11 research outputs found

    Self-supervised pre-training of CNNs for flatness defect classification in the steelworks industry

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    Classification of surface defects in the steelworks industry plays a significant role in guaranteeing the quality of the products. From an industrial point of view, a serious concern is represented by the hot-rolled products shape defects and particularly those concerning the strip flatness. Flatness defects are typically divided into four sub-classes depending on which part of the strip is affected and the corresponding shape. In the context of this research, the primary objective is evaluating the improvements of exploiting the self-supervised learning paradigm for defects classification, taking advantage of unlabelled, real, steel strip flatness maps. Different pre-training methods are compared, as well as architectures, taking advantage of well-established neural subnetworks, such as Residual and Inception modules. A systematic approach in evaluating the different performances guarantees a formal verification of the self-supervised pre-training paradigms evaluated hereafter. In particular, pre-training neural networks with the EgoMotion meta-algorithm shows classification improvements over the AutoEncoder technique, which in turn is better performing than a Glorot weight initialization

    Surface Defect Classification for Hot-Rolled Steel Strips by Selectively Dominant Local Binary Patterns

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    Developments in defect descriptors and computer vision-based algorithms for automatic optical inspection (AOI) allows for further development in image-based measurements. Defect classification is a vital part of an optical-imaging-based surface quality measuring instrument. The high-speed production rhythm of hot continuous rolling requires an ultra-rapid response to every component as well as algorithms in AOI instrument. In this paper, a simple, fast, yet robust texture descriptor, namely selectively dominant local binary patterns (SDLBPs), is proposed for defect classification. First, an intelligent searching algorithm with a quantitative thresholding mechanism is built to excavate the dominant non-uniform patterns (DNUPs). Second, two convertible schemes of pattern code mapping are developed for binary encoding of all uniform patterns and DNUPs. Third, feature extraction is carried out under SDLBP framework. Finally, an adaptive region weighting method is built for further strengthening the original nearest neighbor classifier in the feature matching stage. The extensive experiments carried out on an open texture database (Outex) and an actual surface defect database (Dragon) indicates that our proposed SDLBP yields promising performance on both classification accuracy and time efficiencyPeer reviewe

    Generalized Completed Local Binary Patterns for Time-Efficient Steel Surface Defect Classification

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted ncomponent of this work in other works.Efficient defect classification is one of the most important preconditions to achieve online quality inspection for hot-rolled strip steels. It is extremely challenging owing to various defect appearances, large intraclass variation, ambiguous interclass distance, and unstable gray values. In this paper, a generalized completed local binary patterns (GCLBP) framework is proposed. Two variants of improved completed local binary patterns (ICLBP) and improved completed noise-invariant local-structure patterns (ICNLP) under the GCLBP framework are developed for steel surface defect classification. Different from conventional local binary patterns variants, descriptive information hidden in nonuniform patterns is innovatively excavated for the better defect representation. This paper focuses on the following aspects. First, a lightweight searching algorithm is established for exploiting the dominant nonuniform patterns (DNUPs). Second, a hybrid pattern code mapping mechanism is proposed to encode all the uniform patterns and DNUPs. Third, feature extraction is carried out under the GCLBP framework. Finally, histogram matching is efficiently accomplished by simple nearest-neighbor classifier. The classification accuracy and time efficiency are verified on a widely recognized texture database (Outex) and a real-world steel surface defect database [Northeastern University (NEU)]. The experimental results promise that the proposed method can be widely applied in online automatic optical inspection instruments for hot-rolled strip steel.Peer reviewe

    A High-Accuracy Algorithm for Surface Defect Detection of Steel Based on DAG-SVM

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    The quality of the steel surface is a crucial parameter. An improved method based on machine vision for steel surface defects detection is proposed. The experiment is based on 20 images for each of 6 distinct steel defects, a total of 120 defective images achieved from the detection system. 128 different features are extracted from the images and feature dimensions are reduced by the principle component analysis (PCA) based on the sample correlation coefficient matrix. Hierarchical clustering by Euclidean distance is implemented to find defect characteristics differentiation, the steel surface defects are classified based on directed acyclic graph support vector machine (DAG-SVM). The experimental results indicate that this method can recognize more than 98 % of the steel surface defects at a faster speed that can meet the demands on the steel surface quality online detection

