2,981 research outputs found

    Boosting minimalist classifiers for blemish detection in potatoes

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    This paper introduces novel methods for detecting blemishes in potatoes using machine vision. After segmentation of the potato from the background, a pixel-wise classifier is trained to detect blemishes using features extracted from the image. A very large set of candidate features, based on statistical information relating to the colour and texture of the region surrounding a given pixel, is first extracted. Then an adaptive boosting algorithm (AdaBoost) is used to automatically select the best features for discriminating between blemishes and nonblemishes. With this approach, different features can be selected for different potato varieties, while also handling the natural variation in fresh produce due to different seasons, lighting conditions, etc. The results show that the method is able to build “minimalist” classifiers that optimise detection performance at low computational cost. In experiments, minimalist blemish detectors were trained for both white and red potato varieties, achieving 89.6% and 89.5% accuracy respectively

    Minimalist AdaBoost for blemish identification in potatoes

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    We present a multi-class solution based on minimalist Ad- aBoost for identifying blemishes present in visual images of potatoes. Using training examples we use Real AdaBoost to rst reduce the fea- ture set by selecting ve features for each class, then train binary clas- siers for each class, classifying each testing example according to the binary classier with the highest certainty. Against hand-drawn ground truth data we achieve a pixel match of 83% accuracy in white potatoes and 82% in red potatoes. For the task of identifying which blemishes are present in each potato within typical industry dened criteria (10% coverage) we achieve accuracy rates of 93% and 94%, respectively

    A Robust SVM Color-Based Food Segmentation Algorithm for the Production Process of a Traditional Carasau Bread

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    In this paper, we address the problem of automatic image segmentation methods applied to the partial automation of the production process of a traditional Sardinian flatbread called pane Carasau for assuring quality control. The study focuses on one of the most critical activities for obtaining an efficient degree of automation: the estimation of the size and shape of the bread sheets during the production phase, to study the shape variations undergone by the sheet depending on some environmental and production variables. The knowledge can thus be used to create a system capable of predicting the quality of the shape of the dough produced and empower the production process. We implemented an image acquisition system and created an efficient machine learning algorithm, based on support vector machines, for the segmentation and estimation of image measurements for Carasau bread. Experiments demonstrated that the method can successfully achieve accurate segmentation of bread sheets images, ensuring that the dimensions extracted are representative of the sheets coming from the production process. The algorithm proved to be fast and accurate in estimating the size of the bread sheets in various scenarios that occurred over a year of acquisitions. The maximum error committed by the algorithm is equal to the 2.2% of the pixel size in the worst scenario and to 1.2% elsewhere

    Improving the Nutritional, Structural, and Sensory Properties of Gluten-Free Bread with Different Species of Microalgae

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    Microalgae are an enormous source of nutrients that can be utilized to enrich common food of inherently low nutritional value, such as gluten-free (GF) bread. Addition of the algae species: Tetraselmis chuii (Tc), Chlorella vulgaris (Cv), and Nannochloropsis gaditana (Ng) biomass led to a significant increase in proteins, lipids, minerals (Ca, Mg, K, P, S, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn), and antioxidant activity. Although, a compromise on dough rheology and consequential sensory properties was observed. To address this, ethanol treatment of the biomass was necessary to eliminate pigments and odor compounds, which resulted in the bread receiving a similar score as the control during sensory trials. Ethanol treatment also resulted in increased dough strength depicted by creep/recovery tests. Due to the stronger dough structure, more air bubbles were trapped in the dough resulting in softer breads (23–65%) of high volume (12–27%) vs. the native algae biomass bread. Breads baked with Ng and Cv resulted in higher protein-enrichment than the Tc, while Tc enrichment led to an elevated mineral content, especially the Ca, which was six times higher than the other algae species. Overall, Ng, in combination with ethanol treatment, yielded a highly nutritious bread of improved technological and sensory properties, indicating that this species might be a candidate for functional GF bread development.publishedVersio

    Improving the Nutritional, Structural, and Sensory Properties of Gluten-Free Bread with Different Species of Microalgae

