improve e ciency for many bit level operations. The commodi ca- tion of eld programmable devices, particularly FPGAs, has improved the viability of using custom logic in an architecture. This thesis introduces an approach to reasoning about the correctness of compilers that generate custom logic that can be synthesized to provide hardware acceleration for a given application. Compiler intermediate representations (IRs) and transformations that are relevant to genera- tion of custom logic are presented. Architectures may vary in the way that custom logic is incorporated, and suitable abstractions are used in order that the results apply to compilation for a variety of the design parameters that are introduced by the use of custom logic

    Dataflow/Actor-Oriented language for the design of complex signal processing systems

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    Signal processing algorithms become more and more complex and the algorithm architecture adaptation and design processes cannot any longer rely only on the intuition of the designers to build efficient systems. Specific tools and methods are needed to cope with the increasing complexity of both algorithms and platforms. This paper presents a new framework which allows the specification, design, simulation and implementation of a system operating at a higher level of abstraction compared to current approaches. The framework is base on the usage of a new actor/dataflow oriented language called CAL. Such language has been specifically designed for modelling complex signal processing systems. CAL data flow models expose the intrinsic concurrency of the algorithms by employing the notions of actor programming and dataflow. Concurrency and parallelism are very important aspects of embedded system design as we enter in the multicore era. The design framework is composed by a simulation platform and by Cal2C and CAL2HDL code generators. This paper described in details the principles on which such code generators are based and shows how efficient software (C) and hardware (VHDL and Verilog) code can be generated by appropriate CAL models. Results on a real design case, a MPEG-4 Simple Profile decoder, show that systems obtained with the hardware code generator outperform the hand written VHDL version both in terms of performance and resource usage. Concerning the C code generator results, the results show that the synthesized C-software mapped on a SystemC scheduler platform, is much faster than the simulated CAL dataflow program and approaches handwritten C versions
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