10,313 research outputs found

    Reusing RTL assertion checkers for verification of SystemC TLM models

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    The recent trend towards system-level design gives rise to new challenges for reusing existing RTL intellectual properties (IPs) and their verification environment in TLM. While techniques and tools to abstract RTL IPs into TLM models have begun to appear, the problem of reusing, at TLM, a verification environment originally developed for an RTL IP is still under-explored, particularly when ABV is adopted. Some frameworks have been proposed to deal with ABV at TLM, but they assume a top-down design and verification flow, where assertions are defined ex-novo at TLM level. In contrast, the reuse of existing assertions in an RTL-to-TLM bottom-up design flow has not been analyzed yet, except by using transactors to create a mixed simulation between the TLM design and the RTL checkers corresponding to the assertions. However, the use of transactors may lead to longer verification time due to the need of developing and verifying the transactors themselves. Moreover, the simulation time is negatively affected by the presence of transactors, which slow down the simulation at the speed of the slowest parts (i.e., RTL checkers). This article proposes an alternative methodology that does not require transactors for reusing assertions, originally defined for a given RTL IP, in order to verify the corresponding TLM model. Experimental results have been conducted on benchmarks with different characteristics and complexity to show the applicability and the efficacy of the proposed methodology

    Innovative Techniques for Testing and Diagnosing SoCs

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    We rely upon the continued functioning of many electronic devices for our everyday welfare, usually embedding integrated circuits that are becoming even cheaper and smaller with improved features. Nowadays, microelectronics can integrate a working computer with CPU, memories, and even GPUs on a single die, namely System-On-Chip (SoC). SoCs are also employed on automotive safety-critical applications, but need to be tested thoroughly to comply with reliability standards, in particular the ISO26262 functional safety for road vehicles. The goal of this PhD. thesis is to improve SoC reliability by proposing innovative techniques for testing and diagnosing its internal modules: CPUs, memories, peripherals, and GPUs. The proposed approaches in the sequence appearing in this thesis are described as follows: 1. Embedded Memory Diagnosis: Memories are dense and complex circuits which are susceptible to design and manufacturing errors. Hence, it is important to understand the fault occurrence in the memory array. In practice, the logical and physical array representation differs due to an optimized design which adds enhancements to the device, namely scrambling. This part proposes an accurate memory diagnosis by showing the efforts of a software tool able to analyze test results, unscramble the memory array, map failing syndromes to cell locations, elaborate cumulative analysis, and elaborate a final fault model hypothesis. Several SRAM memory failing syndromes were analyzed as case studies gathered on an industrial automotive 32-bit SoC developed by STMicroelectronics. The tool displayed defects virtually, and results were confirmed by real photos taken from a microscope. 2. Functional Test Pattern Generation: The key for a successful test is the pattern applied to the device. They can be structural or functional; the former usually benefits from embedded test modules targeting manufacturing errors and is only effective before shipping the component to the client. The latter, on the other hand, can be applied during mission minimally impacting on performance but is penalized due to high generation time. However, functional test patterns may benefit for having different goals in functional mission mode. Part III of this PhD thesis proposes three different functional test pattern generation methods for CPU cores embedded in SoCs, targeting different test purposes, described as follows: a. Functional Stress Patterns: Are suitable for optimizing functional stress during I Operational-life Tests and Burn-in Screening for an optimal device reliability characterization b. Functional Power Hungry Patterns: Are suitable for determining functional peak power for strictly limiting the power of structural patterns during manufacturing tests, thus reducing premature device over-kill while delivering high test coverage c. Software-Based Self-Test Patterns: Combines the potentiality of structural patterns with functional ones, allowing its execution periodically during mission. In addition, an external hardware communicating with a devised SBST was proposed. It helps increasing in 3% the fault coverage by testing critical Hardly Functionally Testable Faults not covered by conventional SBST patterns. An automatic functional test pattern generation exploiting an evolutionary algorithm maximizing metrics related to stress, power, and fault coverage was employed in the above-mentioned approaches to quickly generate the desired patterns. The approaches were evaluated on two industrial cases developed by STMicroelectronics; 8051-based and a 32-bit Power Architecture SoCs. Results show that generation time was reduced upto 75% in comparison to older methodologies while increasing significantly the desired metrics. 3. Fault Injection in GPGPU: Fault injection mechanisms in semiconductor devices are suitable for generating structural patterns, testing and activating mitigation techniques, and validating robust hardware and software applications. GPGPUs are known for fast parallel computation used in high performance computing and advanced driver assistance where reliability is the key point. Moreover, GPGPU manufacturers do not provide design description code due to content secrecy. Therefore, commercial fault injectors using the GPGPU model is unfeasible, making radiation tests the only resource available, but are costly. In the last part of this thesis, we propose a software implemented fault injector able to inject bit-flip in memory elements of a real GPGPU. It exploits a software debugger tool and combines the C-CUDA grammar to wisely determine fault spots and apply bit-flip operations in program variables. The goal is to validate robust parallel algorithms by studying fault propagation or activating redundancy mechanisms they possibly embed. The effectiveness of the tool was evaluated on two robust applications: redundant parallel matrix multiplication and floating point Fast Fourier Transform

    RTL property abstraction for TLM assertion-based verification

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    Different techniques and commercial tools are at the state of the art to reuse existing RTL IP implementations to generate more abstract (i.e., TLM) IP models for system-level design. In contrast, reusing, at TLM, an assertion-based verification (ABV) environment originally developed for an RTL IP is still an open problem. The lack of an effective and efficient solution forces verification engineers to shoulder a time consuming and error-prone manual re-definition, at TLM, of existing assertion libraries. This paper is intended to fill in the gap by presenting a technique toautomatically abstract properties defined for RTL IPs with the aim of creating dynamic ABV environments for the corresponding TLM models

    Cyber-security for embedded systems: methodologies, techniques and tools

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    FPGA design methodology for industrial control systems—a review

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    This paper reviews the state of the art of fieldprogrammable gate array (FPGA) design methodologies with a focus on industrial control system applications. This paper starts with an overview of FPGA technology development, followed by a presentation of design methodologies, development tools and relevant CAD environments, including the use of portable hardware description languages and system level programming/design tools. They enable a holistic functional approach with the major advantage of setting up a unique modeling and evaluation environment for complete industrial electronics systems. Three main design rules are then presented. These are algorithm refinement, modularity, and systematic search for the best compromise between the control performance and the architectural constraints. An overview of contributions and limits of FPGAs is also given, followed by a short survey of FPGA-based intelligent controllers for modern industrial systems. Finally, two complete and timely case studies are presented to illustrate the benefits of an FPGA implementation when using the proposed system modeling and design methodology. These consist of the direct torque control for induction motor drives and the control of a diesel-driven synchronous stand-alone generator with the help of fuzzy logic
