14 research outputs found

    State of the activities in Colombia against child pornography on the Internet with respect to other countries

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    La pornografía infantil en Internet es un problema que se define desde un comienzo en el artículo para brindar un parámetro de referencia, luego se describe como a nivel mundial se ha venido trabajando en contra del mismo, se abarcan aspectos teóricos mencionado sus orígenes, aspectos legales tanto a nivel mundial como en Colombia en donde se menciona la legislación actual, aspectos sociales donde se mencionan los perfiles de las víctimas y los abusadores, aspectos tecnológicos para el control de contenido y finalmente relacionando la teoría referenciada, la documentación analizada, las entrevistas realizadas y los eventos en los que el autor asiste, se mencionan las actividades y proyectos que se están desarrollando en el País que muestran los avances y el trabajo en contra de la pornografía en Internet, los cuales demuestran que si se está avanzando y que así como en otros países, el gobierno y el sector privado une esfuerzos para controlar este flagelo.Child pornography on the Internet is a problem that is defined from the beginning in the article to provide a reference parameter, then it is described how in the world people has been working against it, theoretical aspects mentioning its origins, legal aspects globally and in Colombia, where the current legislation is cited, social aspects where the profiles of victims and abusers are mentioned, technology aspects to control the content and finally linking the theory referenced, the documents analyzed, the interviews, the events in which the author has participated, and activities and projects that are being developed in the country that show the progress and work against child pornography on Internet, all that showing that there is a remarkable progress, and like in other countries, the Colombian government and the private sector join forces to control this problem

    Pornographic Image Recognition via Weighted Multiple Instance Learning

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    In the era of Internet, recognizing pornographic images is of great significance for protecting children's physical and mental health. However, this task is very challenging as the key pornographic contents (e.g., breast and private part) in an image often lie in local regions of small size. In this paper, we model each image as a bag of regions, and follow a multiple instance learning (MIL) approach to train a generic region-based recognition model. Specifically, we take into account the region's degree of pornography, and make three main contributions. First, we show that based on very few annotations of the key pornographic contents in a training image, we can generate a bag of properly sized regions, among which the potential positive regions usually contain useful contexts that can aid recognition. Second, we present a simple quantitative measure of a region's degree of pornography, which can be used to weigh the importance of different regions in a positive image. Third, we formulate the recognition task as a weighted MIL problem under the convolutional neural network framework, with a bag probability function introduced to combine the importance of different regions. Experiments on our newly collected large scale dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, achieving an accuracy with 97.52% true positive rate at 1% false positive rate, tested on 100K pornographic images and 100K normal images.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Visual Computing and Machine Learning Techniques for Digital Forensics

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    It is impressive how fast science has improved day by day in so many different fields. In special, technology advances are shocking so many people bringing to their reality facts that previously were beyond their imagination. Inspired by methods earlier presented in scientific fiction shows, the computer science community has created a new research area named Digital Forensics, which aims at developing and deploying methods for fighting against digital crimes such as digital image forgery.This work presents some of the main concepts associated with Digital Forensics and, complementarily, presents some recent and powerful techniques relying on Computer Graphics, Image Processing, Computer Vision and Machine Learning concepts for detecting forgeries in photographs. Some topics addressed in this work include: sourceattribution, spoofing detection, pornography detection, multimedia phylogeny, and forgery detection. Finally, this work highlights the challenges and open problems in Digital Image Forensics to provide the readers with the myriad opportunities available for research

    MadDroid: Characterising and Detecting Devious Ad Content for Android Apps

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    Advertisement drives the economy of the mobile app ecosystem. As a key component in the mobile ad business model, mobile ad content has been overlooked by the research community, which poses a number of threats, e.g., propagating malware and undesirable contents. To understand the practice of these devious ad behaviors, we perform a large-scale study on the app contents harvested through automated app testing. In this work, we first provide a comprehensive categorization of devious ad contents, including five kinds of behaviors belonging to two categories: \emph{ad loading content} and \emph{ad clicking content}. Then, we propose MadDroid, a framework for automated detection of devious ad contents. MadDroid leverages an automated app testing framework with a sophisticated ad view exploration strategy for effectively collecting ad-related network traffic and subsequently extracting ad contents. We then integrate dedicated approaches into the framework to identify devious ad contents. We have applied MadDroid to 40,000 Android apps and found that roughly 6\% of apps deliver devious ad contents, e.g., distributing malicious apps that cannot be downloaded via traditional app markets. Experiment results indicate that devious ad contents are prevalent, suggesting that our community should invest more effort into the detection and mitigation of devious ads towards building a trustworthy mobile advertising ecosystem.Comment: To be published in The Web Conference 2020 (WWW'20