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    Microalgae are an enormous source of nutrients that can be utilized to enrich common food of inherently low nutritional value, such as gluten-free (GF) bread. Addition of the algae species: Tetraselmis chuii (Tc), Chlorella vulgaris (Cv), and Nannochloropsis gaditana (Ng) biomass led to a significant increase in proteins, lipids, minerals (Ca, Mg, K, P, S, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn), and antioxidant activity. Although, a compromise on dough rheology and consequential sensory properties was observed. To address this, ethanol treatment of the biomass was necessary to eliminate pigments and odor compounds, which resulted in the bread receiving a similar score as the control during sensory trials. Ethanol treatment also resulted in increased dough strength depicted by creep/recovery tests. Due to the stronger dough structure, more air bubbles were trapped in the dough resulting in softer breads (23–65%) of high volume (12–27%) vs. the native algae biomass bread. Breads baked with Ng and Cv resulted in higher protein-enrichment than the Tc, while Tc enrichment led to an elevated mineral content, especially the Ca, which was six times higher than the other algae species. Overall, Ng, in combination with ethanol treatment, yielded a highly nutritious bread of improved technological and sensory properties, indicating that this species might be a candidate for functional GF bread developmentinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    GuavaNet: A deep neural network architecture for automatic sensory evaluation to predict degree of acceptability for Guava by a consumer

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    This thesis is divided into two parts:Part I: Analysis of Fruits, Vegetables, Cheese and Fish based on Image Processing using Computer Vision and Deep Learning: A Review. It consists of a comprehensive review of image processing, computer vision and deep learning techniques applied to carry out analysis of fruits, vegetables, cheese and fish.This part also serves as a literature review for Part II.Part II: GuavaNet: A deep neural network architecture for automatic sensory evaluation to predict degree of acceptability for Guava by a consumer. This part introduces to an end-to-end deep neural network architecture that can predict the degree of acceptability by the consumer for a guava based on sensory evaluation

    Acorn flour from holm oak (Quercus rotundifolia): Assessment of nutritional, phenolic, and technological profile

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    Acorn is the fruit of holm oak (Quercus rotundifolia), being mainly used nowadays to feed animals, however a substantial part remains in the fields without any valorization. Underexploited crops are gaining new interest, driven by food security concerns and health benefits potential as well. In the present work, it was studied the physicochemical characteristics and functional perspective of acorn flour, as an ingredient for human diet. The study included nutritional composition analysis, phenolic compounds profile through HPLC, starch content and its microstructure, fibre, and pasting properties assessment. Acorn flour presented a high content in fat, particularly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated (oleic and linoleic acids), and high minerals content in particular K. Concerning phenolic profile, rutin, catechin, ellagic acid, gallic acid, and syringic acid were identified. In regards to technological profile, fibre was mainly insoluble, with around 11%, and starch content was 50%. Its pasting behaviour revealed a high gelatinization temperature (85 ◦C), with low breakdown, and higher retrogradation consistency. These results show acorn flour potential as a valuable and sustainable multipurpose food ingredientinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis & Numerical Simulation of Indian Food Image Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network

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    Recognition of Indian food can be assumed to be a fine-grained visual task owing to recognition property of various food classes. It is therefore important to provide an optimized approach to segmentation and classification for different applications based on food recognition. Food computation mainly utilizes a computer science approach which needs food data from various data outlets like real-time images, social flat-forms, food journaling, food datasets etc, for different modalities. In order to consider Indian food images for a number of applications we need a proper analysis of food images with state-of-art-techniques. The appropriate segmentation and classification methods are required to forecast the relevant and upgraded analysis. As accurate segmentation lead to proper recognition and identification, in essence we have considered segmentation of food items from images. Considering the basic convolution neural network (CNN) model, there are edge and shape constraints that influence the outcome of segmentation on the edge side. Approaches that can solve the problem of edges need to be developed; an edge-adaptive As we have solved the problem of food segmentation with CNN, we also have difficulty in classifying food, which has been an important area for various types of applications. Food analysis is the primary component of health-related applications and is needed in our day to day life. It has the proficiency to directly predict the score function from image pixels, input layer to produce the tensor outputs and convolution layer is used for self- learning kernel through back-propagation. In this method, feature extraction and Max-Pooling is considered with multiple layers, and outputs are obtained using softmax functionality. The proposed implementation tests 92.89% accuracy by considering some data from yummly dataset and by own prepared dataset. Consequently, it is seen that some more improvement is needed in food image classification. We therefore consider the segmented feature of EA-CNN and concatenated it with the feature of our custom Inception-V3 to provide an optimized classification. It enhances the capacity of important features for further classification process. In extension we have considered south Indian food classes, with our own collected food image dataset and got 96.27% accuracy. The obtained accuracy for the considered dataset is very well in comparison with our foregoing method and state-of-the-art techniques.

    Imaging Food Quality

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