56 research outputs found

    Conductor minimum safe distance analysis: Application of a 20 kV medium voltage airline (SUTM) system

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    Medium Voltage Air Line Conductor (SUTM) has a voltage of 20 kV. The SUTM network should have the criteria for electricity safety techniques, including minimum safety distances between the trees and the environment and the effectiveness of electricity distribution development. There are ten stages in the installation of the new SUTM 20 kV network. The results of the study concluded that the Conductor used in the planning of the 20 kV SUTM new network construction was AAACS - 150 mm2. The safe distance between the conductors and the conditions contained Billboards are 0.5 meters with a minimum height difference of ± 2.5 meters. Whereas the safe distance between the conductor and the tree is ± 0.5 meters, but the Medium Voltage Network Construction Standard for Electric Power must have a height difference of 2.5 meters. The distance between the conductor and billboards is 0.5 meters, which does not complete the standard instructions

    Classification of high-voltage power line structures in low density ALS data acquired over broad non-urban areas

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    Airborne laser scanning (ALS) has gained importance over recent decades for multiple uses related to the cartography of landscapes. Processing ALS data over large areas for forest resource estimation and ecological assessments requires efficient algorithms to filter out some points from the raw data and remove human-made structures that would otherwise be mistaken for natural objects. In this paper, we describe an algorithm developed for the segmentation and cleaning of electrical network facilities in low density (2.5 to 13 points/m2) ALS point clouds. The algorithm was designed to identify transmission towers, conductor wires and earth wires from high-voltage power lines in natural landscapes. The method is based on two priors i.e. (1) the availability of a map of the high-voltage power lines across the area of interest and (2) knowledge of the type of transmission towers that hold the conductors along a given power line. It was tested on a network totalling 200 km of wires supported by 415 transmission towers with diverse topographies and topologies with an accuracy of 98.6%. This work will help further the automated detection capacity of power line structures, which had previously been limited to high density point clouds in small, urbanised areas. The method is open-source and available online

    UAV surveying business opportunity

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    Lumen has determined that there is an opportunity for it to leverage its existing UAV hardware for use in photogrammetry surveys and wishes to augment its current design services. Lumen is not a surveying company so has little experience in this field. Assessing this opportunity required an analysis of the output capability, determination of the restrictions imposed from both internal and external sources, and a realisation of the financial implications. It also needed to assess the competition and how it could fit into the market for this service

    3D Reconstruction of Building Rooftop and Power Line Models in Right-of-Ways Using Airborne LiDAR Data

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    The research objectives aimed to achieve thorough the thesis are to develop methods for reconstructing models of building and PL objects of interest in the power line (PL) corridor area from airborne LiDAR data. For this, it is mainly concerned with the model selection problem for which model is more optimal in representing the given data set. This means that the parametric relations and geometry of object shapes are unknowns and optimally determined by the verification of hypothetical models. Therefore, the proposed method achieves high adaptability to the complex geometric forms of building and PL objects. For the building modeling, the method of implicit geometric regularization is proposed to rectify noisy building outline vectors which are due to noisy data. A cost function for the regularization process is designed based on Minimum Description Length (MDL) theory, which favours smaller deviation between a model and observation as well as orthogonal and parallel properties between polylines. Next, a new approach, called Piecewise Model Growing (PMG), is proposed for 3D PL model reconstruction using a catenary curve model. It piece-wisely grows to capture all PL points of interest and thus produces a full PL 3D model. However, the proposed method is limited to the PL scene complexity, which causes PL modeling errors such as partial, under- and over-modeling errors. To correct the incompletion of PL models, the inner and across span analysis are carried out, which leads to replace erroneous PL segments by precise PL models. The inner span analysis is performed based on the MDL theory to correct under- and over-modeling errors. The across span analysis is subsequently carried out to correct partial-modeling errors by finding start and end positions of PLs which denotes Point Of Attachment (POA). As a result, this thesis addresses not only geometrically describing building and PL objects but also dealing with noisy data which causes the incompletion of models. In the practical aspects, the results of building and PL modeling should be essential to effectively analyze a PL scene and quickly alleviate the potentially hazardous scenarios jeopardizing the PL system

