4,818 research outputs found

    A Pipeline of 3D Scene Reconstruction from Point Clouds

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    3D technologies are becoming increasingly popular as their applications in industrial, consumer, entertainment, healthcare, education, and governmental increase in number. According to market predictions, the total 3D modeling and mapping market is expected to grow from 1.1billionin2013to1.1 billion in 2013 to 7.7 billion by 2018. Thus, 3D modeling techniques for different data sources are urgently needed. This thesis addresses techniques for automated point cloud classification and the reconstruction of 3D scenes (including terrain models, 3D buildings and 3D road networks). First, georeferenced binary image processing techniques were developed for various point cloud classifications. Second, robust methods for the pipeline from the original point cloud to 3D model construction were proposed. Third, the reconstruction for the levels of detail (LoDs) of 1-3 (CityGML website) of 3D models was demonstrated. Fourth, different data sources for 3D model reconstruction were studied. The strengths and weaknesses of using the different data sources were addressed. Mobile laser scanning (MLS), unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images, airborne laser scanning (ALS), and the Finnish National Land Survey’s open geospatial data sources e.g. a topographic database, were employed as test data. Among these data sources, MLS data from three different systems were explored, and three different densities of ALS point clouds (0.8, 8 and 50 points/m2) were studied. The results were compared with reference data such as an orthophoto with a ground sample distance of 20cm or measured reference points from existing software to evaluate their quality. The results showed that 74.6% of building roofs were reconstructed with the automated process. The resulting building models provided an average height deviation of 15 cm. A total of 6% of model points had a greater than one-pixel deviation from laser points. A total of 2.5% had a deviation of greater than two pixels. The pixel size was determined by the average distance of input laser points. The 3D roads were reconstructed with an average width deviation of 22 cm and an average height deviation of 14 cm. The results demonstrated that 93.4% of building roofs were correctly classified from sparse ALS and that 93.3% of power line points are detected from the six sets of dense ALS data located in forested areas. This study demonstrates the operability of 3D model construction for LoDs of 1-3 via the proposed methodologies and datasets. The study is beneficial to future applications, such as 3D-model-based navigation applications, the updating of 2D topographic databases into 3D maps and rapid, large-area 3D scene reconstruction. 3D-teknologiat ovat tulleet yhä suositummiksi niiden sovellusalojen lisääntyessä teollisuudessa, kuluttajatuotteissa, terveydenhuollossa, koulutuksessa ja hallinnossa. Ennusteiden mukaan 3D-mallinnus- ja -kartoitusmarkkinat kasvavat vuoden 2013 1,1 miljardista dollarista 7,7 miljardiin vuoteen 2018 mennessä. Erilaisia aineistoja käyttäviä 3D-mallinnustekniikoita tarvitaankin yhä enemmän. Tässä väitöskirjatutkimuksessa kehitettiin automaattisen pistepilviaineiston luokittelutekniikoita ja rekonstruoitiin 3D-ympäristöja (maanpintamalleja, rakennuksia ja tieverkkoja). Georeferoitujen binääristen kuvien prosessointitekniikoita kehitettiin useiden pilvipisteaineistojen luokitteluun. Työssä esitetään robusteja menetelmiä alkuperäisestä pistepilvestä 3D-malliin eri CityGML-standardin tarkkuustasoilla. Myös eri aineistolähteitä 3D-mallien rekonstruointiin tutkittiin. Eri aineistolähteiden käytön heikkoudet ja vahvuudet analysoitiin. Testiaineistona käytettiin liikkuvalla keilauksella (mobile laser scanning, MLS) ja ilmakeilauksella (airborne laser scanning, ALS) saatua laserkeilausaineistoja, miehittämättömillä lennokeilla (unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV) otettuja kuvia sekä Maanmittauslaitoksen avoimia aineistoja, kuten maastotietokantaa. Liikkuvalla laserkeilauksella kerätyn aineiston osalta tutkimuksessa käytettiin kolmella eri järjestelmällä saatua dataa, ja kolmen eri tarkkuustason (0,8, 8 ja 50 pistettä/m2) ilmalaserkeilausaineistoa. Tutkimuksessa saatuja tulosten laatua arvioitiin vertaamalla niitä referenssiaineistoon, jona käytettiin ortokuvia (GSD 20cm) ja nykyisissä ohjelmistoissa olevia mitattuja referenssipisteitä. 74,6 % rakennusten katoista saatiin rekonstruoitua automaattisella prosessilla. Rakennusmallien korkeuksien keskipoikkeama oli 15 cm. 6 %:lla mallin pisteistä oli yli yhden pikselin poikkeama laseraineiston pisteisiin verrattuna. 2,5 %:lla oli yli kahden pikselin poikkeama. Pikselikoko määriteltiin kahden laserpisteen välimatkan keskiarvona. Rekonstruoitujen teiden leveyden keskipoikkeama oli 22 cm ja korkeuden keskipoikkeama oli 14 cm. Tulokset osoittavat että 93,4 % rakennuksista saatiin luokiteltua oikein harvasta ilmalaserkeilausaineistosta ja 93,3 % sähköjohdoista saatiin havaittua kuudesta tiheästä metsäalueen ilmalaserkeilausaineistosta. Tutkimus demonstroi 3D-mallin konstruktion toimivuutta tarkkuustasoilla (LoD) 1-3 esitetyillä menetelmillä ja aineistoilla. Tulokset ovat hyödyllisiä kehitettäessä tulevaisuuden sovelluksia, kuten 3D-malleihin perustuvia navigointisovelluksia, topografisten 2D-karttojen ajantasaistamista 3D-kartoiksi, ja nopeaa suurten alueiden 3D-ympäristöjen rekonstruktiota