    Do Machines Replicate Humans? Toward a Unified Understanding of Radicalizing Content on the Open Social Web

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    The advent of the Internet inadvertently augmented the functioning and success of violent extremist organizations. Terrorist organizations like the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) use the Internet to project their message to a global audience. The majority of research and practice on web‐based terrorist propaganda uses human coders to classify content, raising serious concerns such as burnout, mental stress, and reliability of the coded data. More recently, technology platforms and researchers have started to examine the online content using automated classification procedures. However, there are questions about the robustness of automated procedures, given insufficient research comparing and contextualizing the difference between human and machine coding. This article compares output of three text analytics packages with that of human coders on a sample of one hundred nonindexed web pages associated with ISIS. We find that prevalent topics (e.g., holy war) are accurately detected by the three packages whereas nuanced concepts (Lone Wolf attacks) are generally missed. Our findings suggest that naïve approaches of standard applications do not approximate human understanding, and therefore consumption, of radicalizing content. Before radicalizing content can be automatically detected, we need a closer approximation to human understanding

    Survey On Nudity Detection: Opportunities And Challenges Based On ‘Awrah Concept In Islamic Shari’a

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    The nudity or nakedness which known as awrah in Islam is part of the human body which in principle should not be seen by other people except those qualified to be her or his mahram or in an emergency or urgent need.Nudity detection technique has long been receiving a lot of attention by researchers worldwide due to its importance particularly to the global Muslim community. In this paper, the techniques were separated into four classifications namely methods based on body structure, image retrieval, the features of skin region, and bag-of-visual-words (BoVW). All of these techniques are applicable to some areas of skin on the body as well as on the sexual organs that should be visible to determine nude or not. While the concept of nakedness in Islamic Shari'a has different rules between men and women, such as the limit of male ‘awrah is between the navel and the knees, while the limit of female ‘awrah is the entire body except the face and hands which should be closed using the hijab. In general, existing techniques can be used to detect nakedness concerned bythe Islamic Shari'a. The selection ofhese techniques are employed based on the areas of skin on the body as well as or the sexual organs to indicate whether it falls to thenude category or not. While in Islamic Shari'a, different 'awrah rules are required for men and women such as the limit 'awrah, the requirements of clothes as cover awrah, and kinds of shapes and shades of Hijabs in various countries (for women only). These problems are the opportunities and challenges for the researcher to propose an ‘awrah detection technique in accordance with the Islamic Shari'a

    iCOP:live forensics to reveal previously unknown criminal media on P2P networks

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    The increasing levels of criminal media being shared in peer-to-peer (P2P) networks pose a significant challenge to law enforcement agencies. One of the main priorities for P2P investigators is to identify cases where a user is actively engaged in the production of child sexual abuse (CSA) media – they can be indicators of recent or on-going child abuse. Although a number of P2P monitoring tools exist to detect paedophile activity in such networks, they typically rely on hash value databases of known CSA media. As a result, these tools are not able to adequately triage the thousands of results they retrieve, nor can they identify new child abuse media that are being released on to a network. In this paper, we present a new intelligent forensics approach that incorporates the advantages of artificial intelligence and machine learning theory to automatically flag new/previously unseen CSA media to investigators. Additionally, the research was extensively discussed with law enforcement cybercrime specialists from different European countries and Interpol. The approach has been implemented into the iCOP toolkit, a software package that is designed to perform live forensic analysis on a P2P network environment. In addition, the system offers secondary features, such as showing on-line sharers of known CSA files and the ability to see other files shared by the same GUID or other IP addresses used by the same P2P client. Finally, our evaluation on real CSA case data shows high degrees of accuracy, while hands-on trials with law enforcement officers demonstrate the toolkit’s complementarity to extant investigative workflows