    Semantic location extraction from crowdsourced data

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    Crowdsourced Data (CSD) has recently received increased attention in many application areas including disaster management. Convenience of production and use, data currency and abundancy are some of the key reasons for attracting this high interest. Conversely, quality issues like incompleteness, credibility and relevancy prevent the direct use of such data in important applications like disaster management. Moreover, location information availability of CSD is problematic as it remains very low in many crowd sourced platforms such as Twitter. Also, this recorded location is mostly related to the mobile device or user location and often does not represent the event location. In CSD, event location is discussed descriptively in the comments in addition to the recorded location (which is generated by means of mobile device's GPS or mobile communication network). This study attempts to semantically extract the CSD location information with the help of an ontological Gazetteer and other available resources. 2011 Queensland flood tweets and Ushahidi Crowd Map data were semantically analysed to extract the location information with the support of Queensland Gazetteer which is converted to an ontological gazetteer and a global gazetteer. Some preliminary results show that the use of ontologies and semantics can improve the accuracy of place name identification of CSD and the process of location information extraction

    Anomaly detection & object classification using multi-spectral LiDAR and sonar

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    In this thesis, we present the theory of high-dimensional signal approximation of multifrequency signals. We also present both linear and non-linear compressive sensing (CS) algorithms that generate encoded representations of time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data, side-scan sonar (SSS) and synthetic aperture sonar (SAS). The main contributions of this thesis are summarised as follows: 1. Research is carried out studying full-waveform (FW) LiDARs, in particular, the TCSPC data, capture, storage and processing. 2. FW-LiDARs are capable of capturing large quantities of photon-counting data in real-time. However, the real-time processing of the raw LiDAR waveforms hasn’t been widely exploited. This thesis answers some of the fundamental questions: • can semantic information be extracted and encoded from raw multi-spectral FW-LiDAR signals? • can these encoded representations then be used for object segmentation and classification? 3. Research is carried out into signal approximation and compressive sensing techniques, its limitations and the application domains. 4. Research is also carried out in 3D point cloud processing, combining geometric features with material spectra (spectral-depth representation), for object segmentation and classification. 5. Extensive experiments have been carried out with publicly available datasets, e.g. the Washington RGB Image and Depth (RGB-D) dataset [108], YaleB face dataset1 [110], real-world multi-frequency aerial laser scans (ALS)2 and an underwater multifrequency (16 wavelengths) TCSPC dataset collected using custom-build targets especially for this thesis. 6. The multi-spectral measurements were made underwater on targets with different shapes and materials. A novel spectral-depth representation is presented with strong discrimination characteristics on target signatures. Several custom-made and realistically scaled exemplars with known and unknown targets have been investigated using a multi-spectral single photon counting LiDAR system. 7. In this work, we also present a new approach to peak modelling and classification for waveform enabled LiDAR systems. Not all existing approaches perform peak modelling and classification simultaneously in real-time. This was tested on both simulated waveform enabled LiDAR data and real ALS data2 . This PhD also led to an industrial secondment at Carbomap, Edinburgh, where some of the waveform modelling algorithms were implemented in C++ and CUDA for Nvidia TX1 boards for real-time performance. 1http://vision.ucsd.edu/~leekc/ExtYaleDatabase/ 2This dataset was captured in collaboration with Carbomap Ltd. Edinburgh, UK. The data was collected during one of the trials in Austria using commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) sensors

    EG-ICE 2021 Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering

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    The 28th EG-ICE International Workshop 2021 brings together international experts working at the interface between advanced computing and modern engineering challenges. Many engineering tasks require open-world resolutions to support multi-actor collaboration, coping with approximate models, providing effective engineer-computer interaction, search in multi-dimensional solution spaces, accommodating uncertainty, including specialist domain knowledge, performing sensor-data interpretation and dealing with incomplete knowledge. While results from computer science provide much initial support for resolution, adaptation is unavoidable and most importantly, feedback from addressing engineering challenges drives fundamental computer-science research. Competence and knowledge transfer goes both ways

    EG-ICE 2021 Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering

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    The 28th EG-ICE International Workshop 2021 brings together international experts working at the interface between advanced computing and modern engineering challenges. Many engineering tasks require open-world resolutions to support multi-actor collaboration, coping with approximate models, providing effective engineer-computer interaction, search in multi-dimensional solution spaces, accommodating uncertainty, including specialist domain knowledge, performing sensor-data interpretation and dealing with incomplete knowledge. While results from computer science provide much initial support for resolution, adaptation is unavoidable and most importantly, feedback from addressing engineering challenges drives fundamental computer-science research. Competence and knowledge transfer goes both ways