    Review on Active and Passive Remote Sensing Techniques for Road Extraction

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    Digital maps of road networks are a vital part of digital cities and intelligent transportation. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review on road extraction based on various remote sensing data sources, including high-resolution images, hyperspectral images, synthetic aperture radar images, and light detection and ranging. This review is divided into three parts. Part 1 provides an overview of the existing data acquisition techniques for road extraction, including data acquisition methods, typical sensors, application status, and prospects. Part 2 underlines the main road extraction methods based on four data sources. In this section, road extraction methods based on different data sources are described and analysed in detail. Part 3 presents the combined application of multisource data for road extraction. Evidently, different data acquisition techniques have unique advantages, and the combination of multiple sources can improve the accuracy of road extraction. The main aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive reference for research on existing road extraction technologies.Peer reviewe

    Very High Resolution (VHR) Satellite Imagery: Processing and Applications

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    Recently, growing interest in the use of remote sensing imagery has appeared to provide synoptic maps of water quality parameters in coastal and inner water ecosystems;, monitoring of complex land ecosystems for biodiversity conservation; precision agriculture for the management of soils, crops, and pests; urban planning; disaster monitoring, etc. However, for these maps to achieve their full potential, it is important to engage in periodic monitoring and analysis of multi-temporal changes. In this context, very high resolution (VHR) satellite-based optical, infrared, and radar imaging instruments provide reliable information to implement spatially-based conservation actions. Moreover, they enable observations of parameters of our environment at greater broader spatial and finer temporal scales than those allowed through field observation alone. In this sense, recent very high resolution satellite technologies and image processing algorithms present the opportunity to develop quantitative techniques that have the potential to improve upon traditional techniques in terms of cost, mapping fidelity, and objectivity. Typical applications include multi-temporal classification, recognition and tracking of specific patterns, multisensor data fusion, analysis of land/marine ecosystem processes and environment monitoring, etc. This book aims to collect new developments, methodologies, and applications of very high resolution satellite data for remote sensing. The works selected provide to the research community the most recent advances on all aspects of VHR satellite remote sensing

    Influence of point cloud density on the results of automated Object-Based building extraction from ALS data

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    Ponencias, comunicaciones y pósters presentados en el 17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science "Connecting a Digital Europe through Location and Place", celebrado en la Universitat Jaume I del 3 al 6 de junio de 2014.Nowadays there is a plethora of approaches dealing with object extraction from remote sensing data. Airborne Laser scanning (ALS) has become a new method for timely and accurate collection of spatial data in the form of point clouds which can vary in density from less than one point per square meter (ppsm) up to in excess of 200 ppsm. Many algorithms have been developed which provide solutions to object extraction from 3D data sources as ALS point clouds. This paper evaluates the influence of the spatial point density within the point cloud on the obtained results from a pre-developed Object-Based rule set which incorporates formalized knowledge for extraction of 2D building outlines. Analysis is performed with regards to the accuracy and completeness of the resultant extraction dataset. A pre-existing building footprint dataset representing Lake Tahoe (USA) was used for ground truthing. Point cloud datasets with varying densities (18, 16, 9, 7, 5, 2, 1 and 0.5ppsm) where used in the analysis process. Results indicate that using higher density point clouds increases the level of classification accuracy in terms of both completeness and correctness. As the density of points is lowered the accuracy of the results also decreases, although little difference is seen in the interval of 5-16ppsm