    Forensic investigations on child pornography file sharing using file sharing software on peer-to-peer networks

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    La prova informatica richiede l’adozione di precauzioni come in un qualsiasi altro accertamento scientifico. Si fornisce una panoramica sugli aspetti metodologici e applicativi dell’informatica forense alla luce del recente standard ISO/IEC 27037:2012 in tema di trattamento del reperto informatico nelle fasi di identificazione, raccolta, acquisizione e conservazione del dato digitale. Tali metodologie si attengono scrupolosamente alle esigenze di integrità e autenticità richieste dalle norme in materia di informatica forense, in particolare della Legge 48/2008 di ratifica della Convenzione di Budapest sul Cybercrime. In merito al reato di pedopornografia si offre una rassegna della normativa comunitaria e nazionale, ponendo l’enfasi sugli aspetti rilevanti ai fini dell’analisi forense. Rilevato che il file sharing su reti peer-to-peer è il canale sul quale maggiormente si concentra lo scambio di materiale illecito, si fornisce una panoramica dei protocolli e dei sistemi maggiormente diffusi, ponendo enfasi sulla rete eDonkey e il software eMule che trovano ampia diffusione tra gli utenti italiani. Si accenna alle problematiche che si incontrano nelle attività di indagine e di repressione del fenomeno, di competenza delle forze di polizia, per poi concentrarsi e fornire il contributo rilevante in tema di analisi forensi di sistemi informatici sequestrati a soggetti indagati (o imputati) di reato di pedopornografia: la progettazione e l’implementazione di eMuleForensic consente di svolgere in maniera estremamente precisa e rapida le operazioni di analisi degli eventi che si verificano utilizzando il software di file sharing eMule; il software è disponibile sia in rete all’url http://www.emuleforensic.com, sia come tool all’interno della distribuzione forense DEFT. Infine si fornisce una proposta di protocollo operativo per l’analisi forense di sistemi informatici coinvolti in indagini forensi di pedopornografia.Digital evidences require precautions as in any other scientific investigation. We provide an overview about methodology and application of computer forensics based on the recent ISO / IEC 27037:2012 relating to the processing of finding information in the stages of identification, collection, acquisition and preservation of digital data. These methods comply with the requirements of integrity and authenticity of the rules of computer forensics, in particular the Law 48/2008 about the ratification of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime. Concering the child pornography crime, we offer an overview of EU and national legislation, with emphasis on relevant aspects for computer forensic analysis. We provide an overview of the peer-to-peer protocols and systems used for file sharing, with an emphasis on the eDonkey and eMule software that are widely spread in Italy. The design and implementation of eMuleForensic allows the computer forenser to perform a highly accurate and rapid operations analysis of the events that occur using eMule; the software is available in the url http://www.emuleforensic.com network, both as a forensic tool in the distribution DEFT. Finally, we provide a proposal for an operating protocol for forensic analysis of computer systems involved in forensic investigations on child pornography

    Detecção de pornografia em vídeos através de técnicas de aprendizado profundo e informações de movimento

