149 research outputs found

    Psycholinguistics & Linguistics: The How and Why of Language

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    Communication has proved to be an essential facet of life. Language has been with us a long time. Every normal person in the world eventually will talk. By virtue of this fact, every person--civilized or uncivilized--carries through life certain ideas about talking and its relation to thinking. These notions, naive but deeply rooted, tend to be intolerant of opposition because of their firm connection with speech habits that have become unconscious and automatic. We use language to communicate meaning or to send a message from one person to another. But how is this communication code developed? Is it acquired? Why do we say things the way we do? How do we put sounds and words together to form a complete thought? why do we use the specific forms we do? In both education and psychology there are strong indications of renewed interest in language as a subject matter in its own right and as an important domain of human behavior. Beyond the application of linguistics to the teaching of grammar, reading, and foreign language, there are investigations of language and thought in European, American, and Soviet psychology and education that may considerably improve our knowledge of how language is acquired and how it relates to thought. The following discussion will attempt to define linguistics and psycholinguistics, briefly discuss how we acquire language (including various developmental theories), psycholinguistics components involved, and present a basis for instruction in language and thought. As I have studied and researched this area, I have found much of the information to be well above my comprehensive abilities. This paper in no way reflects my knowledge but is an attempt to learn and understand more of the complicated but very interesting field of psycholinguistics

    An investigation of grammar design in natural-language speech-recognition.

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    With the growing interest and demand for human-machine interaction, much work concerning speech-recognition has been carried out over the past three decades. Although a variety of approaches have been proposed to address speech-recognition issues, such as stochastic (statistical) techniques, grammar-based techniques, techniques integrated with linguistic features, and other approaches, recognition accuracy and robustness remain among the major problems that need to be addressed. At the state of the art, most commercial speech products are constructed using grammar-based speech-recognition technology. In this thesis, we investigate a number of features involved in grammar design in natural-language speech-recognition technology. We hypothesize that: with the same domain, a semantic grammar, which directly encodes some semantic constraints into the recognition grammar, achieves better accuracy, but less robustness; a syntactic grammar defines a language with a larger size, thereby it has better robustness, but less accuracy; a word-sequence grammar, which includes neither semantics nor syntax, defines the largest language, therefore, is the most robust, but has very poor recognition accuracy. In this Master\u27s thesis, we claim that proper grammar design can achieve the appropriate compromise between recognition accuracy and robustness. The thesis has been proven by experiments using the IBM Voice-Server SDK, which consists of a VoiceXML browser, IBM ViaVoice Speech Recognition and Text-To-Speech (TTS) engines, sample applications, and other tools for developing and testing VoiceXML applications. The experimental grammars are written in the Java Speech Grammar Format (JSGF), and the testing applications are written in VoiceXML. The tentative experimental results suggest that grammar design is a good area for further study. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2003 .S555. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 43-01, page: 0244. Adviser: Richard A. Frost. Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2004

    An investigation of the electrolytic plasma oxidation process for corrosion protection of pure magnesium and magnesium alloy AM50.

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    In this study, silicate and phosphate EPO coatings were produced on pure magnesium using an AC power source. It was found that the silicate coatings possess good wear resistance, while the phosphate coatings provide better corrosion protection. A Design of Experiment (DOE) technique, the Taguchi method, was used to systematically investigate the effect of the EPO process parameters on the corrosion protection properties of a coated magnesium alloy AM50 using a DC power. The experimental design consisted of four factors (treatment time, current density, and KOH and NaAlO2 concentrations), with three levels of each factor. Potentiodynamic polarization measurements were conducted to determine the corrosion resistance of the coated samples. The optimized processing parameters are 12 minutes, 12 mA/cm2 current density, 0.9 g/l KOH, 15.0 g/l NaAlO2. The results of the percentage contribution of each factor determined by the analysis of variance (ANOVA) imply that the KOH concentration is the most significant factor affecting the corrosion resistance of the coatings, while treatment time is a major factor affecting the thickness of the coatings. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2005 .M323. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 44-03, page: 1479. Thesis (M.A.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2005

    Towards an automatic speech recognition system for use by deaf students in lectures

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    According to the Royal National Institute for Deaf people there are nearly 7.5 million hearing-impaired people in Great Britain. Human-operated machine transcription systems, such as Palantype, achieve low word error rates in real-time. The disadvantage is that they are very expensive to use because of the difficulty in training operators, making them impractical for everyday use in higher education. Existing automatic speech recognition systems also achieve low word error rates, the disadvantages being that they work for read speech in a restricted domain. Moving a system to a new domain requires a large amount of relevant data, for training acoustic and language models. The adopted solution makes use of an existing continuous speech phoneme recognition system as a front-end to a word recognition sub-system. The subsystem generates a lattice of word hypotheses using dynamic programming with robust parameter estimation obtained using evolutionary programming. Sentence hypotheses are obtained by parsing the word lattice using a beam search and contributing knowledge consisting of anti-grammar rules, that check the syntactic incorrectness’ of word sequences, and word frequency information. On an unseen spontaneous lecture taken from the Lund Corpus and using a dictionary containing "2637 words, the system achieved 815% words correct with 15% simulated phoneme error, and 73.1% words correct with 25% simulated phoneme error. The system was also evaluated on 113 Wall Street Journal sentences. The achievements of the work are a domain independent method, using the anti- grammar, to reduce the word lattice search space whilst allowing normal spontaneous English to be spoken; a system designed to allow integration with new sources of knowledge, such as semantics or prosody, providing a test-bench for determining the impact of different knowledge upon word lattice parsing without the need for the underlying speech recognition hardware; the robustness of the word lattice generation using parameters that withstand changes in vocabulary and domain

    An acoustic-phonetic approach in automatic Arabic speech recognition

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    In a large vocabulary speech recognition system the broad phonetic classification technique is used instead of detailed phonetic analysis to overcome the variability in the acoustic realisation of utterances. The broad phonetic description of a word is used as a means of lexical access, where the lexicon is structured into sets of words sharing the same broad phonetic labelling. This approach has been applied to a large vocabulary isolated word Arabic speech recognition system. Statistical studies have been carried out on 10,000 Arabic words (converted to phonemic form) involving different combinations of broad phonetic classes. Some particular features of the Arabic language have been exploited. The results show that vowels represent about 43% of the total number of phonemes. They also show that about 38% of the words can uniquely be represented at this level by using eight broad phonetic classes. When introducing detailed vowel identification the percentage of uniquely specified words rises to 83%. These results suggest that a fully detailed phonetic analysis of the speech signal is perhaps unnecessary. In the adopted word recognition model, the consonants are classified into four broad phonetic classes, while the vowels are described by their phonemic form. A set of 100 words uttered by several speakers has been used to test the performance of the implemented approach. In the implemented recognition model, three procedures have been developed, namely voiced-unvoiced-silence segmentation, vowel detection and identification, and automatic spectral transition detection between phonemes within a word. The accuracy of both the V-UV-S and vowel recognition procedures is almost perfect. A broad phonetic segmentation procedure has been implemented, which exploits information from the above mentioned three procedures. Simple phonological constraints have been used to improve the accuracy of the segmentation process. The resultant sequence of labels are used for lexical access to retrieve the word or a small set of words sharing the same broad phonetic labelling. For the case of having more than one word-candidates, a verification procedure is used to choose the most likely one

    Computational linguistics in the Netherlands 1996 : papers from the 7th CLIN meeting, November 15, 1996, Eindhoven

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    Computational linguistics in the Netherlands 1996 : papers from the 7th CLIN meeting, November 15, 1996, Eindhoven

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