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    The knowledge of roof shapes is essential for the creation of 3D building models. Many experts and researchers use 3D building models for specialized tasks, such as creating noise maps, estimating the solar potential of roof structures, and planning new wireless infrastructures. Our aim is to introduce a technique for automating the creation of topologically correct roof building models using outlines and aerial image data. In this study, we used building footprints and vertical aerial survey photographs. Aerial survey photographs enabled us to produce an orthophoto and a digital surface model of the analysed area. The developed technique made it possible to detect roof edges from the orthophoto and to categorize the edges using spatial relationships and height information derived from the digital surface model. This method allows buildings with complicated shapes to be decomposed into simple parts that can be processed separately. In our study, a roof type and model were determined for each building part and tested with multiple datasets with different levels of quality. Excellent results were achieved for simple and medium complex roofs. Results for very complex roofs were unsatisfactory. For such structures, we propose using multitemporal images because these can lead to significant improvements and a better roof edge detection. The method used in this study was shared with the Czech national mapping agency and could be used for the creation of new 3D modelling products in the near future

    Calibration of full-waveform airborne laser scanning data for 3D object segmentation

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    Phd ThesisAirborne Laser Scanning (ALS) is a fully commercial technology, which has seen rapid uptake from the photogrammetry and remote sensing community to classify surface features and enhance automatic object recognition and extraction processes. 3D object segmentation is considered as one of the major research topics in the field of laser scanning for feature recognition and object extraction applications. The demand for automatic segmentation has significantly increased with the emergence of full-waveform (FWF) ALS, which potentially offers an unlimited number of return echoes. FWF has shown potential to improve available segmentation and classification techniques through exploiting the additional physical observables which are provided alongside the standard geometric information. However, use of the FWF additional information is not recommended without prior radiometric calibration, taking into consideration all the parameters affecting the backscattered energy. The main focus of this research is to calibrate the additional information from FWF to develop the potential of point clouds for segmentation algorithms. Echo amplitude normalisation as a function of local incidence angle was identified as a particularly critical aspect, and a novel echo amplitude normalisation approach, termed the Robust Surface Normal (RSN) method, has been developed. Following the radar equation, a comprehensive radiometric calibration routine is introduced to account for all variables affecting the backscattered laser signal. Thereafter, a segmentation algorithm is developed, which utilises the raw 3D point clouds to estimate the normal for individual echoes based on the RSN method. The segmentation criterion is selected as the normal vector augmented by the calibrated backscatter signals. The developed segmentation routine aims to fully integrate FWF data to improve feature recognition and 3D object segmentation applications. The routine was tested over various feature types from two datasets with different properties to assess its potential. The results are compared to those delivered through utilizing only geometric information, without the additional FWF radiometric information, to assess performance over existing methods. The results approved the potential of the FWF additional observables to improve segmentation algorithms. The new approach was validated against manual segmentation results, revealing a successful automatic implementation and achieving an accuracy of 82%

    Remote Sensing methods for power line corridor surveys

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    AbstractTo secure uninterrupted distribution of electricity, effective monitoring and maintenance of power lines are needed. This literature review article aims to give a wide overview of the possibilities provided by modern remote sensing sensors in power line corridor surveys and to discuss the potential and limitations of different approaches. Monitoring of both power line components and vegetation around them is included. Remotely sensed data sources discussed in the review include synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images, optical satellite and aerial images, thermal images, airborne laser scanner (ALS) data, land-based mobile mapping data, and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) data. The review shows that most previous studies have concentrated on the mapping and analysis of network components. In particular, automated extraction of power line conductors has achieved much attention, and promising results have been reported. For example, accuracy levels above 90% have been presented for the extraction of conductors from ALS data or aerial images. However, in many studies datasets have been small and numerical quality analyses have been omitted. Mapping of vegetation near power lines has been a less common research topic than mapping of the components, but several studies have also been carried out in this field, especially using optical aerial and satellite images. Based on the review we conclude that in future research more attention should be given to an integrated use of various data sources to benefit from the various techniques in an optimal way. Knowledge in related fields, such as vegetation monitoring from ALS, SAR and optical image data should be better exploited to develop useful monitoring approaches. Special attention should be given to rapidly developing remote sensing techniques such as UAVs and laser scanning from airborne and land-based platforms. To demonstrate and verify the capabilities of automated monitoring approaches, large tests in various environments and practical monitoring conditions are needed. These should include careful quality analyses and comparisons between different data sources, methods and individual algorithms