    A High-Accuracy Algorithm for Surface Defect Detection of Steel Based on DAG-SVM

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    The quality of the steel surface is a crucial parameter. An improved method based on machine vision for steel surface defects detection is proposed. The experiment is based on 20 images for each of 6 distinct steel defects, a total of 120 defective images achieved from the detection system. 128 different features are extracted from the images and feature dimensions are reduced by the principle component analysis (PCA) based on the sample correlation coefficient matrix. Hierarchical clustering by Euclidean distance is implemented to find defect characteristics differentiation, the steel surface defects are classified based on directed acyclic graph support vector machine (DAG-SVM). The experimental results indicate that this method can recognize more than 98 % of the steel surface defects at a faster speed that can meet the demands on the steel surface quality online detection

    Sparse Low-Rank Tensor Decomposition for Metal Defect Detection Using Thermographic Imaging Diagnostics

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    With the increasing use of induction thermography (IT) for non-destructive testing (NDT) in the mechanical and rail industry, it becomes necessary for the manufactures to rapidly and accurately monitor the health of specimens. The most general problem for IT detection is due to strong noise interference. In order to counter it, general post-processing is carried out. However, due to the more complex nature of noise and irregular shape specimens, this task becomes difficult and challenging. In this paper, a low-rank tensor with a sparse mixture of Gaussian (MoG) (LRTSMoG) decomposition algorithm for natural crack detection is proposed. The proposed algorithm models jointly the low rank tensor and sparse pattern by using a tensor decomposition framework. In particular, the weak natural crack information can be extracted from strong noise. Low-rank tensor based iterative sparse MoG noise modeling is carried out to enhance the weak natural crack information as well as reducing the computational cost. In order to show the robustness and efficacy of the model, experiments are conducted for natural crack detection on a variety of specimens. A comparative analysis is presented with general tensor decomposition algorithms. The algorithms are evaluated quantitatively based on signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) along with the visual comparative analysis

    Improving the accuracy of convolutional neural networks by ddentifying and removing outlier images in datasets using t-SNE

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    In the field of supervised machine learning, the quality of a classifier model is directly correlated with the quality of the data that is used to train the model. The presence of unwanted outliers in the data could significantly reduce the accuracy of a model or, even worse, result in a biased model leading to an inaccurate classification. Identifying the presence of outliers and eliminating them is, therefore, crucial for building good quality training datasets. Pre-processing procedures for dealing with missing and outlier data, commonly known as feature engineering, are standard practice in machine learning problems. They help to make better assumptions about the data and also prepare datasets in a way that best expose the underlying problem to the machine learning algorithms. In this work, we propose a multistage method for detecting and removing outliers in high-dimensional data. Our proposed method is based on utilising a technique called t-distributed stochastic neighbour embedding (t-SNE) to reduce high-dimensional map of features into a lower, two-dimensional, probability density distribution and then use a simple descriptive statistical method called interquartile range (IQR) to identifying any outlier values from the density distribution of the features. t-SNE is a machine learning algorithm and a nonlinear dimensionality reduction technique well-suited for embedding high-dimensional data for visualisation in a low-dimensional space of two or three dimensions. We applied this method on a dataset containing images for training a convolutional neural network model (ConvNet) for an image classification problem. The dataset contains four different classes of images: three classes contain defects in construction (mould, stain, and paint deterioration) and a no-defect class (normal). We used the transfer learning technique to modify a pre-trained VGG-16 model. We used this model as a feature extractor and as a benchmark to evaluate our method. We have shown that, when using this method, we can identify and remove the outlier images in the dataset. After removing the outlier images from the dataset and re-training the VGG-16 model, the results have also shown that the accuracy of the classification has significantly improved and the number of misclassified cases has also dropped. While many feature engineering techniques for handling missing and outlier data are common in predictive machine learning problems involving numerical or categorical data, there is little work on developing techniques for handling outliers in high-dimensional data which can be used to improve the quality of machine learning problems involving images such as ConvNet models for image classification and object detection problems

    Siamese Basis Function Networks for Data-Efficient Defect Classification in Technical Domains

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    Training deep learning models in technical domains is often accompanied by the challenge that although the task is clear, insufficient data for training is available. In this work, we propose a novel approach based on the combination of Siamese networks and radial basis function networks to perform data-efficient classification without pretraining by measuring the distance between images in semantic space in a data-efficient manner. We develop the models using three technical datasets, the NEU dataset, the BSD dataset, and the TEX dataset. In addition to the technical domain, we show the general applicability to classical datasets (cifar10 and MNIST) as well. The approach is tested against state-of-the-art models (Resnet50 and Resnet101) by stepwise reduction of the number of samples available for training. The authors show that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art models in the low data regime