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    Orientadores: Anderson de Rezende Rocha, Vanessa TestoniDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Com o crescimento exponencial de gravações em vídeos disponíveis online, a moderação manual de conteúdos sensíveis, e.g, pornografia, violência e multidões, se tornou impra- ticável, aumentando a necessidade de uma filtragem automatizada. Nesta linha, muitos trabalhos exploraram o problema de detecção de pornografia, usando abordagens que vão desde a detecção de pele e nudez, até o uso de características locais e sacola de pala- vras visuais. Contudo, essas técnicas sofrem com casos ambíguos (e.g., cenas em praia, luta livre), produzindo muitos falsos positivos. Isto está possivelmente relacionado com o fato de que essas abordagens estão desatualizadas, e de que poucos autores usaram a informação de movimento presente nos vídeos, que pode ser crucial para a desambi- guação visual dos casos mencionados. Indo adiante para superar estas questões, neste trabalho, nós exploramos soluções de aprendizado em profundidade para o problema de detecção de pornografia em vídeos, levando em consideração tanto a informação está- tica, quanto a informação de movimento disponível em cada vídeo em questão. Quando combinamos as características estáticas e de movimento, o método proposto supera as soluções existentes na literatura. Apesar de as abordagens de aprendizado em profun- didade, mais especificamente as Redes Neurais Convolucionais (RNC), terem alcançado resultados impressionantes em outros problemas de visão computacional, este método tão promissor ainda não foi explorado suficientemente no problema detecção de pornografia, principalmente no que tange à incorporação de informações de movimento presente no vídeo. Adicionalmente, propomos novas formas de combinar as informações estáticas e de movimento usando RNCs, que ainda não foram exploradas para detecção de pornografia, nem em outras tarefas de reconhecimento de ações. Mais especificamente, nós exploramos duas fontes distintas de informação de movimento: Campos de deslocamento de Fluxo Óptico, que tem sido tradicionalmente usados para classificação de vídeos; e Vetores de Movimento MPEG. Embora Vetores de Movimento já tenham sido utilizados pela litera- tura na tarefa de detecção de pornografia, neste trabalho nós os adaptamos, criando uma representação visual apropriada, antes de passá-los a uma rede neural convolucional para aprendizado e extração de características. Nossos experimentos mostraram que, apesar de a técnica de Vetores de Movimento MPEG possuir uma performance inferior quando utilizada de forma isolada, quando comparada à técnica baseada em Fluxo Óptico, ela consegue uma performance similar ao complementar a informação estática, com a van- tagem de estar presente, por construção, nos vídeos, enquanto se decodifica os frames, evitando a necessidade da computação mais cara do Fluxo Óptico. Nossa melhor aborda- gem proposta supera os métodos existentes na literatura em diferentes datasets. Para o dataset Pornography 800, o método consegue uma acurácia de classificação de 97,9%, uma redução do erro de 64,4% quando comparado com o estado da arte (94,1% de acu- rácia neste dataset). Quando consideramos o dataset Pornography 2k, mais desafiador, nosso melhor método consegue um acurácia de 96,4%, reduzindo o erro de classificação em 14,3% em comparação ao estado da arte (95,8%)Abstract: With the exponential growth of video footage available online, human manual moderation of sensitive scenes, e.g., pornography, violence and crowd, became infeasible, increasing the necessity for automated filtering. In this vein, a great number of works has explored the pornographic detection problem, using approaches ranging from skin and nudity de- tection, to local features and bag of visual words. Yet, these techniques suffer from some ambiguous cases (e.g., beach scenes, wrestling), producing too much false positives. This is possibly related to the fact that these approaches are somewhat outdated, and that few authors have used the motion information present in videos, which could be crucial for the visual disambiguation of these cases. Setting forth to overcome these issues, in this work, we explore deep learning solutions to the problem of pornography detection in videos, tak- ing into account both the static and the motion information available for each questioned video. When incorporating the static and motion complementary features, the proposed method outperforms the existing solutions in the literature. Although Deep Learning ap- proaches, more specifically Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), have achieved striking results on other vision-related problems, such promising methods are still not sufficiently explored in pornography detection while incorporating motion information. We also pro- pose novel ways for combining the static and the motion information using CNNs, that have not been explored in pornography detection, nor in other action recognition tasks before. More specifically, we explore two distinct sources of motion information herein: Optical Flow displacement fields, which have been traditionally used for video classifica- tion; and MPEG Motion Vectors. Although Motion Vectors have already been used for pornography detection tasks in the literature, in this work, we adapt them, by finding an appropriate visual representation, before feeding a convolution neural network for feature learning and extraction. Our experiments show that although the MPEG Motion Vectors technique has an inferior performance by itself, than when using its Optical Flow coun- terpart, it yields a similar performance when complementing the static information, with the advantage of being present, by construction, in the video while decoding the frames, avoiding the need for the more expensive Optical Flow calculations. Our best approach outperforms existing methods in the literature when considering different datasets. For the Pornography 800 dataset, it yields a classification accuracy of 97.9%, an error re- duction of 64.4% when compared to the state of the art (94.1% in this dataset). Finally, considering the more challenging Pornography 2k dataset, our best method yields a clas- sification accuracy of 96.4%, reducing the classification error in 14.3% when compared to the state of the art (95.8% in the same dataset)MestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da ComputaçãoFuncampCAPE